Chapter 763 Tang Lu warns, the East is undefeated! - One more subscription
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Dongfang Bubai stared at her red nails self-admiringly, and sighed softly: "That's right! How can we show our skills when we kill ordinary adventurers? It's better to kill the strongest Du Yu and Wolf Tong team." I'm interested. Let's go tonight!"

The four male and female guys formed a strong team of eunuchs and let out a sinister smile.

But Du Yu didn't know that someone had made such vicious arrangements against him and entered Wolf Castle.

He first relocated the heart of the castle to the center of Wolf Castle.This time Yitian, the heart of the castle has been upgraded again, the defense and attack power have been greatly increased, and the offense and defense are excellent, becoming the core of Wolf Castle's defense.

After entering, place Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng.The place where the two lived was adjacent to Du Yu's castle, so it was easy to take care of them.

That night, the three held a small banquet under the moon, drinking happily, laughing and chatting.

After drinking for three rounds, Du Yu was telling his story in detail when he received an anonymous call.

There was a rustling sound on the other end of the phone, and then I heard a charming loli voice on the other side: "Is it Boss Du?"

Du Yu immediately recalled that this was the legendary BADGUY who sold information for a living, a harmless little lolita, and couldn't figure out how she could get to this point in the space, so he couldn't laugh or cry: "It's me, this weird sorghum, How is An Huaqing?"

Then BADGUY said in a very formal and serious tone: "Do you know that you are in absolute danger now? And the only one who can save you is me!"

Du Yu smiled wryly and said, "Little Lolita, I don't have time to play this kind of game with you. Let's chat when we have time, shall we?"

That BADGUY was afraid that Du Yu would hang up the line, so he said in an old-fashioned voice, "Did you know that just now someone bought all the materials of your wolf pupil team's Yitian plot world from me at a high price?"

Du Yu was taken aback.

In his world, in order to save his life, he slaughtered all the participants, so there should be no future troubles. Why is there so much information leaked?
Could it be the information that Hou Xiaobai observed through Ah Si's eyes?

That won't either.

He firmly believes that his approach should be seamless.

But BADGUY seemed to know that he didn't believe it, and immediately sent a piece of information.

It was the information she sold.

Du Yu glanced through it hastily, his face darkened already.

"Where did you get such complete information?" Du Yu was not polite.He no longer dared to underestimate BADGUY's energy.

BADGUY giggled coquettishly: "This is a business secret. I'm notifying you of this purely for the sake of Uncle An's face. Otherwise, according to the rules of our wind media, we will never disclose customer information."

Du Yu was also aware of this, he said in a deep voice, "You told me this, why?"

BADGUY chuckled and said: "These materials are not exclusive buyouts, and I am famous for doing business. After the news was released, the second and third buyers came one after another. Should I sell the materials to them?"

Du Yu's heart turned cold, and he said bitterly: "If my brother dies because of your information, no matter who you are or what you look like, I will arrest you!"

Putting an end to it is no joke.

Although in BADGUY's information, there is no mention of his two big trump cards, the Beauty Wolf Eyes Team and Yang Guo, which can be regarded as concealing Du Yu's strength, but the introduction to the Wolf Eyes Team is detailed, and it is almost the same as all strategies. How can Du Yu not be angry when the information is sold?Zhang Sanfeng, in particular, was very specific.

BADGUY chuckled: "Why don't you listen to my proposal? I am the king of wind media who sells information. This information is collected by me, and it is absolutely impossible to abandon the public for personal reasons and not to do business. In fact, all industries in the space are prosperous. , as long as there is money to be made, there will naturally be a lot of people collecting your information. Even if I don’t do it, I can’t stop your information from leaking. Who made your hands and feet dirty this time? Then I have a proposal”

When Du Yu heard that his hands and feet were not clean, his heart tightened.

This information is so detailed that it must be an adventurer who personally participated in the battle, or a high-level person, to write such profound information.

But all the people were killed by themselves

and many more!

The only possible exception is Tianyu!
At the cost of his life, Tianyanqiu used the famous knife to remember Bajingxiawan, and made a sacrifice to ask his lover Tianyu to be resurrected!
So the producer of this material, self-evident, must be that bitch Tianyu.

He died tragically at the hands of Zhang Sanfeng, before Yang Guo showed his talents, so Yang Guo's part is missing in the information.As for the summoning power of the beauties of the wolf pupil team, I don't understand why he keeps it secret?
Badguy sneered and said, "You must be wondering why this information is incomplete? Because I cut this information for the sake of your friendship with Uncle An! Don't you thank me?"

Du Yu really admired this BADGUY, who, as the king of wind media, can take the initiative to change the content of the information, and it must be a big deal to smash the brand.

He said in a deep voice, "Did you buy out this information exclusively?"

