Chapter 780 The slut provokes, the Tang Dynasty splits! -Third watch for subscription

These 50 "retail investors" in the outer city of Tang Dynasty looked at each other.

Du Yu's reputation in the outer city had already spread far and wide.

He was a court official but eventually became a court official.

His feud with Hou Xiaobai forced the Ya Nei to leave the East China Sea.

His wolf pupil team, as a rising star, wiped out five strong teams from the outer city.

Everyone is envious of the generous treatment of the wolf pupil team, and it has become a holy place for everyone to compete for.

Any one of the above reasons is enough to make these adventurers feel trust in Du Yu just like the wolf pupil team in the bloody city gate.

At this moment, after hearing the cruel obliteration rules of the team battle in the Dark Three Worlds, can anyone say no?

And far away from them, there is only the strange "shemale eunuch team" composed of Dongfang Bubai, Yue Buqun, Tian Yulang and others, plus Yue Buqun's impatient face of "what are you looking at? Are you looking for a fight?" With a cold eye, the adventurers of the Tang Dynasty actually had only one choice, Du Yu.

But these adventurers are also veterans, and they will not let the two major shareholders, the Wolf Eyes Team and the Bladeless Team, have the final say.Then they are destined to become thankless cannon fodder.After a lot of commotion, the president was elected.

These **** are all smash hit masters.Two men and one woman.

The first one is Qiu Haijun, a special soldier who looks like a soldier. He has short hair, a sharp spirit, and a strong hand. He holds a pistol with a dim light in his hand. On the ground, it gives people a very solid and reliable feeling.He is also the captain of a strong team [Bloodthorn].This team is small in number, but it is composed of elite veterans, and they have basically entered the adventure of Datang.

The second one is Tang Lin, a somewhat sinister, arrogant and domineering old man, wearing a dragon and phoenix robe, and his claws have been impregnated with skills for at least several decades.It was the famous lone wolf in the outer city—Lao Diao.No one knows his real name, but at least 4 strong men from the outer city were killed by him, including a disciple of Shi Guodong who died, which shows his domineering and ruthless hands.

The third one is Wang Xiaorong, a heroic short-haired beauty.This woman is very similar to an OL who came out of an office building, but her every move is full of shrewdness.The charm value seems to be high, but in comparison, the martial arts are not outstanding.Probably these Tang adventurers were afraid that Qiu Haijun and Tang Lin would be too stubborn to communicate with Du Yu and Tina, so they sent Wang Xiaorong, a communication expert.

Wang Xiaorong smiled before saying anything: "This time, we will protect everyone's interests. I propose that we invest in these more than 50 retail investors. Du Yu, you represent the wolf pupil team, and Tina represents Wu Ren Team, five of us formed a collegial group to decide Datang's advance or retreat."

This sentence fully demonstrated the shrewdness and viciousness of this woman!
The three of them accounted for the relative majority of the collegial group, and Tina also had a seat on behalf of Wuren's 10-member team. Du Yu's wolf pupil team, although there were more than 30 people, was only Du Yu alone!
It is conceivable that when voting came up, her eloquence could influence the movements of Tang Lin and Qiu Haijun, completely suppressing Du Yu's will.

Tina looked at Du Yu.

Wang Xiaorong looked at Du Yu's calm face and said with a smile: "In reality, I am the secretary of the board of directors of a listed company, and I am well versed in corporate governance. My proposal is not groundless. In terms of the number of people, we have more than 50 people. It is not an exaggeration to occupy a relatively majority. In other words, in terms of shareholder governance structure, the three of us are the relatively majority major shareholders. The two of you add up to 40 people and occupy two seats. Of course, I also Not a pure supporter of parliamentary democracy. As long as what you say makes sense, I will naturally vote for you. Where are you going?"

Before she finished speaking, Du Yu was already polite, nodded with a smile, and walked towards his team: "Since Miss Wang, you are eloquent, and what you said makes sense. I admit that I can't beat you. But I have wolf eyes Just leave the team. Play parliamentary democracy yourselves. Let's hope your names won't be on the kill list after the first act."

Wang Xiaorong's face was ashen, and she screamed: "You clearly want to be a tyrant and an only husband, ruling us retail investors! Sacrifice our interests! Do you think I didn't see you whispering to that Anakin? Let me tell you"

Du Yu let out a roar of the ghostly prison wind, and roared angrily, "Shut up!"

This sound wave attack broke Wang Xiaorong's scream, and the latter turned blue and took a step back.

Du Yu sneered and said, "I'll give you two choices. First! A four-member collegial group consisting of me, Maishela, Li Tang, and Tina. The three of you are auditors and have the right to speak. Voting rights! Second, we are two teams, taking risks alone, you more than 50 shareholders, please do what you want."

Wang Xiaorong pointed her teeth sharply, and said in a sharp voice: "I've heard of you, Du Yu! But you are so crazy. Do you think that with the strength of your wolf pupil team, you can take care of the Sudan and the parliamentary state?" And Shinra's strong team? You can't handle any of them! You have to rely on more than 50 of us. If you think you can persuade us to follow you without any effort, you are very wrong."

