Chapter 767 Capture the queen mother, teach the queen a lesson! - Seven more subscriptions

Du Yu ensured that the medicinal power of Jiuxiaoyunwaiwan could be exerted smoothly.From now on, the empress dowager will not be emotional to any man except him.And he also forced the Empress Dowager Tracy to agree with him on a unique contact method and Floo fans during the crazy and extremely happy tide, and never met the Empress Dowager at ordinary times, cutting off the empress dowager and Model's confession any possibility.

Li Mochou came slowly from behind, saw Tracy, stuck out her tongue and said, "Are you so ruthless? I'm not afraid that tomorrow morning, this Tracy tigress will open her mouth and behead the Mordel knight." ?”

Du Yu laughed dumbly and said, "Is the Mordel knight wronged? He does the same thing anyway. But he is a small victim of SM, and I am an aggressive beast. Maybe Empress Dowager Tracy likes me more." Maybe the service method?"

Li Mochou smiled and said: "That would be the most ideal. You can take the two most powerful women in Shinra, Tracy and Catherine, both mother-in-law and daughter-in-law."

Du Yu ignored the woman's nonsense, frowned, and deduced the whole process in detail to make sure nothing went wrong. He patted Tracy's buttocks, carried the unconscious Model over, and sent the rose armor back to Model.

When conquering the Queen Mother Tracy of Tartar Black Swan, the absent-minded, joyful and extremely crazy Empress Dowager gave Du Yu, the "Model", a lot of Floo powder and a special rattle, fanatically Invite Knight Mordel to torture her again when she is lonely in her boudoir.

The special rattle fully reflected the extravagance of the Shenluo royal family. Even if they were thousands of miles away, as long as the queen mother shook her mind and rang the bell, Du Yu could still receive the news and use Floo fans to come here.

Du Yu didn't expect that he was so powerful that he could not help conquering the empress dowager, and even turned this SM fanatic into a fan who was abused by him. In the middle of the story, Du Yu asked a lot of palace secrets and top-secret information, which I believe could help Catherine a lot.

The most wonderful thing is that because Du Yu got Tracy's signal bell and Floo powder, he cut off her communication with Model, and the remote control signal of Model was intercepted by him. Model, in fact, is about to become Du Yu's scapegoat.

He took Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng and sneaked out all the way.Just now when Du Yu was enjoying the Empress Dowager Tracy, the two brothers hid in the bathroom and searched for Model, which was very rewarding.

In addition to the common props, Model had a letter from Prince Bergen, which proved that he was neither the strange master he said, nor the empress dowager, but the ambitious Prince Bergen. people!
He worked so hard to get close to the empress dowager, it was not as simple as performing a mission to seek fame, but he had another owner!

He simply planned to kill two birds with one stone, using his beauty to catch the painful feet of the empress dowager and empress, the two most enchanting and noble women.Once Emperor Joseph died, Empress Catherine would be abolished due to Model's betrayal, and the remaining Queen Mother Tracy, who had previously been inconspicuous Prince Bergen, would use the evidence of Model's guilt to once again be behind the oriole. Down!
This is Mordel's conspiracy.

Du Yu sneered slightly.

Now, being smashed by himself, he will cover the sky with one hand and completely turn all these plots upside down.

Not only must Catherine continue to be included in his own house, but Queen Mother Tracy will even become Du Yu's plaything.And Model and Prince Nabogen will be completely played to death by Du Yu.

Although Du Yu is just an outsider from the Tang Dynasty, let alone an adventurer in the outer city, his ambition and ambition have already surpassed the boundary, directly interfering in and mastering the intricate power struggle in the imperial palace of Shenluo.

This is domineering.

Du Yu took advantage of Tracy's command to the masters to retreat a certain distance, successfully bypassed the defense, and sneaked into Catherine's bedroom.

Catherine was sitting blankly in front of the vanity mirror, in a state of trance.

She also faintly felt that there was a huge threat slowly approaching her, but her subordinates did not have many available talents, and even if they did, she would always doubt his loyalty.

In the final analysis, Catherine was not a noble girl from a famous family like Tracy, she was not a child of aristocrats, she lacked connections and accumulation of strength, so she seemed lonely and stretched at this moment.

She was full of worries, frowning her eyebrows, what was she thinking in a daze?
"Du Yu??" She played with the token Du Yu gave her, feeling sad.

The handsome and handsome Model has recently launched a bold offensive against her both openly and secretly.

But Catherine did not change her mind about Du Yu. She acquiesced in allowing Model to keep approaching her purely because of her goodwill for outstanding opposite sex and her desire for talents.

