Chapter 768 Target!Hell Diablo Soul Stone! -Ten more please subscribe!
"Be low-key." Lu sighed: "We have only restored some basic space rules, and we are far from the recovery of space."

Beside her, An Huaqing smiled, "However, I didn't expect Du Yu's lover Catherine to ask Du Yu to go to the Dark Three Worlds to obtain the Dark Soul Stone this time, which saves me from posting this task to him. "

Lu Qinglie looked directly at An Huaqing with beautiful eyes: "That's the best. If you issue tasks to Du Yu every time, over time, he will become suspicious. He never imagined that your real identity was created by Space itself. Artificial AI. Long before the collapse of space and the establishment of the imperial court, he was the general manager of the space exchange business."

An Huaqing recalled: "In the space before the establishment of the imperial court, adventurers exchanged anything with the space in a separate room that resembled a confessional, and I was the one who handled the exchange business and introduced the exchange items in the room. People. In other words, he is the salesperson and sales manager of the space.”

"You are supposed to be the most impartial existence, and the space does not allow you to have any partiality." Lu chuckled and said: "But after the establishment of the imperial court, the space opened up some permissions for you - you are allowed to forcibly punish certain people within a certain period of time." In other words, you actually control the space currency—survival points and space objects—props, medicines, and the inflation rate of various prices!”

"Why does it sound like a currency war to me?" Lan Lei said with a wry smile, "I don't study much, so it's a trick to me."

Lu smiled: "Anyway, in fact, we have a lot of energy, but it's a pity that no one can use it now. We have lost our own power, and our feet are deep in the mud. Then Du Yu is the only hope. This time in the world of Darkness III, he If you can make good use of the situation and obtain the Dark Soul Stone, it will be a great achievement."

Lan Lei was puzzled and said, "I don't understand why An Huaqing released missions one by one, asking Du Yu to fetch them one by one for the divine artifact, the Heshi Jade Seal, the Evil Emperor's relic, and the Dark Soul Stone. .Why bother?"

"Because the space collapsed and the power of rules was completely broken, we can't do anything." The deer said helplessly: "We can only rely on Du Yu, the villain adventurer, to obtain for us one by one the props and materials necessary to reconstruct the space in the future. These things are all necessary. The artifact represents the power of the rules of space, the Heshi jade seal represents the order of space, the evil emperor relic represents the dark force, and the dark soul stone is the stone of the world Part of the World Stone! After the World Stone is broken, it is the only remaining World Stone fragment, which can accelerate the reconstruction of space and unseal us space managers! Of course, if it absorbs the power of Diablo in the difficulty of hell, this Soul Stone It is more powerful and can accelerate the recovery of space."

Everyone, including Lan Lei, An Huaqing, and Yizhen, lighted up when they heard the words reconstruction and unblocking.

Who wouldn't want to regain the power and glory of the past?
Who wants to live in this dark underground?

The answer is no one.

These space managers are the ones most eager to unblock.

"Didn't Du Yu want to give the Dark Soul Stone to Catherine? We still can't get it," Lan Lei couldn't help complaining.

Kazuma slapped his thigh: "Hey! As long as this kid can get the soul stone that seals Diablo from Darkness [-] on the difficulty of hell, is it up to him to decide? I can get it from him with a little trick. .”

An Huaqing smiled: "As long as this thing that was taken away by the angel returns to the bloody city, our space will be saved."

"However, it is simply impossible to kill Diablo on the difficulty of hell." Hongxuan couldn't help resisting, "Unless adventurers from several countries unite, it is possible. But There's no way it's going to happen."

Several people fell silent.

In fact, they had already anticipated this difficulty in their hearts, but no one was willing to admit it.

"This world competitive team battle, in accordance with the rules of the world team battle, adopts the system of reward points and obliteration at the end. It is divided into five scenes, and each scene consists of 9-10 main missions and 6 random missions. This has not yet been calculated. Hidden professional assessment tasks and secret realm tasks after collecting secret fragments." Lan Lei dug out the records and analyzed: "Every time you complete a task, you will get corresponding point rewards and other rewards."

"The adventurers participating in the war are based on the country. There are four major countries, and each country dispatches 100 adventurers. In the process of completing the adventure challenge, there are no mandatory requirements for country adventurers. Even if you are willing to put aside and do it alone It’s up to you to be a hero. But the final and cruelest requirement is after the time limit for each scene is over.”

"The four countries will be ranked according to the total points of 100 adventurers. The country ranked first will receive a certain percentage of points rewards or other optional reward modes! The country ranked second will receive halved points rewards. The third-ranked country will get 10% of the number of survivors! The bottom 10% of adventurers will be wiped out. The country with the lowest points will get a bloody 20%. Of course, The scope of obliteration also includes adventurers whose points are lower than the minimum requirements even though they are among the powerful countries, they will also be eliminated." Lan Lei finished reading calmly.

