Chapter 769 Captivity successful, full mount team! - One more subscription
Thanks to the three alliance lords Ant Press
Lu nodded: "Since that's the case, we can't blindly use Du Yu. To help him, let's help him! Lan Lei, you are the best in technology, use your authority to modify it. Try to make it as clean as possible."

Lan Lei nodded, concentrating on the video screen in front of him.

Du Yu didn't know that he had become the system administrator of the space ghost, was fighting for his teammate's spot, and was still concentrating on charging the programmers.

A group of programmers, from the state of beasts, returned to the state of space defenders, and began to run in various planes, catching adventurers who violated the rules.

In the world of "Legend of Sword and Fairy", an adventurer who faced Zhao Ling'er and tried to use an illegal rocket that was deliberately modified was locked by a long-lost light and then wiped out

In the world of "Transformers", adventurers who used the technology from the Matrix to try to steal Starscream cheated. They were shocked to find that Starscream, which was supposed to be tamed and turned into F22, resisted the hacking program and stepped on it.

In a team battle scenario of "The Battle of Smaug", when Hou Xiaobai's team, which had an absolute upper hand, tried to resort to dark biological and chemical weapons again, the adventurer in charge of manipulating the biological and chemical weapons was unexpectedly obliterated

"What the hell are you doing?" Hou Xiaobai wiped his face angrily.Opponents in the inner city who are also not weak on the opposite side have already frantically killed them.

Hou Xiaobai could only accept the fact of the fiasco and fled.

"Boss, the various props and weapons we have developed with the help of space loopholes have reported that they cannot be used, and they were caught and wiped out by the space," the deputy captain beside him said with a bitter face.

"Isn't this failure accidental?" Hou Xiaobai revealed a thoughtful look, staring at the sky bitterly.

"This space seems to be changing again." Hou Xiaobai felt annoyed.

One Du Yu was enough to make him feel good, but he didn't expect this space to start making troubles.

Due to various loopholes and court privileges, the teams controlled by Hou Xiaobai have always been invincible and rarely suffer big losses.But at this time, he was devastated again and again.

Du Yu didn't know that his efforts to restore order in space had caused his old enemy to suffer indirectly. He had only one thought.

That is, the more programmers there are, the more power he can control.

He worked tirelessly every day, insisting on coming to the programmer's office to activate more programmers.

At the same time, the expansion of the team is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

The prestige of the wolf pupil team was greatly shaken, and there were thousands of applicants.

Mai Sheila is very busy every day, and she has to keep Li Tang, Le Qun and others busy.The strength and identity of the applicants are screened one by one. Even if they are selected, interviews and side verification are required to strictly prevent spies from all walks of life from entering the team.

And the work of finding the intruders who sneaked into Wolf's Castle was also tense on the outside and tight on the inside, without stopping for a moment.

Du predicted a high price and offered rewards for clues to the beauty in red everywhere, hoping to get information on his opponent.

Once he finds out this group of masters who invaded Wolf Castle, Du Yu will spare no effort to send troops to kill them.

And in the heart of the castle, Shang Xiuxun, who kept the Dongming salamander in captivity, finally came to report.

"Our captivity has finally succeeded!" Her face flushed with happiness: "Our wolf pupil team will all ride these C-level amphibious monsters to participate in the next world competitive team battle."

Du Yu was overjoyed when he heard the words.

After hearing this, the wolf pupil team was even more joyful and encouraged, and ran with great joy.

For the vast majority of space adventurers in the outer city, a C-class mount that has been carefully raised and trained is as out of reach as a real office worker with a BMW and a Mercedes-Benz.

For most people, it's just a dream.

A C-level monster is already worth a lot, with 10 survival points, and the cost of captivity and training is several times higher than its own value.

Michelle and the others, regardless of everything else, dropped their work, rushed to the Pegasus Ranch in the heart of the castle, and watched with all their might.

Sure enough, under the careful care and domestication skills of Shang Xiuxun, the Dongming salamanders captured in the last world have all become qualified mounts, well-trained and sparkling.

Their speed can reach 200 kilometers per hour, which is difficult for adventurers to reach, and they have an additional impact force weighing up to 300 kilograms.

After testing by Li Tang and other defense team leaders, the combat power of a wolf pupil riding on a Dongming salamander has roughly doubled.If the number is expanded to 10 Eastern sea salamander knights, it is enough to deal with three times the number of infantry of the same kind.If the number is expanded to 100, five times as many enemies can be dealt with.

