Chapter 781 Speed!Grab the main mission! -Four more please subscribe!
When Maishela said this, more than a dozen adventurers from the Tang Dynasty made up their minds and went to the wolf pupil team regardless of the dissuasion of the people around them.

The leader was a woman with a calm temperament, who seemed to be old acquaintances with Mai Laxue, and held hands and said a lot of reminiscences, and said generously: "You guy has gained power, so you will leave me behind. I apply for your wolf pupil You rejected the team three times."

Mai Shela introduced her to Du Yu and said, "This is my old partner, An Hong, the lioness. Back then, I was nicknamed Huabao, and she was nicknamed the Lioness. They were both female leaders among the mercenaries, and they worked together many times. .The character is decent!"

An Hong smiled and said, "I already knew the power of your pair of iron partners, and I specially brought 15 people here. Look at Wang Xiaorong, what else is there to sing."

Du Yu nodded.

In this way, there are as many as 65 chips in his hand, while Wang Xiaorong on the opposite side only has more than 30 people left, so he is alone.If she can't come up with a better way, her subordinates will fall to her.

Qiu Haijun and Tang Lin focused their eyes on Wang Xiaorong.

Tang Lin said with a smile: "Wang Fox, you promised that there is an absolute way to get the control of Datang. But I don't think so. Du Yu has the support of two-thirds of the adventurers. I think it's better to bring people there earlier, otherwise the hot ones won't be able to catch up with the shit."

Qiu Haijun's calm gaze also contained an unquestionable expression.

Once Wang Xiaorong can't come up with a countermeasure, they will immediately turn to Du Yu.

Although following Du Yu is not as profitable as controlling the Datang team, at least it will not be easily obliterated.

Wang Xiaorong's face was pale, and she stared at Maishela fiercely.The latter contemptuously gave her a look of disdain, and signaled that I would fight for my seniority and contacts with Mai Xue, you should be more tender.

Du Yu secretly promised that Maishela enjoyed a very high reputation and popularity among adventurers in the outer city.Every time she went to taverns, casinos and other places, she always got along with the lowest-level adventurers.

Wang Xiaorong stomped her feet hard and walked straight towards Dongfang Bubai.

"You don't need to be superstitious about Du Yu and the wolf pupil team." She said coldly, "Let me solemnly introduce you to a real powerful figure—this beauty in red is the invincible Dongfang Bubai!"

The eyes of the 35 adventurers from the Tang Dynasty stared straight away.

Dongfang Bubai smiled and said: "Sister Xiaorong, everyone, hello everyone."

The adventurers of the Tang Dynasty were immediately moved.

It's not that he has any thoughts about the "beauty" of Dongfang Bubai, but that the four characters of Dongfang Bubai are themselves a golden signboard that is more powerful than Du Yu!

Who doesn't know that Dongfang Invincible is the real "Invincible" existence.

Wang Xiaorong didn't think it was enough of a sensation, so she smiled lightly and said, "A few days ago, the number one wind media in the Tang Dynasty was killed on the first floor, and it was Miss Dongfang who killed her. Once the needle was injected, she would die."

Everyone exclaimed again.

Qiu Haijun and Tang Lin looked at each other without saying anything.

Although Dongfang Bubai is very powerful, it's true, the two of them can also see that Dongfang Bubai is a real master, and they can't even figure out her true realm.But Dongfang Bubai, who is full of evil spirits, still gives them a lot of doubts and a sense of oppression.

Will Dongfang Bubai be used as cannon fodder?
After the strength problem is solved, trust becomes the key again.

Wang Xiaorong looked smug, and introduced them one by one: "These masters are the head of Yue Buqun, the leader of Zuo Lengchan, and the young hero of Lin Pingzhi. You all know how powerful they are, right? Why aren't they better than a mere Du Yu?" Is it reliable with the wolf pupil team? And this one?"

She probably didn't know Tian Yulang who joined later.

Tian Yulang said in a coquettish tone: "Wang Xiaorong, you bone spirit, don't you know anyone? I am Tian Yu from the Tian Yu Ao Shi team!"

Everyone was petrified.

But the strength of Tianyu, without a doubt, is a gold-lettered signboard.

Wang Xiaorong said proudly: "This team is the answer I gave you! Although there are only five of them, each of them is a legend-level master. They can destroy the wolf pupil team alone. This thigh is obviously stronger than the team. The wolf pupil team is much thicker."

Qiu Haijun and Tang Lin nodded.

Although they were a little apprehensive towards these monsters with strange temperaments, but in terms of strength, from the eyes of everyone, it was natural to see that they had indeed suppressed Du Yu's wolf pupil team.

Du Yu smiled slightly, not paying attention at all.

Yang Guo said coldly: "I really don't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth, let's see how I can defeat that Dongfang Bubai!"

Du Yu waved his hand: "Second brother, don't worry."

He smiled and said: "Our manpower is already sufficient. 65 united strong men are far better than 100 rabble who are engaged in internal friction in the parliament. When it comes to the plot world, we will play with these opponents."

So far, all the teams participating in the dark team battle have been formed.

