Chapter 784 Change job!The Dark Monk is coming! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Du Yu glanced at Michela: "Why did you change your job as a witcher?"

Maishela smiled and said: "5% attack damage is naturally one aspect. More importantly, I am a sniper who has both magic and martial arts. The horror damage in this world has been weakened. There are additional job transfer tasks to get valuable points, why not do it?"

Du Yu nodded: "There is another factor that you didn't take into account. That is the weapons and equipment of this world, which have many powerful exclusive features. For example, cloaks, quiver equipment and crossbow weapons are only for demon hunters! Others It cannot be equipped, let alone those legendary special suits, such as Natalya's Wrath, etc."

"Nataya's Wrath set." Myshela said with endless reverie, and frustrated: "But our adventure only has three scenes, and each team only has a dozen or so tasks. Can we play the five-piece set of Natalya's Wrath?"

Du Yu smiled and said: "In a world, we only have one team. It is unlikely that we can make it all up. But don't forget, we have five teams in this world, and we are taking risks at the same time. Everyone can trade."

"There's also the blacksmith system." Captain No. [-] said enthusiastically, "The blacksmith Hedrig Emon is very capable. After upgrading to a high level, the gold equipment he forges is even better than the ones dropped by monsters."

Tina wondered: "By the way, the task entrusted by the blacksmith to let the undead wife rest in peace was taken away by the Sudanese. Are they the only ones who can use the blacksmith shop?"

Du Yu waved his hand.

Shen Luoyan, who was in charge of intelligence, fell down in the void and explained: "Indeed! Although the reward points for that mission are only a mere 900 points, it is actually much richer than this. The blacksmith system will only be open to the Sudanese team. Others have to use it." Blacksmith Hedrig Emon is not impossible, but the Sudanese have to pay a heavy use tax. The initial value should be 30%. The blacksmith’s work itself is expensive, so we can’t count on it at the beginning.”

Michelle said jealously: "I knew we should strive to win this blacksmith system, this is a hen that lays eggs! As the tasks become more and more difficult, the demand for weapons and equipment will increase. At least we cannot not Repair equipment. Every time you have to pay 30% extra tax to the Sudanese, it is simply fattening the Sudanese!"

Du Yu hehe smiled: "Don't worry. Everything will be fine. If we snatch this lucrative task, what will the Sudan and the parliamentary coalition forces do when they are idle? Let them go."

"What's more" he smiled slightly: "In our team, there is a beautiful blacksmith Shan Wanjing! I have just checked, these beauties can follow me to fight as mercenaries. And beauties with special skills, such as Shan Wan Jing, but can become the queen blacksmith of our team. Compared with the space blacksmith Hedrig Amon, he is no less inferior! Why bother to fight for some blacksmith mission?"

Everyone in the wolf pupil team burst into laughter.Maishela smiled even more happily: "Yes, yes. As far as I know, we can give the blacksmith experience book and precious materials from the wild, and we will give them to Shan Wanjing! Then drop gold coins to let her blacksmith quickly upgrade, Gold equipment and even more advanced formulas can appear in the blacksmith shop, it is against the sky!"

Thinking of this, Myshea's eyes were full of little stars, imagining a suit of golden equipment, blowing up the arrogance of those hard-working adventurers.

Everyone in the wolf pupil team YY collectively again.

With Captain Du Yu around, there is no need to worry about food and drink.

Du Yu smiled wryly and said, "Don't think so beautifully. To upgrade a blacksmith's shop, not only experience books, rare materials, but also huge amounts of gold coins are required. That's what you got out of it."

Shen Luoyan calmly analyzed: "But even so, based on the four-act mission time, according to my calculations, as long as enough gold coins can be obtained, it is still possible to obtain excess gold equipment from Shan Wanjing's blacksmith shop, generating far outweighs the cost of investment.”

"By the way, what is our minimum score in the first act?" Myra asked.

"Didn't you see? It's 50 points per person." Du Yu smiled wryly.

"50 points? Crazy?" Michelle wondered.

50 points is a very high standard. In the first act, there are 9 main tasks and 6 random tasks. Added together, there are only 15 tasks.1500 points for each mission. The sum of the 15 mission points is only 22500 points, including the odds and ends of the rewards, it is 25000 points.

You know, there are 400 adventurers here!
50 points requires at least 20000 points, so that there will be no situation where the points are not enough and will be obliterated.

Then the points must be distributed equally among the teams.

But since ancient times, there has been no fairness, otherwise there would be no setting of obliterating points.

As Du Yu and the others walked all the way, they immediately attracted a large number of skeletons and zombies from the dark wilderness to besiege them.

