Chapter 783 Du Yu is calm and confident! - Ask for a monthly pass

"Everyone is gone! Can we talk now?" Myshea finally got angry.

Du Yu smiled slightly: "Guess, what are the little blacks and Ah San doing?"

"Who cares about them?" Michelle said angrily, "Anyway, I know, we have nothing to do!"

Du Yu laughed out loud, and said in a low voice, "Let me tell you a story."

Now even Yang Guo, who has always been calm, smiled wryly: "Brother, even if I have convinced you, can you stop being tricky and tell the story. Maybe you haven't finished telling the story, and Dongfang Bubai and the others will all agree." After completing the task, they came back and laughed at us."

Du Yu chuckled: "We all know that the sources of points are actually divided into three categories: main missions, random missions, occupations, secret realms and other missions."

What he said immediately aroused the interest of Michelle and others.

Michelle winked.

Li Tang and the others immediately darkened their faces, and forced them towards the five people left behind in the parliamentary country like a steel tower.

"What are you doing?" An adventurer Ah San asked in panic.

They couldn't keep their composure.There are 65 wolf pupils here, and there are even more absolute masters in charge!

The five of them are just stalking with soy sauce, how can they stand up to this menacing siege?

So, these five old men screamed, without the integrity of devotion to their duties, they immediately rubbed the soles of their feet with oil, and the heroes would not suffer immediate losses.

After chasing away the flies, Maishela said in a low voice: "I thought about it too. Since we can't get the main plot, we are destined to have to follow the random plot. But the random plot, the problem lies in this random, every time the world is born The plots are different. The location is changing everywhere. Where should I find the random plots? Maybe I can’t find them, because the main plots are all done.”

Du Yu smiled and said: "This is exactly the story I want to tell you. It is about a group of people going to take an exam. The exam questions are huge and there is not enough time. But in the question requirements, everyone is warned to review the questions. But the vast majority People started to answer the questions in a hurry. There was only one person who looked at the requirements of the questions from front to back, and found that in fact, as long as he finished the last question, he could get full marks."

Michelle lost her voice: "You are lying! Could it be?"

Her gaze finally settled on Du Yu's hand, the diary that was casually placed on Liya's desk, where anyone could read it.

Du Yu's eyes were clear, and he slammed the diary on the table: "That's right! This diary is the clue for us to find the random mission! You know, the random mission didn't just appear out of thin air. [Madam's Remains] [Reis] Family] [The Last Battle of the Ancestors] [Brother Pharmacist] [Restore Fame] [Soul Urn] These six random tasks did not appear out of thin air. There are probably corresponding rumors. Speaking of being well-informed, Who knows more about Kane and Liya, the father and daughter's wonderful writing? As long as you look for clues from this notebook, you can get the point mission without having to work hard with them!"

"Desperately?" Myshela keenly grasped the word, recalling the black eyes of the black people in the parliamentary country before they left, she shuddered and said, "You mean, the adventurers in the parliamentary country don't Was it driven by Sai Wu to ambush the Shinra adventurer who completed [Kane's Mystery of Life and Death]?"

"Yes" Du Yu said indifferently: "And if my guess is right, hurry up and complete the task of [Broken Crown] Sai Yiwu and others will also go directly to join the black brothers after the task is completed, and attack God together." Luo Ren. You must know that risk and benefit are always equal. The up to 3630 points [Kane's Mystery of Life and Death] will have to be divided into two stages, and there will be as many as 12 key steps to complete, which is by no means a task that can be accomplished overnight. At that time, when Shinra's adventurers were fighting with the guarded skeletons, they were attacked by Shinra and the Parliamentary State in the back, I don't think they even had time to cry!"

Everyone's backs were dripping with cold sweat.

If they are in a hurry to snatch the mission from Shinra and Sultan, not only will they offend Shinra, but even if they get the mission, they will have to worry about someone stabbing their backs.

"How on earth did you find out?" Michelle couldn't believe it.

Du Yu calmly said: "I saw Saiwu go up by himself and throw a sieve with Lampard, but let the people of the parliamentary country sit on the bench, so I know it's not that simple. Saiwu is very cunning. He He made two-handed preparations. If he wins the bet, there will be no problem. Even if the [Broken Crown] is taken away by the Shinra people, he will take the Shinra and the parliamentary coalition forces to complete this rewarding task, and there will be enough food and drink Yes. If he loses the bet, I’m really sorry, he not only has to complete the task of [Broken Crown], but he will also shoot the first bird, so that Lampard can’t wait to be a man!”

"The rule of this game is," Du Yu said word by word: "The first rafters are the first to rot!"

The crowd took a breath.

Du Yu smiled: "But we don't have any worries now. The four teams are doing their own thing, and they're all planning their own wishes. Let's keep a low profile and get rich."

