Chapter 787 Psychic powers!Assassin's Creed! -Third watch for subscription

"To shut up!"

Lampard yelled domineeringly and coldly: "We don't have that much time, and you took us on a day trip in this damn dirty monster land! You still have 15 minutes, I know you have a hidden hole card, you can The penetrating power of the scanning ability has been greatly improved! Use it for me! The enemy is about to attack!"

When he yelled like this, Jack the Ripper, the captain of the Orphans in Twist team, licked the scissors in his hand disdainfully.His arm was cut off from it, and a pair of extremely sharp scissors was implanted. Jie Jie said with a strange smile: "Fuck you Lampard! Even if you are the captain of the team, you are not qualified to ask my team members, At the cost of my life, I will scan Adria's hut for you."

A cold light flashed in Lampard's tiger eyes: "Jack, I tell you! That bastard Saif sent niggers and assholes to follow us on tiptoe! If we delay any longer, we will be flanked! You Do you want to die here?"

Strong teams such as the Trail Blazers, Kangaroos, and Chicago Brothers looked at each other and nodded.

The bigger picture matters.

If they are caught up by those black lunatics who don't know how to live or die, even if the Shinra team is not afraid, the mission will add countless variables.When Saif arrives with the Sudanese adventurers, whether he can go back is a question.

Under the strong pressure of the crowd, Lampard gained unprecedented authority, and Jack didn't dare to stand up. He licked the scissors, looked at Jack Field with dark eyes, and roared: "Didn't you hear? What the hell are you doing to me?" Come on, woman! If you can’t find your destination within 15 minutes, I’ll open you up myself!”

Jack Field is a typical person with special mental power. He snorted suddenly, cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and his eyes were shining brightly.

In the ruins, the dense and incomparably thick fog of war was immediately pierced by his ability scanning, without hiding anything!
His body trembled violently, obviously expending a lot of power and mental energy to scan the far distance.

Such an adventurer may not be a qualified exporter, but in terms of detection and mental power confrontation, he has advantages that others cannot match.

After a while, he collapsed to the ground, coughing up blood: "The difficulty of this world is high enough, the priority of the mist cough cough, over there! I feel the call of fate!"

Lampard, who couldn't wait for a long time, grinned in satisfaction: "Boy! You won 50 extra points for Orphan Twist!"

Jack the Ripper said coldly: "It's 100! My generous leader of the paladins. My poor child, I'm so tired that I squeezed out the yolk."

Lampard glanced at Jack: "In the end, God's decision is 70! Take good care of this capable young man. We will use him again soon."

With a big wave of his hand, the army of the Shinra Alliance began to adjust its direction, rushing towards the thick fog of war against the undead army that was constantly pouring in from all walks of life.

Adelia's hut gradually showed a silhouette in the cold and dense fog

And the Sudanese team commanded by Sai Yiwu, almost everyone has powerful horses and mounts. Also in the dense fog of war, they are struggling to find the necessary destination of [The Broken Crown]—the desert on the Weeping Wasteland. Abandon the cemetery.This destination actually overlaps with the location of the remains of the wife of Du Yu's wolf pupil team.

Due to the scale of the 400-person team battle, the map of Diablo III is many times larger than in the game, and has a thicker fog of war, which greatly restricts the range of sight.

Under normal circumstances, scouting masters who can move unhindered, because of the ubiquitous army of undead and monsters on the plain of the Tristram ruins, become unable to move an inch, and there is no way to return.

"The mental power scan can't find the destination?" Yakun frowned, listening to the report of Hassan, the captain of Mike Baishi's team.

Hassan said helplessly: "You know, there are fragments of the sacred stone in our team, and we can ask the oracle. But the field is too big, and the oracle can hardly give precise coordinates."

"Where are the assassins?" Saif pointed at the captain of the Assassin's Creed team.

The captain refused to announce his name, but only told everyone that his name was No. 172.His whole body was covered under a large snow-white burqa, and from the edge of the burqa, it was faintly visible that he was wearing a close-fitting leather armor specially designed for assassins, and his whole body was like an assassin's blade hidden in the cloth strips!As if it could pierce your heart at any moment.

Even Sai Yiwu would not issue direct assassination orders to these mysterious and invincible assassins, not wanting to provoke them.Because these crazy and deadly assassins do not belong to any of the two major sects of the Sultanate, what they believe in is an extremely mysterious god that has long been annihilated in ancient Persia.However, due to geographical reasons, it was divided into Sudan.

The 172 captain was silent for a long time, and when Sai Yiwu was about to consult others, he finally spoke.

