Chapter 777 Recruitment!Call of Tristram! -Four more subscriptions

She observed carefully, but found that Tracy's originally cold face was like a beauty's spring tide, and that touching blush made her delicate body tremble even more.

If it was Catherine before, she would definitely not understand the anomaly of this mother-in-law, but she was confiscated by Du Yu at this time, and she was often turned upside down by that color man. How could she not know that this was a sign of beauty and passion?

Catherine sneered.

No matter who the man is, she welcomes this political opponent to indulge in love.

This time it was just the first stupid move, which benefited my lover's backer Du Yu.

She expects Tracy to make more mistakes later.

Concubine Sisi also bowed and withdrew.

Tracy stood up suddenly and drove Du Yu out of her skirt in a fit of embarrassment.

"Have you had enough trouble?" Tracy tidied up her appearance coquettishly, and said with a smile, "Why are you teasing me to pass the resolution that is beneficial to Du Yu and the queen? Could it be that you are eating from a bowl?" Looking at the pot, are you going to try to trick the queen again?"

Du Yuqian laughed and said, "I'm just thinking for you. You know, anyway, it's the pope who takes out the dragon's horn at the disadvantage. But it benefits us Shenluo, and joining hands with Datang, if we can seize the space treasure, it will greatly increase the national prestige. As the supreme ruler, the empress dowager, you also have a bright face."

Tracy snorted: "I feel disgusted just looking at that Du Yu! The reason why I can't understand that Catherine is that she hooked up with Du Yu! How can my noble blood of the Habsburg family be as good as a Tang Dynasty? Outer city gangsters?"

Du Yu snickered.

If you give birth to a child with black hair and black eyes, and you know that I am Du Yu, you don't know what wonderful expression you will have.

Tracy wanted to taunt Du Yu twice, but Du Yu was extremely domineering. He hugged Tracy, pressed her on the ceremony table, lifted her whalebone skirt, and began to attack.

Tracy was so emotionally moved by Du Yu that she suddenly lost her mind and screamed

"The noble blood of my Habsburg family must not fool around with Datang!"

Tracy did not forget to murmur this sentence when she was conquered by Du Yu to the limit and the craze surged again

Sure enough, not long after, the ashen-faced Richelieu, holding a sealed box, made an appointment with Du Yu through a summons.Meet at a secret bar in Shinra.

After some close talks, Du Yu and Richelieu reached an agreement.The two tacitly agreed, and smiled.

Happy times always fly by quickly.

One month passed in a blink of an eye, and it was time to go to the plot world again.

Du Yu led Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng and the wolf pupil team to gather in the hall of Wolf Castle, waiting for the moment when the story will be announced.

Since this is based on the evaluation of space strength, the top 100 space roll call team battle mode is drawn, and everyone does not know whether they will be drawn, and they have to wait for the space roll call.

"You have been selected to participate in the next space competition team battle and fight for the glory of your respective country! Do you agree? Yes/No?"

"Can you still refuse the recruitment?" Du Yu was taken aback: "This is humane."

"If you choose to quit, you need to submit survival points and equipment equivalent to half of your net worth."

The latter one directly cuts off anyone's attempt to refuse.Du Yu said yes directly.

"Datang adventurer, space number 197621, you have agreed to be recruited by the space as an adventurer for this world competitive team battle!"

"The four-nation team is being organized"

"Scene Modeling"

"The demons of the Flaming Hell have long been eager to invade the human world, and two of the lower hell demon kings, Azmodan and Belial, overthrew and expelled Diabo, the king of terror who is collectively known as the three sources of evil. Luo, Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred, and Baal, the Lord of Destruction, the three brothers were exiled to the sanctuary world settled by humans.

These three demon kings used all kinds of conspiracies to corrupt people's hearts, and used the sanctuary as a tool to fight against heaven.

Human beings have gone through untold hardships to prevent the conspiracy of Diaboluo and his brothers, but they also paid a heavy price for it.Countless men, women and children died tragically because of these three demon kings. Even the ancient artifact "World Stone", which originally protected the sanctuary from heaven and hell, was smashed into pieces after the final battle.

However, forgetfulness seems to be in human nature.In the past 20 years, the residents of the sanctuary have lived a relatively peaceful life, completely unaware that terrifying demons are watching from the dark, trying to corrupt people's hearts and seize human souls.Now almost no one still remembers the terrible misfortune that human beings escaped by chance.Or, more correctly, the terrible doom that humanity got away with delaying.

It's just that there is no longer a delay.Today, the sky is shining with a strange light, heralding the coming of the end of the world.Even though the three major sources of evil have been eliminated, the minions of hell and the human beings who have fallen into the devil's slaves are appearing in various places of the sanctuary at an alarming speed, spreading and wreaking havoc like a plague of locusts.Before long, human settlements and armies will be isolated one by one, drowned in crime, lies and blood.

Who can stand up against the demons of hell? "

After this passage passed, Du Yu slowly opened his eyes.

