Chapter 792 Heaven-Defying Yang Guo, Invincible Zhang Sanfeng! - Ask for a monthly pass!

On the periphery, hundreds of hungry dead and skeleton soldiers followed!

The most frightening thing is the Twisted Mother and the Monster in the Bag, each with a small nightmare rare boss, leading the army.Just by looking at the golden halo surrounding them, one can tell that they are powerful and not easy to mess with.

"Trap!" Ning Zhong shouted angrily, "This is the enemy's trap!"

Even Du Yu, Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng, who were well-informed and well-informed, were momentarily overwhelmed by this terrifying number of enemy lineups.

How could these common monsters set such a large-scale trap?

"We were careless!" Du Yu said in a deep voice: "This is Diablo 3's characteristic system encounter! It is to set up a large group of enemies in an ambush on certain important strongholds and necessary roads. Once we step here, it will become The dark monsters are vying to attack the target. Don’t panic, listen to my orders. With me, the second brother, the third brother, and the sculpture as the four corners, form a circular defense circle! The melee beauties are in charge of the battle, and Yilin and Serena Wait for the long-distance, ring protection! Our strength is very strong, and we will not lose to the enemy."

The Beauty Wolf Hitomi team moves fast.

Du Yu, Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng, and Shendiao formed four strong defensive corners, and the gaps were fully connected by Shi Feixuan, Wan Hou, Ning Zhongze, Xiaolongnv, the three sisters Fu Junzhuo, Li Qinglu and other melee warriors. , to protect Li Mochou, Yilin, Serena, Elizabeth and others inside.

And the summoned beasts such as Moliel and Helfah continuously swooped down from mid-air to deal with the fast-moving, electric-type attacking scavenging bats.

Although Du Yu waited for the response in time, he was still caught in the siege of hordes of monsters and undead army after a few seconds.

The cyst monster is a lump of fat meat ball, which is more sensitive in action, has higher attack power, and also has a knockback attribute.The threat to the melee defender is very high, and it can often break through the shield of the melee defender and open the defense gap.What's more wicked is that when this thing dies, it will explode and cause damage to any nearby objects, and give birth to three disgusting corpse insects to continue attacking adventurers.Therefore, adventurers must run away quickly before the explosion.

The twisted mother body is also disgusting, it will cause high poison damage and melee attack damage to adventurers, and it will spit out zombies amidst the screams of beauties!When the wet, bodily fluid-filled zombie got up from the ground moaning and attacked the beauties, the screams of beauties such as Elizabeth and Arjuna would resound through the cold cemetery.

The best way to deal with these two is to fly a kite.As long as you use high mobility, run around with these two monsters, and continue to use long-range attacks, you can live and die.But the problem is, at this time, the monsters chose a circular ambush despicably and precisely!
Trapped in the center and surrounded by defense, Du Yu and the others had neither depth nor speed, and were dragged down by the beauties in the center, so they couldn't move quickly.

What made the wolf pupil team even more flustered was that hundreds of carrion bats appeared in groups, screaming and attacking the beauties.This bat attack property is charged.While it's not too difficult to deal with single-handedly, a large group of numbers can still be quite a headache.Especially the electric type attack, each time it can cause paralysis for a certain period of time, and the other monsters cooperate for a while, and the beauty's life value immediately plummets thousands of miles, and the situation is extremely critical.

With this vicious trap, Du Yu and the beauties were rushing forward one second, but fell into an ambush the next, struggling for survival.

Diablo III in this world competition mode is indeed worthy of being the place where adventurers fall.

Just this ambush circle with a terrifying number of enemies, if Du Yu hadn't brought such a powerful lineup and summoning team with him, it would be hard for ordinary adventurers to escape!

The most dangerous to the wolf pupil team is the distorted mother body and the small cyst monster boss.The twisted matrix kept vomiting, spitting out zombies at a very high speed.Moreover, the zombies it spits out have a bouncing effect, and they will fall directly into the inner defensive circle of the wolf pupil team. Once they stand up, they will be the champion-level zombie boss, which has a great impact on the wolf pupil team's defense.

And the small boss of the cyst monster even went on a rampage, constantly flying the wolf-eyed beauty who was blocking the front, leading the little monsters, tearing through the wolf-eyed team's defense, causing waves of chaos and crisis.

At this moment, the wolf pupil team fell into a desperate situation.

"Kill!" Du Yu roared, and the Ghost Prison's Yinfeng Roar was fully activated.

After the 7th floor of Ghost Prison Yinfenghou, it will cause 90 points of sonic damage to all enemies within a radius of 100 meters, and there is a 90% chance to cause stun, knocked down, stunned, immobilized, etc. for 8 seconds (all of which cannot be defended. State), the priority of this skill is 44 points, each use consumes 80 points of internal energy, and the cooling time is 1 minute.Within 15 seconds after the skill is used, the attack speed is doubled.

This level of damage is difficult to cause fatal damage to creatures with difficulty in assassinating three nightmares, but the incomparably precious 8 seconds of stun, fall, shock, immobilization and 44 points of priority gave the wolf pupil team a very precious A respite!

Most of the twisted mothers and monsters in the bag that were madly attacking the wolf pupil team were instantly frozen by the ghost prison Yinfenghou.And the scavenging bats flying down in the air and constantly harassing them also froze in the air for an instant, and many of them were directly shot down by Du Yu's roaring sound waves.

