Chapter 770 Space Treasure, Dark Soul Stone! -Second watch for subscription

Yi Mei grinned and said, "Aren't you not in the programmer's office, it's just an office?"

Du Yu said unhappily: "My monkey nest, do you need me for office work?"

Yimei couldn't help laughing.The programmer's office is still full of apes running around, it's normal for Du Yu to hide at home.

She smiled and said, "I heard that the next world will be the Diablo [-] world competitive team battle plot. You, the programmer director, have to practice hard and prepare well, or you won't be able to come back alive, and my court will suffer a big loss."

Du Yu's heart moved: "By the way, I heard that high officials in the court can avoid plot risks, which is not bad!"

Yimei said sternly: "Although it is indeed possible, in fact, this is by no means a shortcut to stealing life. Since the establishment of my dynasty, successive emperors have never used this privilege. Taizu's legacy, my dynasty's descendants, should be with The people are suffering together, put on the tough and stick to it, take risks to survive, and don’t allow lust and ease, let loose and relax. Therefore, the royal family of the Long family, and the emperors from generation to generation, are all masters.”

Only then did Du Yu know that my surname was Long, not Li, in the family of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Na Yimei sighed: "I also go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. Have you heard that the space seems to be recovering recently."

Du Yu clapped his hands and said, "That's a good relationship. The space has recovered, and everyone has rules, so as not to save Hou Xiaobai, a bastard, from sending people to hunt and kill me everywhere."

Yi Mei glared and said: "Don't forget, I am also the court's official now. If the space is fully recovered, why does my court need to exist?"

Du Yu just remembered and smiled slightly.

Yimei snorted coldly: "That's why I came to you. My emperor knows that this plot is Diablo [-]. In addition to asking me to encourage you, win glory for the country, suppress the other three countries more, and show my Tang Dynasty's national prestige, I also want to encourage you. I want you to complete a secret mission."

Du Yu smiled wryly, "Can I not accept this secret mission?"

Yi Mei's beautiful eyes stared: "How dare you?"

Du Yu withered.

Yi Mei couldn't help laughing, she punched him with her fist and laughed, "Don't act like a dead duck. I won't hurt you."

She said seriously: "My emperor wants you to retrieve a legendary treasure, that is the dark soul stone."

Du Yu was shocked again.

Why do all parties want this dark soul stone?
"What is the use of this thing?"

"It's a long story," Yimei fell into memory: "You know, the main world of Diablo is composed of three ethnic groups, heaven, hell, and the human habitation in between—the sanctuary."

Du Yu nodded.

This is all basic content.

Yimei smiled and said: "Don't you think that our bloody city is a unique dark world? The bloody city is a shelter, and the wild bloodland is a large adventure terrain surrounding the shelter. Even the name is similar to that of Diablo II. The topography of Rogo's camp out of the city is exactly the same!"

Only then did Du Yu realize that they were exactly the same.

Yimei continued: "Adventurers in the bloody city are human beings full of desires. The opposite of human beings, there are both angels and demons. Our angels are the man who puts layers of shackles on us adventurers. Gods and Buddhas, they collapse with the space and are gone forever. Our demons are the army of monsters that are constantly advancing. They are like the demon army of the dark world, constantly invading our bloody city, trying to destroy human beings. "

Du Yu laughed: "You really sound like that. But what does it have to do with the Dark Soul Stone?"

Yimei frowned and said: "In the dark world, the world stone is what maintains the balance between heaven, hell and the sanctuary. According to legend, with the help of angels and demons, the archangel Inarius was born in the sanctuary, Created the World Stone. It was hailed by the barbarians as the heart of the world and kept in the depths of Mount Arreat. The existence of the World Stone guaranteed that the sanctuary would not be detected by the powers from heaven and hell. Became the three worlds The key to balance. In Diablo [-], Archangel Tyrael believed that the World Stone had been desecrated by Baal, and destroyed the World Stone with the sword of the Archangel, triggering violent turmoil in the dark world. The out-of-control magic army invaded on a large scale Human sanctuary."

Du Yu nodded.

"And the Soul Stone is a part of the World Stone." Yimei said sternly, "You can simply think that it is a smaller version of the World Stone. If it can seal Diablo, its energy is enough to produce The World Stone has the same effect. Once it returns to the space, it can greatly enhance the stability of the space, such as Ruobu Zhoushan and Optimus Prime."

"Then why do you want me to retrieve this thing?" Du Yu frowned and said, "Isn't it more in the interest of our court to leave it in the Dark Three Worlds?"

"The problem is," Yimei said with clear eyes, "the recent beast horde has become more and more ferocious. Even in the Tang court, there are a large number of insightful people calling for the improvement of spatial stability to prevent catastrophic catastrophes." My emperor has considered it over and over again, and has not yet decided whether to use this thing. But since it is a four-nation team battle, it cannot fall into the hands of others anyway. I guess the other three countries have also put forward similar requirements for their competitors. Order them No matter the cost, get the soul stone of the difficulty of hell in the fourth act. After all, the team battle plot of Diablo III is extremely rare. The last time it appeared was 60 years ago."

