Chapter 797 Wolf Eyes Score!Low-key pretense! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Du Yu was leading the wolf pupil team at this time, advancing all the way triumphantly, advancing violently with a destructive momentum.

Michelle killed an elite bat guarding the treasure chest with a crossbow, and a woman's hand bone fell out.

"This is part of Mrs. Denhead's remains that were stolen by the tomb robbers!" Myshea was overjoyed and put the remains away.

"Madam's remains were stolen by tomb robbers. There are three pieces in total. This hand bone is worth at least 800 points." An Hong, who was fighting beside her, said with a smile.

Mai Sheila proudly said: "Hmph! When we finish the task and get 2600 points, at least we can ensure that everyone in the team has one leg and get out of the obliteration list. See how Wang Xiaorong and others look?"

An Hong said earnestly: "It must be a face ashen, with regretful intestines. Haha. When the time comes, let them see who has vision and knows how to hold thighs?"

Mai Shela glanced at An Hong and said, "Thigh hugging? Haha, your lioness hates thigh hugging the most. Think back then"

"Attention! Another wave of enemies is coming!" Li Tang said in a deep voice.

Michelle hit the explosive arrow hard and shot at the crowd of zombies running wildly.The leading elite monster was immediately enveloped in flame explosions, roaring again and again.

"Damn it!" Captain No. 2600 couldn't help swearing: "This mission is really difficult! It's worth the [-] points. We fought fiercely for four hours in this tomb, right?"

"Be content!" Sam on the side laughed and said, "We have worked harder than the Sudanese, but we have earned three times as many points as them. Thanks to the wise boss!"

"Another lady's leg bone fell! Quest props!" The No. [-] captain's spirit was boosted, and he went down with a flail, chopped off the head of a guardian cyst monster, and dropped the lady's leg bone.

"Accelerate! Accelerate!" Du Yu shouted: "Buy time, maybe we still have good things!"

At this moment, Yakun and others who were fighting finally saw a glimmer of light.

"It's really hard to deal with." Yakun was sweating profusely, looking at the blood on the sword.At his feet, there was a pile of monster corpses.

"Further down is the Prime Minister's tomb." The captain of Assassin's Creed Team 172 said in a deep voice: "But my scouts told me that the enemy below is even more terrifying, and there will be a monster called Tomb Guardian (Tomb Guardian). Like a distorted matrix Similarly, they will summon many skeleton soldiers, and at the same time, they will launch arcane arrows with extremely high damage to attack the player. They are very dangerous monsters, and must be dealt with first!"

Yakun snorted and cursed, "Why is the reward for such a difficult task only 900 points?"

"Don't be so miserable," Sai Yiwu shouted: "This mission not only brings us 900 points, but also the priority right to use the blacksmith system and the right to charge fees. In addition, the next main mission [Regin of Black King (Regin of Black King)] , the unobtainable plot props, that is, the broken crown, will be held in our hands. Do you understand? It means that we naturally occupy the first-hand right of the post-quest! Without our participation, no one will be able to activate Skeleton King. This mission Divide the rewards into three, which is enough to pay back the ticket price!"

This analysis satisfied Yakun and others to shut up and continue fighting.

The tomb guards are indeed terrifying, and the pressure on the Sudanese is extremely strong. Thanks to the fact that Sudan is indeed a strong team in the world, the masters are like a cloud, regardless of skill and cost, they kill the tomb guards one by one first, and they keep their formation and move forward.

At this time, Du Yu and the wolf pupil team finally got the last piece of his wife's remains, and gathered together the body of Mrs. Denhead.

"Madam's coffin is there!" Hou Hou, who was a scout, pointed to the dark corner ahead.

Illuminated by the dim torches, an originally extraordinary coffin was brutally opened by the tomb robbers, and the remains of the corpses were thrown on the ground in a haphazard manner.The occupants of the desecrated tomb were the noble family of Tristram, the Denhead family.

After Du Yu returned all the remains of his wife to the coffin, the souls of the Denheads emerged from the coffin.

"Thank you, hero, for allowing us to rest in dignity." Mrs. Denhead smiled and closed her eyes.

Du Yu and the others were startled, and got a hint from the plot: "The Tang wolf pupil team has completed a random mission - Mrs. Denhead's remains!"

"You got 2600 points!"

"You got 400 gold coins!"

"Are you going to broadcast this to the world? If you choose no, no one will be notified except for the standings."

Du Yu was about to keep a low profile, so he immediately chose not to broadcast.

"Please distribute 2600 points within the team."

After thinking about it for a while, Du Yu called a meeting of three representatives, Michelle, Captain No. [-], and Tim.

"We have two ideas for distribution, one is to distribute according to merit, and the other is to distribute equally," Du Yu said to the joyful captains.

