Chapter 788 The East grabs credit!Mission Collision! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
"A magic ax, plus attack DPS." Captain No. [-] looked at it excitedly for a while, but found that it was not a special weapon for the Crusaders, and his interest faded.

"Give it to me," said the barbarian in his team with a smile.

Seeing this situation, Maishela turned her head to Du Yu and said, "It's time for us to establish a team distribution system. Team members with high output and great achievements should be rewarded with a certain degree of contribution. When distributing income within the team, they have priority and Distribution rights. If the contribution is not enough, you should pay the same amount of property, or owe money, in order to get good things."

Du Yu nodded: "You are an old bird. You don't need to ask me these questions. Discuss with Tina and Captain No. [-]. If the three teams have no objections, everyone will be friendly."

Tina and Captain No. [-] are also veterans, and the three of them murmured for a while, and then came up with a mature system framework.

The contribution of the team members is achieved by killing monsters, monsters, bosses, etc., and the output has records with space to prove it, so there is no need for someone to cheat.There are also ten additional rules for increasing contribution value, which can motivate players to compete enthusiastically, taking into account all aspects.

Suddenly there was a burst of cheers from the front.

The two looked at it, but it was Yang Guo's divine sculpture, which spread its wings and rushed into the group of hungry zombies like a gust of wind. The powerful force crushed it as if it had killed the group of zombies, leaving a ground of broken corpses. Meat.Its demeanor of a master aroused applause from the wolf pupil team.

Even Tina, Wu Ren and other experts from the outside team couldn't help but smile.

And on the ruins of the old town not far from here, a red phantom shuttled up and down in the same turbulent sea of ​​undead skeletons, ups and downs.

Wherever she passed, rows of skeletons shattered into bone pieces, groups of zombies fell to the ground and died, and even the reptiles, known for their swiftness, crawled slowly in front of her and were swept past by her. , and then burst through!
And her weapon is just an ordinary embroidery needle.

Behind her, a shemale in costume with an evil face was floating in the air, giggling, an evil crystal ball was floating in mid-air, and in his hand was a strange sword full of evil energy, passing by Everywhere, the undead were cut into several sections one after another.

Tian Yulang.

Tian Yulang, who possesses the power of the powerful demon world in the inner city.

Because of Tianyanqiu's sacrifice, instead of dying, he possessed the power and demon power of the demon world. Combined with his original Dugu Nine Swords swordsmanship, he formed a generation of strong men comparable to Amakusa Shiro Tokisada.

There are these two masters from the inner city leading the way, and there are three ghostly shadows, Yue Buqun, Zuo Lengchan, and Lin Pingzhi, who are extremely evil, each cast their swordsmanship to ward off evil. , they fell under their swords that were faster than lightning.

They left behind a lot of equipment and gold coins that exploded along the way. Of course, if they exploded magic equipment with blue writing, they would also be picked up.But Dongfang Bubai seemed to disdain these ordinary goods at all, stalking all the way, not even interested in taking a look.

Behind them, followed by Wang Xiaorong, Qiu Haijun, and Tang Lin with shocked faces, and more than 30 excited Datang adventurers, frantically picking up all kinds of small bargains.

Wang Xiaorong broke out into a sharp laugh: "You two are still blaming me, saying that I don't know the general idea, and fell out with Du Yu. Huh! I, Wang Xiaorong, am I without scheme? I knew each other long before the beginning of this world. Senior Dongfang Invincible! After knowing that he was going to enter this world, I made up my mind to hug my thighs! Look at the gold coins and equipment that exploded here, we are developed! Let those bitches like Maishela and An Hong People, follow that idiot Du Yu in the dark field and fight against the endless undead, you follow me, Wang Xiaorong, you are following the right person! Enjoy the food and drink hot food."

She rushed to the front, as long as there were precious equipment items, she would swarm to pick them up, like a scavenger.

Qiu Haijun and Tang Lin looked at each other.

If you can do this all the way, you only need to follow behind Dongfang Bubai and plunder all the things she left behind, of course it is good.

But the question is, is there such a free lunch in space?
Qiu Haijun couldn't bear it and raised this question.

Wang Xiaorong said impatiently: "Didn't you see how undefeated Senior Dongfang is? Wow, it's so exciting, even the elite monster was shot in the head by her! That light blue gauntlet is mine! Rob!"

She yelled and rushed towards the gleaming light blue gauntlet, but she was picked up by Yue Buqun's sword. Wang Xiaorong smiled apologetically, nodded and bowed.

Qiu Haijun and Tang Lin looked at each other helplessly, so they continued to follow.

Even if Dongfang Bubai wants them to be cannon fodder, can they refuse?

I hope the East is undefeated, can be so invincible all the way, and cross the entire Diablo III.

Wang Xiaorong laughed triumphantly, resounding through the icy and terrifying ruins of the old town: "Quick! Senior Dongfang has discovered our target—the demon mother! Kill her, and the 1125 points that are so fat and oily are enough for forty of us." , one person has completed half of the minimum requirements for obliteration!"

Qiu Haijun and Tang Lin were overjoyed and rushed forward frantically.

