Chapter 791 Abandoned Cemetery!Serial trap! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
The strength of this golden boss cannot be humiliated, and he completely disregards the grief and indignation of the Sudanese.

"Ali! What are you coward doing? Use the lamp god!" Sai Yiwu yelled at a skinny adventurer in the team.

A Sudanese adventurer took a golden pot of oil lamp from his neck in distress and rubbed it.

An Aladdin lamp god from the myth of One Thousand and One Nights slowly emerged from the oil lamp, and said in a low voice, "Dear little Ali, you have used the magic lamp twice. This is the last time, are you sure you want to do this?" Is it?"

Ali looked at the golden dryad getting closer, gritted his teeth and said, "Yes! I want you to be trapped in this golden dryad!"

The lamp god glanced at the golden dryad, and laughed wildly: "Very good! But from now on, I'm free. And you???"

It laughed evilly: "Sooner or later, I will sell my soul to my devil master!"

It soars into the sky!

The majestic golden tree demon that rushed into the Sudanese lineup froze for a moment.

The lamp god turned into a dark blue halo, tightly bound the tree demon's root system, making it unable to move.

"Go!" Sai Yiwu's heart was bleeding.

The omnipotent Djinn is a magic weapon in the Sultan's most famous plot, the Thousand and One Nights.Although it was just a shrunk version of the imitation of the Scarlet City Gate in the outer city, it was still enough to save the team at critical moments.

If it weren't for the nasty sneak attacker, how could I use it in such an insignificant place?

The Sudanese managed to escape from the siege, but Du Yu forced them to take a detour.In the monster-infested Weeping Wastes, that means a lot of time being premeditated.

Du Yu ordered Houhou to go back and report to Maishela, and the wolf pupil team accelerated, trying to enter the abandoned cemetery before the Sudanese, and at the same time flew a carrier pigeon to Lampard.

There was only one sentence in the letter: "In 4 hours, the Sudanese will not be a problem."

Lampard replied quickly, and there was only one sentence: "Okay! Keep working hard."

Du Yu moved quickly across the wilderness.

Shi Feixuan suddenly said: "Do you remember that we also have a lurking flower demon in the inner city?"

Du Yu nodded.

Shi Feixuan and Houhou looked at each other: "We both feel that someone seems to be spying in the dark, and there is always a feeling of needles on the skin, which is caused by the enemy's malicious eyes."

Wan Wan said charmingly: "That gaze seems to want to strip off all the clothes of others, and it's like a cold poisonous snake licking someone's skin with a letter. It's so uncomfortable."

Xiao Longnv and Zhou Zhiruo, holding hands and speeding beside Du Yu, also nodded upon hearing this: "

We thought it was an illusion that we were on the cold fog field, and it turned out that you also felt the same way. "

Du Yu's face darkened.

He will never allow his woman to be hurt.This flower demon has violated her own bottom line by spying on her woman so much.

Regardless of whether he is a master in the inner city or not, he must be killed!
"But who is the flower demon?" Zhou Zhiruoman said in a voice, "If you don't know his identity, you can't kill him."

"The biggest suspicion is that Wang Xiaorong!" Ning Zhong said decisively: "I am angry when I see that Hu Meizi. To openly split my Tang Dynasty and sing against us, it must be the flower demon."

"But Myra Xue said that she is a space veteran, and her status should not be a problem, although I also hate her." Elizabeth drove a shiny Harley motorcycle.This Harley motorcycle was exchanged by Du Yu, and it was specially designed to increase Elizabeth's movement speed. It didn't have any attack power, but it was very durable and fast.Elizabeth, who has a flamboyant and wild personality, fell in love with this cool Harley motorcycle immediately.

Du Yu pondered for a while, then turned to A'Zhu and said, "I heard that the flower demon is also good at disguise. If that's the case, it's not necessary for him to pretend to be a newcomer that everyone doesn't know, and it's normal for him to pretend to be an imposter if he kills an adventurer. "

A'Zhu was riding on the back of a slender, fast-moving Dongming salamander, and nodded when he heard the words: "As the flower demon is a powerhouse in the inner city and a veteran who harms women in space, the priority of disguise is definitely not mine. Below. I carefully observed the 100 adventurers in Datang, and found no abnormalities. Alas, Ah Zhu also needs to keep improving in order to keep up with the progress of the enemy."

Du Yu laughed loudly, jumped on Ah Zhu's Dongming salamander, kissed the small crystal ear, and said, "It's not that my Ah Zhu, or other beauties are not hardworking and good enough, it's really your young master, Mrs. Can provoke a strong enemy."

Hou Hou giggled and said, "This time the flower demon is a wild bee and butterfly attracted by our beautiful flowers. You flower protector is in trouble!"

At this moment, Shi Feixuan suddenly said calmly: "We are here! This is the abandoned cemetery!"

