Chapter 790 Full of wit, assassinate the Sudan! - Ask for a monthly pass

It is a powerful dryad monster, motionless, like an ordinary withered tree, guarding the ruins of a hut, in which there is still a faint light of treasure.This is clearly a trap.If it weren't for Du Yu's premonition and familiarity with the darkness, ordinary adventurers might go straight to the treasure chest excitedly, and be successfully ambushed by this golden demon tree monster.

Du Yu smiled slightly, took small steps towards Lingbo, and rushed towards the demon tree.

He circulated his zhenqi, and the speed of the monk suddenly exploded, and he went straight to the demon tree.

Before Yaoshu could react, he took Du Yu's full blow!
Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!
There was only a "bang" sound, and the demon tree was shaken for a while, and almost fell to the ground with a palm.

The golden demon tree suddenly became furious, its branches and leaves shook for a while, and it stood up by its roots.

On its bark, a ferocious human face appeared, roaring furiously.

Around the hut, several demon trees scattered all over the place, attracted by the sound of the golden boss, all revived and surrounded Du Yu.

Du Yu smiled slightly, the confidence of a peerless master was about to come out, and another powerful move, the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, knocked the golden boss demon tree to the ground, and retreated again and again.

But this demon tree has a lot of life, and it is the most anti-high blood monster. It screamed fiercely, and its sharp branches were like knives.

Du Yu was like a bird flying in the air, flipping backwards lightly, jumping onto the demon tree in violation of the laws of physics, and there was another burst of patter, the eighteen palms of the subduing dragon slammed the leaves of the demon tree withered , roaring again and again.

Du Yu gave a long laugh.

This dark world is really exciting.

Possessing powerful martial arts, you can hunt and kill powerful monsters at will.He was confident that if he gave himself 5 minutes, this golden monster, including the little tree demons around him, would all become his trophies.

But thinking of the respectable Sudanese team, Du Yu smiled slightly, jumped off the boss of the Demon Tree, and rushed towards the Sudanese team, pulling this dispirited and powerful team.

At the same time, Yang Guo, with his sleeves fluttering, and the Condor pulled a group of elites guarding the treasure chest on the cliff to vomit female corpse monsters, and the wind came.

Zhang Sanfeng seemed loyal, but in fact he was even more ruthless. He brought a golden Roshan monster with a halo on his feet, followed by a group of Roshan monsters who were also buffed by the boss, and rushed from behind the Sudanese.

The Houhou Heavenly Demon belt fluttered like a butterfly flying lightly, luring a wave of 5-headed blue skeleton elite shooters towards the Sudanese.

Several other beauties did not pull such a brilliant team, but they did not empty their hands. They were followed by at least a dozen ordinary monsters and rushed towards the Sudanese.

As they ran, they turned back and attacked, hitting the monster hard and arousing the monster's anger.

After rushing into the periphery of the Sudanese, they will disappear one after another before the sight of the Assassin scouts.

The monsters will not stop their anger just because they lost their target. After the adventurer who teased them disappeared, their furious and scarlet eyes locked on these Sudanese assassins.

Assassins are good at assassination, but facing a large number of monsters, or such a large wave of monsters led by bosses and elite monsters, they can only turn around and run away.

So, the Sudanese suddenly realized that they were in big trouble!
A large number of terrifying monsters appeared around at almost the same time!

At least three small bosses with gold characters and 8 elite monsters with blue characters.

Moreover, the directions came from all directions, and it was impossible to form an effective front at all.

"Withdraw!" Saiwu Sharif was worthy of being a hero of the generation, so he made a decisive decision.

Yakun's Behemoth mount ruthlessly tore open the flesh of a Roshan monster with its sharp claws.Some 80% of Bimont ignored the activation of special defensive effects, and the Roshan Monster, which was originally thick-skinned and high-defense, was useless in front of Yakun and was hacked wantonly.

"Withdraw?" Yakun wiped the blood on his face, which was splashed by the blood of Roshan Monster, and looked at the various equipment and gold coins left on the ground with distress.

Although nothing good came out, no matter how small the grasshopper was, it was still meat.In Diablo III, gold coins are very useful. How can this treasure be worth more than 200 gold coins?

"There won't be such an astonishing coincidence!" Sai Yiwu said in a deep voice, "Someone is messing with us!"

"Someone plotting?" Yakun immediately reacted.

He punched the ground: "Bastard! Who is it?"

"Both the Shenluo people and the Datang people are possible!" Sai Yiwu said coldly: "The problem is, if we don't leave, the enemy will attract monsters endlessly, causing the defense line to collapse. Although these things are valuable, they are not much. Good stuff. Go!"

Although the Sudanese were determined to leave, how could they run away so easily among their 100 adventurers?

At this time, Du Yu changed into the usual costume of Sudanese adventurers. Anyway, the fog of war was thick and the visibility was extremely poor. Even within ten meters, it was difficult to distinguish.

He constantly adjusted his direction, seduced the monster, and chased the Sudanese.

The Sudanese became the morning star in the dark, fighting fiercely with all kinds of powerful monsters all the way, and slowly fled away.

