Chapter 775 Immortal Treasure Summons Demons, Ghost Immortals Come! - One more subscription
Qinglian said angrily: "Never again. Next time, I will attack your bloody city with the dragon army."

Du Yu laughed loudly, patted Qinglian's head, led the wolf pupil team, quickly bypassed Yunmengze, and rushed towards the bloody city.

Don't stay here for long.

Ten minutes after Du Yu left, an old man with a sense of immortality suddenly descended on Yunmengze.

He frowned: "The old man is a step late?"

Suddenly, another pair of middle-aged Taoist couples appeared in an instant. Seeing this old man, their faces changed drastically, and they backed up on guard, while saluting: "Unexpectedly, the treasure revealed here has alarmed the hidden Eight Immortals in Zifu District." One ghost fairy. My husband and wife are polite."

The ghost laughed loudly: "There is no need for a virtuous couple to be polite, let alone be afraid. I am a ghost passing by here, and I will not kill people for no reason."

The two Taoist couples looked at each other, but they did not dare to relax their vigilance.This ghost fairy is one of the masters in the Zifu District, and he is rarely seen, but every time he appears, it will bring bloody storms.He is notorious for killing people like hemp and looting treasures in the whole space.

Guixian snorted coldly: "If it wasn't for the dense fog in Yunmengze, which blocked my aura detection and spiritual consciousness scanning, how could I have let go of this fairy's relic? The vision of the treasure, even I I feel it. But even if there is a thick fog, I will use the Celestial Eye to search it, you two juniors in the imperial city, retreat quickly!"

The two couples immediately retreated obediently, who would dare not obey the orders of ghosts and immortals?

Guixian closed his eyes and meditated, trying to find the thief who had just obtained the treasure and immediately fled.

He sneered and said, "The little thief hasn't shown up yet?"

His mana is everywhere, like a big hand, pushing away the clouds and mists to see the blue sky, from the sky, he can directly scan the entire Yunmeng Lake.

With every step, the depth of hundreds of kilometers can be clarified, and the traces of Du Yu and the wolf pupil team can be found gradually.

"Hey," the ghost said with a sinister smile, "I'm going to find you soon. Oh, here are the footprints of the Eastern Sea Salamander. There are many more, as long as I track them down, you will have nowhere to escape. Hey, the ghost will not let you go lightly." A thief."

With his big hand, bit by bit in the clouds and mist, he pushed through the mist and found the traces of the wolf pupil team's rapid retreat. The speed of consciousness is more than a thousand miles per second?
The wolf pupil team is about to be discovered by ghosts and immortals, and they will suffer a catastrophe.

Du Yu was leading the team forward, and suddenly felt a pressure that seemed to be there.

He asked Shi Feixuan: "Do you feel that someone is secretly spying on us?"

Shi Feixuan shook her head blankly.

Wan Wan also said no.

But Du Yu was very sure of his intuition.

His wolves are weather-conscious and are most sensitive to danger.

It seems that there is a pair of eyes in the dark, trying to break through the natural cover of Yunmengze and find himself.

Although speaking from common sense, no one can achieve such a shocking level, but Du Yu believed in his intuition.

He resolutely took out the Doomsday Blade.

The instant teleportation ability on it can tear through the void and escape in an instant!

Before, the Doomsday Blade could only take a person out of the void in a short distance.

However, as Du Yu's strength continued to be reminded, especially the charging of the program ape, his spatial ability was greatly enhanced. At this time, the energy of the doomsday blade was enough to carry the wolf pupil team for a long-distance teleportation.

Of course, the price to be paid for this kind of teleportation is extremely expensive, even if Du Yu has already grasped it, he is not willing to use it easily.

But at this moment, without warning, he felt that there was a deadly threat, and it was really approaching.The target is the wolf pupil team.From the beginning is the fairy relic discovered by Michelle and others!
Even if the wolf pupil team is willing to hand over the treasure they got, this huge and terrifying force will not let them be merciful.

Since you cannot escape, face it.

Du Yu immediately assembled the wolf pupil team and roared suddenly.

On the blade of doom, the light shines brightly!
Everyone in the wolf pupil team is in awe of Du Yu like a god!
Such an ability, let alone seen it, has never been heard of in space.

It can tear the entire team through the void and take away the teleportation ability!

That's almost the realm of the gods.

A red light flashed, and Du Yu and the wolf pupil team disappeared in place in an instant.

"Little ones, come out! Grandpa Guixian promises not to beat you to death!"

In the next second, Guixian's divine consciousness of the sky eye technique swept across the place, but he was completely stunned.


No one!
There are only large paw prints and human footprints of Dongming salamander in place, but it doesn't know where it flew to, and there are no traces of walking around.

The ghost fairy did not give up, and spent a lot of mana to investigate the surroundings.

But not around either.

Once the clue is broken, it needs to expand in all directions, but how easy is it?
Ghost Immortal did not give up, frantically searched the surrounding area with a radius of hundreds of kilometers and an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers, but found nothing.

The immortal treasure and the paw print of the Eastern Sea Salamander seemed to have flown extremely far away in an instant.

"Wow wow wow!" Guixian was hysterical and furious.

How could I have alerted the other party to use the long-distance collective teleportation technique with a range of hundreds of kilometers?

