Chapter 793 Swindled and kidnapped, blackmailed Sudan! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
In the end Zhang Sanfeng slashed his sword lightly, directly piercing through the distorted body that had been bumped into all kinds of meat.

The latter was sluggish, then trembled, and then burst open, the situation was extremely tragic.

A rare item that glows with magical light, dropped to the ground, is an amulet.

Zhang Sanfeng picked it up calmly, and casually threw it to Wang Yuyan.

Like a gust of wind, Du Yu rushed into the hordes of disgusting corpse insects.It was an incidental product after the cyst monster exploded, and it was not a small threat to adventurers.

Wherever his fist passed, the monsters fell to the ground one after another, and there was no enemy in his hand.

Domineering and bombarding the sky!
The beauties turned from being besieged to counterattack one after another, beating the monsters crackling and retreating.

Finally, after a hard fight, the dangerous ambush was finally broken by Du Yu, and the monsters fled in all directions, especially those greedy but timid carrion crows, which flew to the sky quickly.

There are all kinds of dropped equipment and gold coins all over the floor.

The most valuable one was dropped by two rare bosses, and a golden item suddenly appeared!
[Evil Shaman Mask]: Exclusively for witch doctors.Gold items, defense 78-90, enhance voodoo effect by 20%, increase mana recovery rate by 7.5, and increase treasure drop rate by 30%.

Du Yu casually threw the object to Rourou.

Rourou was shocked and said: "Do you want me to change my job to become a witch doctor?"

Du Yu laughed and said, "Otherwise, how can you help the team? Just using poison is not enough. Witch doctor is the most sinister profession in the dark. You will like it."

Li Mochou shook her head and said, "I know, but I have a problem. This witch doctor is so ugly that he has no friends. For a woman, this is the most intolerable."

Du Yu: ""

Although the wolf pupil team won in the end, Houhou and Elizabeth looked at each other with lingering fear.

"Unexpectedly, this monster is also proficient in the art of war." Shen Luoyan's life-threatening hairpin wiped the neck of a vomiting female corpse, and cut off her head. The means are not lost to adventurers."

"There are more ambushes ahead." Du Yu sighed: "No wonder this story requires a team of at least 100 people to complete together. If it weren't for our three inner-city level masters participating in the battle, and so many beauties with different abilities. This time the ambush is not easy to deal with. It can be estimated that, except for Dongfang Invincible's first main quest, which is relatively simple, and Dongfang Invincible is so monstrous, other teams will take a long time to complete the main quest."

There was a glint of haze in his eyes.

"What are you thinking?" Shen Luoyan asked curiously.

Du Yu smiled wryly: "That's right. I asked my cousin to do a lot of homework in advance. Among the three tombs in the abandoned cemetery, in addition to the random mission [Madam's Remains] we received, there is a high chance that we will receive another There is a random task with more generous rewards [Guard the Urn]. The task points are as high as 4800 points. To be honest, I originally thought of killing two birds with one stone, but after witnessing this fierce battle, I have no idea."

Shen Luoyan nodded: "I also did my homework in advance. That task was one of two random spawns. But this is the case in this world competitive team battle. There are many temptations, many choices, and many pursuits. How can we ensure safety? Under the premise of the goal, it is reasonable to maximize the comprehensive benefits and ensure that our wolf pupil team breaks into the highest heaven on the difficulty of hell. Although that task is rich, if it is too difficult, we have to give up."

The two are discussing, Elizabeth and others have finished cleaning the battlefield.At the same time, Hou Hou, who was in charge of security, came down and said in a deep voice, "The Sudanese have gotten rid of their pursuers and are heading here at high speed. We should go."

Shen Luoyan was as careful as a hair: "It's easy to find the traces of the war here. We need to clean it up. Otherwise, the Sudanese will be alerted and search the tombs one by one, blocking us in the tombs, which will pose a great threat."

Du Yu nodded, giggled and said, "Why don't we give him a surprise."

The Sudanese came rushing forward.Yakun rode a Beamon mount and charged forward at high speed.

"Bastard! We've lost so much time, then Dongfang Invincible will probably start the second main quest." He was impatient, rushing all the way.There were scattered skeleton soldiers and zombies blocking the way, and when his Behemoth swiped past them, they split in half.

"Not so fast." Sai Yiwu was scheming: "Yakun, you have to learn to fight with your brain. Dongfang Bubai has not been able to receive the second mission so far, because the Shinra people have not rescued Kane! Haha, I guess they are still there Crazy search in the town. Or go to find the bad luck of Du Yu and others!"

"I found a treasure chest ahead." A scout from the Assassin's Creed team fell beside him like a ghost and reported, "There are still many broken corpses."

"Huh?" Sai Yiwu narrowed his eyes.

This is obviously a battlefield where fierce battles have been fought.There were corpses of monsters and undead everywhere, traces of fierce battles, and even obvious traces of shelling—that was left by Li Qinglu's 130mm main gun.

"Adventurer team?" Sai Yiwu's eyes narrowed a lot.

"They are the ones who attracted so many monsters to try to frame us!" Yakun was furious.

"Why didn't the enemy clean up the battlefield?" Sai Yiwu thought more.

