Chapter 785 Create your own monk!Darkness is invincible! - Ask for a monthly ticket
It can be said that Du Yu was born to be the best candidate for a monk.

A flash of light flashed, and Du had a feeling that there was an additional interface on his attribute panel, which was the character attribute option of Diablo III!

Compatibility mode he uses.Although it brings a 5% reduction in the original attack power, it brings more choices and resilience, which means a higher fault tolerance rate.

Du Yu tried the Thunder Fist that comes with level 1 monk.Under this move, the monk can teleport to the target and punch continuously at a very fast speed, causing 200% weapon damage value of electric shock damage.The third hit deals 400% weapon damage as Electricity damage, split evenly among all enemies in front of you.

When this move is made, it is as powerful as a thunderbolt, the wind of the fist drives the power of thunder and lightning, and it really has the ability to blast the enemy into a blackened one. Du Yu is very satisfied with the power of this move.

As for the attributes of Diablo, they are divided into four major attributes: intelligence, strength, agility, and physical fitness. They have different functions. For a certain class, the main attribute and physical energy can be piled up as high as possible, and there are no side effects.


But he has the most terrifying internal strength of a monk, which has reached 215 points.

This is daunting data accumulated continuously by Datang and other worlds!

At least in the outer city, Du Yu's internal strength data is unmatched by anyone!
Moreover, this is the data when he has a clone left in Datang, and part of his internal energy is taken away!
With such a terrifying internal force attribute, although his attributes cannot reflect this value, a vital statistic for a monk—the energy concentration value, has reached a statistic that makes the enemy desperate!

For monks, the biggest problem is that the upper limit of energy is fixed, even if you reach level 70, it will not increase a little.The only thing that can determine the efficiency of essence attack is the essence concentration value.Equivalent to the recovery speed of essence.High Essence Condensation is the defining stat for a powerful monk.

But for Du Yu, this is not a problem at all!
His energy is almost inexhaustible.

As long as his moves can be picked up, the speed of recovery of energy can hardly show any loss of energy

When Du Yu himself discovered this feature, he laughed.

Now, Sai Yiwu, Lampard, Yakun, Anakin, and Xiao Hei are also in trouble.

The problem that troubled Du Yu turned out to be that his level was too low to unlock high-level monk skills, and the only active attack skill he could use seemed to be the Thunder Fist.

Moreover, adventurers have no experience points and can only unlock levels with points.

This is really cheating.

After checking his physical attributes, Du Yu smiled confidently and rejoined the battle.With a wave of the Ben Lei Fist, a black-purple zombie was blasted into the sky, disintegrated in the air like torn cotton, and fell to the icy ground in black.

The more Du Yu used it, the more proficient he became. Diablo III's monk skills gradually merged with the Jin Yong and Huang Yi martial arts systems he had previously mastered.When he punched the Benlei Fist, he unconsciously integrated the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Dragon Elephant Ban Ruo Gong, Seven Injuries Fist, Dou Zhuan Xing Yi and other Taoist methods such as Longevity Jue into one.

If you change someone else, doing so will not change anything.Because in Diablo III's system, Diablo professional skills and other world skills are clearly distinct, and there is no problem of mutual integration and intersection.Even if you have practiced top-notch skills in other worlds, using them in Ben Lei Fist will not have the slightest effect!
However, Du Yu is different.

His spatial ability flashed, and a red light disappeared in his right arm.

And the special effects of his Thunder Fist also changed immediately!
"Due to unknown factors, your three professions of Diablo—Monk, will be able to integrate with the martial arts system you originally mastered to create new moves!"

"The new moves will bring major systemic changes!"

Du Yu's Dark Monk career interface will be changed immediately!
The martial arts synthesis system originally controlled by the rune system has become Du Yu's original 13 occupation slots, waiting to be synthesized with the martial arts monks in this world.

In other words, Du Yu's various martial arts in the original world can be used without any hindrance, without any weakening or punishment, and there is no need to switch the skill system!
Even Du Yu didn't expect this change.

"Professional trial missions are adjusted according to this exception. The difficulty of the assessment is increased, but after passing the assessment and certification, the adventurer will permanently inherit the martial arts system and settings of the monk in this world, and can use it in other worlds."

"Professional trial missions are only allowed to be entered by yourself, and no one is allowed to help you, otherwise you will lose the qualification for the assessment."

Immediately, Du Yu heard a burst of laughter that seemed to come from afar: "I am Yvegolo, the master monk. Only by passing my test can you obtain the ring scar on your head and true power bestowed by God. Let's go on an adventure journey .A Journey to Discover Truth and Belief”

Before he finished speaking, Du Yu closed it.

Du Yu doesn't need the guidance of a great master, he is a great master himself!

However, professional trials?It's interesting.

