Chapter 799 Mission trap, gift to the enemy! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
"Then what should we do?" Michelle's voice trembled a little, and she looked at the jar of soul with a trace of awe, and looked around more vigilantly.

How many terrifying elite monsters are there around this jar of souls?

"Give up!" Du Yu said decisively.

"Give up?" Captain No. 4800 jumped up: "Others are frantically searching for tasks, for fear of missing one, we finally received the second task, but we have to give up? This is 50 points! With these points, we will completely It's safe. Everyone can pass the bottom line of [-] points! Besides, Kane was rescued by Shinra, and the main quest [Dark King Enthroned] will definitely not fall into our hands due to the competition for the Shattered Crown. China and the East are undefeated, and they will compete for the next few mainline tasks like mad dogs. We must cherish the present."

As he was talking, he was glanced at by Du Yu's awe-inspiring eyes, and he couldn't continue.

Du Yu glanced coldly at the jar of evil souls hanging high on the altar, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"This is a piece of fat, and of course it is also a sharp time bomb. Let's use this thing as a big gift for the enemies, shall we?"

Shen Luoyan whispered in the heart of the castle: "You bastard! You have already made up your mind to use the jar of souls to deal with those crazy black adventurers from Dongfang Bubai or the parliamentary country, right?"

Du Yu smiled slightly: "Order Qiao understands me best."

Shen Luoyan snorted coldly: "It's not difficult to guess. You deliberately kept a low profile in the first scene. If we complete this task, although it is difficult, it may not be hopeless. But two consecutive rich points tasks will definitely increase our points. Soaring, surpassing Shinra in the standings, attracting everyone's attention, and becoming the target of public criticism. And if it is used as a gift to black people, or to deal with Dongfang Invincible, it can detonate the unstable factors in advance, killing two birds with one stone!"

Du Yu nodded: "I have a premonition that Dongfang Bubai, who has completed the mission and has nothing to do for the time being, will definitely come to us! And adventurers from the Parliamentary Kingdom who failed to intercept Shinra and have no points recorded may come after hearing the news! Because The Sudanese have an agreement with us not to attack each other, but that does not include divulging the enemy's location! Both enemies could come at any moment!"

"Are you going to attack them?" Michelle smiled.

Du Yu nodded, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Speaking of which, it's time to integrate the forces of all parties. Otherwise, we will be too passive."

"Back! Back!" Although the captains were very puzzled by Du Yu's practice of not eating fat, but under Du Yu's forced request, his deep-rooted majesty in the team, the order was thoroughly implemented.

Although Tina was very dissatisfied with this, she had no choice but to cooperate with the execution.

At this time, the Sudan United Team, after a hard fight and losing two adventurers, finally successfully killed the undead of Prime Minister Aimon and obtained the legendary Broken Crown.

This broken crown originally belonged to the once powerful King Leoric.And the key item for the next main mission is this item.

Sai Yiwu picked up the icy crown and received a space prompt: "Congratulations to the Sudan United Team for completing the main mission [The Broken Crown]!"

"You have obtained 900 points and exclusive access to the blacksmith system. Anyone who tries to use the blacksmith system to buy/sell/repair/build weapons and equipment must pay you no more than 10% of the fee. You will Keep getting precious gold coins."

Yakun kicked Prime Minister Aimeng's corpse away, frowned and said, "Why do I feel like I've been cheated?"

"Tricked? Who?" Sai Yiwu asked.

"Then Du Yu!" Yakun looked at the captain suspiciously: "Why are there so many anonymous adventurers on the scoreboard?"

"Hmph! You're only realizing it now?" Sai Yiwu looked into the darkness in the distance with gloomy eyes: "Du Yu thought he was doing it secretly, but I've already noticed the change in the standings! I think this is an abandoned cemetery, What did you think of?"

"Random mission?" Yakun's expression changed drastically!
"Yes!" Sai Yiwu said bitterly: "I was deceived by that Du Yu! He acted like a mad dog, pretending to be ordered by Shinra, and came to pester him endlessly. In fact, he was pretending. We need a peace deal more! Shit!"

Amin also reacted: "Actually, they didn't come to pester us at all, but for random missions!"

"We are so stupid that we handed over 500 million survival points to this bastard, and signed a 12-hour peace agreement!" The captain of No. 172 growled.

"Even if we want to turn against them now, there are still 7 hours, and we can't do anything," Yakun was so angry that he jumped.

In the world, the most stupid thing is not to buy peace with money, but to buy it for enemies who are weaker than themselves and more eager for peace!
This is so stupid to the extreme!

"No one can play with the warriors of the true god like this, revenge!" Yakun said angrily.

"Peace time," someone reminded.

"Tear up the agreement, or take revenge after 7 hours!"

