Chapter 796: Undefeated in the East!Ruthless! - Ask for a monthly ticket
Jack the Ripper, said coldly: "You nigger is not convinced? If you can get your subordinates to point out our destination at the cost of their lives, I also agree to give you a dividend! As for risking your life? I didn't see you slackers Aside from shooting in the back, what did the coward do? Instead, he clashed with other people several times in order to share the treasure chest."

Urum's furious eyeballs almost popped out, and he looked at Jack the Ripper with a fierce light.

Jack has a distorted personality and a strange smile. He doesn't care about the powerful African-American team, and is still sneering: "Oh, I don't understand this world. They are obviously a group of lowly slaves sent to the new century. , unexpectedly turned into the master. In the time I lived, you were not even worthy to be carriage servants for the upper class in London!"

A group of black adventurers, with angry faces, blew their guns and rushed over.

Urum was dragged back by several black brothers, panting heavily like a red-eyed bullfighting bull, and slicing his throat to Jack, who was constantly smiling.Jack kept screaming.Behind him, the Orphans in the Twist, in fact, are all kinds of white criminal groups, making various provocative gestures.

Lampard said furiously: "Who dares to say a word again! I will kill him immediately!"

Although his threat is not very credible, as the captain of the alliance, he still has some authority.Besides, he has the dual backing of the Holy See and the Imperial Court. These rebellious big shots also have to weigh and weigh what to do when they go back if they are disobedient.

The crowd quieted down.

Lampard said coldly: "I don't care what conflicts you have. At this time, the overall situation is the most important! Whoever dares to create internal strife again, don't blame me for being rude! To tell you the truth, the Pope, the Holy Maiden, the Queen Mother, and the Queen are behind you. Strict orders have been issued. Your life is in my hands at this time, and I can kill it first and then play it. As for you"

He turned to Urum and others, and said indifferently: "Although you are not bound by the high-level Shinra, if you don't know what is good, don't blame me for kicking you out! You have also seen the strength of these damned monsters. If you have the confidence to survive independently, Just leave as soon as possible. If not, give me honestly!"

There was endless anger in Urum's eyes, and he seemed to be born unable to restrain his anger.The Chicago Brotherhood is a cruel and murderous underworld organization. As the boss of the underworld, he has the most cruel and bloodthirsty personality.

But the situation is stronger than the people.

Shinra's 95 adventurers did their best to get to the present step by step, and they were only one step away from rescuing Kane.At this time, if you leave the team and have no points, what should you do?

He suppressed his anger and said coldly: "Urum, bear it. But there will be no next time!"

He pointed at Jack the Ripper: "Next time we fight the world, I'll put your head in your asshole!"

Jack said strangely, "I'll wait for you, nigger."

The captain of the U.S. Trail Blazers, a handsome blond guy dressed like Superman, Stephen, smiled and said, "Everyone, we at least have a common belief, and we should unite around God."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a burst of dense noise behind him!

"Asshole? What's going on?" Anakin said angrily.

An adventurer who exchanged for the low-level Batman blood flew over and shouted loudly: "It's the poor ghosts of the Parliament! They attacked us!"

Lampard, Anakin, Stephen, Urum, Jack the Ripper and others looked at each other with murderous intent in their eyes.

"Fortunately, Du Yu reminded me a long time ago that I kept a reserve team behind, so I didn't get attacked by those lawless bastards from the parliamentary country." Lampard said angrily.

"Why are these guys chasing us like mad dogs?" Anakin said angrily.

"It should be that the main task is not enough. They have nothing to do, so they were sent by Saiwu to make trouble!" Lampard knew Saiwu well, and he guessed right.

"What should we do?" Stephen shook his head handsomely, his blond hair fluttering.

Anakin's eyes were full of murderous intent: "Since they are here, kill them all!"

Lampard shook his head: "This is right in Sai Yiwu's arms. The adventurers of the parliamentary country are strong individually, but they are scattered. Every time the world team battles, the results are at the bottom. This time is no exception. We are going to fight against Diablo's soul stone Go. How can you die with them? Use that thing!"

Anakin said unwillingly: "That thing is extremely valuable, so it's just used on niggers, Saori, Urum, I'm not talking about you. Use it on those guys?"

Lampard said coldly: "The mission is more important than anything else. Since this is the case, I will lead people to stop this group of fearless guys. Anakin, you lead people to rescue Kane, remember to be fast. We After you get it, go back to the city immediately. Don't be greedy for the property on the basement floor."

Anakin stomped his feet: "Damn, just give it to them?"

Lampard smiled and said: "Don't forget your identity. We are superior people, don't compete with a group of beggars from a failed country for copper coins."

Anakin and others immediately split up.

There was a dazzling light shining on Paladin Lampard, and he looked coldly at the adventurers of the parliamentary country who appeared in twos and threes behind him, and launched a frenzied attack on the well-organized Shinra United team, with disdain flashing in their eyes.

"Sai Yiwu, just relying on these things, you want to drag me down, it's too underestimating!"

