Chapter 771 The foreign enemy is strong, and the internal enemy is all around! -Third watch for subscription

Of course he knew that Yi Mei was doing it for his own good, and he showed his sincerity by taking the correct position of Qin Tianjian.But you must know that he was designated as an imperial prisoner by the Tang Dynasty, and it was precisely because he was corrected by the previous generation of Qin Tianjian, watching the sky at night, and the Sirius violated Ziwei, that he fell into despair that day.Unexpectedly, the feng shui turn would allow him to become the official of Qin Tianjian one day.

He nodded: "Let me think about it."

At this time, at least Catherine and the Emperor Datang proposed to buy the Dark Soul Stone at a high price.No matter who he will give it to in the future, he will get it back, and he can sell it for a price.

At this moment, Lan Lei suddenly hammered the screen excitedly: "It's finally done!"

Lu, Yizhen and others swarmed up to look at Lan Lei's masterpiece.

"You actually have the ability to let the space send adventurers from the inner city to the outer city for an adventure world? Although you are using the rules of the novice plot, you are proud enough." Lu was very surprised, his beautiful eyes curved.

Lan Lei smiled proudly: "Don't forget that I am the strongest space manager. Haha, please call me the omnipotent ultimate Lan Lei from now on."

Hongxuan and Qianfangyuan pouted.As the three administrators, they are naturally unwilling to admit that Lan Lei's technology is the best.

Staring at the screen, Hongxuan suddenly exclaimed: "No! You have made an omission! That is, the terms of reference are universal, not exclusive rules. This time, you can use the novice plot to enter the inner city master of the Diablo III world, Yang Guo is not the only one!"

Lan Lei frantically rushed towards the screen, glanced at it, and was immediately stunned.

Sure enough.

"You and Yang Guo entered the inner city as rookies at the same time, but there are still masters?" Lu was surprised for a while.

Lan Lei's trembling fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard, and quickly recalled the final result of this omission.

That is a red dress like a fire, a charming and charming beauty.

But the name marked on the information is Dongfang Invincible!

The master of the inner city who just bought the information of the wolf pupil team and attacked Wolf Castle, Dongfang is undefeated!

Just in the last world, like Yang Guo, he passed the assessment of killing adventurers and became the undefeated Dongfang Bubai of adventurers.

After receiving the space prompt, he chose to agree without hesitation!
"That is to say" Qianfangyuan opened his mouth wide and said in astonishment: "In the next world, although Du Yu's side has an extra Yang Guo, in the Datang team, there will be more Dongfang Bubai, a master from the inner city? This person's The evaluation of combat strength is slightly higher than that of Yang Guo at this time! Are we doing this to help Du Yu, or to deceive Du Yu?"

Several people looked at each other and smiled wryly.

What's even more frustrating is that Dongfang Bubai is not the only one entering Datang's team at this time!
There is also a hidden master in the inner city - the flower demon!
The information of this flower demon is extremely simple, it is indicated in the space that it is a master in the inner city, and its strength evaluation is similar to that of Dongfang Bubai and Yang Guo!
And he is the most terrifying perverted serial killer who was born in the legendary world of the frontier.Appeared in frontier concentration.And his victims, without exception, were the most outstanding beauties.Rape first, then murder and torture to death are his forte.

Yizhen lamented: "This is really a house leak and it rains all night, and the weasel only eats sick ducks. More than half of Du Yu's strength comes from the more than 20 stunning beauties he collected. And the flower demon has a twisted mind, loves to kill beauties, and is a master of finesse." Yu pretends to be dressed up. Once you enter the Datang Adventure Team and see Du Yu's woman, how can you let it go? Doesn't this cause Du Yu another problem?"

The deer and the others lamented in unison.

This time it really poked a hornet's nest and opened Pandora's box.As for Lan Lei, his face was ashen, and he buried his head deeply on the screen.

"Fuck! Isn't it?" Lan Lei screamed.

"Another master wants to come in?" Lu felt bitter in his heart.I wanted to help Du Yu, but I didn't expect to add so many variables.

"It's the resurrected Tianyu!" Lan Lei roared angrily: "He was sacrificed by his lover Tianyanqiu, one life for another, in exchange for his resurrection. He has been reincarnated as Tianyulang with the power of the demon world! Because of the sacred memory of the sword The special power of Bajing Xiawan, he belongs to the resurrection of the possessed, possessed on a young man in the outer city. He is also eligible to participate in this team battle. After the resurrection, Tian Yulang, who has the power of the demon world and his strength has greatly increased, has reached The strength of the inner city."

Lu sat down on his seat in despair, and murmured: "Didn't that mean that due to our negligence, in the Datang team this time, there were at least Dongfang Bubai, Tian Yulang and Hua Yao, three insiders who could threaten Du Yu?" Joining the strong in the city? Not only is this not helping, but it is a trap."

Everyone sighed.

Lan Lei rolled his eyes: "Why don't we remind Du Yu?"

Lu made a decisive decision: "An Huaqing, use Tang Lv BADGUY to send Du Yu warnings and information, so that he can deal with it carefully. In addition, we should also increase our support for Du Yu."

Yizhen, An Huaqing, Lan Lei, Hong Xuan, and Qian Fangyuan immediately agreed in unison.