It is not difficult to understand that the larger the scale of the war, the more prominent the role of cavalry.

What caught everyone's eyes the most was that these Dongming salamander mounts trained by Shang Xiuxun possessed a variety of rare skills that were 70% higher than ordinary mounts on the market!
Take the piebald female Dongming salamander chosen by Michelle as an example. Her characteristic is [quickness], which can increase the running speed by 30%, and another characteristic [color change] can be used in various complex terrains. Terrain discoloration.These two characteristics are almost tailor-made for a sniper like Michelle who needs speed and camouflage.

No wonder Maishela hugged Shang Xiuxun, jumping up and down, without the demeanor of a big sister.

And Li Tang's mount is a Dongming salamander with stubby limbs and bad breath. It has a short body and slow speed, and is ridiculed by Maishela as a toad.But it also has two terrible characteristics, one is [co-death], and the owner can share the life value.And the life value of the Eastern Sea Salamander can reach tens of thousands of points, which is beyond the reach of adventurers.Li Tang is equivalent to having a mount to help share the damage in addition to his own health.The second is [sarcasm], this foul-mouthed Dongming salamander can firmly attract the hatred of the opponent's mounts, summoned beasts, and magic pets with a casual call, and come to besiege and beat this dung-spitting guy. Can't call back.Li Tang's MT position is even more stable.

Shang Xiuxun also meticulously trained a Dongming salamander, which was assigned to Du Yu by default. Unfortunately, Du Yu had far pupils and didn't need them, so he stayed in the ranch as a stallion.

And Shang Xiuxun is not the only beauty who shines.

Shan Wanjing also immediately opened her own blacksmith workshop, accepting all kinds of weapon repairs, sales, customization and enchanting business from teammates of the wolf pupil team.Her Piaoxiang was boarded by the windmill, with raging firepower, and a pair of peerless swords and weapons that were rated C-level and D-level in the space came out.In an instant, many adventurers from the wolf pupil team surrounded him.

These wolf pupil team adventurers have free war horse mounts, high-quality weapons at internal discount prices and beautiful blacksmiths who belong to the team, and they are happily blooming.

Through their mouths, a publicity immediately detonated a wider wave of applications.

Many adventurers even said that without any dividends, they would squeeze into the wolf pupil team just for the mount and weapon.In front of the side gate of the castle where the wolf pupil team applied for a job, there was a lot of traffic and people, and it was almost too busy for Michelle, Le Qun and others.

"No way! 14 quotas are really not enough." Michelle came and complained, "At least 20 quotas are needed to send so many masters away."

Du Yu was busy helping Li Mochou reclaim the medicine field on Peach Blossom Island. Hearing this, he pondered for a while and nodded: "Okay. Then expand the wolf pupil team to 60 people, but no more. If there are more, we will control it." Oh no."

With 20 places, thousands of applicants were finally satisfied temporarily, and then the Eight Immortals crossed the sea to show their magical powers, trying to squeeze into this wolf pupil team, which is comparable to the world's top 500 in later generations, and enjoy the superior team benefits.

After layers of careful investigation, Du Yu finally even used the intelligence chiefs Wan Wan and Shen Luoyan to find out each other's details one by one before he dared to accept the 20 best experts.

The reason why people had to be recruited was because Du Yu knew that in the next world, he would definitely rush into the third and fourth act of the darkness of hell difficulty, the highest heaven, and kill Diablo.Get the most precious dark soul stone in Diablo III.

This dark soul stone can actually be called the only constant main plot prop in the entire dark plot.From Diablo [-], [-], to [-], the only way to seal Diablo is to use it, insert it into the forehead of the dying Diablo, and the seal will be successful.

As for Diablo's resurrection?

Blizzard, which needs to make money, will find a suitable reason for it every time.Don't worry about the details.

As for whether after getting the dark soul stone, according to Catherine's request, whether it will be devoured by Catherine to deter the dark council, Du Yu actually has his own ideas.

He will not make the mistake of being too gullible.

The only thing I want to support is a woman who is absolutely loyal to me!

After the new wolf pupil team members joined, Du Yu also conducted a review.

Seeing the legendary Du Yu, the new members of the wolf pupil team all showed absolute respect and obedience, which made Du Yu very satisfied.

Among them, there are actually many ronin masters who have long been famous in the outer city of Datang.They didn't join other teams, not because no one wanted them, but because of various reasons, they didn't agree with the practice of raising newcomers in captivity, or they weren't satisfied with the team's treatment.