Du Yu shrugged: "That's what I want to say."

He faced the more than 50 adventurers and shouted: "This is the representative you elected! This woman, who claims to be a bone spirit in the company, is ridiculous to dump the company and move to the bloody city! Don't say it!" I didn't give you a choice. If you follow me, I can't guarantee anything else. At least your name won't be on the obliteration list! And if you believe in this woman, then you can ask for blessings. Anyway, I am the wolf pupil team Adding the strength of the Bladeless team, I dare not say it in the first place in points, it is enough to protect myself!"

There were more than 50 adventurers, and there was a lot of discussion.

Wang Xiaorong screamed: "Everyone, don't believe him. He clearly has an agreement with Shinra's high-level executives! We form a team on our own, and we don't have to worry about our future! Have you seen the beauty in red?"

Du Yu was taken aback.

The sudden appearance of Wang Xiaorong disrupted his overall plan.

Originally, he regained the Bladeless Team, and after successfully accepting these more than 50 adventurers, he would be able to completely isolate the Eastern Undefeated Shemale Team.

Although Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang are strong, but with only 5 members, it is impossible to complete too many tasks anyway, and it is even a question of whether they have the strength to complete the tasks.

With a disparity of 95 to 5, even with the arrogance of Dongfang Invincible, he had to choose to cooperate with Du Yu temporarily to avoid being obliterated.

But at this time, Wang Xiaorong, a disgusting woman, with sharp teeth, disrupted this plan.

Yang Guo said in a low voice: "Do you want me to kill this person immediately? To win them over."

Du Yu smiled slightly, and waved at Shenluo's team.

Everyone's eyes returned to Du Yu again.In the Shenluo team, a small team ran out in ecstasy and went straight to Du Yu.

It turned out to be the American team composed of Captain No. [-], Sam and others.

Seeing Du Yu's call from their old club, this team abandoned the Shenluo camp without hesitation and went straight to Du Yu's place.

Lampard, Anakin and the others were completely unaware of this kind of thing, and their faces turned livid with anger.

But they couldn't stop it either.

Because in this dark world, obliteration depends on one's own country's ranking, and on one's own points!

If his own points can rank among the top 80% of adventurers in his country, no matter how he tries to kill him, he won't be able to kill him.Therefore, it is entirely possible to disrupt the nationality and go to other countries for higher personal points.

Captain No. 6 and Sam's team are small in number, but there are 6 people, which shows that the team is developing well, and 100 people can be ranked in Shinra TOP[-].Of course, it is also thanks to Du Yu who often secretly leaks some information, or deliberately takes care of him in the transaction, so that his team, which is isolated overseas, can develop faster.

Captain No. [-] laughed loudly, picked up a heavy knight shield, and held a heavy crusader's flail in one hand, excitedly said: "Brother! Just wait and see how I use the job of the crusader to crush monsters all the way."

Then Sam also chose a professional male demon hunter in this world, dressed in long-distance clothing, and the western adventurers who followed him included magicians and barbarians.

These six burly men accidentally joined Du Yu's camp, which not only shocked Gerald, but also left Wang Xiaorong and others dumbfounded.

Their only bargaining chip to make Du Yu succumb was that Du Yu was short of manpower.

But at this time, Du Yu has the wolf pupil team, the bladeless team, and the No. 50 captain team. He has gathered [-] powerful adventurers and has reached the edge of completing the task independently without worrying about internal coordination.

Maishela took a step forward, and said in a low voice: "Then Wang Xiaorong is so hateful, deliberately sabotaging our integration plan, could it be the flower demon in the intelligence?"

Du Yu took a deep look at Wang Xiaorong, who was staring at him fiercely, obviously very angry at his miscalculation.

Du Yu smiled: "Probably not. No matter how good the flower demon is at dressing up, she is always an outsider. These three are all long-established masters. I have heard of Wang Xiaorong. She is a coquettish fox and bone spirit. That set, moved to the bloody city. Because she knows how to adapt to the wind, and she has two sets of words, she can win the hearts of many casual people. What she does today is the old way. But we can't rule out flowers Demons kill people, and replace them with suspicion."

Maishela snorted coldly: "With me, a veteran in space, here, how can she, a coquettish fox, ask for anything?"

She stepped out of the wolf pupil team and said loudly to more than 50 retail investors: "Everyone knows me, Mai Shela. Before the gate of the bloody city closed last time, I didn't know everyone in the wolf pupil team, and I didn't know Du Yu. But we are deeply grateful that we made the right choice once! We believed in the right people! Therefore, I am now the strongest team in the outer city! The former Shi Guodong, Red Mang, and Yamazaki Ryuji were all sent to hell by us. If you Believe in me, Michela, and follow the wolf pupil team! It's better than this woman who can talk about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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