Du Yu and the others were fighting in the sea of ​​undead, but they got a reminder: "The Eastern Invincible Team has completed the first main task of this world competitive team battle [Falling Star], perfectly killed three demon mothers, and won Added additional reward conditions! Received rewards of 1125 points and 370 gold coins. Because the adventurer Dongfang Bubai personally completed the killing of three demon mothers alone, and it took no more than 60 seconds, the additional achievement [Slaughter Exhaustion] and [Lightning Instant Kill], get an extra 200 points reward."

Immediately, the points reward leaderboard appears.

The East is undefeated, ranking first with 425 points!

And Tian Yulang ranked second with 210 points.

Then Yue Buqun, Zuo Lengchan and Lin Pingzhi got 180, 175 and 150 points respectively.

And the remaining 30 Great Tang adventurers got a total of 185 points!
"Sure enough," a sneer appeared on the corner of Du Yu's mouth.

Michelle and the others showed a gloating laugh.

"Holding the thigh depends on the person." Du Yu said coldly: "In the eyes of Dongfang Bubai, there will be a place for you trash fish? I will give you some leftovers. This is already the first mission, and I will save face. Later These adventurers will be even more embarrassed!"

Mai Shela, Li Tang, Wu Ren, Tina, Captain No. [-] and others can see clearly!

Point No. 6 is Wang Xiaorong, this bitch, whose points suddenly dropped to 50 points, but she is already safe!
If it weren't for the extreme situation where the adventurers of the Tang Dynasty broke out en masse and the team points fell to the bottom, at least she wouldn't have to worry about the points being wiped out.

As for the remaining 34 hard-working adventurers, there are only 135 points left for distribution!

An average of less than 5 points per person.

This is the result of completing the first mainline task.

The distance from the kill line of 50 points is so big that it makes people desperate.

An Hong's beautiful eyes flashed: "Thanks we didn't hug Dongfang Bubai's thigh, otherwise we would be tricked to death by that bitch Wang Xiaorong. Dongfang Bubai didn't take these adventurers seriously at all."

"I've found my way." The ghostly Houhou landed beside Du Yu, her beautiful eyes turned red, "These undead guys don't know how to be pitiful. They almost won't come back alive."

Du Yu grinned and patted Houhou's beautiful buttocks: "Little demon girl, don't exaggerate, I see you easily and freely shuttled through the rain of arrows from the skeleton archer, without even hurting your hair."

Hou Hou became angry from embarrassment: "You vampire, you are no different from Dongfang Bubai that transgressor. I won't work as a scout for you anymore."

Du Yu whispered in his ear: "Am I comparable to that transgressive Dongfang Bubai? How about giving me welfare tonight?"

Hou Hou turned his anger into joy, and said happily: "As long as you cross the river, you can see the Weeping Wasteland, and the abandoned cemetery is not far away. But when I passed by a forest, I saw the adventurer from the Sultanate They are making a rapid assault, passing through the defense line of monsters and undead. If this continues, we may meet them in the tomb."

Du Yu smiled lightly: "Don't worry. I've already counted this time. Let us be the oriole and follow behind the venerable Sudanese, so that we can easily enter the abandoned cemetery and return the lady's remains to the coffin. .Are you sure the other party didn't notice?"

Hou Hou smiled: "There is a powerful assassin team in the opponent's lineup. Even in the full-speed assault, the assassins are still sent out to form a guard circle around the periphery to prevent surprise attacks by other teams. Unfortunately, compared with my Heavenly Demon Dafa, These assassins are not yet qualified to find me."

Du Yu greedily touched Houhou's fat buttocks, and said sharply: "Follow up with the Sudanese, we will never allow the other party to finish the task first."

At this time, Hou Hou suddenly felt a gaze fall on him, and couldn't help shivering.

"Could it be that the surrounding area is too cold?" Wan Wan's beautiful eyes blinked, and her clear eyes swept around.

Du Yu was thinking.

The hidden mission of the wolf pupil team [Madam's Remains] battlefield location overlaps with the Sudanese, both are abandoned cemeteries, of course, the specific mission location is different.If the Sudanese raided the altar of the prime minister, cleaned up the desecrated tomb along the way, and accidentally entered the tomb where the wife's remains were, it might cause an accident.

Michelle said worriedly: "Is it really all right? Why don't we take the first step and rush into the tomb."

Du Yu shook his head and said: "The difficulty of our random mission is that it is randomly generated. Fortunately, there are three tombs in the abandoned cemetery. With the current difficulty, it is estimated that the Sudanese will not dare to divide their troops, so they can only enter one of them." One place. We can also enter another place to explore. We must not run into them. I have my own way."

Du Yu knew it in his heart.

The task of the Sudanese [Abandoned Crown] must go to the desecrated cemetery, look for the altar of the prime minister, and find the soul of the prime minister Ammon.And his target will randomly appear in one of the three desecrated tombs.Although the area of ​​the desecrated cemetery is not small, the possibility of colliding with the Sudanese cannot be said to be absolutely non-existent.

(End of this chapter)

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