His voice was short and sharp, just like the assassin blade hidden in his sleeve, giving off an extremely uncomfortable feeling of metal friction.

"I have sent a scout, I believe he will bring us information."

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air.

The leader of the drifters at sea is Amin, a black man from the Maldives.He has the blood of Asan and East Africa at the same time. He is not muscular, but full of vigor and ruthlessness.Amin frowned and said, "The fog of war is so dense, and there are so many monsters. It's not easy for us to push forward with a team of 100 people. Can your assassin come back alive?"

At this moment, a bloody Assassin's Creed player landed gently in front of Captain 172.

Captain 172 sneered, "My teammates are the best scouts and assassins! Don't forget the shadow of death we brought to you in the past few team battles."

As soon as these words were uttered, the strong teams such as the Brotherhood of Ashan, the Mike White House team, and the Sea Drifters glared at each other.

In the past team battles, it was none other than this extremely mysterious Assassin's Creed team that caused them the most damage.

Their adventurers are filled with the fierceness of an indomitable assassin.

Every shot will almost certainly cause huge casualties.

These guys are simply more fanatical than the most fanatical religious people.

For them, death is not only a fear, but a kind of happiness.

The captain of No. 172 pointed to the east: "There is the Weeping Wasteland. There is a return point to New Tristram on the edge. Walk 2000 meters inside and you will find the abandoned cemetery. But my scouts told me that there are many enemies. And guarded by elite monsters. A bloody battle is inevitable."

The accuracy of this information made all the Sudanese adventurer captains tremble in their hearts.

After No. 172 finished speaking, the seriously injured player beside him couldn't hold on anymore and almost fell down.

No. 172 took out a syringe and punched it in.

The team member took a deep breath refreshingly, as if he had entered the world of bliss, and immediately stood up with radiant vigor, completely ignoring the bleeding wound on his body.

Even Ya Kun and Sai Yiwu looked at each other, it was so wicked.

As if nothing had happened, the captain of No. 172 smiled at his teammate who almost died: "A land full of honey and milk, how does it taste like 49 virgins?"

The teammate said in a deep voice: "I go back this time, can I go to Lost Heaven again?"

The captain of No. 172 sneered: "Of course!"

The teammate's eyes, which were deeply hidden under the hood, burst into a burst of splendor.

Yakun whispered to Sai Yiwu: "These ancient Persian lunatics, there seems to be something weird."

As the captain of the Yashan Brotherhood, Sai Yiwu naturally knows a lot of secrets, and said with a wry smile: "The reason why the Assassin's Creed team is strong is that they have a lost paradise. It is in the bloody city, and even we can't know the exact location." A valley. In the valley, there is the entire bloody city, the most beautiful things. The most beautiful scenery, beautiful women, the most comfortable experience, everything is in it. It was established by a powerful ancient The secret realm is also their paradise."

"The adventurers of the Assassin's Creed team don't rely on the proceeds to make a living. Their legitimate business is to accept various killing commissions and assassinate the superpowers in the space. Their number and strength are actually far more than this The adventurers in the outer city, but the strong ones above the inner city are all hidden in the teams, and they are reincarnated as ordinary adventurers."

Yakun was speechless: "No wonder! I'm still wondering how the Sultanate has two major sects, the Sultanate and the Master. How could an assassin's sect that believes in the ancient Persian gods survive to this day. It turns out that they are so mysterious and powerful."

Sai Yiwu nodded and said: "They lurk too deep, and it is almost impossible to know their exact identities. Only when their elders issue assassination orders, these masters lurking in the major teams will strike at critical moments. Seal the important goal with a sword. Those who have made great achievements can enter this lost paradise and enjoy the entire vacation! That is the best reward for them. The elders announced that after their death, their souls will be collected and permanently Put them into the Lost Paradise and enjoy the best service forever. That’s why these assassins are so crazy. I heard that their final assessment even jumped from the Western Doomsday Crater to the boiling abyss of magma! They can live Those who come out are the elders! This is called a leap of faith."

Ya Kun was silent.

Although he is a devout believer of God, and has seen countless extreme believers of the Sultan God, none of them seem to be so crazy.

With a wave of Sai Yiwu's hand, the adventurers of the Sudanese team followed suit, cutting through the waves and heading east in the sea of ​​undead and monsters.

Du Yu and others are fighting against various zombies, skeletons, hungry zombies, and vomiting female corpses on the ruins of the old town.Suddenly, with Captain No. [-]'s roar and a shield attack, a zombie in front of him collapsed, unexpectedly dropped a light blue magic weapon!
(End of this chapter)

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