Chapter 800 Pride of Lions and Hyenas?Parliamentary country sneak attack! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Thanks to his strong orders and suppression of his impulses, the wolf pupil team was not confused by the 4800 points, but retreated in time to form a solid defensive formation.

If he had attacked with all his strength just now, struggled in the almost crazy sea of ​​monsters in the jar of souls, and then encountered an ambush by adventurers from the parliamentary country, I am afraid that at this time, he would be doomed!
There is absolutely no way out!

Du Yu's gaze was as deep as the cold stars in the night sky, looking at the darkness behind him indifferently.

Finally, there was a laugh.

A black soldier with unusually long hands and feet, holding a spear and a leather shield, wearing ostrich feathers, and smearing war camouflage on his face, slowly walked out of the darkness.

His thick lips showed a cold smile, like observing his prey before hunting.

"I am the Zulu of Zimbabwe!" He raised his spear, his pupils smeared with white mud, showing a frantic fighting spirit: "On behalf of the black people, I have decided to sacrifice you Datang people to the ancestors, the god of war. .Your souls will be servants of the God of War!"

Around him, there are shadows and shadows, and I don't know how many black adventurers are spying in the dark.

Du Yu sighed: "You probably got our exact location from Sai Yiwu, right?"

Zulu proudly said: "I don't need to tell you, because your head is destined to be mine. Things don't need to know information."

Du Yu raised his eyebrows and said, "We have two teams, why did they attack me instead of Dongfang Bubai?"

"The woman in red?" Zulu said disdainfully: "We will attack her, but she is fast, and Zulu did not find her. So, you are the first."

Du Yu frowned and said, "Can you tell me the reason?"

Zulu laughed.

The laughter of other adventurers sounded from behind.

"We don't want to be the last one," Zulu said earnestly, "20% of the last one will die, and the second last one only needs 10%."

Du Yu sighed: "This math is good. 20% is indeed better than 10%. But the problem is, even if you fight us, you won't get a point. Let me tell you that we have completed a random task, and the Eastern Invincible Team, who are also Datang, also completed a main task. The basic mathematical logic is that, as a representative team with zero points, no matter how crazy you attack us, you can only be at the bottom."

Zulu's eyes flashed fiercely.

Du Yu smiled and said, "Why can't we turn hostility into friendship? For example, I can give you a random task. Here! Over there is a symbol of my sincerity."

Zulu was suspicious for a moment.

To say that points are life, it couldn't be more appropriate in the dark world.

They tried their best and searched everywhere for the task but couldn't find it, and this gave birth to the desire to kill and destroy.

Originally, when forming an alliance with the Sultanate, Sai Yiwu, the old fox, promised to give part of the points to his team.But for this mission, the Sudanese only had 900 points, not even enough to plug their teeth, and it was impossible to give them any help.

As time passed, the black people became more and more irritable, and finally targeted Datang.

Strong teams compete with strong teams, and weak teams compete with weak teams.

As long as Datang is dragged into the water and they are at the bottom, the parliamentary country will not be obliterated by 20%.

The smile on the corner of Du Yu's mouth became even brighter, and he called out playfully, "Indra! I know you're here! Come on!"

With a wry smile on her face, Indra stepped out of the darkness.

Compared with these violent companions, he, the adventurer captain of the Three Kingdoms, seemed much more rational.

But in the face of worrying zero points, Indra has no choice.

But at this time, Du Yu gave him a choice.

This gave Indra the capital to use her three-inch tongue to persuade black people.

He and Zulu exchanged glances, and a fat black adventurer captain walked out of the darkness, full of fierce and bloody aura.

"Mutombo!" He murmured, and the AK47 in his hand rang.

A dark-skinned adventurer of yellow race strode out: "Toledo from Brazil, master of Jiu-Jitsu."

Brazil's gangs and underground fighting, bloody.This Toledo seemed to have a shrewd and sinister look on his face, quite the demeanor of a gangster.

Like other teams, the Parliament is also composed of multinational adventurers, but their composition is more complex, composed of blacks, Latin American yellow races, and Albanians, and there are constant internal faction disputes.

Du Yu laughed loudly: "There is a saying in our Tang Dynasty. It is not unreasonable to have friends come from afar. We are not greedy ghosts who eat alone like Shinra and Sudan. This time, we found a random quest called the Jar of Soul .Instead of fighting and killing for no gain, how about completing this task together?"

Zulu, Mutombo, Toledo, and Indra all shook their bodies at the same time.

They received a space prompt, informing them of the reward for the soul jar mission.

"4800 points?" Dikembe Mutombo couldn't help but take a bite of his cigar with endless greed.

Zulu's eyes showed endless hatred, his teeth rubbed lightly, he glanced at Du Yu and said contemptuously: "I think it's better to kill all the Tang people first, and then take this jar of souls!"

