Chapter 762 Eunuch and Shemale, a wonderful and powerful team!Four more subscriptions

A male and female swordsman snorted coldly, his dark eyes swept towards Fang Kuangsheng's neck, and his slender snow-white hands touched the long sword on the table.

Fang Kuangsheng snorted coldly.

This is the first floor, his hands and eyes are open to the sky, how can he be afraid of a few bastards who don't know what to do?
The beauty finally smiled happily: "Okay! If someone will accompany you for a night, you should tell him who can come up with such excellent information."

Fang Kuangsheng sneered: "It depends on how well you serve me?"

The beauty didn't take it seriously, she giggled coquettishly, floated down the first floor, stood on the street, and slapped her fingers madly at Fang Fang.

Fang Kuang was out of his wits, and smiled evilly as he swept down.

The beautiful woman in red hooked Fang Kuangsheng's arm, and the two walked into a love hotel.

There are more love hotels of this kind in the outer city than arenas.

Someone once summed it up wonderfully: "Male and male adventurers will win or lose in the arena, and the winner or loser of male and female adventurers will be in the lover's hotel."

The two male and female swordsmen did not move, as if the beautiful woman in red was not their companion, let alone shamefully exchanging her seductive body for a piece of information.

The two looked at Fang Kuangsheng, who was deliberately victorious and sweeping towards him with a proud face, and one of them snorted coldly, "You don't know how to live or die!"

The other person drank up the fine wine left by Fang Kuangsheng, glass after glass, and finally put down the glass and stood up.

The two walked together and walked slowly to the opposite lover's hotel.

At this time, it was only 3 minutes before Fang Kuangsheng and the beauty went in.

3 minutes is not even enough for a man with the fastest gunner to resolve the battle.

But when the two opened the door, they saw the unexpected situation.

That Fang Kuangsheng, trembling and pale, pointed at the beautiful woman who had already taken off the red dress opposite, and roared furiously and angrily: "You, you!"

The beauty in red giggled and said, "Come on, don't you want me? I can give it to you."

Fang Kuangsheng is definitely not a kind person. He is a wind matchmaker, and at any time there will be more than two strong thugs to protect him secretly.He immediately blew a whistle.

Two thugs who had already been vigilant heard the news and rushed to the second floor of the lover's hotel.

But the two male and female swordsmen had no mercy, and their swords were faster than lightning strikes.

These two thugs who could enter an ordinary strong team and become alternate thugs fell to the ground, lost their lives for some unknown reason.

They couldn't believe until their death that there was such a fast sword in the world.

That sword technique could no longer be described as fast, it was as if he hadn't moved at all.

And his own throat has been pierced.


The two fell unconscious on the steps, blood dripping down.

Fang Kuangsheng was even more horrified when he saw that his confident thug was killed by the beauty's entourage so silently.

He knew that this time he encountered an unprecedentedly powerful enemy.

The beauty continued to show off her splendor, walked towards Fang Kuangsheng and said with a smile: "Come on, I want it."

Fang Kuangsheng finally couldn't bear the horror in his heart, and yelled: "You monster! I respect your eighteen generations of ancestors!"

He was so fast that he rushed to the window like lightning.

As long as he breaks through a window and lands on the street, he is a good player in the inner city, and he may not be able to keep him, a local snake and wind medium.

The beauty had already taken off her red dress, but when she heard the word of the ladyboy, she put on the red dress coldly: "I wanted to send you on the road after playing, since you don't know what's good, then let's go."

In her hand, at some point, there was an extra embroidery needle!

Fang Kuangsheng, who was already looking like a mad tiger and smashed through the window, was glad that he had escaped the catastrophe, but there was already a drop of bright red blood between his eyebrows.

"how is this possible?"

He fell unbelievably, and with a thud, fell to the street, his body lying on the spot.

After the lover hotel called the police, the six-door police who got the news rushed into the room, but saw no one there.

"Where are people?" the policeman shouted.

In the bloody city, killing people in the street can be big or small, but if the person killed is a respectable person, it is a very serious crime.The Tang Dynasty will never allow such acts of contempt for the king's law.

This is the rule.

The lover hotel owner shrugged blankly: "I heard something wrong, so I ordered people to block the street, but I didn't see anyone coming down at all."

The beauty in red was already walking along the street with two monsters who were neither male nor female.

She turned around abruptly, her speed was unbelievably fast, she grabbed a companion and asked, "Zuo Lengchan! Isn't I Dongfang Bubai beautiful? Why don't these stinky men dare to touch me?"

If any adventurer heard this conversation, he would definitely stick out his tongue in astonishment.

This beauty in red turned out to be the boss of Swordsman, Undefeated in the East!
At this time, Dongfang Bubai was still angry at Fang Kuangsheng who was killed by "her": "I have clearly become a woman through and through in the bloody city! She is still a beauty! This Fang Kuangsheng, how did he come from?" Where can you tell that I am not a woman, and call me a shemale!"

