Chapter 786 Du Yu keeps a low profile, the Holy See is crazy! - Ask for a monthly pass

Tina turned around and said, "Zhong Xiaoli, you'd better see clearly, the range of the female adventurer's Buddha light almost covers the entire team, and there are all-round healing and detoxification assistance. If you can do her level, Our team can go out and do it alone!"

Zhong Xiaoli swallowed his anger and did not dare to say more.In fact, everyone can see that Yilin's profound Dharma has restrained these undead to an almost outrageous level.Under the shroud of the Buddha's light, the wolf pupil team, the bladeless team, and the No. [-] captain team continued to advance into the depths of the ruins with a destructive momentum.

That elite zombie roared furiously when he saw that his corpse poison attack was ineffective!
Captain No. [-] trembled.As a crusader with a strong ability to restrain the undead, he was shocked back two steps by the zombie's roar, and then he was given abnormal conditions such as fear!He couldn't help himself, and ran backward for more than ten steps. With the help of Yilin's Dharma, he returned to his normal state. With shame and anger on his face, he charged back and slammed a hammer at the elite zombie.But the latter has already taken advantage of his absence to break into the second line of the Wolves.

Du Yu's eyes flashed.

This zombie monster was really nothing to worry about, but the facts behind it made Du Yu feel a little worried.

That is the difficulty of this world, which may exceed previous expectations.

This zombie is just the lowest-level elite monster, and it has attack effects of three attributes: [corpse poison], [knockback], and [fear].

It is indeed the world competitive team battle mode.

Only in this way can it be worthy of the difficulty of 400 people.

"Not good!" Du Yu cursed in a low voice.

"What's the matter?" Myraxue blasted the head of a zombie following the elite monster with a crossbow, and said strangely: "The elite zombie will be blown up soon."

Du Yu smiled wryly and said: "Of course it's not a problem. But I'm worried about the Shinra United. You must know that they have accepted the task of saving Kane, and they have to go deep into the catacombs of the Tristram Cathedral! In view of the difficulty, their resistance will be greater, and there will be more elite monsters, which will inevitably delay the completion time of the task. Don't forget, those lawless black adventurers in the parliamentary country and those who will finish the [Broken Crown] task later Saiyiwu Sharif, Yakun and the others are spying on them, if one of them fails, they will be attacked back and forth, and they will be blamed!"

Michelle said with a smile: "I have long been unhappy with the Holy See adventurers of Shinra and the stinky Anakin. Wouldn't it be good to let them out early?"

Du Yu shook his head and remained silent.

Shenluo's S-level monster dragon horn is naturally his must-have item. It can greatly advance the time for unlocking the immortal treasure of Yuchengzi, so it must not be missed.But that's just one factor in Doo's helping Shinra.

The bigger factor is that Putin must not sit back and watch the secretly allied Sudan + parliamentary state grow bigger!
Once this force is united, it will be far more threatening than Shinra.

Therefore, Du Yu had already set up a strategy.

In the first act, push the powerful team of Shinra to the front, making them a target to attract the firepower of the Sudan + the Parliament!

Even if a surprise attack by the parliamentary state is inevitable, at least the Shinra United must be notified.On the one hand, let them buy their own favors and record the credit, on the other hand, so that the two tigers can fight each other more fiercely.

As for the wolf pupil team, the keynote set by Du Shu is to pretend to be aggressive and low-key in the first act, so that Datang can get No.2 and not be obliterated.Anyway, this Diablo III world is very long, it can be called a marathon.There are countless powerful enemies behind who can count, so there is no need to be in a hurry to unleash all the hidden power and cards.

Therefore, not only did he not make a move himself, but he also reminded Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng not to rush to make a move, and even hid most of the strength of the Beauty Wolf Eyes team, otherwise they would have already defeated the ruins of the old town.

He took out the upgraded jade flying pigeon.

This is the contact method he set up with Lampard Paladin, Lampard holds the signal source that the flying pigeon can receive.As long as the distance between the two sides does not exceed 100 kilometers, jade flying pigeons can arrive directly.

Du Yu released the jade pigeon.

At this time, a majestic team of adventurers was under the siege of a tide of skeletons, zombies, and vomiting female corpses, pushing forward vigorously.

All kinds of chants, hymns, brilliant battle songs, and various rays of healing grace are constantly resounding above the head of this team, and under the feet of every adventurer, there are various buff auras, most of them are It is targeted to restrain the undead.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see at a glance that there are a large number of powerful paladins and priests in this team, and it can be said that they are like ducks in water and get twice the result with half the effort to deal with these tide-like army of undead!
The core of this Shenluo United team is the Supreme Referee Team of the Holy See, which brings together the elite of knights and priests in the Holy See.This time in the dark world, it is a godsend opportunity for the adventurers of the Holy See who are good at fighting the undead to be able to change jobs to become crusaders and magicians.