After passing this trial, can you get Diablo's unique system in other worlds?This also made Du Yu smile.

You know, people like Michelle and others have also activated Diablo III's professional trial system, but after passing it, all they can use in other worlds are skills in Diablo!
What Du Yu got was the opportunity to take over the entire Diablo III system.

That means that Du Yu's adventurers in the future can continue to improve the personal attributes, skills, personal storage boxes, blacksmith system, decomposition system, and gem synthesis energy systems in Diablo III.And the preciousness of these systems is much greater than some exercises.

Du Yu and others fought fiercely with all kinds of monsters and undead crawling out of the ground all the way, all the way to the abandoned cemetery.

"No." Myshela said anxiously: "Most of these monsters are undead. Our wolf pupil team doesn't have enough priests and priests, so it's difficult to restrain the undead attack. Although there is no pressure to destroy them with physical attack and defense, but Can't afford to waste time."

Du Yu secretly glanced at Wu Ren and Tina who were fighting hard.

Wuren holds a tall sword similar to FF7 Claude. It is hard to imagine that his frail body contains such a huge destructive power.Wherever he passed, the zombies were cut into pieces and fell under the sword.His epee is exactly like Yang Guo's black iron epee back then, it is not sharpened, every blow is driven by powerful strength and internal force, it is fierce and helpless.

And Tina, unlike her usual status as a calm military strategist, is actually a sharp boxer when fighting.Relying on fast movement and reasonable cutting, and constantly cooperating with Wublade, Wublade slashes enemies who are staggering, and with sharp and violent punches, they break bones and tendons, which can be called lightning fast.

And behind them, the other members of the Bladeless team are also strong.Although there are only 10 people, Wuren and Tianyu have been fighting against each other for a long time without any loss, which shows the strong quality of their team.

Seeing how brave the Bladeless team was, Du Yu smiled and waved his hand.

Yilin and Shi Feixuan walked out of the void.

Both of them are disciples of the Buddhist School, and they have the skills to fight against the undead.Especially Yilin, in this environment full of undead, can play an irreplaceable role for others.

Yilin smiled sweetly at Du Yu, as shy and sweet as a water lily on a summer night, and Du Yu stared straight at Du Yu, so she took out the South China Sea mother-of-pearl Du Yu gave her, and Ling Ran shouted, "Greatly compassionate Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva! "

Following her shout, a dazzling brilliance emerged from the mother-of-pearl.

The crowd of undead with scarlet eyes and madness around them were forming a party to fight fiercely with the wolf pupil team. After seeing this soft Buddha's light, they all groaned.All undead affected by Yilin's Dharma skills will move slowly, smoke from their bodies, and their viciousness will be greatly reduced, just like eggplants beaten by frost.

Mai Laxue, Li Tang, Wu Ren, Captain No. [-] and others were overjoyed.

I thought that the team did not have professions such as priests or Taoist priests, so they could not target the undead. I did not expect such a powerful monk to be hidden, which was surprising.

With Yilin's Dharma chanting protection, the swarming crowd of undead were immediately shrouded in listlessness, coupled with the skill restraint of No. [-] captain and other crusaders, the advancing speed of the team was greatly accelerated.

Du Yu patted Yilin's fragrant shoulder and praised her for doing well.

In his team of beauties, each has its own characteristics and strengths, and they are by no means useless vases.For example, Yilin has unparalleled advantages in fighting against undead and treating the wounded.

Yilin smiled softly, and said in a low voice: "Brother Du, you don't have to thank Yilin. If you can help big brother and not be a burden to the team, Yilin will be satisfied."

Du Yu was even more sympathetic.

Just as he was about to say a few words of his own, Li Tang in front suddenly shouted, "It's an elite monster. Be careful, everyone!"

The so-called elite monsters are the leaders of the small monsters that have a certain chance of appearing with them.They generally have unique attack skills and auras. Either they have extremely strong individual combat power, or they can greatly enhance the strength of surrounding monsters, or they can summon other monsters to join the battle. They are existences that cannot be underestimated.

But relatively, they have a higher chance of dropping treasures.

This elite monster is an impressively blue zombie. Not only does it move twice as fast as ordinary zombies, but it also has the ability to poison the victim every time it hits.The No. [-] captain in front was caught off guard, and his arm was grabbed, his face turned dark immediately, and his health dropped rapidly.

Yilin uttered the Buddha's name, and a ray of light flashed, and the poisoned state on the No. [-] captain's body disappeared immediately.

In the Bladeless team, Tina stared at the active Yilin with her beautiful eyes, and said brilliantly, "I never thought that there would be such an excellent priest in the Wolverine team."

A Taoist priest in the Bladeless team said disdainfully: "I can also do this level, but just now I don't want to spend precious Taoism to treat that Westerner."

(End of this chapter)

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