Of course, their direction was impacted by a large wave of monsters attracted by Du Yu, and they couldn't help moving to one side, and the time was greatly delayed.

During the fierce battle, various whiteboards, light blue equipment and shiny gold coins were left all over the floor.

Du Yu's beauties picked up these equipments by category, and collected all the gold coins.

"Hey, the Sudanese are at a loss now." Houhou smiled broadly, "We have collected more than 200 gold coins and dozens of low-level equipment, which can be sold for more than 200."

Elizabeth raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "You forgot the bigger treasure. That is the treasure chest guarded by the distracted bosses. Don't forget, I am an expert in opening treasure chests!"

She proudly straightened out her already full breasts, her breasts swaying, making people look sideways.

Hou Hou giggled and said, "I'd like to see what good things you can come up with?"

Yang Guo smiled: "Now, the progress of the Sudanese will be greatly delayed. Our wolf pupil team may enter the abandoned tomb first, so we don't have to follow their winks."

Zhang Sanfeng said with a smile: "It would be more ideal if these monster bosses were stronger and killed some Sudanese."

Du Yu said with a smile: "This can at most delay the action. It is a gift from us to Lampard, and it is a way to weaken the Sudanese. However, there is a problem with the coordination of these boss monsters. I am afraid that the Sudanese may not necessarily suffer losses." .After opening the treasure chest, we will leave."

At this time, I heard a burst of cheers from Houhou and Elizabeth in the hut.

The treasure chest guarded by the golden dryad was originally a high-grade treasure chest, but when Elizabeth opened it, a lot of good things fell out.

Most of them are piles of shiny gold coins, but there are also various gems and equipment scattered during the period.

This Elizabeth, as expected of the heroine with real luck, burst the golden treasure chest abruptly by her.

"Wow, a broken ruby, a diamond, and a sapphire, huh? What is this?" Wan Hou picked up a piece of paper.

Du Yu picked it up and handed it to Wang Yuyan.

Wang Yuyan, who knows everything, made a little appraisal and said: "This is a training page with a very low drop rate. It is used to give blacksmiths to improve the proficiency and level of blacksmiths in this world. It is extremely valuable."

Shan Wanjing glanced at the training page, and said with a smile: "There are various recipes for making weapons in this world. Only after collecting the entire 20 pages can a training book be formed, and a blacksmith's skill level be improved by one level. "

Houhou smiled and said, "If the Sudanese know what they have missed, they might go crazy with envy. But we'd better eat up and leave immediately. The Sudanese are not fools, and they will definitely come back to take revenge."

Elizabeth touched it with a smile. In this world competition mode, it is necessary to open the key treasure chest. She has already geared up and is ready to show her skills.

As the number of beauties in Du Yu's harem increased, the beauties looked like sisters to each other on the surface and were more friendly, but secretly worked hard on their own.Of course, this kind of competition is positive and upward, and all the energy is used against the enemy, who can help prevent it more than anyone else, and produce things that others cannot do.

Du Yu waved his hand: "Wanjing, can you disassemble these equipment?"

Shan Wanjing shook her head and said: "Theoretically yes, but the decomposition system has not been activated yet, and I need more information and experience. This time, I will hand it over to the merchant to sell. The team's storage box can also be expanded."

After Du Yu and the others cleaned up the battlefield, they immediately rushed to the Weeping Wilderness.

In the distance, the roar of the Sudanese, the screams of groups of undead monsters, and the collision of fierce fighting could still be heard. The three Du Yu brothers looked at each other and smiled.

This time the Sudanese got into big trouble, and they were very lucky to be able to barely escape. To kill so many golden monsters, the Sudanese would definitely not be able to bear it.

In fact, Yakun and Saif had already tried their best to fight a bloody path from the crowd of monsters that surrounded them from all directions.

"Bastard! Let me find out who did it, and I must pull out his intestines!" Yakun was furious.

"Sea drifters, open a passage from the west!" A bearded man holding an AK74 assault rifle shouted excitedly.

"But we're going to the Weeping Wilds to the east!" Yakun was furious.

"Forget it." Sai Yiwu said calmly: "Break out first and then talk. This time we fell, someone must be trying to delay our mission speed."

"Captain, you mean?" Ya Kun's body trembled.

"That's right!" Sai Yiwu said in a deep voice: "The true god said that people count as tigers, and tigers also count as humans. We sent the brothers from the parliamentary country to attack Lampard. After completing the mission, they will attack Lampard. Lampard is not a fool. , How could you not have thought of this? I am sure that even if the Westerners did not do the clever move just now, it was also done by their ally Du Yu. However, we sent the Assassin’s Creed team as scouts, but we still failed to prevent the enemy .”

Yakun was so angry that he sliced ​​open the rotten head of an elite woman who vomited, and shouted angrily, "Go!"

At this time, the golden dryad screamed wildly, and with its branches, it sent two wolves-like Sudanese adventurers flying away. With a gust of wind, it charged into the lineup of Sudanese adventurers.

(End of this chapter)

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