Chapter 789 Alone, enter the tiger's den bravely! - Ask for a monthly pass!

At this time, Du Yu received the letter from Feige that Gerald had returned.

"Your message has been received. It is very important, but it is not enough. I need you to interfere with the Sudanese's itinerary, so that they cannot complete the task quickly, come to join the black people, and attack us. This is an order! After success, Dragon Horn for you."

Du Yu shredded the note contemptuously.

Lampard just wants to use himself, which he thought about early on.

But it's okay.

The situation is better than people.

As long as Du Yu is given enough time to make arrangements, Du Yu will naturally make Lampard dare not hide his broom and hide the S-level dragon horn privately!
He would let Lampard obediently offer up the dragon's horn, begging himself to accept it.

"Two birds with one stone."

At the beginning of choosing this task, Du Yu thought about the present day, pondered for a while, and called Mai Shela, Tina, Wu Ren, Captain No. [-], and Yang Guo to discuss.

"You want to explore this abandoned cemetery alone?" Myshea screamed.

Du Yu nodded and said: "This matter is of great importance. I know that the Sudanese are very experienced and carefully scattered the Assassin's Creed team on the outer perimeter. I want to confirm the safe passage of the team and explore the three desecrated tombs. , most likely the one with Mrs. Bland's remains."

"How do you know which tomb Mrs. Bland's remains are in?" Myshea asked in disbelief.

Du Yu laughed and said: "I said earlier that before I entered the space, I was a fanatical otaku. Of course, I have played Diablo III countless times. There is a hidden trick in it. Among the three desecrated tombs, two Fat people and zombies can be spawned in the tomb, and this task will definitely not be given. The remaining tomb has plague bats, skeletons and other tombs. Maybe the lady’s remains task. I’m going to find this task.”

Michelle and the others nodded in admiration.Although this trick is nothing, but at this moment, it can definitely save a lot of precious time, and save time for the team to enter the next task as soon as possible.

They nodded.

Michelle said: "But if you leave, what if other teams come to sneak attack?"

Du Yu said with a smile: "The other teams are all busy with their own tasks, so it is impossible to have time to sneak attack on us. Even if Dongfang Bubai can free up his hands, he can easily find us in the wilderness. Besides, the strength of the wolf pupil team It's not vegetarian either."

Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng said to Du Yu, "We are willing to go with elder brother and bravely explore the tiger's den."

Du Yu nodded: "We will come back as soon as possible."

He took Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng and Shendiao together and disappeared into the fog of war.

Mai Shela and Wu Ren, leading the wolf pupil team, marched steadily towards the Weeping Wilderness.

At this time, Qiu Haijun and Tang Lin, who were ashen-faced, surrounded Wang Xiaorong with many adventurers and shouted: "You bastard! After completing the mission, we only got a mere hundred points, which is not enough for three people. How is it enough to get off the kill list?"

Wang Xiaorong coughed, and said with a half smile but not a smile: "You followed Senior Dongfang Bubai and picked up so much money along the way, and you can only count your shots. What else do you want? Take away most of the points?"

Qiu Haijun and Tang Lin looked at each other, swallowed their anger and said, "Even if we have fewer shots, it's not that we don't want to help. It's just that Senior Dongfang's martial arts skills are too high and his speed is too fast. Considering the final battle, we didn't even have time to go up. The demon mothers were beaten up by Senior Dongfang one after another."

Wang Xiaorong sneered: "Since this is the case, what else can we complain about?"

Qiu Haijun suppressed his anger and said: "But the space doesn't care about our difficulties. At the end of the first act, those with less than 50 points will be wiped out! We are only in single digits at this time, the gap is too big!"

Wang Xiaorong said charmingly: "Don't worry. Aren't we rushing back to Tristram? We must be the first to complete the main task, and the subsequent tasks cannot escape the palm of Senior Dongfang. If you are full, can you just sit back and watch you guys run errands and get wiped out? What you miss is enough for your minimum points."

Qiu Haijun and Tang Lin were helpless.

However, Dongfang Invincible is indeed worthy of the name of Invincible.Behind him, Tian Yulang, Yue Buqun, Zuo Lengchan, and Lin Pingzhi, these five monsters, in the wilderness of nightmare difficulty, are like five demon gods. Wherever they pass, there is chaos. It is a corpse.

They really don't have much to do, and they can't stand up to protest the Eastern Invincible team's dominance, so they can only pray that the Eastern Invincible will give them some leftovers for their hard work in the first act.