This is a large abandoned cemetery shrouded in green mist.You must know that Tristram was originally a holy place for burying the dead around it, so whether it was under the cathedral or around it, there were many abandoned cemeteries like this.And the evil power brought by the meteorite from the sky activated these corpses that should have been sleeping underground and turned them into various wandering undead monsters.

As now seen by Du Yu et al.:
In this abandoned cemetery, in addition to scavengers, there are many cyst monsters, twisted mothers, hungry dead and skeleton soldiers, hiding in the crosses, tombstones that have been dug up, coffins discarded at will, and broken coffins. From time to time, there were wailing ghosts and howling wolves, mixed with the cold wind, blowing across the empty tomb, I really don't know if it was the wind or the ghost.

"Be careful!" Yilin warned solemnly: "I can feel that this is a place where ghosts gather, and there is a huge danger lurking."

Du Yu's face became serious.

He protected Hou Hou, who was walking in front, behind him, and walked forward slowly.

When passing by a bunch of bushes, suddenly a group of black shadows jumped out of the grass, with a minimum of 100 points of agility, they rushed towards Du Yu, Wan Hou, Shi Feixuan and Yi Lin!

Wan Hou was so frightened that she almost cried, "What the hell is this?"

There was a sound of a crossbow, and the green ghosts that jumped at both ends in front of Du Yu were pierced by two birds with one arrow, choked up, and were nailed to the opposite tombstone.

The Vampire Queen - Serena.

In the dense fog, her beautiful scarlet eyes as a vampire exuded a frightening light penetrating through the dense fog, holding a golden magic crossbow in her hand.

"When did you change your job to be a demon hunter?" Du Yu flashed a green shadow's ghost claw to attack, and laughed dumbly.

Serena said coldly: "Be careful! These are Hungry Torso, crawling and attacking very fast. Protect Yilin! Avoid the bushes."

Yilin became the target of siege by hordes of hungry half-length zombies because of her relationship with Buddhism.These strengthened crazy zombies grabbed the leggings of this beautiful nun and wanted to bite down.

Du Yu snorted coldly, and rushed to Yilin's side in an instant with a move of Ben Lei Fist. With three punches and two kicks, the half-body zombie was sent flying high.

More zombies were about to pounce on Du Yu, but Yilin pinched the Fuming King's mantra and shouted, "Greatly Merciful and Compassionate Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!"

The zombies let out a scream and were shaken by the dazzling Buddha's light, and then they were bombarded by Du Yu's full force, breaking their bones and tendons, and flying away in all directions.

Shi Feixuan's Sekong sword picked up a half-body zombie, and with a coquettish scold, the unlucky undead monster was instantly scattered into ashes.

The Sekong Sword swung out again, slashed the other monster, and threw it to the other monster, making it a rolling gourd.

After a lot of hard work, all these dozens of half-length zombies were killed.

Houhou and Elizabeth were pleasantly surprised to find that in the open space in front of them, there were several corpses of villagers, and there was a dark golden box in the center.

"These guys are supposed to be guarding the treasure chest, right?" Wan Hou grinned and flitted over, ready to open the box. Elizabeth opened the box until her hand softened, and ran over excitedly.

But for some reason, Du Yu only vaguely felt that there seemed to be some kind of danger lurking in the dark golden box.

"Don't open that box!" Du Yu shouted.

Elizabeth looked shocked, but she moved fast enough to flip the box!

There was only a clattering sound, and countless precious treasures popped out from the box.Among them is a brilliant and incomplete sapphire and another incomplete amethyst.The value of these two gems surpassed all the benefits that the wolf pupil team had obtained before.

In Diablo III, the value and level of gems have been greatly improved.Gems are not only scarce but also a common way to improve the quality and value of weapons.As long as the equipment has aperture grooves, it can be inlaid with gems to get a lot of improvement.

The scattered gems and piles of gold coins instantly illuminated the originally gloomy world. All kinds of jewels and treasures added a touch of majestic but bleak color to this bloody, cold, and killing land!

"Go!" Du Yu roared angrily, "Quickly retreat back!"

He rushed towards Houhou and Elizabeth at high speed, hugged the two bewildered beauties, and retreated quickly.

At the same time as Du Yu retreated violently, there was a sudden scream, and dense crowds of monsters appeared around the villager's dead body!
This is clearly a trap!
A vicious serial trap.

The bait was the golden chest, a chest full of gems and gold coins.The first wave of traps were dozens of half-length zombies crawling out of the bushes.Adventurers after a bitter battle will definitely regard the golden box as a trophy and open it without thinking.

But this opened Pandora's box and sounded the death knell for himself!
Dozens of distorted mother bodies and cyst monsters appeared at the same time, tightly surrounding the Beauty Wolf Eyes team, and hundreds of carrion bats roared in, launching a crazy attack on the Wolf Eyes team from the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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