Chapter 794 Tough Blackmail, Cheating to Peace! -Third watch for subscription

Du Yu laughed loudly: "Yes! A weak team also has its advantages, that is, it will become the target of everyone's wooing. No one will believe that we have the strength and courage to win the championship, so there is a possibility for everyone to sit down and talk. "

When he said this, everyone in the wolf pupil team shook their heads.

The brutality of Sudanese adventurers is well known.The Brotherhood of Ashan, Assassin's Creed, and the Drifters of the Sea are all powerful teams with strong reputations. It is often heard that in the world's team battles, the team slaughtered the rumors of adventurers from hostile countries.So this time Captain Du Yu gave him a blow, not only did he not take revenge, but he also wanted to bribe him?

But it's so clever.

Just when everyone was full of suspicion, a rich Arab businessman with a big belly appeared from the mist, holding a white flag symbolizing envoys.

He walked in front of Du Yu with a smile on his face: "The mighty captain of the Tang wolf pupil team, my captain Sai Yiwu Sharif ordered me to bring a friendly message. Can our two teams turn hostility into jade and cooperate to complete the challenge? You know, we don't have any unresolved hatred."

Du Yu winked.

Li Tang immediately put on a dazed look, walked out swaggeringly, and said in a low voice, "You Sudanese! You really have no guts. I'm not afraid to tell you that our Datang wolf pupil team has already formed an alliance with Shinra , to deal with you together. That Shinra has given us enough benefits, even an S-level material, the horn of the real dragon, generously donated to us."

Hearing the horn of the real dragon, Yusuf was stunned.

Of course he knew what the Horn of the True Dragon was.I heard that Shinra adventurers recently killed a young dragon on Doomsday Volcano at any cost.Unexpectedly, he was so generous that he even gave Du Yu this thing.

No wonder Du Yu was so determined to work for Shinra that he even went head-on against the Sudan United team.

He frowned: "I was originally a famous merchant in space. Is there any mystery in this?"

Li Tang stared: "You said we were taken advantage of? We were tricked?"

Yousuf apologized and said with a smile: "How dare I discuss this matter indiscriminately? I just feel a little strange. It is said that this real dragon's horn is the most precious treasure of the town, and there is no reason to hand it over to you so easily. Fortunately, we don't want you Violation of the covenant with Shinra. As long as everyone raises their hands high and closes their eyes, it will be fine if the well water does not violate the river water."

Du Yu handed Yousuf the note from Lampard: "Unfortunately, I'm sorry. Because Sir Lampard ordered me to stop you at all costs. Only then can they calmly complete the task."

Yusuf glanced at the note, and laughed loudly: "Your side is too honest. You are inferior in number and strength to our side, and you can't resist. It is reasonable to give in in the end. Lampard won't blame you too much. you."

Du Yu said leisurely: "It's a pity that my Tang Dynasty has a good habit, that is, a gentleman keeps his promises! How can a man break his promise?"

Yousuf gulped and spit, seeing his empty teeth, convinced that it was impossible to prevent this stubborn dog, and said ruthlessly: "In this case, in order to let you feel our sincerity, it is up to you to make a condition! What?"

Du Yu laughed loudly: "I don't want anything, I just want a fight!"

Yousuf's shrewd little eyes showed a burst of ruthlessness: "Are you really not afraid of our massive attack? You must know that you are so stubborn that you are hitting a stone with an egg."

Du Yu smiled indifferently: "Who wins and who loses will only be known after a fight. But you can make a condition, and I'll see if I can agree to it!"

Yusuf said displeased: "In this way, I will make a condition. First, we both enjoy 8 hours of sacred contract time, and we cannot attack each other. Of course, the cost will be borne by us."

Du Yu seemed to ignore it, nodded and said, "And then?"

Yousuf narrowed his eyes: "You weak brigades, we are willing to spare your life, and even signed an 8-hour non-aggression time, which is already enough face, what else do you want?"

Du Yu looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "It's a pity! I can't see any sincerity. Just let your horse come over and see my wolf pupil team, will you take a step back? Be that deserter who broke the contract?"

Yousuf couldn't do anything about this stupefied young man, he groaned angrily, "What else do you want?"

Du Yu said decisively: "I want 500 million survival points!"

Yusuf was furious and said, "You are extorting!"

Du Yu looked up to the sky and said haha: "At this time, I have the advantage. You come to ask me to do something. If you don't get some benefits, how can you get over it?"

Yusuf didn't expect that Du Yu was really a stone in the latrine, which was smelly and hard, and he was so angry that the top of his head was smoking.

Du Yujue said: "Also! Get rid of the 8 hours of non-aggression time! Shorten it to 4 hours. We don't need peace."

Mai Shela and Li Tang were sweating profusely when they saw that Du Yu was so arrogant that he shortened the non-aggression time, which was obviously beneficial for the wolf pupil team to complete the mission.

Why is this prevention so tough?This time clause is in our favor.

Only Shen Luoyan still looked at Du Yu with a smile.

Yusuf was silent.It should be discussing terms with Sai Yiwu in the channel.

