Chapter 779 Kingdom confrontation, brutal obliteration! -Second more please subscribe!
Du Yu smiled: "I will do my best."

Gerald said coldly: "In short, after the first scene, if I, Shinra, can get the first place in points, I can give you the dragon horn."

Du Yu nodded: "But if I find that you are teasing me, don't blame me for joining the other two teams to drive your Shinra into the abyss."

Gerald smiled coldly: "My hammer will smash your head."

After the two reached a tentative agreement in a unique way, Du Yu went to the Datang team.

At this time, the reminder of the rules of the space was long overdue.

"Welcome warriors from all over the world, come to the adventure world of Diablo III, and fight for glory and survival!"

"You will automatically join the righteous side to fight against Diablo's hell army."

Du Yu breathed a sigh of relief. Although he knew the rules a long time ago, he is a unique villain attribute, and he is afraid of assigning himself to Diablo's side.That would make it harder to get the Dark Soulstone.

"Diablo III's world competitive team battle mode, the difficulty is divided into five levels: normal level, nightmare level, hell level, purgatory level, and crazy purgatory level, which clearly correspond to the five levels of difficulty from slums, outer city to Zifu district. Set according to the difficulty , your initial difficulty is Nightmare level."

"It will be divided into five scenes: the first scene Tristram, the second scene Cadian, the third scene Arreat Crater, the fourth scene Garden of Hope, the fifth scene Wesmache"

"In each scene, 9-10 main missions and 6 random missions will be released, and the points rewards for the main missions will be announced. Each team can decide whether to take it or not. The acceptance will be first-come-first-served. If they apply at the same time, the color shake will be used The sub-determined ownership. A team can only take on one main line task at a time. It can only complete this task, then return to the main camp, and take on the second one. Most branch main line tasks can only be undertaken by a national team. Unless it is the main mission of the core plot, all teams can undertake it at the same time. Note that some main missions have a sequence of succession. The pre-missions must be completed before they can challenge the follow-up missions. The random missions can only be completed by the first team to take over. The team Only after giving up can it be taken over for the second time. However, professional trial tasks and secret realm tasks can be triggered freely, and the corresponding point rewards can be received, and there is no limit on the number. For tasks completed by two or more teams, the total points remain the same. The teams assign themselves."

"After each task is completed, a fixed point reward will be given according to the agreed points. Within the national alliance, these points can be distributed freely according to the negotiation method. The higher the difficulty level of the world level [-] challenged by the team, the points and rewards for the same task higher."

"If you find that the task is too difficult to complete after accepting the task, you can give up the task. The penalty is half of the reward points for completing the task. At the same time, the penalty will be issued together with the final reward points to the first team to complete the task."

"At the end of each act, the points for this act will be calculated (accumulated points before are not counted, but they will be valid when they return), and they will be sorted by country."

"The national team with the first total points will receive an additional 20% of the total points obtained in this act as a reward, and other optional reward modes can also be selected. The second-ranked country will receive a halved point reward. The third-ranked country, If there is no extra points reward, the bottom 10% of adventurers will be obliterated. In the country with the fourth point, the bottom 20% of adventurers will be obliterated.”

"Each scene implements the minimum points obliteration. At the end of the first act, adventurers with less than 50 points will be obliterated"

"Points cannot be traded. Once issued, they will be fixed in my account. Unless they die, they can be inherited by others."

"This world implements a dynamic adjustment system. For two consecutive scenes, the top two teams will be forced to upgrade to a level of difficulty! The bottom two teams in the previous scene will have the right to choose whether to lower the difficulty level by one level or increase the difficulty level by one level in the next scene. Or the difficulty remains the same. The lowest difficulty is not lower than normal. The highest is not higher than Crazy Purgatory"

"Difficulty is roughly related to the points. It is based on the points of the nightmare level in the outer city. The normal level is 70%, the nightmare level is 100%, the hell level is 200%, the purgatory level is 300%, and the crazy purgatory is 500%"

"This plot allows adventurers to attack each other, but does not give the 30% bloody key reward bonus."

"In this plot, it is mandatory to complete the third act of the Arreat crater before you can choose to return to the bloody city. The fourth and fifth acts can decide whether to continue."

"The purpose of the points is that after completing the challenge of this mission, when you return to the space, you can use the points as currency to freely exchange for all items in the dark world."

"War dead or obliterated, before death, they can designate the heirs of the points in their own accounts. If there is no will, the surviving adventurers in the country will divide their points equally."

"In this world, the equipment, gems, and skill books that are played can be brought out of this world. The gold coins that are drawn can be purchased at the blacksmith or brought out freely."