Michelle said in a low voice: "Although you paid a huge amount of survival points for the team in the last world, I have to regret to inform you that we are almost out of money again."

Du Yu was surprised: "The flowers are so fast?"

Maishela shrugged: "I'm already very stingy. But I have no choice but to ask for money everywhere. But this time I decided to let the wolf pupil team go out hunting to make money, and test the team's cooperation and strength by the way. Fight to support war, never use it." How are you going?"

Du Yu nodded.

He can't be like a nanny, always supporting the wolf pupil team every step of the way.

In fact, the wolf pupil team is now on a benign track of self-accumulation and self-development.

He whispered a place name to Michelle: "Remember?"

Maishela's beautiful eyes flashed with excitement: "I really don't know you. You have too many secrets. Is there a group of monsters in this place that we can eat?"

Du Yu said inscrutablely, "Of course."

Michelle raised her arms excitedly, and shouted, "Brothers, clean up the guys and go hunting with me! Get the fuck!"

Newcomers and old people roared in unison.

The success rate of the wolf pupil team's hunting is surprisingly high. So far, they have been hunting three times, and they have never missed a shot, and each time they can harvest more than ten million survival points.This is also a record that other major teams, including inner city teams, are jealous of.Even on the wind media black market, someone offered millions of dollars in an attempt to solve the mystery of the wolf pupil team hunting young experts.And around Wolf Castle, there are always people watching day and night.Whenever the wolf pupil team hunts aggressively, they will always be followed from afar, trying to get a piece of the action.

Mai Shela, Li Tang and others led the wolf pupil team and rushed out of the gate of Wolf Castle like a whirlwind overnight, leaving only 5 adventurers to guard Wolf Castle.But with the addition of Du Yu and many beauties who were trained in Wolf Fort, if someone bullied the Wolf Eyes team to send troops and invade on a large scale, they would definitely be smashed.

The spies who were watching found out that the wolf pupil team was dispatched, and immediately yelled and notified their respective teams.

But helplessly, this time the wolf pupil team has undergone tremendous changes.

That is to upgrade from infantry to mounted cavalry.

Although their mounts are ugly to the depths of the soul, these 300-kilogram amphibious reptiles are not slow at all!
In just a few seconds, more than 50 people from the wolf pupil team rushed out of the Suzaku Gate of the Tang Dynasty like a whirlwind, and rushed into the vast night.

Trying to track down the wolf pupil team, the hitchhiking team beat their chests and feet, regretting endlessly, but with the size of the wild bloodland, they couldn't find any trace of the wolf pupil team.

Du Yu unfolded the military map of the Tang Dynasty, and glanced at a place where few people hunt [Yunmengze].

Since this place is called Ze, it is naturally a water town with dense water networks and lakes and swamps everywhere.The combat power of the Eastern Sea Salamander can be displayed to the extreme here.And other adventurer teams, even if they intend to plot against the wolf pupil team, they can't take advantage of it in Yunmengze.

And in Yunmengze, there lives another kind of powerful CC-level beast [Water Panda].

These black and white monsters are very similar to the real-life pandas, but they have a very aggressive temperament. Their two pairs of fangs are extremely sharp, and when they charge, they are more fierce than polar bears.Like to live in water and eat the tenderest bamboo shoots.

The most terrifying thing about water pandas is that they have a natural ability to resist magic.If you wish to bombard them with magic, even if you vomit blood from exhaustion, not half of the water pandas will fall down.And their melee defense ability is equally outstanding.

As long as 20 water pandas can be captured alive and thrown in front of the team after the war begins, the enemy's attacking team will be overwhelmed.

Since this hunting in Yunmengze was entirely his own temporary decision, it was impossible to leak the secrets, and the secret hole card of the Dongming salamander of the wolf pupil team would never be revealed, so even with Hou Xiaobai's tricks, he couldn't arrange it in Yunmengze. The ultimate move, to deal with Maishela and others who have water war monsters.

Du Yu was very relieved, and began to concentrate on training in Wolf Castle.

He has gradually gotten used to leaving everything to Maishela and the wolf pupil team to take care of. As long as he is obsessed with cultivation and accompanying Zhongmei, he will be satisfied.

When Du Yu was with Zhongmei, he suddenly received a message from Yimei that she had arrived at the gate of Wolf Castle.

"You've been very leisurely lately." Yi Mei curiously walked into Wolf's Castle with her hands behind her back.

"Master Censor Supervisor, what are you doing here when you're not working in your yamen?" Du Yu said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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