Chapter 772 Yunmeng Zeguo, Immortal Treasure Is Born! - One more subscription
"Hey! Are you listening to me?" Anakin was furious.

Du Yu woke up and said with a smile: "You are a mere scumbag who failed the first exam and needs to make up the exam. As soon as you come up, you become the supreme referee team. It should be related to Cardinal Richelieu? Then we look forward to it. Collide with your supreme judge team."

Anakin snorted coldly: "I'm just the acting captain Lampard paladin, and naturally I'm also the captain of the Shinra United team. I'm sending you a message. Your talents in the Tang Dynasty are withered. This time, you are destined to become the bottom of the cannon fodder, and you will be wiped out again and again. 20 %survivors. But for the sake of being civilized people. Captain Lampard invites you to take your Datang team and cooperate with our Shinra United team to break through. In terms of points distribution, I can give you [-]%, not bad Bar?"

Du Yu's heart skipped a beat.

Ordinarily, the Vatican and himself have an enmity that is as deep as a sea. In this world competitive team battle, it would be a miracle if they didn't fight to the death. Why did they win before the battle?

It doesn't make any sense.

He smiled slightly, lowered his figure, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is his forte, and said with a smile: "My Datang has indeed lost a lot of strength, but if we work together, we may not be able to compete with your Shinra United team. You just give us [-]% of the points, and you want us to be cannon fodder for Shinra?"

Anakin was taken aback for a moment. To be honest, he really didn't take the decision to unite with Datang, let alone Du Yu.But this was a joint decision made by Cardinal Richelieu and Captain Lampard. He couldn't help but sneer and said with a sneer: "You don't know how to flatter! Your strength is only enough to share these points. Is it possible that you plan to take 7% of the head? Besides, with the urgency and different ambitions of you Datang people, how could it be possible to form an alliance like Shenluo? Whether you can be the captain, and your word will be counted, is even more unknown."

Du Yu smiled confidently: "Of course I have a solution. Tell me about the further conditions."

Anakin sneered and said, "Don't worry about anything else. In this world competitive team battle, our main opponent is the Sudanese team! In the last Diablo III world team battle of the Sudanese, the legendary master Hussein suddenly emerged and won the team First, it is our confidant’s serious trouble. And Yakun is Hussein’s apprentice, and he will also lead this time. If not, the ghost will join hands with you! But I also said ugly things before, except for the points, None of the items are yours! Remember?"

Du Yu's heart skipped a beat.

Due to the brutal civil war and massacres in the world of Datang Yitian, the masters withered severely. The two great powers, Shenluo and Sultan, have long stopped taking Datang seriously, and put their jealous eyes on each other.From the wording of "civilized people", it can be seen that due to geographical and religious reasons, it seems that the Sudanese adventurers and the black adventurers in the parliamentary country have secretly formed an alliance or flirted with each other.The only way for Shinra to deal with it is to contact Datang, whom they regard as a soy sauce party.

Why would he specifically name anything?

Could it be

This Shenluo United team, with the Holy See adventurers as the main force, has the same goal as itself, and it is also the Diablo Dark Soul Stone of the fourth difficulty?

Du Yu's heart brightened instantly.

This Anakin thought he was perfect, and Du Yu would never know their real goal of the Dark Soul Stone. With a mere [-]% of the points, he wanted to lure Du Yu to be cannon fodder.

Du Yu smiled coldly, but didn't point it out. At this moment, everyone was scheming against each other. Shenluo looked down on Datang, and the focus of attack was on Sudan, which was exactly what he wanted.

He smiled slightly and said: "I can only temporarily agree with your point of view. But as you said, we must first strive to have the right to speak for the Datang United team in our hands before we can cooperate with you. Besides, I don't think that Datang's strength lies in Ranked bottom among the four countries, let’s talk about everything in due time.”

Anakin said happily: "You haven't seen the demeanor of the real strong teams from all over the world. With your mere strength in Datang, you can only compete with the group of black ghosts in the parliamentary country for the second-to-last position, and fight for the second-to-last position every time you are defeated. Fewer people will be wiped out! Even so, I am not optimistic about you. The niggers are usually cruel in civil wars, but they may be united at the critical moment of life and death. When you fight with them, you will know what a beast is! Well, when you know When the reality is cruel, come to me. I will give you a way to survive!"

He laughed and closed the line, obviously feeling very happy about this elated conversation.

Du pre-cold cold take-up line.