(Need to explain the setting, not counting the number of words. In Laozhu’s Diablo [-], each map is a large area connected to each other like Diablo [-], not a single road in Huashan like in the game. Therefore, even if they have not completed The previous main task can also enter the follow-up random task map, and there is only a small chance of bumping into the adventure team in front of it.)
These are the dead residents of the dark world, infected by the dark forces, and stood up from the grave.Although there are a lot of them, their health, attack and defense are much stronger than those in the game.After all, it was a nightmare difficulty from the very beginning, and it was aimed at the 400 strongest adventurers in the outer city, and the strength of these miscellaneous fish was also very strong.

Seeing these guys gathered around, Maishela, Li Tang, Ai Ning and others who had been suffocated for a long time cheered, and immediately made a strong move. All kinds of weapons and skills, no matter whether they are from the dark world or not, all greeted these guys guy.

The war broke out immediately.

Du Yu was not in a hurry to make a move, but continued to observe the battle with great interest.

Before the battle of the wolf pupil team, Shang Xiuxun once again made great achievements. In just one month, he tamed about 30 water pandas.These water pandas recognized Li Tang and other melee fighters as their masters, and participated in the battle as magic pets.

At this moment, facing a large number of undead zombies, the water pandas all stood in front of the team, intercepting the pounces of the zombies, and used their fists and palms in a naive manner like Kung Fu Pandas to launch a powerful counterattack.

It's not that the wolf pupil team can't stop the zombies, but that they are seizing the time, practicing tactics, and preparing for the rapid escalating high-intensity battles, and even the big battles between adventurer teams.

Meanwhile, adventurers who had changed jobs, such as Li Tang and Captain No. [-], stood beside the water pandas, constantly using the crusaders' shields and taunts to stimulate the zombie skeletons and grab their attention.The powerful shield strike shook the skeletons to pieces from time to time.

Mid-range attackers such as Ai Ning and Le Qun wielded the Snow Mountain Swordsmanship and the Lihua Spearmanship, shaking the zombies back and flying back, and the freezing effect continued to appear, and their lives were harvested by the melee fighters.

In the distance, Michela led the long-rangers, using means such as demon hunters and archers, to harvest the lives of the undead with precise and deadly arrows.

The wolf pupil team played relaxed and freehand, advancing all the way, leaving broken bones and rotting corpses all over the ground.

Du Yu was thoughtful, and even if he made a move, he would stop at nothing. He didn't compete with the team for the kill credit, the gold coins that fell, and the key that was opened, but he kept thinking.

Michelle was sweating profusely.Although the speed of these zombies and skeleton soldiers is not impressive enough, and there is almost no coordination, the number of waves makes up for the lack of individual combat power, especially as the wolf pupil team advances, new monsters vomit female corpses and half-body rotting corpses continue Emerging, the pressure is also increasing.

The vomit female corpse is a monster that attacks from a distance. The green liquid vomited out can cause poisoning effect, the life value will slowly decrease, and the speed will be reduced.

On the other hand, the half-body rotting corpse crawls with both hands, extremely fast, and will go around to the back of the team to launch a surprise attack, which can be called an agility monster.

Coupled with the zombies with high health and high defense and a large number of skeletons, the fight is very three-dimensional, and there are also some synergistic effects.

"It seems that the enemies will keep appearing, and it's still a bit tricky." Myshea smiled, appeared in the shadow of the setting sun, and dealt with the remaining beasts with lightning speed.Holding the crossbow in both hands, she fired a flaming arrow with an arc and flew over Li Tang's head in front, and the monster's bulky body immediately fell down in unison.The arrows she shot hit these undead without exception, and most of them hated the underworld.

"Your professional skills look good." Du Yu smiled: "What about upgrading? You can't get experience points from killing monsters."

For bloody city adventurers, the biggest difference from online game players is that ordinary killing monsters will not get enhanced experience points. Only by completing tasks and challenges can they get enhanced points and survival points from the space, which are used to strengthen the body and Skill.

This time Darkness is no exception.Just killing monsters, there is no experience points to get, and naturally you can't upgrade.

"There are two ways." Maishela smiled and said, "One is to exchange with points. The price is very cheap, the first level only needs 10 points. Unfortunately, our points are also very tight. The second is to complete professional trials and upgrade. Of course, it will also consume precious energy and time. Therefore, this is still a big hole that cannot be filled."

Du Yu smiled: "There is no such thing as a pie in the sky in space. But I intuitively think that having a dark career is beneficial and harmless to the future adventures. So I also decided to change my job to become a monk!"

As soon as he said that, he directly chose the option of changing careers to world occupations on the attribute panel, and became a monk!

Du Yu's martial arts had many similarities with those of monks.What monks rely on is essence.For an innate master like Du Yu, his majestic innate internal energy can be directly converted into energy to support his wanton fighting. Except for the skill CD time, he hardly needs to limit his shots.And the key attribute of the monk is agility, which fits very well with Du Yu's attribute!

(End of this chapter)

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