The other swordsman said with a shrill smile, "Dongfang Bubai, aren't you a shemale?"

Before he finished speaking, Dongfang Bubai slapped him furiously, and he slapped him four times!
Even though his lightness kung fu is equally extraordinary, it is still difficult to avoid this ghostly speed.

Dongfang Bubai said coldly: "Yue Buqun! You hypocrite, you were killed by that Du Yu, and you were the only one in the team to escape. How dare you teach me Dongfang Bubai?"

That person turned out to be an old acquaintance of Du Yu and Ning Zhongze, Yue Buqun.

Yue Buqun covered his face, and smeared on the face of Lancome's small black bottle, eye shadow, false eyelashes, BB cream and other modern beauty must-haves, covering them all, but they still couldn't cover his cheeks. The appearance of a young man.Even Ning Zhongze, who had been married for decades, would definitely not be able to recognize this appearance.No wonder that Fang Kuangsheng was defined as a shemale at the first sight.

At this time, a trace of hatred flashed in Yue Buqun's eyes, and he said coldly, "If I were to fight one-on-one with that Du Yu, he must be the one to die! Bitch help him. I just asked you two to cooperate! Otherwise, who would take care of you two dead monsters?"

Zuo Lengchan smiled charmingly: "That's right. The common feature of the three of us is that we have all practiced the evil sword technique, or the Sunflower Book, and have become transsexuals who are neither male nor female. But no matter how poor I am, I have never been raped by others. Gou Zuo, Master Yue, you are the first to taste it."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a cold light piercing his eyes, giggled, and rolled away, avoiding Yue Buqun's fatal blow.

Yue Buqun's eyes were crazy, he gasped for a while, and said hysterically, "I will never let those adulterers go. Just wait and see. I will make Du Yu regret being a man, and that bitch, I will make her regret being a woman." !"

Zuo Lengchan looked indifferent, giggled and said, "Old Yue, you say you're torturing Du Yu, I still believe it three-pointedly, but if you say that you concocted a cuckolded wife Ning Zhong who is generous to you, then tsk tsk, even if you have the heart, I'm afraid Powerless. After all, you have practiced the evil sword manual for so long, so your cut penis can be soaked in wine, right?"

Yue Buqun was about to fight Zuo Lengchan desperately, Dongfang Bubai said sharply: "Enough! Both of you, shut up!"

The two seemed to be inferior to Dongfang Bubai in terms of skill, but they didn't dare to say anything.

Dongfang Bubai gasped for a while, and said coldly: "We have obtained detailed information on Du Yu and the wolf pupil team, which is enough to plot him against him. But Du Yu's wolf pupil team is powerful and cannot be underestimated. We need to recruit more manpower."

Yue Buqun chuckled and said, "I have a good apprentice, you can invite him to come."

He snapped his fingers.

A handsome young man came out from the dense forest in front slowly.

If Du Yu was here, he would definitely recognize that this young master is exactly Lin Pingzhi whom he met in the novice plot!

At this time, Lin Pingzhi, like Yue Buqun and Zuo Lengchan, was dressed in a feminine way, with red flowers and willow green, colorfully painted, and his once heroic face was now only pale and sick.

He stepped forward, bowed his head and said, "I have met the master, the leader of the left alliance, the leader of the East."

Dongfang Bubai admired Lin Pingzhi very much, and said with a smile, "Yue Buqun, this is your extremely smart apprentice? Not bad!"

Zuo Lengchan snorted coldly, Yue Buqun had always been at odds with him: "By the way, you, an apprentice, also have the ability to pass the space test and enter the bloody city?"

Yue Buqun waved his hand, Lin Pingzhi said with a smile: "I'm not very talented, I also practiced evil swordsmanship, although I practiced it upside down, but I was as successful as my ancestor Yuan Tugong. It just so happens that in this world, there are two Unrepentant adventurers came to me, and I secretly learned their identities. Knowing that there are many skills in this world, I set up traps and killed them. These adventurers are self-righteous, and they don’t guard against me at all. .”

He softly stroked the messy hair beside his ears, and said with a smile: "In this city, you can exchange for a female identity, and you can have all kinds of looks. I can't wait, I want to kill and rob these adventurers of their skills and wealth .”

Dongfang Bubai smiled coldly.

Yue Buqun chuckled and said, "The four of us are a pretty good combination. The so-called crow landed on a black pig, and no one can say who is black. But other teams are also extremely difficult to accept us, why don't we form a team and start with the black pig?" How about our enemy Du Yu's operation?"

Zuo Lengchan said impatiently: "Du Yu has a deep hatred with you, and he is wearing a green hat, which has something to do with us? We can't deal with him like this, right?"

Yue Buqun chuckled and said, "If we want to gain a foothold in the space, we must kill people to establish our prestige. At this time, the strong people in the outer city have been completely killed by Du Yu, and there are almost no strong people left. There are better people than him." Is it a murderous target?"

Everyone looked at each other and laughed slyly.

(End of this chapter)

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