"In this way, isn't the strong getting stronger and the weak getting weaker?" Hong Xuan felt unbelievable: "This is not in line with the principle of fairness."

Lan Lei nodded, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I haven't finished yet. The reason why there are five acts is to give the losers of the previous act a room to adjust. The last two weak teams can exercise their choice before the next act begins. Quan, the right to lower the difficulty of the plot by one level. The current difficulty of the plot is normal, nightmare, hell, purgatory and crazy purgatory. The default difficulty for the outer city is the nightmare level. After reducing the difficulty, although the completion The points obtained from the mission may be reduced, but the death rate and the speed of completing the mission will be greatly increased. After all, every time the difficulty is increased, the overall strength of the monster will not only increase by one level." Lan Lei said.

"That is to say, after reducing the difficulty from the default nightmare difficulty to normal difficulty, it is possible for weak teams to come back, right?" Hongxuan asked.

"Yes! This is an opportunity for the weaker teams. Losing the last 20% of adventurers actually doesn't have a big impact on their strength. And the reduction in difficulty will greatly increase their efficiency in plundering points." Lan Lei laughed: "Second It's still unknown who will kill the deer."

"But if the difficulty of the outer city is a nightmare, the perfect dark soul stone we need to unblock it must at least have a hell-level difficulty. How could Du Yu see the hell-difficulty Diablo?" Hong Xuan asked puzzled.

"The weaker team's reduced difficulty corresponds to the strong team's inevitable choice to increase the difficulty!" Lan Lei smiled: "Once a certain team ranks in the top two in two consecutive worlds, it will be judged by the space It is a strong team. It will be forced to upgrade to a difficulty setting! The Datang Adventure Team that Du Yu belongs to, as long as they enter the top two in two consecutive scenes, they will successfully upgrade to the hell difficulty."

"But there are two more questions." Hongxuan was ready to break the casserole and ask the bottom line: "First, Du Yu was forced to compete with the White Tigers, Tianyu, Yamazaki, Dead Warriors and other Datang teams in the last world. A big fire was carried out. Although four teams were successfully annihilated, it also imperceptibly weakened the strength of adventurers in the outer city of Datang Kingdom. The other three countries have not fought team battles recently, and their strength has not been damaged. After this, Du Yu How could it be possible to get the top two?"

Lan Lei was speechless. After thinking for a long time, he sighed and said, "I don't know either."

"Second" Hongxuan said: "As far as I know, this world competitive team battle is limited to the first three acts, and must be completed compulsorily. Only in the fourth act, Diablo's attack on the highest heaven, can he obtain the power of the Great Demon King." Soul Stone. After the three-act bloody battle, even if Du Yu himself is willing to continue taking risks for Catherine, and go to the fourth act, will the surviving adventurers around him continue to go through fire and water with him? In the case of insufficient manpower, leapfrog the challenge Diablo on hell difficulty, no matter how you look at it, it’s unscientific, right?”

The crowd fell silent for a while.

It is extremely dangerous for Du Yu at this time to challenge such a difficult task.

"But we have no choice." A trace of sadness flashed in Lu Meili's big eyes: "Diablo III was chosen for this world competitive team battle. Yes, just help him and improve the strength of his teammates."

"I have a plan." Lan Lei was embarrassed by Hong Xuan's questioning, eager to show.

"Du Yu recently brought two powerful adventurers from the plot world." Lan Lei flipped through the record and said with a smile, "One of them, Zhang Sanfeng, was blocked by me for his strength evaluation and stayed in the outer city. Yang Guo alone has no choice but to increase the difficulty of the inner city. And he has not performed novice missions. According to the novice mission rules of the space, the difficulty can be deliberately lowered in the first mission. I might as well use some means to release him. Join this dark world mission."

The deer was taken aback: "You want to cheat?"

Lan Lei smiled wryly and said, "No, does Du Yu's team have any hope of taking Diablo on hell difficulty?"

Lu Shenyin said: "But at this time, the power of space is gradually recovering. Even I can't predict exactly how strict the standards of law enforcement in space are. If you are caught cheating this time, even if you are a GM (system administrator), you will also be arrested." Obliterated."

Lan Lei took a deep breath: "Just be me, a useless administrator, and make your last contribution to the space. To complete a cause, someone has to sacrifice."

The atmosphere froze from time to time.

After a long time, Qianfangyuan punched Lan Lei on the shoulder and scolded with a smile: "Don't try to trick us into sympathy with this clumsy method."

(End of this chapter)

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