Chapter 764 The Empress Is Furious, The Knight's Love Rival! -Second watch for subscription

Ning Zhong gasped. She knew that Dongfang Bubai was known as invincible, his martial arts were world-class, and he was ruthless. She didn't know why he would show himself as a woman, let alone why he wanted to focus on Du Yu and the Wolf Tong team?

"The reason why they, or they, chose the Wolf Eyes team was because of Yue Buqun's instigation, and the second is because of our recent big victory, which has been in the limelight for a while. Against us, we can make a name for ourselves in the bloody city as soon as possible." Shen Luoyan analyzed.

Ning Zhong lowered his head and stared at the tragic death of the two thugs, a coldness flashed in his beautiful eyes.

"This time Lao Yue will never be allowed to go back alive," Du Yu said bitterly.

"However, these guys don't necessarily have the strength in the outer city." Shen Luoyan analyzed: "With Dongfang's undefeated strength, it is very likely that they will enter the inner city directly like Yang Guo. Lao Yue and Zuo Lengchan are the top in the outer city s level."

"Now that we know who our opponent is, the rest will be easy." Du Yu stood up and said, "Go back! Strengthen your guard. At the same time, I will buy their news from BADGUY at a high price."

Since the enemy uses intelligence warfare against him, it is the best way to deal with him in his own way.

After this large-scale team battle, under the 30% team battle reward, more than 200 adventurers' bloody keys brought huge wealth to the wolf pupil team, allowing Du Yu to have a lot of resources in his hands.

Michelle nodded: "I have already started recruiting new recruits. It is estimated that with our current reputation and strength, there will be a lot of people to join."

Du Yu nodded: "But we must also be careful of the spy who sneaks in. In addition, in the next world, the possibility of being selected to participate in the world competitive team battle is extremely high, so everyone should not relax training."

Mai Shela nodded: "For this expansion, I am determined to absorb 14 newcomers and maintain the wolf pupil team at 54 people. What do you think?"

Du Yu nodded: "I have no objection, find other people to inquire about it, and strictly review it."

He walked towards the programmer's office.

After Hou Xiaobai was forced to leave, few people in this outer city dared to provoke Du Yu.The greater the prestige of Du Yu and the wolf pupil team, the more prestige is growing day by day.

The programmer's office still looks dilapidated, but this is what Du Yu specially asked Caesar to do.

Seeing Du Yu's arrival, Caesar and the others anthropomorphically smiled: "Boss, you can promise me in the last world that you will charge at least 20 fellow programmers, and of course you must not forget to charge us a few. Oh, what a long time!" Time is running out of energy, old arms and old legs"

Du Yu looked helpless, raised his eyebrows and said, "Okay. Let's start right away."

In one day, with all his strength, he can charge 4-5 programmers.To complete the growth of the team of programmers before the next world, some people are too busy.

Caesar and other program apes are smiling and jumping up and down to welcome Du Yu.

They are things that come with the space, without emotion, but with the spirit of absolute obedience.Since Du Yu represents the will of the space at this time and can charge them, he is naturally their unquestionable master.

After a whole day of darkness, Du Yu straightened his back and said with difficulty: "Today, 6 charges have been activated, let's go here first. I'll come back tomorrow."

Caesar and the others squeaked and sent the master out respectfully.

Du Yu was about to go back to Wolf's Castle when he suddenly thought of Catherine.

For some reason, the number of times Catherine contacted him seems to have decreased recently.

I don't know if it's Du Yu's intuition, but he seems to feel that as Catherine, a high-ranking queen, gradually stabilizes her status, the royal prestige that is not angry and arrogant is gradually getting deeper.

He sighed, maybe he would never return to the time when he shared weal and woe with Catherine.

At that time, although Catherine was just a candidate for the princess who was in danger, a dark saint in the dark, and he was just an adventurer in the slums.But there was always a passionate and crazy sense of camaraderie between the two.

Now, with distance and time, he and Catherine have less and less common topics to talk about.After all, no matter how Du Yu rises, his status is quite different from that of Catherine.And the distance is far away, unable to help Catherine, deal with the dark council and other confidant troubles.

I believe that if it weren't for Du Yu's stunning performance before, Catherine would continue to gain new excitement. At this time, Du Yu would have no relationship with Catherine.

While thinking, Catherine suddenly called Du Yu.

Du Yu calmed down and started the conversation.

Catherine's eyes are picturesque, her style is still extremely charming, but there is an indescribable tiredness between her brows, and she said with a smile: "My hero, this team battle has shocked the outer city of Datang in one fell swoop, do you feel very tired?" Cool?"

Du Yu nodded, frowned and said, "What's wrong with you? Someone is bothering you again?"

"Trouble?" Catherine frowned: "It's a long story to say."

Du Yu smiled: "Why don't you find a time and we can talk again?"