The sentiment is exciting.

Only Sai Yiwu remained as calm as before.

"Captain, why don't you come up with an idea?" Yakun's eyes were full of killing intent, and he wished he could chop Du Yu, who had played tricks on him, into a pulp.

Sai Yiwu said coldly: "What are you in a hurry for?"

He smiled lightly: "Smart people use their mouths, and stupid people take action. We don't have to start this kind of thing. It is enough to give our black brothers who have excess energy and nothing to show off a little bit of limelight, and it will be done properly! According to the agreement, but There is no clause against revealing each other's locations."

The captains all understood.

This trick of borrowing a knife to kill people without bloodshed can get rid of that nasty liar Du Yu and let them breathe a sigh of relief.

"But those adventurers from the parliamentary country, can they do it?" Yakun was suspicious.

Sai Yiwu sneered and said, "Of course they can't make a big deal out of it. But no one dares to underestimate these black brothers by secretly attacking and harassing them. Look, our step is enough to make Du Yu's head burnt. completely annihilated."

The Sudanese let out ferocious and triumphant laughs at the same time.

In the Shenluo Empire, Richelieu, Tracy, Catherine, and concubine Sisi sat in a circle, watching this battle representing the highest level in the outer city.

When they saw Lampard, Anakin and others overwhelming the discord within the team, they insisted on completing Kane's redemption mission first, and seized the favorable position of the first place in the points, Richelieu and his concubine Sisi revealed proud look.

The supreme referee team of the Holy See is exactly their confidant alliance.

"Our Shinra's points at this time are already at the top of the list. Poor Sudanese pagans have not even recorded a point. Even if they complete the task, they can only get 900 points. Poor!" Richelieu smiled.

Catherine's gaze was very complicated.

Although she paid attention to the performance of her own forces, she couldn't help but focus on Datang.

There is a man she is destined to be unable to break away from, who is emotionally bound.

Du Yu.

But since the wolf pupil team left New Tristram, they have lost their traces, and there is no trace of him in the video with the main perspective of God Roland.Du Yu's information can only be obtained from Feige's few words.

"What the hell is this guy doing?" As the plot progressed, Catherine couldn't help but wonder.

Wouldn't it be impossible to complete 50 points and be obliterated?
She shook her head.

Tracy's thoughts were equally complicated.

From time to time, she stroked her flat, fat-free belly, but she knew in her heart that a little life was being conceived inside.

What the hell is Mordel, the rose knight, doing?
Ever since she made an agreement with Model to use the golden bell as the only communication object, she never summoned Model again.Because he was afraid of Catherine's eyeliner, he would become suspicious when he found out that she had a close relationship with Model.

But this time the golden bell summoned, but did not get a reply from Model, it should be an adventure in the mission world.

Tracy was puzzled.

As a generation of empress like Wu Zetian, she was very indifferent to the affairs of men and women, but she never thought that she would be so infatuated with that Model, who knows the taste by taste.

The empress dowager and empress were thinking about their own affairs, but they didn't pay attention to Richelieu.

Richelieu and his concubine Sisi watched with relish.

The Shinra adventurers marched forward triumphantly, showing their sense of superiority even more.

"The old blacks from the parliamentary state are planning to sneak attack on the wolf pupil team!" Richelieu laughed.

Catherine woke up from her intoxication and found the information gathered from various places in Shinra.

According to the intelligence, the black people in the parliamentary country, because they can't receive the main mission and can't find the side plot, are plotting to attack the Datang team.

"Du Yu!" Catherine tightened her mind for an instant.

She naturally understands how violent and unstable black adventurers are.

For their own benefit, they can do anything, including things that seem irrational to others.

"Hahaha, I'm willing to bet [-] survival points, and I bet that Saiwu will definitely sell the positions of Du Yu and the Langtong team to those crazy parliamentary country adventurers!" Richelieu laughed smugly.

Although due to the resolution, he had to give up the dragon horn, but if Du Yu died tragically, he would happily take it back.

The worry in Catherine's beautiful eyes became more intense.

Last time Model tried to break into her heart, but then it was revealed that he was a trick of the empress dowager's beauty, which made Catherine even more frightened and grateful to Du Yu.

As for the leader of the Western Legion, Gerald, she has already started to act, and this traitor who eats inside and outside will not end well.

Without Du Yu, she would have been ruined by now.

"Du Yu, you must be fine. I'm still counting on you!" Catherine sweated nervously.

As soon as Du Yu's formation shrunk, he felt threats coming from behind.

He sighed: "Everyone in the parliamentary country, come out!"

Michelle, Li Tang, Captain No. [-], Tina and others immediately felt cold sweat!

Wise Captain Du Yu!
(End of this chapter)

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