Chapter 778 Strong enemies are coming!Cruel men! - Please subscribe!

Du Yu also secretly called it unlucky.

This Dongfang Bubai is enough for him to drink a pot. He didn't expect the resurrected Tianyu to become a transvestite just like Amakusa Shiro Shizhen, and he didn't expect that he actually had the same taste and joined the transvestite team!

This shemale team is really perverted, one is stronger than the other.

The Wuren team also appeared in the void, the iconic sword of the cultivation genius Wuren was still on his back, and powerful partners such as the little beauty boxing mage were by his side.

Before entering, Du Yu had communicated with Wu Ren. Although Wu Ren said that he would talk about joining forces with the enemy after arriving in the space, but from his expression, he already knew that he must join hands with the wolf pupil team.

After the combination of the wolf pupil team and the Wublade team, the number of people has accounted for 4% of the total number of Datang team, and the overall strength has exceeded half.

In this dangerous world team battle scenario, there is actually no need to communicate with adventurers one by one.As long as your strength reaches the scale of the climate and achieves the actual status of the controlling major shareholder, other people, as small and medium shareholders, will have nowhere to go and will naturally follow the major shareholder.

Sure enough, adventurers from the outer city of Tang Dynasty appeared in the void, responding to the call.But although they number as many as more than 50, they obviously lack a strong team combination, and they are just gathered together in twos and threes.Some are even just acquaintances.

Datang, indistinctly, has become a top three confrontational pattern of Dongfang Undefeated Shemale Team, Du Yu's Wolf Eye Team and Wu Ren Wu Ren Team.But Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang are full of aura. Although there are only five of them, they are enough to stand against the wolf pupil team, let alone the relatively small number of Wubla team.

The other people were also scattered around the periphery, waiting for the top three to decide the right to speak.

And other strong teams also appeared one after another.

For Shinra, the Western Trail Blazers of the United States, the Chicago Brotherhood, the British Orphan Twist team, and the Australian Kangaroo team all appeared one after another.Datang is not very familiar with these teams.But according to legend, each is a super strong team.These strong teams have already received orders from big bosses such as Tracy, Catherine, the Pope, and Concubine Sisi.As soon as they appeared, they walked together and greeted each other, showing strong organization.Only the Chicago fraternity, which is dominated by blacks, the boss wears a turban, listens to HiPRIP, and gestures with the middle finger, looking as if he is immersed in his own world and HIgh alone.His subordinates, armed with all kinds of firearms and weapons, had a cold face and were incompatible with the surrounding white adventurers.

The strongest is naturally the Supreme Referee team of the Holy See.Anakin, with a sneer on his face, walked out from the supreme referee team and walked towards Du Yu.

He pointed to a sturdy plate armored knight with a heavy face and a stern face behind him, and said proudly: "This is my boss. The captain of the Supreme Judge team, the captain of the Shinra United team, Lampard Paladin You should have received the order of the cardinal, right?"
Du Yu frowned, what is an order?This Anakin can't speak too much.

Paladin Lampard said gruffly: "Anakin back down!"

Anakin looked resigned. In his opinion, Du Yu was simply a dog bought by Shinra. He dared not disobey him even if he was asked to go east or west.

Paladin Lampard stretched out his right hand and said calmly: "I'm sorry, I think Archbishop Richelieu has already discussed the details of this cooperation with you, right?"

Du Yu nodded.

Lampard lowered his voice and said: "To be honest, the dragon horn is on me. If you want to get the dragon horn, at least make sure that we get the top two twice and successfully upgrade to hell level difficulty. Once we pass the third After the curtain, your Datang team can retire early and go home. Supreme Heaven and Diablo will be handed over to us, is there any problem?"

Du Yu said with great interest, "But you haven't made it clear yet, when will you give me this dragon horn?"

Lampard touched the dragon's horn painfully.

This time, he, as a master of the next generation of the Holy See, also participated in the hunting of the young fire dragon.It was a great battle, the experts of the Holy See fell like rain, even the experts of Zifu District were not spared.Fortunately, the dragon was successfully killed in the end.But the most valuable dragon horn was given to this mere adventurer from the Tang Dynasty.

Only in exchange for Datang's alliance to fight against the alliance between Sudan and the parliamentary state this time.

He couldn't figure it out, wouldn't it be more effective to oppress Datang with the situation?

But Richelieu warned him that this was the decision of Shinra's highest-level group, and it cannot be refuted, just implement it.

He has always been the strongest enforcer.

"You don't have to worry." Lampard knew the importance of this thing and said with a smile: "It won't be too late for you and I to cooperate."

Du Yu sneered and said, "The cooperation is going well? Before you beat Diablo? My people are already dead! Will you still fulfill your promise?"

Paladin Lampard confronted him and said coldly: "I have a German shepherd dog. Before feeding a piece of meat, it is a dog. If you feed it, it will turn into a wolf at any time! I understand the truth!"

Du Yu sneered, "I propose the final terms of the deal."

At this time, rays of light flashed.

Du Yu deliberately kept his mouth shut.

It turned out that the adventurers from the Sudan and the parliamentary country had arrived.