Catherine looked indifferent, she naturally knew that Du Yu's final chat would be to hug her to the bed and have an intimate chat.But for some reason, she frowned and didn't reply right away.

Du Yu's heart shuddered.

If it had been before, Catherine would have agreed immediately and let her arrange a proper place.With the authority of Empress Shinra, it is not a problem to go there for a tryst.

Seemingly aware of the embarrassment between the two, Catherine forced a smile and said, "Recently, there are too many things, I'm tired, and I'm not in the mood. Let's just talk."

Du Yu nodded, not forcing others: "Let's talk. What's bothering you?"

Catherine's beautiful eyes were sad, and she sighed: "I'm afraid Joseph will die."

Du Yu almost jumped up.

If it weren't for such a close relationship with Catherine, how could he get the news that Emperor Shenluo was about to die?

Even if you think about it with your ass, this is Shinra's absolute secret.

"Isn't that better?" Du Yu said solemnly, winking: "You are the next Wu Zetian."

"It's wishful thinking."

Catherine's tone was lonely, with indescribable fatigue: "Joseph's health is gradually failing. And his reign is short, and I have not yet firmly grasped the power of the empire. Empress Dowager Tracy and the Pope of the Holy See, who have just subsided, are about to move again. , seems to be planning to support Joseph's cousin, Prince Bergen, after Joseph's death. Empress Dowager Tracy recently forced Joseph to designate Prince Bergen as the Marshal of the Western Guard and take control of the empire's military power, but I tried my best to stop it. My current fate is closely tied to Joseph. If he dies prematurely, I will be guillotined by the Holy See sooner or later. And those people in the Dark Council are still doing everything possible to force me to rebel immediately. Alas, if I had known today , I might as well follow you and go to Datang to be a happy adventurer. Kill people and set fires, and divide the money, why do you need to be so entangled?"

Du Yu smiled. He was sure that if this Catherine really realized the adventurer's dream, she would only look at the height of the mountain and desire power even more.

He said in a deep voice, "How can I help you?"

Catherine forced a smile: "It's great if you can solve me. After all, although you have great potential, but now my troubles are at least at the inner city master level, and you can't do anything about it."

Du Yu didn't think so.

Not to mention him himself, the two brothers Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng are extremely masters, how can they not do the job in this inner city?

Catherine wanted to say something more, but she said coquettishly: "I have a guest. This time we will stop talking here."

She hastily disconnected the communication.

With a thought in his heart, Du Yu immediately dialed the number of the No. [-] captain.

Captain No. [-] and the others are pawns that Du Yu placed in Shenluo.I usually don't look for them when I have nothing to do, and I also give antidote and survival point subsidies regularly.After a long time, Captain No. [-] has no resentment towards Du Yu. On the contrary, due to his friendship with Du Yu, Du Yu has continued to rise strongly, which makes Captain No. [-] and others feel proud. Ready to serve.

After receiving Du Yu's message, the captain of No. [-] picked up the message: "Boss, what's your order?"

Du Yu got straight to the point: "I've been asking you to keep an eye on Shinra's situation, and pay special attention to inquire about Catherine's movements. How is it? Are there any rumors?"

Catherine had reservations about him, so Du Yu got to know the situation through Captain No. [-].

He doesn't have to rely on Catherine. At this time, Du Yu has risen strongly. Even if Catherine takes out her chief lover and asks him to give up his career, Du Yu will not agree.

Captain No. [-] pondered: "Boss, you have given me so many resources. Sam and I and others have been paying attention to various sources to inquire about the secrets of the royal family. Speaking of which, there have been a lot of things recently. But the most sensational thing is Rose Knight Model. In the World Shinra Championship, he won a complete victory. This person is an out-and-out boy, and his identity is the son of a certain duke. He has a noble background, and he is quite good at chasing women. Katherine's guest of honor"

Du Yu's heart trembled: "Be more specific."

Captain No. [-] smiled wryly and said, "Boss, don't take it seriously either. You can hear at least [-] such rumors a day. The ones who have a nose and eyes are all adventurers and mercenaries who work hard and drink too much in bars and inns." Crap."

Du Yu said displeased: "I just want the facts, tell me the details."

Captain No. [-] nodded: "This Model is wearing the iconic rose plate armor, and his sword skills are superb, and he has the sword spirit inherited from Sir Arthur Dayne, the "Sword of Dawn" in [Song of Ice and Fire]. He is invincible and has never been defeated in the Shinra Athletic Championship where there are many masters. Although he is now the most prestigious master in the inner city, there are rumors that he will attack the imperial city after a maximum of two worlds. Some even claim He once said in the bar that he would openly pursue Queen Catherine and get this stunning young beauty, who is crowned the world's most beautiful woman, into bed. But he firmly denied it himself, claiming that his feelings for the queen were pure and sincere from the heart. I Bah! If this kind of thing is a decent person, my No. [-] captain is a saint!"

(End of this chapter)

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