BADGUY smiled and said: "That's right! The owner of this information seems to be in urgent need of money in order to reorganize the team. He took the initiative to contact me, the king of wind media, and asked to sell me the information at a high price. I followed the rules and asked him to sign an exclusive agreement. Space Notarization. He accepted my reward of up to 500 million survival points, an exclusive buyout, and these materials must not be provided to anyone in any form, and they cannot even be announced. Otherwise, it will be obliterated."

Du Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "Then who is the first person to buy out the information?"

"It's a wind media in the outer city of Datang, Fang Kuangsheng." BADGUY is really a friend, and even Fang Kuangsheng betrayed his client: "Yes, by the way, he can only show the information to one person. Yours Only one person has seen the information."

Du Yu was even more moved, and said decisively, "Thank you! I'll buy out this information for 1000 million survival points. I can't let you take risks and suffer losses."

Du Yu is so generous, in addition to really thanking BADGUY, he also realized the importance of wind media from this incident.

In space, intelligence comes first.

If Du Yu hadn't been able to hide his own strength, the tip of the iceberg under his mediocre appearance, and always give the enemy all kinds of surprises at critical moments, he would have been eaten to the bone by various big shots.

The big money this time is also a way to deliberately make friends with BADGUY.

BADGUY is also very satisfied with Du Yu's quotation and attitude.To be honest, with her professional ethics as a wind media, selling information should never be mixed with personal emotions and tendencies.The so-called friendship is friendship, and business is business.As long as the bid is suitable, the information of relatives can also be sold.

Recording customer information, tipping off information, and concealing part of the information this time violated this ethics.It's not good for her to spread the word. The buyout price of 1000 million is not too bad.

After BADGUY received the transfer, he smiled calmly: "Fang Kuangsheng sold the information on the first floor. This information should be what his client wanted. By the way, for the sake of your knowledge and interest, I can share your personal Continue to conceal part of the information. But it must not be too much, and it will be easy to see through and smash the brand if there is too much."

Du Yu nodded: "I will continue to patronize your intelligence and phone booth business. Tracking the information is important now. See you later."

He told Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng, and immediately rushed out of Wolf Castle and rushed to the first floor.

There is no need to delay, and we must recover the information on the wolf pupil team.

The homicide on the first floor had just happened at this time, and before the policemen arrived at the scene, Du Yu directly plundered the place above where dead bodies were strewn across the street.

"Oops! Come a step late, the clue has been broken!"

Zhang Sanfeng lost his voice.

Du Yu attached himself to Fang Kuangsheng's body, searched for clues carefully, and smiled after a while: "Not necessarily!"

He pointed to the bright red drop of blood in the middle of Fang Kuangsheng's eyebrows: "The enemy's weapon is an embroidery needle."

"Embroidery needle?" Zhang Sanfeng was shocked.

This kind of weapon is extremely rare in space, and it can greatly reduce the range of suspects.

As for Yang Guo, he went to the place where the two thugs died tragically on the stairs. After checking, please Du Yu go over.

Du Yu inspected the two corpses carefully, his face darkened.

"It's the evil sword technique." Du Yu sighed.

"Evil-dispelling swordsmanship?" Ning Zhong exclaimed, leaned out of the void, observed the wound, and said with a pale face, "It's him!"

Du Yu smiled wryly and said, "Lao Yue, who is haunted!"

"However, judging from the killing posture, it seems that Lao Yue is not qualified to enter the room and conspire with important affairs. Instead, he stands at the door and is responsible for dismissing the thugs of the wind media broker. The people in the room must have higher martial arts status than him!" Yang Guo Smiled.He is a very intelligent person, when his martial arts are low, he can play with Huang Rong and others, and he knows the tricks.

Du Yu nodded.

"Yue Buqun is good at embroidering needles to ward off evil swordsmanship, and both of them are masters at warding off evil swordsmanship. From this information, what rules can we find?" Du Yu frowned.

Ning Zhong and Yi Lin had the most say in the world of laughter, but the two women looked at each other, but they had no clue.

On the other hand, Shen Luoyan, who had seen the plot of Xiaoao, sneered: "It's not hard to guess!"

Du Yu's spirit was shaken, knowing that this beautiful and handsome military adviser once again showed his talent for reasoning.

Shen Luoyan said coldly: "In the world of Xiaoao, there are three people who finally practiced the evil sword technique. They are Zuo Lengchan, Yue Buqun and Lin Pingzhi. The other person can stand with Yue Buqun , and at the same time use evil swordsmanship to kill the thugs, it must be one of the two. According to the boss, it was a stunning beauty who walked into the room with Fang Kuangsheng. The iconic weapon, the embroidery needle, was used again. Then her identity, isn't it ready to be revealed?"

Du Yu kept his eyes on: "You mean? Dongfang Invincible?"

Shen Luoyan's eyes fell on Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng, and said with a smile: "Since Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng on our side can enter the bloody city from the role of characters in the plot, and become adventurers. Dongfang Bubai, Yue Buqun, Yue Buqun, Xiaoao Jianghu, etc. Zuo Lengchan, Lin Pingzhi and others, why can't they?"

(End of this chapter)

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