Chapter 795 Yilin shows off her power and becomes invincible! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
However, due to Du Yu's right timing and stern words, the Sudanese paid the huge price and were definitely unwilling to break the agreement first.

He smiled at the ashen-faced Yakun: "Take people's money and eliminate disasters for others. If you give the money, we won't bother you."

Immediately, he led the wolf pupil team, turned around and went out, heading straight for the second tomb.

Yakun's suspicious eyes glanced at the back of the wolf pupil team. Sai Yiwu was thinking, "There is no time to waste, quickly search the prime minister's altar and find Amon's soul!"

Like a sports car at full throttle, the Sudanese adventure team crazily rushed into the desecrated tombs full of undead, and fought with all kinds of undead swarming in.

All kinds of skills are like a rainbow, bombarding the enhanced zombie group, constantly creating terrible killing effects, and the Sudanese are frantically fighting for every second.

Yakun had no time to think about it, and followed the team into the tomb like a hurricane.

Du Yu and the wolf pupil team quickly searched for the second tomb.

"Hopefully that's our goal," murmured Tina.

"The charm of random missions lies in the uncertainty." Du Yu smiled and winked.

His loyal dog No. [-] captain immediately screamed, holding a large shield and a flail, and with a paladin aura, he rushed in.

Powerful melee occupations such as barbarians and crusaders rushed in immediately.

A large number of undead monsters immediately swarmed out of it!

"Damn it! This abandoned cemetery is really not easy to mess with." Li Tang roared angrily, activated the crusader's shield strike skill, knocked out an undead, and burrowed into the tomb against the enemy's crazy offensive.

If the melee fighters in the front could not gain a firm foothold and opened up a large open space, the more than 60 wolf pupil teams in the back would not be able to attack and use their firepower, so the front was full of blood and blood, just like the Normandy landing battle.

When the group of water panda monsters rushed into the crypt, the wolf pupil team used the bodies of these powerful monsters to charge, barely opening a line of defense in the crazy sea of ​​undead, allowing the wolf pupil team to pour in in large numbers and set up a formation.

Du Yu activated the detection skills of the dragon and wolf breath, and the originally dark crypt suddenly became bright. After scanning it again, he found that besides the hungry dead, skeleton soldiers (Skeleton), distorted mothers, and carrion bats, there were many more in the tomb. Two new faces.Imp and Ghost Murderer.

Devil Boy is also a monster with a large number of low attacks, and like Diablo 2's The Fallen, some monsters will run away when they are killed by adventurers.

Ghosts move faster and do more damage, as well as knockback blows that temporarily cause the adventurer to lose control.

In short, the more types of these monsters, the more powerful they are combined, and the more difficult it is to crack them.Take the current battle situation as an example, the hungry dead, skeleton soldiers, and devil boys in melee are flooding in like a tide, and the ghosts with strong field control effects possess the melee fighters from time to time, temporarily controlling their bodies, causing great damage. Chaos, while the remote has a distorted matrix, constantly spewing zombies, and launching long-range attacks.There are also scavenging bats in the air, densely waving their electric wings and biting them off, often causing the adventurers in front to be paralyzed by the corona and then besieged.

In addition, the tomb here is narrow, and 65 adventurers and more than 30 water pandas can't use it, which adds to the confusion.

For a while, the wolf pupil team was defeated steadily.

This Diablo III's world competitive team battle, the difficulty of nightmare level, really surprises people everywhere.

Tina, Captain No. [-], and Michelle were all in a cold sweat.

These crazy undead are really difficult to deal with.

Suddenly, a Buddha's horn sounded.

Yilin Baoxiang is solemn, holding a wooden fish, walking in front with a crisp voice.

Around her body, the Lotus Sutra that has been raised to the 7th floor: Deals 4.5 times the damage of Taoism to evil creatures.Branch ability [Super Undead]: Evil creatures with HP below 200 will be superseded by Yilin every second, and there is a 50% chance of being directly destroyed.

Among the zombies, this Yilin was like the incarnation of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, shining with the light of Buddha, turning the originally dark and boundless crypt into a paradise of Buddhism!
The undead wailed frantically, and white smoke rose from the shriveled, twisted and rotten ugly body, stepping back step by step.In their eyes, Yilin is the embodiment of justice and judgment, redemption and love.Wherever she passed, weak undead such as devil boys and skeleton soldiers would be instantly killed and turned into bones and scum on the ground, and timid scavenging bats would scatter and flee in all directions, crashing into each other and falling in the air.And even the powerful Twisted Mother didn't dare to spit out monsters anymore, and gradually retreated to the depths of the tomb.

Yilin's stunning performance stunned the No. [-] captain and the Bladeless team.

That Daoist Zhong Xiaoli from the Bladeless Team was stunned to see Yilin being so strong, crushing the undead monster all the way, his eyes almost popped out!
He couldn't figure it out.

