Chapter 782 Battle of Wisdom and Speed!Mission battle! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Wang Xiaorong glanced past, and said with a malicious smile: "Look, our hero is slaughtering zombies."

A group of Datang supporters behind her roared with laughter.

In their opinion, although Du Yu is good, compared with Dongfang Bubai, he is simply scum.

When Wang Xiaorong passed by Du Yu, she laughed softly and said, "My hero, when you can't get along, I welcome you to work at any time. Of course, as my cannon fodder. If you don't want to die."

Du Yu shrugged.

He has a good habit of obtaining standard parameters for decision-making after entering a certain world.

After his tests, although the number of monsters in this world is small, they will not pose a threat to adventurers.But Diablo Warcraft has always fought more and less!
It is not difficult to imagine how many monsters will jump out from all directions in the wild woodland and besiege the adventurers.

From the point experience, it is speculated that the difficulty coefficients of normal, nightmare, hell, purgatory, and ultimate purgatory should be linked to the reward coefficient, which is 70%, 100%, 200%, 300%, and 500%.

That is to say, once entering hell difficulty, these zombies will be at least 2 times stronger than now!
Twice as powerful is not simply equivalent to two zombies, but twice as powerful in all attributes, including attack, defense, blood volume, speed, etc.The difficulty factor is at least four times that of the current one.

Du Yu sighed inwardly.

Diablo III on the difficulty of hell is really not easy to break through.

If Wang Xiaorong knew that Du Yu was boringly beating zombies here, and would get such a bunch of useful information, I don't know if she would regret hitting the wall.

Finally, after the Eight Immortals crossed the sea and showed their magical powers, everyone came to the gate of the village.

In the plot of Diablo II, after the town of Tristram was destroyed by the mad magic army, "New Tristram" was established around the ancient monastery.The new town has existed for several years, but exactly when it was established is unknown.In the beginning, it was just a group of profit-seeking businessmen looking for adventurers who came here to explore the treasures of the cathedral and did business here.Gradually, however, some people settled here, and New Tristram was established.But the treasures of the cathedral were finally discovered, adventurers and travelers stopped coming, and New Tristram began to decline.

When Du Yu entered New Tristram, hundreds of adventurers frantically flocked into the town.Fortunately, Captain Rumford (Captain Rumford) had just finished a battle, and his exhaustion left him almost powerless, so he immediately released the mission.

That Dongfang Bubai stood in front of him coldly, trying to accept the task.

Captain Rumford (Captain Rumford) finally caught his breath, and shouted: "Don't be dazed, another wave of enemies is coming!"

As soon as he finished speaking, another large group of zombies came to besiege Tristram!
This group of zombies was divided into three waves. Under the icy moonlight, barely supporting their broken bodies, they groaned and rushed towards Tristram.

Dongfang Bubai let out a cold snort, and launched the attack first before everyone could react!

Originally, although the number of these zombies is large, for adventurers who have 400 of the best outer city masters, they are not even qualified to bite their teeth. Everyone saw his peerless martial arts.

She is such a high-profile, high-spirited person.

Be unique!

I saw a red cloud drifting past, and all the zombies that were roaring and trying to attack Tristram fell down in an instant!

Sharif, Lampard, Anakin, Yakun, and other masters all frowned and looked serious.

Du Yu, Mai Shela, Li Tang, and even Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng felt the fear of Dongfang Bubai!
Even the divine eagle was irritated by Dongfang Bubai's arrogance. He neighed loudly and patted Yang Guo's shoulder lightly, signaling him to go up and fight Dongfang Bubai.

And Wang Xiaorong smiled like a flower, looked at Du Yu and the others coldly, with a malicious light flashing in her beautiful eyes: "Are you regretting it now? It's too late."

In almost a second, Dongfang Bubai completed a circle around the city and cleared the area. He lightly landed in front of the stunned Captain Rumford. Ling Ran said, "Can we talk now? What about the task?"

Captain Rumford was also completely shocked by this scene of slaughtering zombies.

Although he has seen countless heroes, he doesn't need to be very strong to deal with this wave of zombies, and he can basically pass the level, but such a high-profile and brilliant method like Dongfang Bubai's one-man clearance of hundreds of zombies does not rely on a high-profile bragging rights heart can complete.