Just look at their first row, the rows of crusaders, the orderly formation, the momentum like a rainbow, rays of light flashing on their golden full-body armor, circles of holy halos, buffing their shiny knights Under the feet of the boots, there are more priests' blessings one after another, falling on them, while the ugly and disgusting undead on the opposite side of them, bathed in the light of divine grace, are constantly weakened and expelled by the sacred skills of priests and paladins. Knowing this team, why can it advance so fast!

The mission time has only started for a short hour, and the Shinra United team has already gone deep into the ruins of the old town, and is constantly exploring the mission destination—the ruins of the old town.

Wherever they went, they left a ground of broken corpses.

Like Michelle's choice, Anakin also gave up his usual sniper rifle, but switched to a sacred shotgun specially made by the Holy See, which is exclusively for demon hunters.With a roar, he blasted the head of a skeleton archer precisely, and a bow and arrow flashing with light blue light fell down immediately.

Anakin screamed excitedly, and said to Captain Lampard, who was calm and commanding beside him: "Captain, our progress is very smooth. Haha, I have already exploded three magic equipment!"

He glanced triumphantly at the American Western Trail Blazers, the Orphan Twist team from England, and the Kangaroo team from Australia, who were from the same camp but looked in awe.In front of the crazy offensive of the Supreme Referee Team of the Holy See, the knights and priests of the Holy See played a very high level of wonderful cooperation. Even the elite monsters could not last ten seconds under the offensive of the Holy See.This record is more effective than any words. It has greatly shocked the experts from all walks of life in the West and gathered them tightly around the Supreme Referee Team.Even the Chicago Brotherhood, which has always been rebellious and questioned the Holy See, did not dare to pierce it, and honestly carried out the mission assigned to them by Captain Lampard.

"My Holy See's supreme referee team is indeed the strongest!" Anakin said with a smile.

On Lampard's rigid and stern face, he glanced at the Shinra United team, which is in good shape and progressing extremely smoothly, and couldn't help showing a smile.

Sweeping the ruins of the old town in an hour, such a record is enough to make the four countries proud. The start of the Shinra United team is really smooth.

"This task of saving Kane will definitely be completed by us!" Anakin was full of confidence: "It's ridiculous that Captain No. [-] actually abandoned the Shinra camp and went to that idiot Du Yu! You will regret even your intestines."

Lampard suppressed his smile: "Don't be careless! The departure of Captain No. [-] was discussed with Du Yu. If we don't agree with each other, we might as well let them go! Our Shinra team must seize the plot in the first scene." Advantage, suppress that self-righteous Saif all the way! Huh, fight against me, I want him to regret his life. The chief position in the first act must belong to our Shinra!"

At this moment, a flying jade pigeon suddenly appeared in the darkness in the distance, and landed on his shoulder.

"That's it," Anakin said in surprise.

"Our loyal dog, the information sent by Du Yu." Lampard sneered, opened the information, glanced at it, and his face turned livid.

Anakin smiled and said, "Hmph! If I hadn't faced the coalition forces of the Sudanese Parliament, I would not have bothered to ask Du Yu to be a lackey. What did he say?"

Lampard said in a deep voice: "Du Yu sent information. Saif, that traitor, led his own people to complete the [Broken Crown] task and seize the lucrative blacksmith system, but sent black people who have nothing to do. Bad luck for us! He reminded us to watch out for the niggers behind us!"

Anakin slammed his fist on a dead tree, and said angrily, "Damn it! Sai Yiwu, a bastard, came here to make trouble because of his large number of people. Then what is Du Yu doing? Why don't you stop these niggers ?”

Lampard said indifferently: "Du Yu is not of one mind with us. It is already a dedication to send this information. Huh! He is still wishful thinking, I will give him the S-level Tiancaidibaolong horn!"

A cold light flashed in Anakin's eyes: "I think so too. I don't know what the Empress Dowager, Queen and Holy Maiden of Light are thinking? They actually want us to cooperate with Du Yu and give him the dragon's horn as a reward. Women are hair Long-term experience but short-term knowledge! The general will not accept the fate of the emperor! I think that after using Du Yu, I will simply kill him. We will keep this dragon horn for the Holy See!"

Lampard said indifferently: "Although Archbishop Richelieu was bound by the resolution of the meeting and handed over the dragon's horn to me, he hinted that I am adapting to the situation. I will handle this matter well. But at this time, the Sudanese and the poor people in the parliamentary country , the collusion is very deep, and we are the most powerful as the target, but we have to guard against it!"

He roared angrily: "Damn it, Jackfield! Haven't your abilities found Adria's hut, the destination of our mission?"

In the Orphans of the Twist Team, a handsome young man with a pale face, helplessly blinked his spiritual brown eyes, shrugged and said, "Lampard. I'm sorry. I think at least we need to go east. After searching for half an hour, my innate ability can scan 10 kilometers around. But these damn dense fogs have greatly weakened the scanning range."

(End of this chapter)

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