Just relying on Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng, himself, and the hidden beauties and strong men, he can confidently deal with any dangerous situation, not to mention the large number of brothers in the wolf pupil team.

But the scale of this world team battle exceeded Du Yu's previous imagination.Conquest by force is only a guarantee, but it is the best policy to make more use of the situation and pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

He rolled his eyes, and came up with a poisonous plan to deal with Anakin.

Anakin used it well this time, and it was more powerful than any other moves.

However, he still needs to inquire about the strength of all parties at more levels before he can make a strategy.

The newly minted god Luo Tracy had to make good use of it.

But in Tang Dynasty, how to deal with Dongfang Bubai, Hua Yao and Tianyu caused Du Yu even more headaches.These guys can be called time bombs, if they are not handled well, there will definitely be uncertainties.

At this moment, Du Yu received a call from Michelle.

"How is your hunting in Yunmengze going?" Du Yu said in a deep voice.

"Not good!" Myshea seemed to have blood on her face.

Du Yu was taken aback: "How could it be? Hou Xiaobai ambushed you?"

Maishela smiled wryly: "No. And in Yunmengze, we are backed by Dongming salamander mounts, and we are not afraid of Hou Xiaobai's ambush. Originally, our hunting went very smoothly. We found hundreds of CC-level The gathering place of the monster water pandas. Using the advantage of the Eastern sea salamander in the water, they successfully wiped out this group. Killed more than 30 heads and captured more than [-] water pandas. But on the way back, they accidentally found the remains of a fairy !"

Du Yu's eyes suddenly shrank, and they were full of energy!
The remains, remains, and relics of gods, demons, saints, immortals, Buddhas, etc. are the most precious things on the wilderness blood field, none of them.

This is because any material can be copied or replaced in the bloody city, but the only thing that cannot be copied is the adventurer's experience of improving his skills and constantly approaching the way of heaven!
And on the vast and boundless wilderness blood field, even the fairy adventurers who are as high as Zifu District dare not guarantee that they will not encounter more powerful monsters wandering around, or hostile adventurers and accidentally fall.

But ordinary powerful adventurers should not fall in Yunmengze, which is so close to the bloody city.Generally, the places where the remains of high-level adventurers are reported are in the barren mountains and wilderness blood fields with extremely high levels of monsters.

No matter where the fairy remains are found, as long as they are found, it will be a bloody battle!
Many fairy remains, even those left by the ancients, whether it is cultivation techniques or fairy weapons, are not comparable to current adventurers.

"Can you find the remains of a fairy here? Are you sure it's not a Western saint or fighting god?"

Du Yu asked.

Michelle wiped her face, showing that a tough bloody battle was fought: "It is confirmed that it is the remains of my Great Tang Immortal, and it is an ancient one! The unique light of the fairy treasure must not be faked."

"There are enemies?"

"Yes!" Maishela said fiercely: "It's the Sudanese adventurer. And it's led by my old friend Muhammad Yakun."

"Did they come here by accident, or ambushed halfway?" Du Yu asked.

"It seems that they found the clues of the immortals, followed them all the way, and sacrificed a lot of people to unlock the magic circle of the immortals." Maishela said: "We were passing by. But seeing Yakun and others digging, they Launched an offensive brazenly!"

Du Yu thought to himself that it was you who took the initiative to provoke Yakun.

Maishela said decisively: "Because everyone knows that you urgently need the remains of the ancient immortal to unlock more immortal techniques, they agreed that no matter how strong the other party is, they will get it back for you!"

Du Yu was moved in his heart.

All along, he has been taking care of the wolf pupil team.

Unexpectedly, this time, without him, the wolf pupil team brazenly launched an attack on Muhammad Yakun in order to fight for the immortal body for him.

"Ya Kun's team is the Sultanate's strongest team, the Yashan Brotherhood. Fortunately, not all the people from the Yashan Brotherhood are the main force." Maishela is a little tired, but also has indescribable pride: " Fortunately, my old lady is not a vegetarian, so she led the fastest pure cavalry adventurer, charged all the way up, snatched the treasure, and then ran away."

Du Yu said in a deep voice, "Where did you escape to?"

"Yunmengze" Maishela said with a wry smile: "We fought out halfway and snatched the treasure. Yakun was furious, brought people from the Yashan Brotherhood, and summoned more helpers. The strength is far superior to ours. That's why I believe that the Sudanese adventurers are very strong, and since they are no match for the wolf pupil team, they simply fled into Yunmengze and used their mobility to deal with the Brotherhood of Yashan."