That requires strength!
Brutal strength.

Dongfang Bubai's cold gaze fixed on Captain Rumford, which made this veteran soldier feel chills in his heart.

He coughed and said, "You can enter the village later! There will be a lot of tasks in the village for you to do. Our manpower is too small."

Dongfang Bubai didn't wait for him to finish his nonsense, and immediately ran out of sight.

In the village, the people's livelihood is in decline, wandering travelers, godless residents, desperate villagers and nervous guards can be seen everywhere, and people's uneasiness and despair about the status quo can be heard everywhere.

The fastest ones like Dongfang Bubai went straight to the Slaughtered Calf Inn to find Leah.Although she has not been in the space for a long time, she seems to be no stranger to the plot world.This first task, she is considered to have grabbed it!

Du Yu remained expressionless and followed behind Dongfang Bubai.Beside him were the distraught Sai Yiwu and Lampard, and Yakun and Anakin were even panting, chasing after him frantically.

Unexpectedly, Dongfang Bubai took advantage of his speed to snatch away the first main task.

Once she takes on this main task that is not too difficult but not low in rewards, the others will fall behind by a large margin.After she quickly leads people to complete this task, and then comes back to snatch the follow-up main task, she will be faster step by step.

But Du Yu didn't look depressed at all, on the contrary, he looked at the Dead Cow Hotel with great interest.

Sure enough, a moment later, Dongfang Bubai rushed out of the Dead Cow Hotel in a cloud of red.

Lampard and Saif looked furious.

Because they were prompted at the same time.

"The adventurer team of the Tang Dynasty, Dongfang Bubai has accepted the first main task of the first act [Falling Star]! Requirement: kill the demon queen in the ruins of the old town. Reward for this task: 1125 points. 370 gold coins .”

Wang Xiaorong looked smug, and led Qiu Haijun, Lin Tang and others who were equally happy, and followed Tian Yulang, Yue Buqun, Zuo Lengchan and others, and rushed towards the ruins of the old town.Then Wang Xiaorong still didn't forget to hit Du Yu: "Come on, handsome guy. Of course I won't forget that there is a hidden perfect completion setting for this mission. There are three demon queens in the ruins of the old town. If we can kill them all, our The reward will be higher. Hee hee. I'll wait for you to come to work."

Lampard and Saif looked at each other without looking up, and immediately rushed to the Dead Cow Hotel.

This hotel has become a purgatory on earth.

There were many corpses of villagers who had just mutated lying here and there.They were all bitten by zombies and turned into zombies in an instant, ready to attack Dongfang Bubai and Liya.But in front of Dongfang Bubai's lightning-fast shooting speed and powerful attack power, they were all knocked down almost instantly.


Everyone's face changed drastically!

If it was said that Dongfang Invincible was just one step faster than them and grabbed this task, now everyone realizes how fast Dongfang Invincible is.

That is almost a speed beyond the limit of human cognition.

Not only did he have time to help Leah kill so many zombies, but he also grabbed the mission first.

Lampard and Saif looked furious.

It was an unexpected surprise.

The two rushed towards Leah in no particular order.

Everyone knows that the second main task is still issued by Leah.

And it is an extremely important main task [Kane's Mystery of Life and Death]!
This task directly determines the attitude of Kane, an important plot character, towards you.

As the only character in the Dark Trilogy, Kane's importance is self-evident, and the benefits of rescuing him are great.

Leah is a beautiful girl with oriental aesthetics. She has short chestnut hair, a handsome nose, a bumpy figure, and a neat short dress, but she has a pair of sentimental and impressive beautiful eyes.

Sighing, she begins to tell how her uncle, Decard Cain, was there when the meteorite fell, fell into the crater and disappeared.She was worried about her uncle's safety.Someone needs to follow her to the ruins of the old town to find Uncle Kane, and claim that this task is worth 3630 points and 190 gold coins, and will be paid in two stages.

Hearing the high amount of points, Lampard and Saif immediately became crazy about it.