And in New Tristram Village, Dongfang Bubai, Tian Yulang, Yue Buqun and others who had returned quickly gathered together with serious expressions.

Wang Xiaorong shook her head and said, "I can't find any other missions. I've searched carefully, and no matter how I ask, Liya's explanation is that I have to wait for Uncle Kane to return before continuing to issue missions."

A coldness flashed in Dongfang Bubai's eyes, like the cold light of an embroidery needle.

Wang Xiaorong said with a smile: "Senior Dongfang, don't need to worry, let alone take action against Leah. As the most important plot character in the system, she is the main clue for us to accept the mission, and she has more space to protect."

Yue Buqun interrupted her unceremoniously, "What should we do now?"

Wang Xiaorong is obviously also good at digging deep into the plot, Hu Meizi turned her eyes and said: "I think, should I play a random mission?"

Dongfang Bubai's cold voice sounded: "No!"

Her phoenix eyes looked far and wide, as if she could see through the thick fog of war outside the village and see far away.

Full and round red lips gently spit out a string of cold characters.

"It's time for us to settle the score with our old friend Du Yu."

Wang Xiaorong was taken aback: "Do you want to find them bad luck so soon?"

Yue Buqun chuckled and said, "These words sound like human speech."

Tian Yulang held up the crystal ball coldly, and said to himself: "Qiu, I will cut off the head of Du Yu and baptize your soul with his blood, and you will have a chance to be resurrected."

Qiu Haijun couldn't help but said: "Let me add that although we have deep conflicts with Du Yu, we are all from Datang after all. Du Yu's team can earn points, which is also good for our Datang to get out of the obliteration list."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly covered his right eye with his hand and screamed!
This accident happened so quickly, it was too fast!

The comrades behind Qiu Haijun rushed forward one after another to protect the captain, but they didn't know who did it, and they were all inexplicably sad and angry.

Until everyone looked at Dongfang Invincible.

Invincible in the East, holding the embroidery needle with self-admiration, facing the crimson moon in the dark world sky, admiring

On the tip of the embroidery needle, there was one of Qiu Haijun's eyeballs!
Not only ordinary adventurers were terrified by this evil scene, but even Wang Xiaorong couldn't help screaming.

Yue Buqun, Zuo Lengchan and the others were not surprised, and sneered on the sidelines, while Tian Yulang seemed to be immersed in Qiu's world, staring at the crystal ball, not even taking a look at this tragic scene.

Dongfang Bubai had played enough, and kicked Qiu Haijun's eyeballs out!
"Things with eyes but no pearls!" Dongfang Bubai said proudly: "How dare to raise objections to the decision I made! Who is Dongfang Bubai going to kill and what to do? Why do I need to explain to others?"

She said coldly: "Those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish! Who dares to say no, this handsome guy is your role model!"

More than 30 adventurers from the Tang Dynasty who came here were silent like cicadas.

Qiu Haijun just made the most common suggestion, but was brutally tortured by Dongfang Bubai's eyeball gouging out!

This Eastern Invincibility is no different from the domineering and self-respecting character in the plot.

But more people dared to be angry and dare not speak out, and their hatred eyes were concentrated on Wang Xiaorong's back.

It's all this woman, otherwise we should fight together in Du Yu's wolf pupil team, why should we follow this lunatic around?

We worked hard, but we got single-digit points, and we are far away from the safety line of obliteration. How can we get the slightest benefit?

Wang Xiaorong also knew the destructive power of Dongfang Bubai's move, and stammered: "Senior Dongfang, everyone is our own family."

Yue Buqun sneered and said, "Hmph! Du Yu deserves to die. He's dead, and the adventurers of the Tang Dynasty gather together and we lead them. Wouldn't it be ten times better than fighting each other now? Right, the leader of the Left?"

Zuo Lengchan and Yue Buqun are of the same breed, and their desire for power has reached a perverted level. Hearing this, he nodded immediately: "That's right. The adventurers of the Tang Dynasty must be concentrated under our command, so that they can compete with the gods and the Sultan Competitive strength. What is Du's budget?"

Dongfang Bubai said coldly: "Enough talking! Follow me to kill Du Yu! I will definitely prevent him from returning to the village alive!"

She turned into a red cloud and floated down.

Yue Buqun, Zuo Lengchan, Lin Pingzhi, and Tian Yulang rushed out one after another.

Wang Xiaorong didn't dare to look back at the fire-breathing gazes of the crowd, and went straight out.

Qiu Haijun covered his right eye, with blood still flowing from his fingers, and said coldly to Tang Lin beside him, "Dongfang Bubai is right! I really have blind eyes, which is why I believe this woman's nonsense!"

Tang Lin was silent for a while, and said with a wry smile: "But Dongfang Bubai is indeed invincible in martial arts. With the addition of a few adventurers who are masters in the plot, he is enough to match the three inner city powerhouses. No matter how strong Du Yu is, he can surpass the three. An inner-city expert?"

Qiu Haijun was silent.

(End of this chapter)

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