Du Yu shook his head quickly: "Diablo on Hell Difficulty, are you kidding me? I won't challenge it, why don't I die fast enough? Besides, you also know the rules of this world competition mode Right? As long as the first three acts don't get consecutive top two positions, it's impossible to advance to the difficulty of hell."

Yimei looked at Du Yu playing tricks with a good temper and amused, and scolded: "You are an official of the imperial court after all, don't you want to be loyal to the country?"

Unexpectedly, without hesitation, Du Yu put the black gauze hat in Yimei's hand, and snorted coldly: "Master Yushi, you lied to me last time, and you haven't settled the score with you yet. Bi Mawen is like a big and small official like a sesame seed." , I dismissed my great contribution. This time I was allowed to go through life and death, I would rather resign than accept this bird's anger!"

Yimei was stunned.

Du Yu squatted on the chair in frustration, with his hands in his sleeves, and if he had a hookah in his mouth, he would look like a landlord and miser, which made people laugh.

Yimei held the tired man, helpless, and laughed and scolded: "You greedy ghost, the emperor is not short of hungry soldiers! What do you want?"

Du Yu jumped down immediately, and said with a beaming smile, "This is the mighty kindness of the emperor. Why don't you give me [-] million survival points first?"

Yi Mei's beautiful eyes stared at Du Yu.

Du Yu scratched his head: "I'm just joking, the imperial court has to use troops at this time, and has to deal with changes in the sky, how can I get money for it?"

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "If you ask for a promotion, isn't that too much to ask?"

Yimei sighed.

This Du Yu is really an official fan.

I don't know why he became a prisoner before and did such stupid things.

"It's okay to be promoted." Yi Mei said weakly: "How many levels do you want to be promoted?"

Du Yu's righteousness was awe-inspiring, and his righteousness was thin. Yuntian said: "Nowadays, the court is troubled. The so-called distance between the rivers and lakes worries about its ruler. I am willing to be promoted to three ranks and serve the country. How about it?"

Yi Mei snorted, the tea spouted far away, her pretty face turned red, and she coughed.

Du Yu helped her beat her back.

Yimei raised her brows upside down, pointed her halberd and scolded delicately: "Why don't you die? Are you still willing to be promoted to the third rank? You know that if you are promoted to the third rank, you will reach the third rank! If you can seal the border and crack the soil, you will be a member of the imperial court!" I've been around for so long, so I'm just a second grade. Do you know how Monkey Sun died?"

Du Yu laughed: "Anyway, this time the Diablo Three Worlds, as long as you risk being wiped out by the space and complete the mandatory challenges of the three acts, you can return to your hometown. Why should I kill myself and go to the highest heaven to challenge Diya?" Polo? Come back and eat pineapple."

Yimei said seriously: "You really want to be promoted to three ranks before you are willing to go?"

Du Yu patted his chest: "Of course."

Yi Mei rolled her eyes.

Everyone knows how difficult this dark plot is.Otherwise, the space collapsed for a thousand years, and this Diablo III has passed at least ten times, and no one will be able to take out the soul stone of hell difficulty even once.

An unprecedented challenge.

This time it fell on Du Yu, so let's agree first. Anyway, he will not be able to complete this task, and he will come back in disgrace.

In the last world of the Tang Dynasty, there was a crazy civil war, and the masters withered. This is a well-known thing.

When Yimei was chatting and spanking with fellow officials from Shinra, Sultan, and the Parliament, everyone was unanimous in their evaluation of this world team battle. Datang’s strength was at the bottom. The strongest contender for elimination.

Of course Yimei was not angry, but after arguing, she calculated it carefully.

It really is.

Among the adventurers in the outer city who can be called masters in Datang at this time, except for Du Yu and the taciturn Wu Ren.It's really hard to find anyone else.

Mai Shela, Li Tang, Le Qun and others are not bad in strength, but they can't reach that kind of top players.

In other countries, masters emerge in large numbers, and their strength is extremely strong!
Even Yi Mei was not optimistic about this attempt.Since the emperor has spoken, he will treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

She patted her forehead and shouted with a headache: "I've convinced you, okay. I can be the master. If you can successfully retrieve this treasure of space that will be endlessly contested by the rulers of the four countries-the dark soul stone, I will be the master and agree." You have been promoted two ranks."

Seeing what Du Yu wanted to say, she immediately waved her hands and said, "No one is more familiar with the depth and rules of the officialdom than I am. You are just an ordinary captain in the outer city, and you are in a high position of the sixth rank, which has already aroused the anger of many famous ministers and elders." Dissatisfied. If you are promoted to a third rank, it is definitely not a good thing to be a third-rank official with the status of an outer city. Do you know that Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by Lin Feng? Being stuck in a fourth-rank official position happens to be an important minister of the court, and It won’t push the boundary of hatred too much. And the nearest Qin Tianjian happens to be vacant, I can recommend you to be the Qin Tianjian, responsible for watching the sky at night for the emperor and detecting weather changes, okay?”

Du Yu felt strange.

(End of this chapter)

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