Du Yu reached an agreement with Yi Mei, and when he walked out of the room easily and comfortably, he received a call request from Tang Lu on the 5G communicator.

"This BADGUY little loli has been looking for me a lot lately."

Du Yu picked up the phone.

Sure enough, it was Tang Lu, who said in a normal tone, "One good news, three bad news, which one do you listen to first?"

Du Yu curled his lips: "The good news comes first."

Tang Lu smiled and said: "Congratulations, in the first world, you can fight side by side with your sworn brothers. Yang Guo was authorized by Space to join this world competitive team battle as a rookie trial plot. Of course, the rookie trial only once."

Du Yu's blood boiled.

As long as Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng and his beauty team are there, and the wolf pupil team can at least select some players, he can occupy the absolute right to speak in the Datang Adventurers team!
Yang Guo is a strong man in the inner city, Zhang Sanfeng has also reached the edge of the inner city, his own strength is stronger than the two righteous brothers, he can actually be considered a strong man in the inner city!
Three such strong men are also sworn brothers, they live and die in the same robe, and they will never be disadvantaged!

Du Yu was in a good mood for a while, even if there were three bad news, he was fine.

"As for the three bad news, it is because of the omission of the system this time, not only Yang Guo, but also three terrible enemies were let go. The first one is the Dongfang Invincible that you already know. She is also a newcomer adventurer who is trying to enter The second one is a perverted killer named Flower Demon. He is good at disguising himself, even transforming himself into a woman, harming beautiful women. You have many beautiful assistants, so be careful. The third one is taking risks in the outer city With the help of the sacrifice of his lover and the power of Bajing Xiawan, he absorbed the power of the demon world from the true soul samurai, and became a terrifying demon swordsman comparable to the masters in the inner city. Be careful!" BADGUY said in detail.

Du Yu's mood suddenly became heavy.

Each of these three enemies was a terrifying existence, which made it difficult for him to deal with.

The most frightening thing is that if he wants to pass all the way, lead the adventurer team of the Tang Dynasty, rush to the high heaven of hell difficulty, face the terrible Diablo, and seize the dark soul stone, he must make false claims with these three people, even It is a sincere cooperation, it is not different from dancing with wolves, if one is not careful, one will be plotted against by the other party, and one mistake will cause eternal hatred.

"How can you know such a mysterious space secret?" Du Yu frowned.

If this BADGUY can obtain the best first-hand information of the space, it can be attributed to her keen intuition and pervasive intelligence network, but these are clearly background data just generated by the space, and this Tang Lu is still familiar with it, which makes Du Yu suspicious.

Tang Lu smiled slightly: "Don't forget that I am the chief wind media of the space. If you only know the information of what has happened, what kind of chief wind media? If you want to go to the next world, you can contact me for business. As long as the price is right, Nothing is a problem."

It was only then that Du Yu expressed the feeling of being a multi-skilled person in space.

But the programmer is stepping up to search for any loopholes, and Du Yu couldn't help but remind Tang Lu: "You should also be careful in your business recently, the rumors will get tighter and the loopholes will be less and less."

Tang Lu said with an inscrutable smile: "My girl's method is not a loophole in space. Haha, take care."

She hangs up.

Du Yu was contemplating how to resolve the omissions in the system brought by Tang Lu, but he received another unexpected communication.

On the side of the communicator, a long-lost voice suddenly appeared.

It turned out to be Anakin.

"I'm glad to see that you're still alive, Du Yu." Anakin's voice was still the same high, confident and arrogant: "You can't imagine that I will enter the outer city so soon, and I am going to fight you again Did you lose?"

Du Yu smiled: "If you don't come again, I will enter the inner city for assessment and the Scarlet City Gate will be closed. Repeaters!"

Anakin's breathing became short of breath.The phrase "repeater" was, of course, a satire about his last promotion assessment, where he was finally disgraced, packed up, and went home early.

"Don't even try to be proud!" Anakin roared angrily, "I've already joined the Holy See's supreme referee team! I'm still a first-choice member. In the world competitive team battle in the next world, I will definitely prove that I am better than you. "

Du Yu immediately thought of Shi Guodong's recent information before his death.

Shi Guodong said that recently, strong teams from various countries have emerged one after another.And Shen Luoyan and Wang Yuyan also collected a large amount of information on the strong teams in space.

Shinra has strong teams such as the Western Trail Blazers in the United States and the Chicago Brotherhood, as well as the British Orphans in the Twist and the Australian Kangaroos. The strongest team is naturally the Supreme Referee team of the Holy See.

Among Sudan, Mohammad Yakun, the invincible God of War who once made a big splash in the Scarlet City Gate, was ranked second. After entering the outer city, he was just a candidate for the Brotherhood of Yashan.And the Yashan Brotherhood is also very likely to participate in this team battle.In addition, there are Mike Baishi team and Sea Drifters team, all of which are well-known strong teams in space.The most mysterious Assassin's Creed team, is also likely to appear.

Most of the parliamentary states are strong black teams, and they are not always ranked high in terms of overall strength. There is no obvious classification between strong teams and weak teams, but when it comes to the individual quality of adventurers, these black people are the strongest.The possibility of killing a dark horse is extremely high.

(End of this chapter)

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