Du Yu nodded, and Michelle's decision was the most correct.

"You sent the coordinates, I'll be there soon." Du Yu took out the angel wings.

Maishela nodded: "The Yashan Brotherhood is full of masters. I don't know what unique training method Hussein has, which can train so many masters in a short period of time. We fought and retreated, and entered the depths of Yunmengze The coordinates are N64.37, E23.87, hurry up"

Du Yu nodded and greeted Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng: "The two younger brothers guard the Wolf Castle. I will return after I rescue Maishela and others."

Yang Guo raised his brows: "This Yakun actually dared to offend big brother, is he impatient? Big brother, go ahead, if you feel unhappy, call me, and Sanfeng and I will go immediately."

Du Yu smiled, activated the angel wings, and suddenly there was a strong wind in his ears, appearing in Yunmengze.

As the name suggests, Yunmengze is a country of swamps and waters filled with fog like a fairyland. No wonder the Dongming salamander team of the wolf pupil team can come and go freely in this terrain, which can be called a fish entering the sea.

Looking from a high altitude, he saw the wolf pupil team fighting and fleeing with a menacing team.

The number of people in this team is actually not much larger than that of the wolf pupil team, about 80 people.But the individual combat power is frighteningly high.

Most of them rode tall horses, held scimitars or crossbows in their hands, and wore scarves on their heads. They moved swiftly and uniformly as a whole, like arms and fingers, and constantly circled and outflanked the wolf pupil team.

The leader, like a god of war, rode majesticly on a horse and stared at the wolf-eyed team Maishela. It was Muhammad Yakun who had fought fiercely several times in the bloody city gate.A few worlds away, he is now more majestic and powerful, with an extremely confident and fierce light in his eagle eyes, and any enemy who stands in his way will be ruthlessly torn to pieces by him.

The wolf pupil team gave full play to the advantages of the all-water mounts, and the speed in the water almost did not decrease, pulling the Yashan Brotherhood and running all the time.And the long-rangers of the wolf pupil team, such as Mai Laxue, fired bullets full of anger at the Yashan Brotherhood almost non-stop.

Although the Yashan Brotherhood also has extremely steed horses, their maneuverability and explosive power are not inferior to the wolf pupil team, but they suffer from the terrain. The dense and violent artillery fire made it difficult to lift their heads, and anger flashed in each of their eyes.

But Du Yu was condescending, and he knew at a glance that although the wolf pupil team had the upper hand in terms of firepower and speed, under the command of Yakun, the two sub-units of the Yashan Brotherhood were constantly outflanking.In another 10 minutes at most, they can close up and trap Michelle and the others.

This is already the central area of ​​Yunmengze. If Maishela wants to escape, she can only flee to the edge. Sooner or later, Yakun will force her out of the favorable terrain of Yunmengze.

On the wild blood field, the speed of the Eastern Sea Salamander is definitely not comparable to that of a war horse.

What awaits the wolf pupil team is a bloody battle.

Du Yu smiled coldly.

Over there, let yourself use your absolute strength to completely defeat Yakun's Yashan Brotherhood.

He was about to show off his power, but suddenly saw an acquaintance.

In Yunmengze's water town Zeguo, it is easy to hide everywhere, and this person is a dragon in the water, hiding in one place is not easy to find.

Du Yu shook his wings coldly and flew down.

A girl with a hot and graceful figure is watching human adventurers fighting each other, which is very enjoyable, but she might as well be slapped secretly from behind, almost jumping up in fright.

When she turned around, she found Du Yu, watching with a smile.

This girl, dressed in green clothes and armor, could not conceal her natural beauty. She was Qinglian, the princess of the Dragon Clan released by Du Yu.

When Qinglian saw Du Yu, she had a strange expression on her face.Just as Du Yu was about to speak, Qinglian's jade finger was lightly placed on his lips: "Shhh! Don't make any noise to alarm those people."

She pointed outside.

Du Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Sorry, I'm the leader of the group of adventurers who were hunted down."

Qinglian was annoyed for a while: "I said, why does it look familiar. Can't you come later?"

Du Yu asked curiously, "Why did you come to the inland again? Last time you were almost captured and killed, Lord Dragon should take good care of you."

Qinglian looked arrogant: "I'm here on business this time, understand? Besides, your inland aquarium is also under the jurisdiction of my East Sea Dragon Clan."

Du Yu asked, "You were sneaking around at first, what are you waiting for?"

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(End of this chapter)

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