Finally, he looked at Du Yu and said with a sneer, "Your lion is open."

Li Tang and Mai Shela's heart skipped a beat, it's over, asking prices all over the place, it's a mess!

Yousuf said decisively: "500 million survival points, we gave it! But remember, this is not to fear you, but a little friendship from the true God!"

Du Yu nodded arrogantly, as if he didn't take the 500 million survival points to heart.

Mai Laxue, Li Tang and the others opened their mouths wide in surprise.

Even Tina and Wuren were taken aback.

How could the Sudanese bear such an extortionate price for Du Yu?
Yusuf said categorically: "Our only requirement is that the two sides do not invade each other. It must be set at 12 hours, otherwise we will launch an attack immediately and there will be no forgiveness."

This is equivalent to extending the non-aggression time by 4 hours.

Mai Laxue and Li Tang really wanted to look up to the sky and laugh three times.

It's really sleepy to send a pillow.

The time for the wolf pupil team to complete the exploration of the three tombs will never be too short, and 4 hours is definitely not enough. 8 hours barely. 12 hours is more than enough.

Tina and the others could hardly bear the joy in their hearts and wanted to burst out laughing.

The Sudanese looked like a clown in front of Du Yu, being played around!
Originally, they were superior in strength, even if they couldn't destroy the wolf pupil team, it was very possible to defeat the wolf pupil team. As a result, they negotiated, and the result was reversed. Not only did they pay 500 million survival points, but they also signed a 12-hour non-aggression clause.

This means that in this mission, the Sudanese will give up attacking the wolf pupil team.The two sides go their own way, and the well water does not violate the river water.

Wu Ren was puzzled and said to Tina: "What the hell is going on? How could Du Yu blackmail the Sudanese?"

Tina pursed her lips and said with a smile: "This is why Du Yu has identified the opponent's weakness. We are a weak team, and there is little hope of competing for the first place. But the Sudanese are different. They have lofty ambitions. They want to compete for hegemony and be the first. It’s meaningless. The more mad this Du Yu is, the more the Sudanese can’t do anything about him. The result is blackmail.”

Wu Ren sighed in admiration.

Du Yu curled his lips: "Okay. Although I'm impatient and can't fight for 12 hours. But the 500 million survival points can be regarded as making up for my loss. Sigh, how should I explain to Lampard? You can complete the task, and you will not be able to fight for [-] hours. Do not attack them."

Yusuf sneered, turned his head and left.

He was suppressed by this mad dog, made him lose his temper, and paid the bottom line that Sai Yiwu explained.However, with the 12-hour non-aggression clause, it can be regarded as overfulfilling the mission. With a chubby face and a proud look, he returned to the team.

When Yakun heard that he had been blackmailed by Du Yu for 500 million yuan, he was furious and wanted to attack people immediately.Sai Yiwu waved his hand: "The big thing is now. After we clean up Shinra, what is this mere wolf pupil team? Let them take 500 million to see how rare it is."

He waved his hand: "Time is running out, quickly go to the abandoned cemetery for me!"

The Sudanese rushed across the edge of the cemetery and into the cemetery, murderous.

And the wolf pupil team, also not giving an inch, followed closely.

Yakun frowned. If he hadn't signed the contract, he wouldn't be able to fight against the wolf pupil team. He would have slashed at him and said angrily: "Du Yu! You got 500 million, saved your life, and followed us do what?"

Du Yu leisurely rode on the far pupil, and said unhurriedly: "The terms are not marked, we must stay away from you. Anyway, we can't attack each other within 12 hours, otherwise we will be obliterated by space. Let's see What's the point of watching?"

Yakun could only hold back his anger, and under Sai Yiwu's call, he found a random tomb and got in.

Du Yu immediately followed in with a smile.

Michelle and the others followed suit.

Who knew, Du Yu turned around and slipped around, then turned around and came out.

Yakun and the others let out a long sigh of relief.

This follower finally left.

If Du Yu followed him like a dog's skin plaster, they really didn't know how to drive him away.

Michelle asked: "Why did you come out of this desecrated tomb without exploring it? If it is the desecrated tomb of the lady, wouldn't it be cheaper for the Sudanese?"

Du Yu smiled: "Because this is not the tomb where my wife's bones were desecrated."

"How do you know?" Michelle asked.

Du Yu laughed: "Because I am a hardcore dark player. There are zombies and skeletons in this tomb, so it is destined not to be the tomb where the lady's remains are located! There is a trick of an old player here, that is, in the tomb of the lady, it is not Zombies and skeletons. You adventurers who don’t play games very much, even if you do your homework, you can’t reach this point, right?”

Michelle was dumbfounded: "Can it still be like this?"

She gave Du Yu a hard look with her beautiful eyes: "Damn otaku! How many games did you play back then to be so familiar with every detail? It seems like you can do it at your fingertips."

Du Yu laughed out loud. In fact, the moment he entered the tomb, he was also muttering in his heart.

I hope it is not the tomb of the wife's remains, otherwise I will have to argue with the Sudanese who have just reached a non-aggression agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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