Michelle thought about it: "The credit value calculation system was formulated by me and the two captains. Presumably they will not have any objections. I propose to calculate according to the credit value, which can encourage everyone to the greatest extent and create value for the team."

Tim hesitated for a while and said: "In terms of contribution value, my 10 teammates in the Bladeless team are not low. But I think that the first act points are not enough. If the credit value is distributed, I am afraid that some people will not be able to reach it in the end." To 50 points to obliterate the bottom line."

"It's only been one day, and we've got such a generous amount of points." Captain No. [-] respected Du Yu like a god: "I'll agree to share whatever Boss Du says."

Several people focused their eyes on Du Yu.

Du Yu smiled and said: "I called everyone here for one purpose. In the first act, our wolf pupil team must keep a low profile, and after the first act, I will definitely push the Shinra United team to No.1." position! This is in the best interest of our long-term interests!"

"Therefore, I propose to distribute 6 points to each of the six members of the No. 100 captain team!" Du Yu said surprisingly: "The remaining 2000 points and 400 gold coins will be distributed equally among the other teams."

"Can you tell me why?" Tina stared at Du Yu with her beautiful eyes. She believed that Du Yu was not a person who was greedy for petty gain and neglected righteousness.

Du Yu nodded and said: "It starts with the overall positioning. In this world team battle, Shinra and Sudan are two strong teams. My Datang originally hoped to compete for the first place, but due to Dongfang Undefeated and Tianyu Lang and the missing flower demon split the power of Tang Dynasty, we are doomed to develop in a low-key manner at this time, and we cannot take the lead. Do you agree?"

Tina, Captain Two, and Michelle nodded.

The wood show will be destroyed by the forest wind.

In this world competitive team battle, we also need to pay attention to rhythm and rules.

If the first act is a blockbuster, it will surely arouse the vigilance of Shinra and Sudan, and completely suppress the Datang wolf pupil team.

Since there are at least three acts to be carried out, and the fourth act may even be entered, the benefits at the beginning are not so important. It is the best policy to preserve strength and prepare for a protracted battle.This is also the key factor for the powerful Sudan United team to be calm and compromise with the Wolves.

But there is only one thing that neither the Sudanese nor the Shinra can bear.

That's the battle for number one.

"You want to use these 600 points to sponsor Shinra's total points in disguise?" Michelle asked.

Du Yu nodded: "Of course! Although Captain No. 2000 follows us, the points will be counted by Shinra. And the remaining 60 points, divided among [-] people, will not be so eye-catching. Pay attention to the top five and top ten, and don't pay too much attention to us trash fish with average points."

Everyone nodded, and Tina added: "But our Bladeless team requires 400 gold coins as compensation for the points."

Du Yu nodded.

Thus, Captain No. 6 and other six western adventurers got 100 points, and they were the first to get rid of the point obliteration crisis.And from the calculation of the total points in the first act, they basically don't need to worry about being obliterated by space.

Du Yu and the rest of the adventurers got 33 points each.

Of course, as compensation, adventurers with insufficient contribution will automatically give up their qualifications for distribution of equipment, gold coins, gems, etc., and the adventurers with high contribution will share.

Although the wolf pupil team has not yet got rid of the crisis of point obliteration, this is only the first task, and it has reached more than 6% of the minimum obliteration points.During the mission, the wolf pupil team didn't lose a single person. Everyone was excited and looking forward to the next mission.

"Okay!" Du Yu waved his hand, "Let's explore the third desecrated tomb."

This kind of small copy is the fattest and most worthwhile FARM place in the Diablo world.Regardless of whether the team's points are off the obliteration list or not, the wolf pupil team screamed and rushed to the last grave.

Concubine Shi Xuanmei stared worriedly at the tomb in the deepest part of the abandoned cemetery, and frowned, "Why do I always have an ominous premonition? There is great danger in this tomb?"

Du Yu took a deep breath and said, "I feel it too, I hope we are just worrying unnecessarily. This first scene of nightmare level, there should be no threat to our existence yet, right?"

The Shinra adventurers finally rushed to Kane's side before the Skeleton King.

The Skeleton King was furious: "The power of the meteorite revived me, and soon I will let all living beings experience the pain I endured! Guards! Bring his bones!"

With a wave of his hand, Skeleton King summoned dozens of Royal Henchman, and then disappeared into the void.

"It's just a group of skeleton soldiers?" A bishop adventurer grinned, waved the Bible in his hand, and immediately sang hymns!

The Royal Skeleton Soldiers immediately backed away.

But a leader-level Royal Executioner (Headcleaver, Royal Executioner) named Beheader appeared immediately.

Kane shouted from the side: "Be careful! This guy has high attack power and a wide range, but ranged occupations can easily deal with it with mobile combat!"

(End of this chapter)

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