As long as Dongfang Bubai can continue to win like this, it may not be impossible to collect these points.

Du Yu led Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng, and the speed of the attack increased greatly.

The three of them are all at the level of martial arts masters, their number is small, and their speed is fast, sweeping all the way, much faster than the assault speed of the wolf pupil team.Even if the monsters in the wilderness found the trail of the three of them, they would break through before they could stop them in time.

"Brother, the fog of war is really getting in the way." Yang Guo frowned.

Even though his internal strength is so deep that he has reached the body of a half-immortal, and his spiritual sense is a hundred times more sensitive than ordinary people, it is still difficult to detect the situation a hundred meters away.

Du Yu nodded: "The Sudanese should be right in front of us. Be careful of their Assassin's Creed team. This team is well-known in space."

According to the rumors, when Du Yu's head was the most valuable, even the Assassin's Creed team wanted to kill him, but at that time there was a big deal, which entangled the energy of the Assassin team.By the time the hand was free, the court had withdrawn the reward.Du Yu didn't match up with the Assassins ahead of time.

Scanning his six senses, he quickly locked on a dead tree in front of him.

On the dead tree, an assassin adventurer who was almost completely integrated with the dead tree was coldly scanning the surroundings, serving as the outer guard point of the Sudanese team to prevent any surprise attack from approaching.

If it weren't for Du Yu's dragon-wolf weather, which is extremely sensitive to the enemy, and [He's Jade Seal], which greatly increased his six senses and skill priority, this assassin's hidden skills are so powerful that they are almost completely integrated with the surrounding environment. It's really not easy to be found.

"Do you want to kill him?" Yang Guo smiled.

"There's no need to startle them." Du Yu said with a smile, "Let them move on. Let's take a detour and explore the abandoned cemetery."

They continued to move forward, carefully bypassing the vigilant Assassin scouts, and entered the Sudanese security circle.

There was a fierce fighting sound ahead.

Seen from a distance, the Shinra people are indeed swearing that they will win the No.1 strong team in this world competitive team battle.Their lineup is rigorous, with melee defenders, melee attackers, mid-range supporters, knight assault groups, and long-range firepower outputters. They have distinct layers, close cooperation and cooperation, and various skills shine one after another. They are timely and effective against the army of undead.

Du Yu observed carefully. What he paid most attention to was the composition and tactics of this formidable enemy team.

Sudanese adventurers, I heard that there are inferior camps and master camps, which are clearly separated, but judging from the battle at this time, the teamwork is seamless.It should be that the two factions of adventurers reached an agreement and temporarily reconciled.Du Yu sneered.

And the core is undoubtedly Hussein's strong team, the Ashan Brotherhood.This team is composed of all knights, Sai Yiwu and Yakun are both masters of cavalry command.

If the Shinra adventurers are like a steel wall that is slowly advancing, the Sudanese adventurers are like a combine harvester with sharp blades, with a thick defense in the center to attract the firepower of monsters, and Sai Wu The high-speed and excellent knight adventurers on both sides commanded by He Yakun continued to rush into the monster's flanks with amazing sharp impact, and violently crossed and assaulted.

In the face of such a powerful attack, the monsters were like wheat, constantly falling under the sharp attacks of the adventurers, leaving behind only large pieces of wreckage, gold coins, low-level equipment and other spoils of war.

Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng looked at the well-trained camp of Sudanese adventurers, and couldn't help feeling excited.

Only a battle with such an enemy can be called a collision of masters!

In the plot world, no matter how many twists and turns, one cannot be called the overlord of a generation without being tempered by the dialogues of powerful people from all over the world.

Although the Sudanese adventurers are powerful, they have gradually moved away from the camp villages and towns and penetrated into the wilderness. The density and strength of monsters and undead have greatly increased.There are not only skeleton soldiers and zombies, but also advanced monsters.

A kind of Roshan monster that looks like a pile of corpses, roaring and appearing in the crowd of monsters.This undead monster has astonishing brute force. Once hit by him, even adventurers with strong strength and defense will not be able to help themselves. They will be thrown into the air and lose their defensive positions.

And the meat-nest monster, which resembled the doomed crow in Assassination 2, also appeared immediately, moving slowly while spitting out a flying monster with flying wings, and raided the back of the Sudanese team at high speed.