He opened a chapter entitled "The Remains of the Lady": A terrified traveler reported seeing three desecrated tombs when he happened to pass by an abandoned cemetery.In these tombs, the remains of that noble person were lifted out of the coffin by the undead, and after the desecration was completed, the dismembered corpses were thrown in every corner.And the wraiths who could not rest in peace were choking and howling in the air.There was a wraith who claimed to be Mrs. Denhead, and told him that if she could recollect her regret of being separated and put it in the sarcophagus of the Denhead family, she would be very grateful and give a gift.But the traveler was terrified by the wandering zombies and skeletons.Fleeing back quickly, I accidentally saw him in a bar, exchanged a glass of whiskey for this story, recorded here

Du Yu looked at Shihua's wolf pupil team with a half smile but not a smile.

Almost at the same time, everyone in the wolf pupil team received a space prompt: "You have received a hidden random task [Madam's Remains]! The reward for this task is 2600 points and 400 gold coins!"

Everyone in the wolf pupil team was stunned.

2600 points, 400 gold coins, this reward is so rich, it is not inferior to the [Kane's Mystery of Life and Death] that Lampard has worked so hard to get, and the process is simple, just rush into the three blasphemy in the abandoned cemetery In the tomb, everyone is killed.As long as all the undead are beaten to heaven, the remains of Mrs. Denhead will naturally be found.

Moreover, this hidden mission will not be broadcast to the world!

This means that the wolf pupil team can safely make a fortune without risking being jealous!

Du Yu raised his eyebrows.

The No. [-] captain exaggeratedly screamed and hugged Du Yu's thigh: "Boss, you are too great! It is really wise for me to go to you! Let me hug my thigh!"

Wu Ren and Tina looked at each other with admiration and gratitude.

"That's right! In the plot world, this Leah's diary is originally a prop that Blizzard asked everyone to read carefully, understand the outline of the story, and give experience points. How could it be a useless decoration? These guys are smart and busy grabbing tasks, but They simply ignored the superficially hidden plot, which is called late attack!" Tina admired Du Yu very much.

To be honest, when the first Dongfang Unbeaten rushed into the Dead Cow Inn, who wasn't in a hurry?
As long as someone loots it, it will drive everyone and lose their ability to think rationally.

And Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng had already learned a lot about Brother Du Yu's exhaustive strategy, and they were smiling at this time, ready to experience the excitement of their first adventure in the world.

"By the way!" Michela suddenly thought: "The hidden random missions are not limited to one at a time. Why don't we read through this diary and dig out all the hidden missions? All the hidden missions, let them have no missions to accept, or simply take the diary away?"

Du Yu chuckled and said, "If you were space, would you design it this way?"

Michelle thought of the total rewards of the six random tasks, and sighed, "Is there only one random task in this diary?"

Du Yu smiled and said, "That's not necessarily true. But the diary must have completed the last random task before you can see the next one. It's getting late, let's leave."

Leah walked over with a light gait.This beauty is a super supporting role, and is an important figure throughout the whole plot. When she saw the diary in Du Yu's hand, she laughed before saying anything.

"Smart adventurer, you actually know how to use the fruits of uncle and Leah's labor to improve the efficiency of exploring this cold and evil world." Leah smiled cleverly: "However, I declare in advance that this diary is the treasure of my uncle and me .You are only allowed to look at it, and you are not allowed to take it away.”

Michelle lowered her head, she followed the path of others, leaving others with nowhere to go and the plan was officially bankrupt.

Du Yu summoned Elizabeth.

As a beauty who is best at dealing with plot characters, Elizabeth is gearing up and walking up with a smile.

Her specialty is diplomacy, and her personality is very similar to Leah's, so she became acquainted after a while.

Leah smiled and said: "In this diary, I did record some secrets that I heard. But more news will be explained by Uncle Kane after he returns, so that more secrets can be unlocked."

Du Yu winked at Maishela.

Knowing that time was running out, everyone bid farewell to Leah and walked out of the Dead Cow Hotel.

Among the many strong teams, Shi Shiran, the last member of the wolf pupil team, left Tristram and entered the dangerous world of adventure.

There are howling ghosts everywhere, wandering among moonlit forests and graveyards.Surrounding the Tristram Cathedral, there were large and continuous cemeteries. After Diablo's resurrection, dark forces invaded this place, resurrected the sleeping dead collectively, and wandered and killed in the world.

In Du Yu's team, Mai Shela decisively became a demon hunter full-time, using long-range weapons to deal with these demons, while Li Tang, as expected, became a crusader.Captain No. [-] and Sam, one is a crusader, the other is a demon hunter, and even a western adventurer turned into a barbarian, charging forward.

(End of this chapter)

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