Chapter 798 Kane Rescued!Jar of souls! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

The Shinra people were inspired, and immediately there were high-speed knights who went up to slash and kill, pulling the hatred of the royal executioner, and then ran away.

Ranged professional adventurers formed several formations to easily focus on this crazy royal executioner.

However, there are dozens of Royal Skeleton soldiers around the Royal Executioner, causing Western adventurers to make mistakes from time to time, which then turned into a crisis.

During the cooperation, there was a problem with a bishop's position, and the royal executioner seized the opportunity to behead him with a wide-ranging two-handed sword!
The bishop screamed, and half of his body flew up, while the other half, still reciting supernatural magic, slowly knelt on the ground.

"Brown!" Kangaroo team captain Perry yelled in pain, and rushed to the Royal Executioner's side in a frenzy, punching the Royal Executioner flying with a powerful left uppercut!
The royal skeleton soldiers next to him fell on Perry's body with their swords, causing blood damage to this muscular man, but Perry was already crazy!
With another blow, he turned around and punched right, which made the royal executioner scream strangely, and retreated again and again.

"Perry!" Anakin roared, a sniper rifle with a special silencer rang out, and the royal executioner who was ready to strike Perry with a fatal blow trembled.

This is a treasure presented to him by Archbishop Richelieu. It is called [American Sniper Muffler]. It is a special treasure produced in the world of [Company of Heroes]. back to over 60%.Therefore, although Anakin's sniper rifle caused less than 65% of his peak theoretical damage to the Royal Executioner, it was much more impressive than Michelle.

The royal executioner's fatal blow was interrupted by Anakin, and Perry's furious third wave of attacks came in an instant!

"Go to hell!" Perry leaped high, and smashed the royal executioner into pieces all over the ground with a powerful punch!
For a master of Perry's level, once he has a strong teammate behind him, allowing him to output with peace of mind, he can cause terrifying damage in a few seconds!

The death of the Royal Executioner greatly accelerated the speed at which the Shinra team defeated the undead army left by the Skeleton King.

Five minutes later, Anakin grabbed Kane: "Kane, open the portal! Go back to Tristram!"

He is not afraid of others, but the black adventurers who are still lingering behind him.From time to time, there are crazy bullets, shot from the darkness behind, and even actively attack the plot character Kane.

If Kane is killed by adventurers, I really don't know what will happen.

Lampard paladin burst into rage, led the interception force, and started a big battle with the black adventurers.

Kane saw that the situation was not good, and nodded to Anakin with satisfaction. With one stroke of his crutch, a blue portal to return to the city tore through the void.He tremblingly walked into the portal and disappeared.

The Shinra adventurers in the fierce battle received a system prompt: "Congratulations to the Shinra Adventurers Alliance, they have completed the main mission [The Mystery of Kane's Life and Death]!"

The sound was broadcast several times in the system, and everyone could hear it clearly.

Sai Yiwu, who was clearing the prime minister's altar, looked gloomy.

"What are the allies of the parliamentary country doing?"

Seeing that the other party's mission had been completed and the interception failed, the black adventurers' expressions were extremely gloomy, but at this moment the overall situation was settled, and it would be useless to continue entanglement.And the angry Shinra people were frantically launching a counterattack, so they had to retreat into the darkness.Disappeared as it came.

"Congratulations for getting 3630 points and 190 gold coins!"

Shinra adventurers cheered with pride.

This incomparably rich bonus points ensured that they would almost certainly be removed from the obliteration list.

Anakin looked arrogant, and said to Lampard with a sneer: "Our fight for the first place is half done!"

On Lampard's shoulder, Du Yu's jade flying pigeon fluttered down, and he opened the letter and said, "At your request, the wolf pupil team and the Sudanese carried out an ambush in the abandoned cemetery. . Delayed the other party for at least half an hour."

Lampard laughed loudly: "Look at our Eastern allies, they are very conscientious."

He pondered: "This time we beat Sai Yiwu and won the victory. Du Yu must have contributed a lot."

Anakin warned: "Du Yu is not an ordinary person. Maybe he is working so hard, and there is a conspiracy behind him."

Lampard nodded: "Clean up the battlefield first, and then go back."

Sai Yiwu was stimulated by the Shenluo people to complete the main task first, and roared and ordered the team to speed up.

The Sultan came to the coffin of the Vizier Imun, and there was a small altar.Leoric's crown is on it.

When an Assassin from the Assassin's Creed team tried to touch it, the ghost of Prime Minister Imond suddenly appeared!

He yelled frantically: "No! I won't allow you to bring that damned mad king Leoric back to this world!"