Lampard winked at Du Yu, signaling that he would follow the agreement to suppress the parliamentary country adventurers, and he would try his best to compete with Saif for this rewarding task.

Saif did not show weakness either.

The fight between the two sides made Lia unbearably disturbed, so she could only use the sieve to decide who could save Kane.

Michelle was very anxious and wanted to rush up many times to compete with these two guys for this lucrative point task, but Du Yu looked calm and walked to Liya's room and Kane's room in the hotel. There is a diary that can be read to understand what the story is about.He sat down and ordered a glass of frothy ale. While sipping the ale, he read Leah's diary carefully, as if it was a wonderful work by the great god of starting point, and he read it with relish.

Michela saw that the captain was not in a hurry, and lamented that the emperor was not in a hurry and the eunuchs were in a hurry.

In the heart of the castle, Shen Luoyan also urged Du Yu: "Be careful! This task may be the first stage, the most important task. Before Kane returns, there are only three main tasks that can be done, namely [Death Star] ], [The Mystery of Kane’s Life and Death] and [The Broken Crown] (the settings here are different from those in the game, the broken crown actually requires Kane’s reminder, but please refer to the old pig’s settings), the fourth main task [Black The Reign of the Crazy Army] must complete the [Kane's Mystery of Life and Death] as a prerequisite. The reward for [Falling Star] is 1125 points and 370 gold coins. [Kane's Mystery of Life and Death] is long, but it is worth 3630 points and 190 gold coins. The [Shattered Crown] only has 900 points, and the blacksmith system is activated. We have five teams, but only three main plots, and two teams are destined to be idle. If we can’t get the task, Isn't it a waste of time?"

Du Yu leisurely flipped through the diary written by Leah in the ancient Tristram characters with graceful brushwork.The adventurer has automatically mastered the common language of this world and used it for adventure. It seems that he has read something wonderful and read it closely.

Finally, the battle between Saiwu and Lampard finally came to a conclusion.Anakin cheered and looked at Ya Kun with a proud face.Shinra United's sieve is impressively 6 points, while the Sudanese's luck is slightly worse, only 4 points.This lucrative mainline quest [The Mystery of Kane's Life and Death] got his wish and returned to the Shinra people.

Sai Yiwu's face was gloomy, but he didn't say anything.The space has long been stipulated, and the sieve will determine the winner, and I am willing to bet and admit defeat.

The Shinra United team couldn't wait to have a conversation with Leah, and then, like a group of bandits who hadn't seen a woman in two years and suddenly went out to let the wind go, cheered and rushed out of the Dead Cow Inn, riding clank, rushed to the gate of the town, like the wind Rush into the vast wilderness.

Only the blacksmith Heidegger Emon was left, and there was a tasteless quest [The Broken Crown].That task has the longest distance, takes a long time, and the reward is still low. Only 900 points and the blacksmith system are open.But for the Sudanese and parliamentarians who have nothing to gain, it is always better than nothing.

Sai Yiwu, Yakun and the three black adventurers chattered for a while, then glanced gloomyly at the wolf pupil team who were still sitting idly in the Dead Cow Inn, turned around and left.

"What are you going to do?" Michelle finally lost her composure, pressing on Leah's diary.

Du Yu smiled and said, "There were too many people before. After they finish making a fuss, we won't be too late."

At this moment, Maishela received another space prompt: "Ya Kun of the Sudanese United Team has accepted the main mission [The Broken Crown] from the blacksmith Heidegg Eamon. The reward is 900 points and the blacksmith system is open."

"It's over." She looked desperately at the angry Sudanese team. People were like the wind and horses were like dragons. The main quest is gone. We can’t do anything except sit here and drink some ale. When Dean comes back, maybe those lunatics will take the quest away. We can’t even take the quest. What’s the point ranking? ?”

Du Yu calmly glanced at the chaotic parliamentary team, it seemed that all the changes were in his calculations, not surprising at all.

Finally, Ah San and Xiao Hei of the parliamentary country reached an agreement, leaving 5 adventurers behind, sitting and watching from a distance, and the remaining 95 people rushed out of the town like a storm, and they didn't know where to go. place.

(End of this chapter)

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