Chapter 776: The Embryo's Secret Knot!Tracey Secret Date! -Second watch for subscription

Tracy stared at Du Yu for a long time with majestic eyes, until Du Yu's heart was trembling, and she waved her hand: "You all go down. Today's matter is kept as a top secret, and no one is allowed to eavesdrop on rumors. Is it clear?"

Several masters all retreated respectfully, and there was no one else.

Tracy held up the teacup gracefully with her lace-gloved hands, took a sip of the afternoon black tea, looked at the chair next to her with beautiful eyes, and signaled Du Yu to sit down.

Du Yu smiled hippie and looked at Tracy.

This is the New Sanssouci Palace, the empress dowager's bedroom. It is across the river from Versailles Palace where Catherine is located, and it is an incomparably beautiful scene of the European royal court.

The afternoon sun lightly falls on the palace of the Sanssouci Palace, with golden domes, snow-white marble, round Roman columns, majestic statues of adventurer ancestors, roses and roses blooming everywhere, and crystal clear fountains

For a while, Du Yu couldn't understand the intention of this powerful and lustful royal beauty, and he didn't take the initiative to talk to her. The atmosphere was very strange and charming.

Tracy's beautiful eyes fell sadly on the golden lion crest of the Habsburg family and the double-headed statue of the Holy Roman Empire above the main hall of the Sanssouci Palace.The golden double-headed eagle looks more ferocious and majestic, but it is completely dyed red, which seems to indicate the glory of the empire, and it is also heading towards the afterglow of the setting sun.

"Empress Dowager, I didn't know you were looking for me." Du Yu coughed, breaking the deadlock.

"I'm pregnant." Tracy's beautiful eyes seemed to be looking at the sunset in the distance, ethereal but not half-focused, it was a murmur in a trance state.

Du Yu didn't realize it for a while: "Congratulations, Your Highness the Empress Dowager, can you say it again?"

Tracy looked at Du Yu with complicated eyes, and said softly, "I'm pregnant."

Du Yu almost jumped up, managed to suppress the emotions in his heart with great difficulty, and said in a trembling voice, "Whose is it?"

A trace of killing intent flashed in Tracy's phoenix eyes: "Since the death of the late emperor, I have never touched a man. Besides you, an invisible prodigal, who else has it?"

Her beautiful eyes finally had a glow, but it was a mixture of anger, guilt, remorse and murderous intent, no matter what kind of emotion it was, it was absolutely useless to Du Yu.

Du Yu regretted using up the precious flight opportunity of Angel Wings today, his eyes rolled sharply, and he began to think about how to get out.

"We just had a good time, how do you know?" Du Yu gasped.

Tracy was helpless, looked down at her stomach and said, "After all, I am in space. I have given birth to a child once, and it is Joseph. Our adventurers have digitized their bodies, which can directly reflect the pregnancy status."

At that moment, I don't know if it was Du Yu's illusion, as if Tracy's eyes were full of maternal love.

Would such a greedy woman also have maternal love?

Du Yu yelled in his heart that it was not good.

Tracy, the Empress Dowager.

She wanted to find a face-to-face, of course there was no problem, even if the rumor spread, no one would dare to interfere.Catherine got the recording Du Yu gave her, and she only dared to think about how to blackmail Tracy, and dared not push Tracy to a corner.

But pregnancy is another story.

If people found out that this Tracy was pregnant with someone else's child, it must be a bastard other than the royal blood!

How can she be the empress dowager who is the mother of the world?
Catherine will never let this big scandal go, she will definitely be abolished.

Tracy's only possibility is to kill the child in time.

Du Yu took a deep breath: "The Queen Mother"

Tracy's beautiful eyes were cold, as if she knew that Du Yu would say that, she said with disdain, "You don't want it? Are you afraid that I will make you responsible?"

It was the first time Du Yu had a conversation with the beauty about children.He actually wanted more than 20 beauties in the heart of his castle to conceive and have children for him, but why did the Empress Dowager Shinra get pregnant with his own blood?
However, since he is a man and has his own child, how can he give up?

He met Tracy's eyes and said decisively, "I'm not afraid of taking any responsibility!"

Tracy and Du Yu looked at each other for a long time, and suddenly a teardrop rolled down her beautiful eyes.Although Du Yu didn't say much, for Tracy, who had seen countless people, the sincerity and determination in Du Yu's eyes convinced her.

"Well, the Ai family knows"

She stood up, took a deep breath, and turned her back to Du Yu.

"You should be lucky." Tracy said coldly, "If you had advised me to kill this child just now, your head would have fallen to the ground by now."

Du Yu broke out in a cold sweat.

"Why?" Du Yu asked in surprise.

"Anyone who doesn't even have the courage to take responsibility is not worthy of being the father of my child!"

Tracy's voice was full of pride and coldness.

Du Yu's pupils narrowed: "Are you planning to give birth to this child?"