Even in the Zifu District, this kind of teleportation is extremely expensive, and it is not so expensive in general.

Where is the loophole?

With bloody red eyes, he glared angrily at the opposite Taoist companion: "It must be you! You and the little thief are in the same group! Don't you?"

He frantically cast the famous god-level immortal technique [Eighteen Ghost Fire Lanterns]!
Eighteen revolving lanterns, like wildfires of will-o'-the-wisps, instantly enveloped the pair of expert immortal cultivators in the imperial city.

The Taoist couple didn't dare to run away before, for fear of angering the ghost, but who would have thought that the ghost would still go berserk, the man angrily took off a Taoist talisman taught by his master, and the woman took off a hairpin from her bun, The two work together to resist the ghosts.

A great battle between the top masters of the Tang Dynasty erupted immediately

With a pale face, Du Yu jumped out of the void and fell into the swamp of Yunmengze Water Town, splashing mud and water everywhere.

Michelle and the others helped him up: "Why did you use the energy of the Doomsday Blade just now? In this way, the 100 million survival points are second. Your body can't bear the burden."

Du Yu laughed and said, "If it wasn't for that, we would be the dead of Yunmengze now. Just now there should be a master immortal cultivator, who was scanning with his consciousness for the immortal artifact. If he finds it, he will die."

Only then did Michelle and the others turn pale.

Du Yu shouted: "I can't stop. Return to the bloody city quickly."

After a day and a night of running around, the wolf pupil team finally returned to Wolf Castle.

"It's finally safe." Michelle threw herself on the sofa in the living room and never got up again.

"We have captured more than 80 water pandas, what should we do with them?" Li Tang asked Du Yu for instructions.

"Give it to Shang Xiuxun, and she will domesticate it. It will be everyone's future pet," Du Yu said with a smile.In addition to mounts, you can also have pets in the space.These water panda CC-level monsters are powerful in melee combat, and they can be called top-quality meat shields. They can be easily sold for hundreds of thousands of survival points on the black market in space.But Du Yu didn't want to sell.

Shang Xiuxun's Pegasus Demonic Beast Ranch is a priceless treasure. As long as a large number of magical beasts are captured and handed over to her for domestication, after a few worlds, they can become valuable combat power for the team.

"I stepped up the taming training, won the Dark World, and let the wolf pupil team have an excellent pet team." Shang Xiuxun patted his chest and said.

Only now did Du Yu have time to carefully examine the fairy things that Maishela gave him.

It was a jade box.

The jade box is made of high-quality ancient jade, about one foot square, the whole body is translucent, the same object can be faintly seen inside, but it is hazy and indistinct.

Du Yu took a deep breath, and just put his hand on it, but was blocked by the prohibition above, unable to touch the switch.

He was reminded: "You have found the things of the ancient immortals and the ancients. But there are powerful prohibition guards. With your current immortal skills, if you force them to open, you will be prohibited from attacking, and you will be wiped out."

Why does the adventurer's thing have a space hint?
Du Yu frowned.

Wang Yuyan said in the space: "I have read through the description of the space. It is like this, after the adventurer dies, some of the most powerful items will be absorbed by the space and become objects of the space by default. Since this immortal is an ancient one, he has been dead for so long , the things left behind are also considered as space attributes, so we can find them.”

Du Yu suddenly realized and nodded.

"If you want to unlock this object, you need to find the key, or complete a series of assessment tasks according to the inscriptions on it, in order to obtain the original owner's approval and unlock Debao."

Du Yu looked carefully, and sure enough, he saw a line of ancient inscriptions on the jade wall next to the box: "I am the son of Yu Cheng. I fell here after fighting against the dragons of the East China Sea. The big time is approaching, and I am unwilling to leave it here. Those who come later can get the relics that kill the dragons and cut off their horns, which can be used to unseal my relics, and you will not be disappointed."

Du Yu cursed secretly in his heart: "This bastard, the relics left behind still need dragon horns? How easy is it to kill a dragon?"

To be honest, the last time I fought against Ao You, I saw the horror of the East China Sea Dragons. Du Yu never dared to provoke the East China Sea Dragons before entering the imperial city.

He put this thing away, there might be some fortuitous encounter, and he could open it earlier, but obviously not now.

At this time, Du Yu's golden bell rang.

"Tracey, Queen of Desire, actually looking for me?" Du Yu immediately recruited A'Zhu to make him up, turned into Sir Mordel, and then used Floo powder to appear directly in Tracy's palace.

Tracy wore a noble whalebone skirt, casual and elegant, and was enjoying afternoon tea. How could she look like a queen of desire?
She raised her beautiful eyes, looked at Du Yu, frowned and said, "Why don't you wear rose plate armor?"

Du Yu complained in his heart.The last time he wore the rose plate armor was the result of beating Model unconscious. This time, in a hurry, he didn't find the rose plate armor, so he wore a German aristocratic attire to deal with the business.

"Respected Your Majesty the Empress" Du Yu took out Model's brilliant tongue lotus and waved his hands respectfully: "Your Majesty came to me today, presumably it was not for me to go to war or to fight a duel for your peerless beauty, so I wore a suit of clothes. Casual attire. What's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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