"No time?" Yakun guessed.

"No!" Sai Yiwu's eyes were like a fox smelling danger, flickering suspiciously, picked up a handful of monster's ashes, and sniffed them in front of his nose: "This war should have happened for a while."

An adventurer stepped forward to try to open the treasure chest, but who knew that, as soon as he touched the box, an earth-shattering explosion occurred!
A mechanism carefully set up by Wang Yuyan!

The plastic explosives in space shook the entire Weeping Wilderness like an earthquake.

Thanks to Sai Yiwu who reminded the adventurer sharply at the last moment, he finally retreated in time and saved his life, but he still had lingering fears.

At this moment, magic light suddenly flashed in all directions.

"Ambush! It's an ambush!" Sai Yiwu said angrily.

The shadowy figures of the wolf pupil team appeared again from all directions. It was the wolf pupil team member who came from a distance. After meeting with Du Yu, they joined the ambush against the Sudan United team!

In an instant, the pressure on the Sudanese increased greatly. In the faint mist, there seemed to be flying figures, long-range bows, crossbows, and bullets everywhere.

"Bastard! Fight with the people of Tang Dynasty!" Yakun was furious.

"No! The enemy's situation is unknown!" Sultan Saiyiwu vetoed it flatly: "Retreat immediately. Get out of the enemy's attack range!"

He was scheming, and he could tell at a glance that this was a well-designed trap by the wolf pupil team to ambush his own team.

"This Du Yu is also number one at the gate of the Scarlet City. How could he be willing to be a running dog for the Westerners?" Yakun was indignant, and led Bimon to retreat abruptly.

Sudan is worthy of being a strong team. Even though it was ambushed suddenly, it was defeated without chaos. They crossed the cover and managed to break away from the wolf pupil team's attack line without killing a single person.

"Damn it!" The Sudanese adventurers were excited: "The wolf pupil team only has more than 60 people. If we are afraid of them, how will we behave in the future? Captain, lead us to destroy these Datang people."

Sai Yiwu has yet to make a decision.

"This Datang person may not dare to provoke us. It should be Shenluo's instigation." Sai Yiwu flashed: "There are only three main missions. They are divided up by Dongfang Bubai, me and Lampard respectively. Du Yu and the council If the country can't get the task, it can only help others."

Yakun's eyes flashed brightly: "It's just right. Let's take a ruthless hand and destroy the wolf pupil team!"

Sai Yiwu shook his head and said: "Although Du Yu's wolf pupil team has 65 people, which is smaller than ours, it is still a strong team. It also has the advantage of bypassing us and setting up ambushes carefully. It will start a full-scale war, kill a thousand enemies, and lose eight of us." One hundred. Not good for the overall situation."

Yakun said angrily: "Could it be that we are blocked here by them?"

Sai Yiwu sneered and said, "There is a saying in Datang that nothing can get better without profit. If Lampard and the Vatican can buy Du Yu and the Wolf Tong team, we can naturally too! There is no need to fight Du Yu to the death, just give him some Sweetness, of course you can!"

Yakun sullenly said, "Bribing Du Yu?"

Sai Yiwu pondered for a moment, then waved his hand: "Where's Yusuf?"

A portly, jeweled Arab businessman stepped out of the camp, bowed deeply and smiled and said, "Honorable Saiwu, what do you want from me, Yusuf?"

Sai Yiwu waved his hand: "I need the wolf pupil team to make way, let's go! See what price they pay, so they don't have to sacrifice their lives for the Westerners. Let him know that against us, there is only a dead end. It's just that the true god has the virtue of living, so I will I don’t want to solve it with swords.”

Maishela and the others focused their attention on the other side of the thick fog, fearing that the powerful Sudanese would charge over and fight them all.

Du Yu, however, looked leisurely, looking around the terrain of the abandoned cemetery with his hands behind his back, and his eyes stayed on three caves with dim fires, which were the targets of his operation—the desecrated tombs.

These three desecrated tombs are the missions where the remains of the lady appear randomly. You have to scan them one by one to find out where the remains are?
"Why don't we go to finish the task right away, but confront the Sudanese here?" Li Tang puzzled, "Although I admit that there was another big explosion and an ambush just now, I am very happy to see the Sudanese in a mess. Go back and talk to those bastards, and you have the capital to brag."

"Are you stupid?" Michelle hated iron and steel: "If we enter the desecrated tomb and the Sudanese block the exit, everyone will die in it!"

Li Tang scratched his head: "Well, with so many of us and such a big movement, it's hard to hide it from the Sudanese."

"So I have to wait!" Du Yu said proudly: "I'm going to play a bluff and bet patience with Sai Yiwu! The Sudanese who want to win No. 1 will never sit back and watch the Shinra people complete the task step by step."

"But they can also rush over and compete with us!" Myshela said.

Du Yu smiled and said: "You know, our Datang is recognized as a "weak team"! But even if they are as arrogant as Sai Yiwu, they dare not say that if they eat us, they won't lose a few teeth! They are determined to compete for the first place. , how could you fight us to the death?"

"You mean?" Michelle's beautiful eyes widened, "You not only want to eat the Shinra people, but also the Sudanese?"

(End of this chapter)

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