Chapter 766

The five masters, who were of course absolute confidantes, heard the words and respectfully pushed to the distance, expanded the defense line, and stayed away from this house.

In Mordel's eyes, upon hearing these words, it was as if a dying man in the desert had discovered the land of honey and milk, and the fire of infinite joy and crazy desire flashed.

At this time, due to the far-reaching angle, Du Yu saw the whole picture of the Empress Dowager Shinra and the head of the Habsburg family, Maria Tracy Habsburg.

She is really a graceful and luxurious beauty.

The tall, plump and hot phoenix body is tightly wrapped by a tight-fitting black swan silk skirt. It is absolutely not bloated with any fat, but it has the mature style of a mature beauty crushing a girl.A head of golden hair, flowing down silky and softly, the most commendable thing is that she is just like Diana, with a strong yet soft face and slightly sad lake green eyes.

Du Yu glanced at her, and felt that even with Catherine's peerless beauty, it would be quite difficult to PK this mother-in-law. Then Model said that Empress Dowager Tracy's beautiful eyes are like the Milky Way in the sky, and belittled Catherine as a weed Firefly is not all flattery, but has some basis and reason.

For example, Catherine is Princess Kate, and Tracy is Princess Diana.Both are stunning and noble beauties.

The more beautiful, noble and arrogant a beauty is, the more he can arouse Du Yu's desire to conquer.

What's more, this Empress Dowager Tracy is also one of his enemies.In the words, the hatred towards Du Yu is also very strong. I believe that when dealing with Catherine, he will never forget Du Yu's hatred for killing her confidant Veron.

Du Yu smiled coldly in his heart.

Tonight is destined to be a long night.

Mordel had no morals and walked away on his knees.

But Tracy smiled proudly and coldly, her long skirt reached the ground, like an awe-inspiring black swan queen, walking gracefully.

"Do you know that since the death of the late emperor, I have never been touched by a man?" Tracy said coldly.

Model was ecstatic, and kowtowed his head like pounding garlic: "Of course I know! The Empress Dowager is cautious in her boudoir, and the outside world will know if there are no rumors."

Tracy sighed: "But I am a woman after all, and I have needs."

Her beautiful green eyes and phoenix eyes turned cold and said: "If there are any rumors about what happened tonight, no matter who did it, I, Tracy, swear, I will definitely kill you! Do you understand?"

That Model kowtowed like garlic!
Tracy's five masters are all absolute confidants, so only he can spread the word, Tracy said so.

But saying this, it also means that Tracy agrees to have a spring breeze with him, the handsome and handsome rose knight, tonight, so as to relieve the loneliness of the boudoir.

Du Yu cursed in his heart, calling him unlucky.

Unexpectedly, I would be forced to watch a live show here by mistake.

This Tracy was so beautiful and noble, yet she was overwhelmed by the rose knight pig, which also made Du Yu, who was also a man, feel uneasy.

He looked back, Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng also had black hair, they were speechless.

Zhang Sanfeng cursed secretly: "This Tracy is shameless! As the empress of a country, she actually committed adultery with this invisible prodigal son."

Du Yu nodded, but he was secretly thinking about how to take advantage of the situation.

Floo powder is only valid for 4 hours and must never expire.

And this Tracy, who claimed to have a long talk with Rose Knight all night, cut off Du Yu's idea of ​​escaping within four hours.

There is a certain delay in the use of Floo powder, and it will inevitably bring out green phosphorous fire. Unless the two adulterers are blind, it will definitely alarm them.

With the Rose Knight's skill, even if Du Yu made a sudden move, he would be able to kill them in time, stabbing the three people who were unable to move while being transported by the Floo powder to death one by one.

And Tracy's exclamation will attract peerless masters from the imperial city in the distance, and the three of them will never escape.

How to do?
His thoughts changed, but he had no good way to escape.

That Model smiled happily, as if he had taken advantage of the sky.

Unless you are a fool, no one will understand that the empress dowager is willing to have a good time with you, and it goes without saying that she will flourish in the future.

When Tracy saw Model like this, she smiled charmingly, and took out a pill: "But Aijia has a serious tendency to abuse in his life, and doesn't like men who are strong. Naturally, there is no way to SM with the former emperor, but today It's different. You may be willing to take this elixir to temporarily abolish all your kung fu, lest when Aijia strikes, you accidentally resist forcefully and injure Aijia, and you will die without redemption!"

Du Yu could hardly help laughing.And the handsome Model seems to have fallen from heaven to hell.

It turns out that Tracy, who has a strong desire for power, is actually a fan of SM.No wonder she kept her body like a jade for so long, because the former emperor was not dead, and it was difficult for her to find a like-minded person, let alone use this trick against the emperor.

Tonight's Model, I'm afraid he will suffer.

Model is naturally 1 reluctant.