With the Supreme Referee Team as the core, the Shinra Adventurer United is composed of the Western Trail Blazers, Chicago Brothers, British Orphans in the Twist, and Australian Kangaroo Team. Captain: Gerald Paladin.The number of people is 95.

With the Ashan Brotherhood as the core, the Sudanese Adventurers Alliance is composed of the Mike Tianshi Team, the Sea Drifters Team, and the Assassin's Creed Team. Captain: Saiwu Sharif, with 100 people.

Many scattered tribes are the core of the parliamentary black team.There is also a parliamentary team composed of three countries and Latin American teams.The number of people is 100.

Du Yu, Yang Guo, and Zhang Sanfeng led the wolf pupil team, the bladeless team, the No. 65 captain team, and the wolf pupil team composed of the lioness An Hong and others.Captain: Du Yu.The number of people is [-].

Dongfang Bubai, Tian Yulang, Yue Buqun, Qiu Haijun, Tang Lin and Wang Xiaorong formed the Datang Splitters team. Captain: Dongfang Bubai.The number of people is 40 people.

Among them, there are three major camps.

The adventurers from the sultan and the parliamentary country gathered together, faintly forming a faction.

And Shenluo and Datang Langtong team stood together and became a confrontational faction.

The undefeated splitter team in the east stood aside.

Space suddenly announced: "World competitive team battle, start now!"

In an instant, the protective film that cannot use force disappeared, and in an instant, all the adventurers present rushed forward!

You know, the main task is first come first served!

Whoever can be the first to snatch a high-quality mainline task will be able to seize the opportunity.

Points are life.

In front of everyone is a winding Overlook Road.Follow the path until you reach the gate of New Tristram.

Du Yu unfolded Tiyun Zong and Lingbo Weibu, jumping between mountain roads and rocks as fast as lightning.

And Yang Guo, with his sleeves fluttering, galloped along with the divine sculpture.

Zhang Sanfeng jumped forward among the loose and dead trees, launching the ladder cloud from time to time.

However, Shinra's Gerald knight was riding a tall horse and galloping wildly.Behind him, Anakin and other knights were also fully armed, and their iron horses were clattering, striving to be the first to rush to New Tristram.Some of Shinra's mages applied a medium-speed wind-type acceleration technique to the fastest knights, making them run like lightning.

And Captain Sharif, leading the Sudanese adventurers, also mainly cavalry, all kinds of camels, griffins, war horses, etc., rushed towards New Tristram frantically.

Those black adventurers fully demonstrated the endurance and explosive power of black muscles, jumping up and down among the rocks and running at high speed.

The most important thing is that while charging, the masters from all walks of life are afraid of being overtaken by others, so various skills start to attack each other for free.Whoever dares to rush to the first place will become the target of public criticism.

But just when everyone was killing each other indiscriminately, no one expected that a sudden force would emerge!

A red phantom floated in front of it in an instant, and disappeared after a few ups and downs.

"Bastard!" The arrogant Sir Lampard and Sharif didn't expect that an unknown oriental woman would take the lead. In a rage, they beat their horses and galloped away.

Du Yu sighed inwardly.

In terms of speed, no one in the world can catch up to Dongfang Bubai.

After practicing the Sunflower Canon, the biggest change is that the speed is simply astonishingly fast.

Du Yu himself is also a speed player with agility to break a hundred. He also has top Lingbo Weibu and Tiyun Zongqinggong, which are still far behind Dongfang's undefeated speed.

Fortunately, Du Yu also has 68 attribute points and 48250 villain points unallocated. As one of the trump cards at the critical moment, he is not afraid of Dongfang's undefeated speed.But to deal with Dongfang Bubai, whose speed is unrivaled in the world, the ordinary siege is obviously not enough, and a lot of brains are required.

Along the way, ghostly.

Suddenly, a black and purple zombie (Risen) got up and rushed to the frontmost adventurers.

Dongfang Bubai let out a cold snort, and passed over the heads of the zombies without even staying in the lower part.

But wherever she passed, the zombies would fall to the ground dejectedly, as if their bones had been drained dry.No one knows how this delicate beauty does it, but usually a zombie's head is pierced by an embroidery needle.

Gerald and Sharif rode on war horses, and Yakun rode on Beamon, leading the team to crush all kinds of zombies along the way, killing flesh and blood.Before the official battle begins, the adventurers have already started to show off their might, show off their strength, and show off each other.

And Yakun's tomahawk, which was about to split a zombie's head, was shot by Anakin's precise running and long-range shot, and suddenly exploded, raising the atmosphere of confrontation to the extreme.

Du Yu was also running wildly all the way, but he was not in a hurry to attack the zombies. Anyway, he would not get points for attacking at this time.He blasted towards the zombie with the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, but he only used [-]% of his internal strength.

The zombie flew up with a bang.

It seems that on the difficulty of nightmare, ordinary adventurers can deal with these zombies without difficulty.

Of course, at this time, there are quite a few zombies on the side of the mountain road, but compared to the 400 adventurers passing by, they are still mantises. It is completely for the adventurers to familiarize themselves with the world. When it's over, curse aloud.

Du Yu didn't pursue speed, and still patiently fought the zombies move by move.

(End of this chapter)

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