This is a ghostly world, and a cathedral stands in the distance in the night. It should be the first scene of Diablo III - Tristram Cathedral.For several kilometers around the cathedral, there are bare tree trunks with crooked necks, full of scarlet-eyed crows, and the moon hangs pale in the sky, seemingly helpless against the evil that roams the world.

Tristram Cathedral itself is a Gothic building, already dilapidated, as if it could be blown down by a gust of wind, but it has not yet decided in which direction it will collapse.And the meteorite that flew in the sky smashed into the front of the cathedral, and a huge hole appeared.Flames burst out from the hole.

But when the stern night wind blows and the cathedral is full of holes, the sound of howling ghosts and howling ghosts, makes people feel the icy coldness from the depths of their souls, and their souls will be frozen. .

"This is the world of Diablo III? The first scene?" Michelle appeared around Du Yu, looking around the world.

"How many people are we here?" Li Tang also appeared, looking left and right.

"The counting of the number of people in each group will begin immediately!" Myshela shouted.

First of all, it is necessary to find out how many people have come to the wolf pupil team, so as to be a confidant.

The data of each group is summarized, and the masters of the wolf pupil team, Du Yu, Mai Shela, Li Tang, Ai Ning, Le Qun, Hu Yijun, Ma Quan, etc., all have coefficients in this scene, showing that everyone's strength is determined by space. Ranked among the top 100 in the outer city of Datang. The wolf pupil team really came this time, with more than 30 people, showing the true qualities of the strongest team in the outer city of Datang.

What reassured Du Yu the most was Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng, with their sleeves fluttering, appearing around him.

The joining of these two powerful companions reassured Du Yu.Even Yang Guo's big eagle, as Yang Guo's "pet" (although with the arrogance of a divine eagle, he would never recognize the status of this classification), joined the battle.

Du Yu's heart settled down.

As expected, among the adventurers of the Tang Dynasty, the so-called eunuch and transvestite team of beautiful women in red, Yue Buqun, Zuo Lengchan, and Lin Pingzhi appeared!

Seeing Du Yu and the wolf pupil team, the beautiful woman in red burst into a smile: "I thought you were so scared that you would rather hand over half of your wealth than dare to come. I didn't expect Du Yu to be the head of the family. Is your little heart beating non-stop?"

Du Yu felt nauseous, goosebumps all over the floor.

And Yue Buqun challenged him even more openly: "Du Yu, last time you fought with more and less, and fought with others fairly if you had the guts! I will cramp and skin you and the bitch!"

Zuo Lengchan squeezed his orchid finger, giggled and said, "How much hatred? How much hatred? Master Yue, pay attention to the influence"

Lin Pingzhi calmly looked at Du Yu, whom he had not seen for a long time: "You drew his sword manual to ward off evil, and you hated him to death! You have to avenge your revenge!"

Du Yu couldn't stand this group of rootless lunatics, and felt sick when he heard the words, so he finally set his sights on the last beauty.

This team is not the expected four, but five.

What's even more evil is that the fifth beauty, wearing a long dress from Japan, floats in mid-air, her beautiful long hair flutters with the wind, and her whole body is full of feminine charm.Only the black energy constantly surging from her body showed that she was definitely not someone to be messed with.

"Who is this?" Michelle asked in a low voice, also intimidated by the beauty's beauty.

"You don't know me anymore?" The beauty giggled and looked at Zhang Sanfeng with bewitching green eyes: "Master Sanfeng, you just sent me to hell with an ordinary iron sword a month ago. Why do you have to wait so long? Have you forgotten my old friend?"

Everyone in the wolf pupil team exclaimed.

This is actually heavenly language!

"You resurrected so soon?" Li Tang was dumbfounded.

"Call me Tian Yulang!" Tian Yu held the magic bead in one hand and the magic sword in the other, floating in the air with an awe-inspiring aura. Although he was laughing, he gritted his back teeth with strong hatred in every word: "Thanks to the wolf pupil team My guides, I didn’t know the profound meaning of swordsmanship until I entered hell. My Tianyanqiu was captured by you and committed suicide to save me. Unexpectedly, my skill has improved greatly and I have obtained the inheritance of the demon world. This time I can experience the Wudang sword of Mitutoyo again The method is wonderful."

Zhang Junbao is a young hero with a long sword in green shirt and a jade tree facing the wind. He said with a contemptuous smile, "Monster! Even if you have the strength in the inner city, what can you do? See if I will still send you back to hell with an ordinary iron sword next time!"

Tian Yulang's beautiful pupils showed endless hatred, and with a scream, he was about to conflict.

Dongfang Bubai said indifferently: "Tian Yulang can't do anything wrong. Since we came to this world, they can't escape. Find out the situation first, and then it's not too late to kill them!"

He sneered at the corner of his mouth, obviously seeing through the reality of Du Yu and the wolf pupil team.With him and Tian Yulang as the main players, the super transvestite team composed of Yue Buqun, Zuo Lengchan and Lin Pingzhi, not to mention in Datang, even if you look at the entire adventure team, they are definitely the strongest in terms of average strength team.none of them.

(End of this chapter)

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