And in the cold mist in the distance, many skeleton archers and skeleton magicians emerged, using intensive long-range firepower to intensively cover and strike the Sudanese team that was thrown into disorder by the flesh corpse monsters and crows.

"It seems." Zhang Sanfeng smiled: "It seems that the life of the Sudanese is not easy."

"They didn't use their hole cards either." Du Yu looked at the calm Sai Yiwu, shook his head, and said, "This kind of strong team knows that this is a marathon jogging and requires long-lasting endurance, so they won't easily use their hole cards."

Just as Du Yu predicted, although the Sudanese were a little embarrassed by the new monsters, as long as they adjusted their lineup a little, they immediately stabilized their position.

About 10 powerful close combat defenders roared and cut into the front line of battle.

Their imposing manner is very similar to that of Shinra's crusaders, but their attire is completely different from that of the crusaders.Obviously, Diablo III has prepared corresponding occupations [Holy Cultists] for Sudanese of different beliefs.

These dark melee professionals who also wear heavy armor have the same skill tree as the crusaders, and also have various skills to pull hatred and shield strikes.

The Roshan monster was attracted, but their brute force impact could not shake the solid defense line of these saints.

Yakun roared, a Beamon flashed behind his back, and his mount Beamon seemed to swell up, wrapped in a terrifying murderous aura, leading a team of cavalry adventurers, rushing into the back of the Roshans at high speed, shining with magic light and All kinds of powerful halo weapons pierced the flesh of Roshan Monster mercilessly!

The prayers of the imam adventurers, green rays of light fell on Ya Kun and others, greatly improving their attack, speed, and defense.

And when the Roshan monsters fought back frantically, teams of adventurers armed with powerful long-range weapons poured arrows and bullets that flashed magical light on the Roshan monsters, beating them to pieces.

And those meat nests that were hidden in the thick fog in the distance and constantly released crows to sneak attacks were soon attacked by the Sudanese with an eye for an eye!

Death-like assassins all in white burqas flashed in the void, and when they slashed at these meat nests, there would be a bang, and large streams of dark green juice would splash out. A meat nest was unexpectedly covered by these High attack assassin spike!

Although the crows immediately launched a fierce counterattack, the super agility of the assassins made them roll over and disappear in the void again.The homeless crows suddenly became dazed until they were torn apart by long-range firepower.

And those skeleton archers, magicians, and vomiting female corpses also did not escape the assassination of the Assassin's Creed team.

These assassins are extremely powerful, and they are invincible against melee and weak long-range monsters.

These believers of the True God have the same powerful and perfect power system as the believers of Shinra God, and there is no stagnation in their cooperation.

Du Yu glanced coldly.

Among the Sudanese adventurers, there are many excellent players, whether it is melee, long-range or assassination, they are very good at it.

It is not easy for the adventurers of the Tang Dynasty to fight against them.And Dongfang Bubai's strong appearance split the Datang team, and the Wolf Eyes team would definitely pay a high price if they wanted to single out these Sudanese.

That Wang Xiaorong is just a clown, if it is said that Dongfang Bubai didn't instruct her behind her, Du Yu would never believe it.

Du Yu rolled his eyes, thinking about it.

"Brother, it looks like you have a good plan?" Yang Guo, who is also a very smart person, smiled.

Du Yu chuckled: "Shenluo is so brave and good at fighting, why don't you add a little burden? Second and third brothers, let's split up."

Zhang Junbao is also a hundred-year-old bird, so he said: "Introduce monsters?"

Du Yu smiled wretchedly: "One person, one direction, give them some firepower."

He took the lead, flashed past, and went straight to the distance.

Du Yu has a natural weather premonition of danger, can roughly sense the existence of powerful monsters around him, and even pointed out the direction for Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng.

The three of them walked into the dark.

In the wilderness, there are powerful monsters guarding treasure chests everywhere.

As long as someone gets close, they will fight fiercely if they find out.

Due to the 400-player team battle mode, there are many elite monsters.

Du Yu waved his hand.Shi Feixuan, Wan Wan, Xiao Longnv, Li Mochou, and Ning Zhongze, the five masters, ran towards the surroundings separately.

If you want to do it, do it thoroughly.

This is not only the need to attack Sudan, but also objectively flatters Shinra, forcing Lampard to consider giving himself a dragon horn by the way.

Du Yu was the first to take aim at a monster that radiated gold all over.

That was a small boss of a Qurxagram.

(End of this chapter)

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