He is so handsome and handsome, has a lot of room for beauties, and is willing to post it upside down. Tonight, he finally thought that he had seduced the empress dowager who had worked hard. Who knew that this beautiful and noble empress dowager actually liked SM.

The Habsburgs, what a weird family.

He hated secretly in his heart and almost gritted his teeth.

But when he saw Empress Dowager Tracy, her harmless gaze, almost comparable to that of the Virgin Mary, locked on him firmly.The Rose Knight Mordel knew that he was doomed tonight.

If the empress dowager showed her fox tail and refused to bow down to satisfy the empress dowager's perverted desires, I'm afraid that if this empress dowager Tracy hummed lightly, he, Rose Knight, would be charged with blasphemy to the empress dowager and be thrown into the air. The master of the imperial city who came over, cut off his head with one knife!

Thinking of his monstrous aspirations and ambitions, even though he was as proud as him, he had no choice but to humiliate and show a gentle smile: "Empress Dowager, if you are willing to take a fancy to me, Model, let alone temporarily abolishing kung fu, even if you behead him immediately, I will behead you." Mordel's ardent love will never fade in the slightest!"

Seeing what he said so decisively, Tracy showed a satisfied smile: "Until now, I believe that you are a loyal knight. Eat it."

Namoder took the pill and took it without hesitation.

A sense of weakness emerged in his body. He inspected his body and found that almost all abilities were blocked. Fortunately, there was also an effective time marked on it, which was only 8 hours.It's a little relieved.

This perverted and beautiful Tracy must have forced him to take this potion only because she was afraid that he could not resist fighting back in SM and hurt herself.Tracy still has to rely on herself to deal with her confidant Catherine, so she probably won't do anything wrong.

Model figured it out, so he flattered like a puppy, he just stuck out his tongue and said, "Empress Dowager, why don't we start?"

Tracy looked at Model with the blazing eyes of her beloved toy, and said with a charming smile: "It's still growing tonight. There are many peerless masters guarding it. Even gods don't even think about entering Aijia's bedroom. Aijia goes to wash it first." Take a bath, you also give Aijia a bath! I am a clean freak."

After she finished speaking, she twisted her waist slowly and walked towards the bathroom on one side of the dark room of the bedroom.

And in this luxurious bedroom, there is another bedroom on one side, which is also equipped with a bathroom.

After watching Tracy leave, Model stood up with cold eyes.

He glanced at Tracy who had disappeared with hatred before turning and walking to the bathroom on the other side.

Du Yu smiled slightly, and exchanged glances with Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng. The three stood up slowly from the fireplace at the same time, and followed Model to the bathroom.

This is Du Yu's shocking decision!
Don't hesitate about what happened tonight.

With a thunderbolt method, attack fiercely and make him earth-shattering.

Fortunately, Model and Tracy thought that there were only two of them tonight, let alone let the masters watch their perverted games.

And the three of them came in latently by accident, and they could explode into trouble.

In fact, Du Yu was able to deal with the defenseless Model with his own strength, but he still needed all his strength to defeat the tiger and the rabbit.Model was the top player in the inner city, and if he started to shout, things would be bad.

The three of Du Yu, barely touching the ground without making a sound, walked behind Model.

Mordel had already taken off the rose plate armor all over his body one by one, and was about to enter the bathtub filled with water.

Suddenly at this moment, a sense of crisis suddenly rose in his heart!
His rose knight, the strengthening direction, is different from all knights.Other knights strengthened their protection ability, divine grace ability and attack ability, but what he strengthened was the rare perception ability!
His combat method is also very different from other knights' hard swords and hard horses, which are face-to-face. Instead, he uses top-level perception, combined with agility, cleverness and precision to dodge the opponent's attack, and then uses exquisite combos , kill the opponent.

This unique advantage allowed him to pass all the way in the championship and finally win the championship.

However, after being abolished by Tracy's pill, almost all attributes and skills were abolished, but his perception was still sensitive.

This is space.

Every strong man has a hidden hole card, and at critical moments, countless variables can be added.

"Who?" He suddenly raised his head, trying to look across.

But before he even had time to complete this action, he was hit heavily on the back of the head by Du Yu's move of Kang Long Youhui.

Mordel fell limply on the marble floor as if struck by lightning.

It was also thanks to Tracy's medicine, which weakened his other attack abilities, but his physical strength was not weakened, but strengthened.In order for him to survive the "long night"???
Otherwise, Du Yu's all-out blow would have knocked him to the brink of death.

Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng appeared coldly, and tied Model up with the special war shackles against adventurers.This thing is a treasure produced in the gate of the Scarlet City, which was exchanged by one member of the wolf pupil team and dedicated to Du Yu.Specially dealing with adventurers, the priority is extremely high.No matter what level of adventurer is put on by the shackles of war, they cannot escape unless they kill the owner of the shackles.

(End of this chapter)

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