44 points of priority, in the difficulty of nightmare level, unimpeded.Even the twisted mother body with two hideous faces and the rare small boss of the monster in the bag were successfully passed the resistance check by Du Yu, and entered a stunned state!
After all, Ghost Prison Yinfeng Roar is the most profound application of the Nine Yin Scriptures.Du Yu did not hesitate to expend a lot of energy to raise it to the 7th floor, and today he saw the effect.

"Kill!" Yang Guo's sleeve fluttered, and he slammed out a palm of ecstasy.

The hideous cyst monster boss was immediately sent flying high by Yang Guo!
Yilin's purifying Buddha light, Serena's sniper crossbow, and Li Qinglu's 130mm main gun exploded on it at the same time!

The cyst blamed the little boss screaming in pain, but this was only the beginning.

Yang Guo smiled slightly, dejectedly ecstatic, the center of the palm jumping with fear, unfounded worry, creating something out of nothing, procrastinating, wandering in the empty valley, unable to do what he wanted, he launched six moves in a row, one by one!

His demeanor of a master in the inner city is fully revealed!

In just 8 seconds, the small cyst monster boss was blown away by the ecstasy palm of hero Yang Guo!

Yes, there was no way to fight back, and he was directly blown away by Yang Guo's handsome combo!
The cyst monster's little boss had pale eyes, screamed angrily, and suddenly swelled up in the air.

The continuous expansion made its originally plump body even more chubby, like a fully inflated balloon, but exuded endless madness and danger.

"No! It's going to explode!" Wang Yuyan, who is familiar with monster attributes, exclaimed, "Send it away quickly. Otherwise, the explosion will cause splash damage to any nearby objects!"

Yang Guo smiled slightly, his wide sleeves tightly wrapped the fat and round cyst monster boss, like a huge bowling ball, he threw it into the crowd of cyst monsters coming up later!

An earth-shattering explosion.

The cyst blamed the small boss in the crowd of monsters, and a tragic explosion occurred.

Dozens of cyst monsters around were affected by the explosion.

The flesh and blood of this small cyst monster boss is like shrapnel flying at high speed, blasting the surrounding similar people into a mess!
Indiscriminate splash damage.

In that circle of cyst monsters, the health value was instantly taken away by the explosion of the cyst monster's little boss!

After that, they also groaned like pregnant women, with their big bellies raised.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

One after another explosions resounded throughout the abandoned cemetery.

The ground was shaking.

A circle of extremely annoying cyst monsters were easily dealt with before Yang Guo's invincible martial arts.

The beauties cast amazed glances at Yang Guo, while Xiao Longnv smiled: "Guo Er, you really have benefited."

Yang Guo smiled slightly.

Having practiced Dugu Qiubai martial arts all his life, as long as he can be praised by his aunt once, he will be satisfied.

He said indifferently: "If it wasn't for the elder brother's martial arts from the Nine Yin Manual to trap these hateful monsters, it would not be easy for me to succeed."

And Zhang Sanfeng was swinging the ordinary iron sword, attacking the twisted matrix.

The Taiji Sword is not in a hurry, every time it runs, it is in harmony with the will of God, round and free, but no matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem like it can be in front of the abnormal state for 8 seconds, resulting in this terrible twisted matrix.

Zhang Sanfeng was not in a hurry at all, he rubbed the boss of the twisted mother body back and forth, and when the 8 seconds were up, suddenly, his Tai Chi sword turned into a ball of meteor cold light, and pierced into the twisted mother body!
The distorted matrix boss woke up from the dizziness, screamed, and was about to launch a fierce attack on Zhang Sanfeng.

However, the Tai Chi sword, which seemed as plain as water, seemed to be filled with supreme true energy during the onslaught of the distorted mother body, striking the distorted mother body backwards and flying violently.

This is exactly how to treat a person in the same way.

The Twisted Matrix is ​​best at repelling, and Zhang Sanfeng also uses repelling to deal with it.

The distorted matrix quickly retreated, but the fury in its heart became even hotter.One of its tentacles propped up on the big tree behind it, and it counterattacked at a faster speed than when it came!
This twisted matrix full of liquid and corpses, once it goes mad, is fiercer than a barbarian!

Zhang Sanfeng seemed to have expected it a long time ago, with a slight smile, the Tai Chi sword continued to take his time, covering the twisted mother's body with internal force, with a light and fluffy Xishi Huansha!
The crazy twisted mother body, like a tank full of water, collided with the hungry dead swarming across, crushing the group of zombies into pieces.

Zhang Sanfeng performed Taiji swordsmanship like Taijiquan, covering the distorted mother body with strong internal force, taking it with him, using it as an extremely powerful meteor hammer, wherever it passed, zombies and monsters were knocked to the ground, scattered and splashed, and no grass grew .

Finally, the twisted mother body also lost its strength, and let Zhang Sanfeng do whatever he wanted.

 Thank you Blood Angel Yellow Star, So Cold Ice, volt002, Sad $Melody, Chaos Promise, Dongshao Qiankun, Mars Land, etc. for your generous rewards!Four more outbreaks today!Seek all kinds of support.

(End of this chapter)

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