Muhammad Yakun appeared in the void.

Lampard didn't even look at him, and looked directly behind Ya Kun.

The true leader and captain of the Yashan Brotherhood, Saiwu Sharif!
Saiwu Sharif is a middle-aged man with a hooked nose and deep eyes. He is full of energy, has a strong physique, and is a man who fights decisively and kills like hemp. His aura is even more compelling. soul.Yakun, who was as strong as a bull and domineering, stood beside him, but behaved like an apprentice.

Brotherhood of Ashan, show up!

In addition, there are Mike Baishi team and Sea Drifters team, all of which are well-known and strong teams in space, appearing in the void one by one.

The most mysterious one is a team wrapped in white robes.

If we say that the Supreme Judge Team and the Yashan Brotherhood give Du Yu the feeling that they are two strong teams that have been tempered and polished, and everyone is fierce and bloody, but this Assassin's Creed team is like a deep Converged bayonet.Until the last moment, the ferocious dagger blade will not be exposed!
But the power of weather told Du Yu that everyone in this team was a terrifying assassin, and there was absolutely no coward.Even if they can be killed, the opponent will pay the blood price!
"Things are getting more and more interesting." Du Yu sneered.

Sure enough, a strong country has no weak soldiers.This Sudanese adventurer has strong soldiers and strong horses, and his momentum is overwhelming.

Most of the parliamentary countries are strong African black teams, but there are also teams from the three countries of Afghanistan and Latin America.Du Yu even saw Indra's figure and exchanged glances.But when it comes to the individual qualities of adventurers, these black people are the strongest. You can't predict their state, and the possibility of killing a dark horse is extremely high.

The black teams of the Sultanate and the Parliamentary State walked together as soon as they met.Indra and other Albanian and Latin American teams followed behind the blacks with a look of helplessness.

In the face of this series of national team battles, the strength of individuals is almost weakened to the extreme.It is impossible to win a certain task reward without gathering a certain scale.

Nasaiwu Sharif and Paladin Lampard walked together head-on.One is the captain of the Star-Moon Warrior of the Sultanate, and the other is the elite crusader who believes in the gods. When the two veterans collide, Du Yu, who has experienced many battles, feels as tragic as sparks hitting the earth. .

Obviously both of them are adventurers in the outer city, but they exude an aura that is not inferior to that of Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng, which is eye-catching.

Du Yu's complexion changed, and he looked back.

Sure enough, the two masters, Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng, also showed dignified expressions. Obviously, these two powerful enemies, despite their name, have already surpassed the strength of the outer city, and the pressure they have brought to them is not small.

And Shen Luoyan, in the castle, said solemnly: "Although adventurers theoretically, as long as they reach a certain level of strength, they can participate in the assessment and enter the next level of difficulty, but no matter whether it is Sultan or Shinra, the bosses have deliberately Some elites among the elites are left as seeds in low-difficulty areas. It should be used as a means to bring in newcomers and accelerate growth. Duty and Lampard in this game should be the strong ones left by each. Their strength has already reached the level of the inner city!"

"But if they deliberately fail the assessment, they will be gradually deducted from the risk rewards!" Wang Yuyan wondered.

"For giants like the Supreme Referee Team and the Yashan Brotherhood, what is it to raise a person? Even if they can't get any survival points, it won't delay the matter." Shen Luoyan sneered: "Of course, there is also a limit to the space. But those who close the Scarlet City Gate will be obliterated. They will be stuck at the last time, and then enter the next difficulty."

Du Yu sighed.

This is the foundation.

Rich, wayward boss.

Saiwu Sharif and Gerald looked at each other for a long time, Sharif finally sneered and said, "You still have the scars I left on your face. This time, I will cut more accurately."

Gerald also disdainfully said: "I wonder if your brother's arm, which I cut off, has grown well in space?"

The two looked at each other, lightning flashed.

Du Yu secretly smiled.

The group of black people in the parliamentary country raised their voices, and impatiently pulled the bolt of the AK47, and fired into the sky.

"Do you still want to fight?" A tall, handsome black man who resembled KG in the NBA spread his hands and growled.

Saiwu Sharif smiled at the man inscrutablely, and said to Gerald: "In the plot, I will let you see the reputation of Star-Moon Warrior."

Gerrard immediately responded: "ME TOO."

The two separate.

Gerald secretly called Du Yu on the channel: "People from Datang, offer your conditions!"

Du Yu smiled and said, "I'll help you pass the first world! We'll put the Shinra team first! You give me the dragon horn. As for the second world, everyone will continue to cooperate. Don't think that I will be willing." , as cannon fodder for you. If you still refuse to give it to me after I find out that the world is over in the first act, everyone will break up."

Gerald said disdainfully: "I'm still the number one! Do you think you can be on the balance with your little Tang strength? I only give you one task, to suppress those black people in the parliamentary country." , can it be done?"

 Thanks to the Great Wall of Flesh and Flesh Zhuzhong for the 1888 rewards, thanks to the mind control demon, and fyxk 002 rewards!Thanks to volt[-], my mother asked me to eat and other enthusiastic rewards!Four more today!

(End of this chapter)

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