Tracy looked back suddenly, her phoenix eyes were cold and she said: "Why not? I, Tracy, traverse the space and control Shinra, and I am already a human being! If my bloodline cannot be proudly born in the space, but will be annihilated in secret , what kind of empress dowager am I?"

Du Yu secretly praised in his heart.

Although I couldn't understand Tracy's arrogance before, but once with this stunning beauty, the spring breeze, the womb secretly knotted, and she became his own woman. Looking at her resolute statement, there is actually an admirable domineering.

Du Yu stepped forward and put his arms around Tracy's fragrant shoulders.

Tracy stared over with cold eyes.

But Du Yu could abuse this beauty that night, how could he be frightened by her Fengyi?Instead, he embraced Tracy in his arms.

Tracy originally wanted to give this ignorant bastard a hard blow, but for some reason, maybe it was a maternal instinct, she stroked her belly, feeling the little life that had just become a fertilized egg pulsating in her womb, like Nestling on Du Yu's shoulder as quietly as a cat, the two spent a moment together, enjoying the beauty of the setting sun.

At this time, Tracy was no longer as fierce as the empress dowager, but she was like a newly pregnant little wife, snuggling sweetly in her husband's arms, looking forward to the arrival of her little life.

"But what are you going to do after giving birth to this child?" Du Yu asked after taking a deep breath.He can't help but plan for the future.

"If it's a girl," Tracey said softly, "I'll raise it, and claim it's a picked-up child. Since it doesn't involve inheritance rights, no one in the royal family will chew their tongues. If it's a boy"

Her clear phoenix eyes stared at Du Yu and said, "Sir Model, he is your son, and you will take him away. I will try my best to bring him into the Habsburg family through marriage and other means in the future, and support him as a son." Emperor of the Empire!"

Her phoenix eyes were burning brightly, and the flame of ambition was blazing: "I, the second son of Maria Tracy Habsburg, will also become the emperor of the empire after Joseph! So what is Prince Bergen? I made a deal with him, and as soon as the child turns 16, I will help him to the top! Fighting with Tracy, Bergen is still a little bit younger!"

Du Yu's scalp felt numb.

Why is it that Catherine and Tracy, the two blond beauty queens who have a close relationship with him, are so ambitious?

Tracy didn't kill him because of his courage and the child on the one hand, and on the other hand, she planned to let this unborn baby boy become the emperor of the empire!

Just like Wu Zetian, she continued to listen to politics behind the curtain and wield great power.

Fortunately, she was pregnant in October, and there was still time. Du Yuxin said that when he was full-fledged, soared into the sky, and controlled Shenluo, how could you, a beautiful empress dowager, have the final say?At that time, I will accept two concubines, and I will accept this pair of beauties, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, as concubines at the same time. You can warm the bed and take the children with you.

He smiled slightly: "Model naturally obeys orders. But the Queen Mother must take care of the phoenix body, don't get pregnant. How about letting me serve you?"

Thinking of the crazy beauty that night when she won the bid, a blush flashed across Tracy's delicate face, and she softly reprimanded: "Don't be crazy. It's not a joke to move your fetus."

She was immediately picked up by Du Yu and walked towards the bedroom: "Don't worry. I will take it lightly. It is said that in the early stages of pregnancy, doing something properly will help the child."

"Bah" Tracy spat softly, but let him hug him into the bedroom. A moment later, Tracy groaned and screamed contentedly.

Cardinal Richelieu, Concubine Sisi of Light, and Empress Catherine hurried into the Sanssouci Palace, but were stopped by experts.

"You don't know me?" Richelieu said angrily.

The master looked respectful: "Your Excellency Cardinal, who doesn't know?"

"Then you still dare to stop me?" Richelieu was angry.

The master said helplessly: "Today, the Empress Dowager has issued an order that no one is allowed to enter. Please come back another day, Your Excellency Cardinal."

Concubine Sisi, Catherine and Richelieu looked at each other.

The three of them came to Tracy to make final coordination and consultations on the upcoming four-nation competition.

Richelieu represents the pope faction, concubine Sisi represents the saintess faction, Catherine represents the queen and emperor faction, plus Tracy's empress dowager power, constitutes almost all of Shinra's strong lineup.

It is impossible for any strong man to escape the influence of these four giants.

Although the Holy See Supreme Referee team is the absolute main force, Shinra has strong teams such as the Western Trail Blazers in the United States, and they all obey Queen Catherine, while the British Orphan Twist team and Australia's Kangaroo team are more conservative. The will of the Empress Dowager Shinra.

The Chicago Fraternity is a group of black people who have always been disobedient and disobedient.But because of specific ethnic groups, no one can do anything about them.

In the event of a major event, the meeting and cooperation of the four giants of Shinra is required.

And among the four giants, three are women. I wonder if this means that the feminist progress in Europe is better than other places?
The three looked at each other.

The empress dowager was always very active in making decisions like this, why did she hide and see no one this time?
Richelieu coughed: "No, the situation is urgent, I must see the Empress Dowager today."

(End of this chapter)

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