There is no problem with Du Yu's intelligence and means, the only problem is that his strength is still too low to help him.

The leaders of the Dark Parliament have become more and more rampant recently. During today's parliamentary questioning, they even ignored her identity and safety, and openly summoned her to accept the questioning.Even during the questioning, she openly accused her of forgetting the support and cultivation of the Dark Council, and proposed various goals that were impossible to achieve under the realistic conditions where the Holy See had an overwhelming advantage.

Including in the ten worlds, let Shinra establish the God of Darkness as the state religion!

This is simply an unattainable goal.

In the thousand-year history of the Dark Council, no one has ever achieved this goal. Catherine has only been the queen of the empire for a few days, so she is going to force this impossible task on her head?

She made up her mind firmly.

These guys from the Dark Council are so arrogant that they don't know their real names. It's time to rectify the Dark Council!

But if she blatantly used the empire's army to break into the Dark Council's lair, it would only cause the Dark Council's intense anger and panic. That kind of hysterical and desperate counterattack was not something she could bear.

The Dark Council has proof of her identity, and Tracy and the Pope are preparing to send her to the stake all the time.

The dark council can accept dark rules.That is assassination.

No matter who suspects that she did it, as long as there is no real evidence and the trial against her is passed in the Dark Council, she must not reveal her true identity to the empire, otherwise it will cause the Dark Council to besiege.

As long as her hands and feet are clean, she does things neatly, and kills a few of her strongest opponents, she can control the Dark Council.

Do you want to bring Model, an excellent knight, into your sphere of influence and appoint him to assassinate these big shots?
With the power of Model's Rose Knight, there is about a 5% chance of success.

Catherine thought about it, lost in thought.

Du Yu coughed behind her.

Catherine looked back in disbelief, but it was Du Yu, her long-cherished lover.

"Why are you here?" Catherine was surprised and angry.

Surprises are natural. When she is gloomy, Du Yu can show up in time, which makes her very happy.

But to her anger, Du Yu used Floo powder without notifying her. He is not good at teleportation and he is not familiar with the terrain.

Du Yu was neither sad nor happy, and said with a cold smile: "What? Your Royal Highness, I am afraid that I will implicate you and bid farewell to power forever?"

Catherine was exasperated.

She is used to bossing her around, and she is used to seeing all kinds of strong men like Model. Even though Du Yu has helped her countless times, but at this moment she is a queen, and Du Yu is just a small captain in the outer city of Datang!

How big is this gap in identity?
"You??? You???" Catherine pointed at Du Yu with her jade finger, her phoenix body trembling.

Du Yu sneered slightly, looked at the token he gave Catherine on the table, and felt warm in his heart.

This woman can still be saved.

To be honest, if Catherine had given up on the past at this time, he would immediately turn around and leave, regardless of her life or death.

But Catherine can have him, Du Yu decided to help her again.

He coldly tapped the recording he had eavesdropped on in Tracy's bedroom, and clicked send!
Catherine was trembling with anger at Du Yu's arrogance, when she suddenly saw a recording.

Du Yu snorted coldly and said, "Dear Your Majesty Queen Catherine, this is me, Du Yu, Xiaomin of the Tang Dynasty, to give you the last meager power of loyalty. Xiaomin also realizes that you are a queen, and all you need is Momo." A master like Sir Del. From now on, it doesn’t matter if you and I cut off our obligations.”

Without looking back, he went straight to the fireplace, threw the floo powder, and walked in without looking at the trembling Catherine.

Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng secretly gave a thumbs up to Du Yu's manly behavior, and followed suit.

Catherine stared obsessively at Du Yu's leaving back, she wanted to catch up, and explained to Du Yu that she was not empathetic and fell in love with Model, but limited to the noble and accustomed Fengyi, she did not take this step. step.

Perhaps, the end of this love affair with a huge gap in strength is not a bad ending???
Catherine's tears rolled down.

But when the tears had dried up, she showed her cold arrogance, and she had recovered her absolutely calm arrogance.

She is the Queen of the Shinra Empire.

And no longer the lonely inner-city witch.

Her relationship with Du Yu is limited to this.

Catherine glanced at the recording left by Du Yu, and smiled coldly in her heart.

Did this person think that he could give himself, the queen of the empire, such valuable information?
Mostly in the recording, begging for the love I gave, right?
She smiled arrogantly and turned on the recording.

When Model's familiar voice resounded in the queen's bedroom, Catherine was stunned!

She was absolutely stunned!

(End of this chapter)

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