How could an adventurer restrain the undead so much?

Even Shinra's crusaders and professional priests who deal with the undead all day, dare not say that they can crush so many undead, right?
Tina touched his arm coldly: "There are mountains beyond mountains, learn it hard"

Under Yilin's strong performance, the wolf pupil team crushed all the way forward and quickly took the initiative.

The water pandas take on the role of front-line cannon fodder. The No. [-] captain, Li Tang, Wu Ren and other powerful cannon fodder charge forward. The rangers led by Michelle and Sam crazily tilted the rain of crossbow bullets on the fleeing undead, blasting them one by one.

The wolf pupil team moved very quickly.

Concubine Xuan sighed, "Yilin's advanced practice in Buddhism is nothing short of concubine Xuan."

Du Yu shouted: "Go at full speed, sweep the entire tomb, and find the three desecrated bones of Mrs. Denhead!"

The wolf pupil team advanced at full speed, crushing the fleeing undead all the way. The soldiers gasped and roared, skills erupted, monsters were exploded, and gold coins and equipment fell, resounding all over the place.

At this time, the Sudanese adventurer was also caught in the turbulent and crazy siege of the sea of ​​undead not far away underground.

The saber in Sai Yiwu's hand keeps waving, and every time he can send a powerful true god's gift to this dark underground world, injecting powerful buffs and endless courage into all the adventurers in the team.

"God is watching you! Speed ​​up!" he roared.

"This nightmare-level challenge is really not low." Yakun rode Beamon, led his adventurer knights, and rushed all the way, killing the Twisted Mother who was crazily spewing zombies in the back line, and stopped the monster remote attack.

Captain No. 172 of the Assassin's Creed team, with a gloomy look in his eyes, danced among the monsters like a ghost. Every time he made a move, a monster would die tragically.The speed of the shot was staggering, and no one even saw how he made the shot.

Captain Amin of Drifters at Sea led the team to output crazily.His moves are not very gorgeous, but every move he makes, there are always strands of light blue water special effects attached to it.Not only him, but almost everyone in his team has the bonus of water magic. Wherever he passed, each monster was frozen alive, and then exploded into shattered ice.

Mike held a broken stone tightly in the hands of Hassan, the captain of the stone team.This stone may seem inconspicuous, but it is a fragment of the most respected MacBai Stone in the True God Religion.It is precisely because 20 plots ago that they accidentally obtained this fragment bestowed by the true god, the Tianshi team has leapt from an unknown weak team to a super strong team that can almost rival the Brotherhood of Ashan.Countless pious adventurers have come to vote.

And the shattered stones turned into holy green rays of light from time to time, and slowly poured into the surrounding true god believers who were fighting.At this time, even adventurers who are not from the Tianshi team will shout reverently: "Long live the true god!" The speed of the weapon in his hand will be a little faster.

"Found it! Enter the entrance to the second floor!" Yakun excitedly received a report from an assassin.

"Great!" Sai Yiwu excitedly hammered the shield.In these three desecrated tombs, the probability of the prime minister's altar tomb appearing is random.Only when you find the entrance to the second floor can you be sure that it is your target—the location of the prime minister's altar.

Unexpectedly, the first tomb that was randomly entered was hit with a single shot.

"Be careful!" Sharif warned: "On this floor, you will encounter a huge boss-level stitched corpse (Unburied). Its attack speed is extremely high, its range is large, and its skin is thick. Fortunately, its movement speed is slow and its long-range Occupation must be cautious."

With a roar, the smell of corpses rushed towards his face, and the huge stitched corpse jumped out, and suddenly beat Ya Kun who was leading the attack.

Yakun roared angrily. Although he might not be the opponent of the king of monsters in terms of single-handed strength, he had no choice but to look at the stitched corpse with a knife as brave as a lion!

At this time, the Shinra United team was also under the Tristram Cathedral, at the entrance of the first floor, and saw Leoric's Passage (Leoric's Passage).

"At the end of this corridor, you can see Kane! Go up to me!" Anakin took the lead.

"After working so hard for so long, I finally saw the dawn of success," said Perry, the captain of the Australian Kangaroos team, excitedly.He is a boxer as strong as a bull. He once won the gold belt of the world heavyweight boxing champion. He can kill the strongest pit bull with one punch with his bare hands. After he came to the space, he became even more terrifying.The strongest master of Australian adventurers.

"Hey, Lampard, don't forget my 80 extra points for the Orphan Twist team." Jack the Ripper laughed, and with a scissorhand that was faster than lightning, he disemboweled a champion-level vomiting female corpse in front of her face. , and enjoyed licking the scissors covered in disgusting liquid.

Urum, the leader of the Chicago fraternity who was silent at first, suddenly lost his temper. He pulled off the red plaid hood and shouted, "Why can he get 80 extra points? My brother is also going through life and death!"

(End of this chapter)

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