Although this is the blacksmith's grandpa, it's clear he mistook the Sultan adventurer for tomb robbers or someone trying to wake up the sleeping King Leoric, and launched a ferocious attack!

"Get rid of him!" Sai Yiwu gritted his teeth.

After Du Yu and the others finished cleaning the second tomb, they heard the system broadcast.

"The Shinra people got 3630 points and 190 gold coins?" Li Tang looked up the standings angrily.

Sure enough, the ranking of the Shinra people immediately surpassed the only Eastern Invincible team, and became the team with the highest overall points, leading by 4230 points (of which 600 points were divided into the No. 2 captain team, which was counted into the total points of Shinra), No.[-] was replaced by the Eastern Invincible team because the Wolves chose to hide.And on the personal points ranking list, countless high-scoring adventurers have sprung up!
It was Jack the Ripper of the Orphan Twist team who got the highest points. His team scored 730 points overall, and his individual score was 225 points, second only to Dongfang Unbeaten with 425 points, and surpassed Tian Yulang's 210 points. Points, ranked second.

The points of other Shinra adventurers are relatively average, but at least half of the adventurers' points have exceeded the upper limit of 50 points, and the rest of the adventurers are not far behind.

In an instant, the Shinra United team showed great strength and became the strongest team among the four major countries.

And there was only one death in the mission.

"Hehe." Du Yu looked at the standings and leaderboard with a smile, and said with a smile: "This is exactly the result I want. The more dazzling the Shinra people are, the less likely we are to be targeted by the Sudanese and the Parliament. "

"If you're talking about the Sudanese, I believe" Tina questioned: "Because the Sudanese are competing for the first goal, there will be a head-on collision with Shinra. But the parliamentary country has not achieved anything so far, and the points are at the bottom. Will they put the big Tang was the target of the attack, slowing down our speed. At least not in the first scene, to become the bloody 20% obliteration victim on the iron plate!"

These words made everyone quiet down.

"It's possible!" Du Yu said solemnly: "So, we can't give them time. Besides us, their prey also has an Eastern Invincible team. Speed ​​up and clear the last grave. Then return quickly. "

Du Yu led the army into the third tomb, and a large number of undead monsters rushed up. Yilin was still in the lead, unable to escape any monsters. With her own strength, she crushed the monsters and kept retreating.

The wolf pupil team opened fire and accelerated their advance.

This tomb is also extremely huge, but after several times of running-in, the cooperation of the wolf pupil team is even better.After half an hour of fierce fighting, the wolf pupil team came to a relatively empty hall.

In the center of the hall is an altar full of evil aura, with a green jar floating on it.Just looking at it from a distance, one can feel the biting chill coming out of the jar.

"No way?" Du Yu was astonished.

"What's the matter?" Myshea couldn't figure out the situation for a moment.

"I don't know if our luck is too good or too bad." Du Yu smiled wryly: "On this adventure map, the three desecrated tombs unexpectedly revealed a main mission and two random missions! "

"Random mission?" Myshea was overjoyed.

Li Tang and Captain No. [-] beside him were also beaming with joy.

Having tasted the sweetness of the first random mission [Madam's Remains], everyone is excited, and the successive successes of Dongfang Bubai and Shinra have stimulated the excitement of earning points and rushing to the first place. I heard that they have discovered A random task, instantly excited.

"But..." Du Yu's face flashed with worry: "The problem is, this is a hot potato."

"Hot potato?" Myshela chuckled, "Could it be that the rewards aren't enough?"

Du Yu shook his head and said, "On the contrary, although the mission of Madam's remains is rich in rewards, it is far inferior to this mission!"

He said word by word, "The name of this random mission is the jar of souls! Once someone touches the jar of souls, the hall of the tomb will be sealed, and there will be a large number of powerful undead creatures around. Survive a siege for a while. In the game it's 60 seconds, but in Adventure World I'm not sure. Maybe as long as 10 minutes."

"10 minutes? Doesn't sound like much?" Li Tang clenched his shield with confidence.

Du Yu's face was gloomy: "But don't forget, just because the time is not too long, you have to think about how abnormal the intensity will be. You know, we took the mission of killing the remains of the wife, but we worked hard and wiped out the whole body. A tomb was barely completed after defeating many powerful champion-level monsters. And the reward for this jar of soul mission is as high as 4800 points and 405 gold coins!"

When he said the sky-high amount of points, all the adventurers around were stunned!
Madam's remains task, but 2600 points.

And this soul pot task almost doubled the reward.

A profit corresponds to a risk, this is the undisputed iron law of the space.

4800 points, but the highest points I have heard so far, absolutely nothing.It's unbelievable that a random mission can achieve such a rich reward.

(End of this chapter)

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