Indra said displeased: "Even if you Zulu believe in the true God, I don't believe it. You insist on being a gunman for the Sudanese, so please forgive us for not being with you!"

Mutombo is also a true believer and supports Zulu, but Toledo, who is mercenary, supports Indra, and the four quarreled for a while.

Zulu and Dikembe Mutombo are simple-minded, but they are not fools.Under the influence of Toledo and Indra Tongchen, he also understood that the gods and horses are just clouds, and points are the king's truth. He gave Du Yu a hard look, and reluctantly agreed to let the Datang people go first, and the task is important.

"We won't do anything to you." Zulu said without expression, "but you have to leave immediately! Don't delay."

Du Yu laughed dumbly and said, "This black brother, this random mission was originally a gift from me, how can you ask us to leave?"

Zulu's eyes were fierce: "On the grassland, the lions found the prey hunted by the hyenas, and they would never discuss it with the hyenas! If you don't go, you don't have to go!"

Du Yu said contemptuously, "Let's go to war! Let's see who can win?"

Tina and Wu Ren exchanged glances.

Du Yu has always been like this, the more he doesn't want to start a war with the opponent, the more he has to show his desire to fight.

Zulu was impatient and was about to order an attack.

Indra smiled and stood up.

He walked up to the crowd: "Why are you so tense? Du Yu is an old friend of mine. Bloody City Gate has cooperated with me for a long time, and we have a very good relationship. Tell us your request and see if we can meet it, but Don't let the lion open your mouth."

Toledo and Mutombo looked at Du Yu with unkind eyes.

Du Yu smiled indifferently: "Since I have shown my kindness, in exchange, why don't you have to offer something? Or you have to let us participate together to fight against the army of undead."

Toledo shook his head.

He is a gangster, and he can't trust others the most.

This Tang Dynasty adventurer must leave this place, so that the parliament country adventurer can give it a go.

The same is true for other parliamentary country adventurers.

Indra pondered: "In that case, brother, why don't you take someone away? As for the price"

He looked at the others.

Mutombo took out a bag and threw it at Indra: "That's all we have."

Indra opened the bag.

Du Yu saw that there were only about ten broken diamonds, rubies, and sapphires, and his face darkened: "Are you kidding me?"

Indra said with a wry smile: "You have completed a mission anyway, don't panic if you have points. We haven't gained anything except killing various monsters along the way. How can I get you something good?"

Du Yu sighed: "It's my bad luck to meet you poor bandits. Okay. Let's notarize the space, or you can send someone to follow you, and get out of this abandoned cemetery, okay?"

Indra exchanged glances with Zulu and others.

It takes at least 5 minutes to rush into this tomb from the abandoned cemetery.

5 minutes is enough for timely response in any form.

Although they are not completely ignorant of the soul pot mission, and understand the risks behind the 4800 points, but the so-called hunger, food, panic, and road, these adventurers who have been tortured crazy by the points have no longer cared about the risks behind them.

Anyway, if you don't get the points, you will be wiped out in the end!

Looking at these murderous adventurers, the corners of Du Yu's mouth curled up, and he led the wolf pupil team back guardedly.

"Just a dozen or so gemstones, and you just changed this task?" Tina pouted angrily, her little mouth pouted cutely.

Du Yu laughed.

Michelle pondered: "What is your plan? If these black and Latin Americans really complete the task, our Datang will be in danger. We will fall to the bottom one!"

Du Yu sneered and said, "It's said that you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. I want to see how long these parliamentary country adventurers who boast the world's best physical fitness can last in the sea of ​​undead?"

"The tigers and wolves of the parliamentary country are following behind, it must be the fault of the Sudanese!" Du Yu said coldly.

He led the team, and as soon as he walked out of the tomb, he saw the Sudanese head-on.

Saif, Yakun, Amin, Captain 172, Hassan!
With a murderous look, they walked out of the desecrated prime minister's altar, and met Du Yu head-on, but they all showed surprise when they saw that Du Yu and the wolf pupil team were unscathed.

Just seeing their expressions, Du Yu was sure that the sneak attack by the black people just now was indeed the masterpiece of these guys.

A glint of gloom flashed in Sai Yiwu's eyes, he led the way to Du Yu, and said coldly, "You should be lucky, after you deceived the messenger of the true god, you can still stand upright in front of us."

Du Yu smiled: "You guys violated the agreement. Don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Yakun looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "I want to see how you can be ruthless!"

Sai Yiwu's thoughts turned, and he had a conversation with Zulu and Mutombo, but he knew that Du Yu had given up a random mission to avoid the big battle with his black brothers.

He wanted to take another share, but was rejected by Zulu and Mutombo.

(End of this chapter)

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