"This world cannot use any instant return items to return to the city. The discoverer will be obliterated."

"Also note that this world has an open career system. You have three choices. One is the job change mode. Adventurers can change jobs to one of the six jobs of barbarian, crusader, demon hunter, witch, monk, and witch doctor." 5. There are two advantages of changing to a job in this world. First, the job in this world has an additional 10% attack damage bonus to monsters. After completing the professional certification and obtaining professional skills, it will increase to an additional 5% damage bonus. The second is to provide professional trial tasks. Although it will bring additional risks, there will also be additional points and reward opportunities. The second is compatibility mode. You have chosen the six major occupations of Diablo, and your previous attack methods are still compatible. Can’t get additional attack damage bonus, and my original attack power is weakened by [-]%. But keep the professional trial task. The third is to give up the dark profession, neither bonus nor weaken. After this world, you can give up this world Occupation, restore the original occupation."

"The secret system is open in this world. In the adventure, the adventurer completes the task, and may reach the stone of the secret. After collecting 5 pieces, click on the Nephalem stone tablet in the center of the camp to open a certain secret. The secret is similar to adventure. A dungeon of the world. Relatively speaking, the monster density in the secret realm is high, and there are many elites. After killing a certain number of monsters, the big boss will be refreshed. After killing the boss, there will be a higher chance of dropping various rare equipment than usual In addition to materials, gemstones, certain points will be rewarded according to the results of the exploration of the secret realm. The boss of the secret realm is more likely to drop the stone of the grand secret realm and enter the legendary grand secret realm!"

Everyone was shocked by the detailed and bloody explanation, which can be called a space, one by one.

It is indeed a big scene that only happens once in 60 years, and there are no loopholes to exploit.

Shen Luoyan pondered and said, "It's a little different from the information we got before."

"First of all, this world allows more than two teams to complete a certain main task together, which makes cooperation possible. At the same time, killing each other is not encouraged, and the overall tendency is to take risks.

cooperation. " she said carefully.

"Of course, it cannot be ruled out that when some teams are desperate, they launch crazy sneak attacks on the team above them, and both lose. After all, the ranking can determine the life and death of up to 20 adventurers in the team. It is not a trivial matter."

Du Yu nodded: "Let's straighten out the Datang team first."

He glanced at the lonely Dongfang Bubai, who then stared at him with interest.

Du Yu's scalp was numb, and he walked towards Wuren.

Wu Ren is taciturn, and all foreign affairs are handled by the beautiful girl beside her.

The girl named Tina said seriously, "Hey! What benefits can we get from cooperating with you?"

Du Yu shrugged and said: "First of all, let us be clear. You have also seen the strength of the other three countries. First of all, if you don't cooperate, none of you can get the top two and keep the 10% and 20% that are not obliterated by space. Right?"

Thinking of the consequences of being wiped out, the Tina girl also shuddered.

Who can guarantee that they will not be in the bottom 10%?

She was silent for a while, nodded and said, "How do you plan to distribute the points you get together?"

Du Yu said in a deep voice: "How about the calculation based on output and merit? Anyway, our cooperation is long-term rather than a temporary solution. There are at least three acts, more than 30 main-line tasks and 18 side-line tasks for us to coordinate with each other." But there is no doubt that our wolf pupil team will occupy an absolute position in command."

The meaning of these words is very obvious. Even if a certain allocation is unfair to one party, according to the calculation formula, the next task can also burst back.But the Wolverines must count on what they say.

Tina snorted coldly: "We can also find people to form a team ourselves, we don't have to listen to your wolf pupil team."

Du Yu pouted: "Your other choice is that team of beauties."

Tina happily said: "That sister in red looks very beautiful. That sister of swordsmanship is also very beautiful."

Du Yu smiled and said, "But I will tell you, is this team that seems to be composed of beauties actually all men?"

Tina was completely stunned.

Even Wu Ren stared at the Eastern Invincibles for a long time before Wu Ren and Tina said in unison: "Okay, we decided to cooperate with you."

Du Yu heaved a sigh of relief.The wolf pupil team and the Wublade team together have more than 40 people, and they have relative control.

Du Yu and Tina walked up to the 50 Datang adventurers together, and said in a deep voice, "Our wolf pupil team and Wubla team jointly announced that we will form the Datang United team. Complete the tasks together, and the points you get will be awarded according to merit." Fair distribution. You have heard the rules just now. In the case that the four countries act as a team unit, the chance of an individual completing the task alone is almost zero. The danger of allowing adventurers from the national team to challenge the task is self-evident. Everyone Are you willing to follow me in Du Yu's actions?"

(End of this chapter)

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