Chapter 801 The lions fall into the pit, the pit god Du Yu! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Black people also know that it is easier to ask God than to send God away, Sai Yiwu will dilute their income and categorically refuse any request for help.

Sai Yiwu sneered.

It seems that in the face of interests, the common belief in the true god is vulnerable.

He glanced at Du Yu coldly: "You guys are lucky this time. But I don't believe that you have random missions to feed these wolves all the time!"

He took the Sultan, opened the portal, and walked back to Tristram.Kane has been rescued, and a new batch of mainline missions can be released, and he must go back to compete with the Westerners as soon as possible.

Under the surveillance of the Zulu spies, Du Yu walked out of the abandoned cemetery Shi Shiran.

"People of Tang Dynasty, stand outside that line!" The messenger is an African female adventurer who resembles Sheva, the heroine of Resident Evil 4. She is dressed in military uniform, smart and capable, and is playing with a pair of silver pistols in her hands.

Even in the dark world where hot weapons are weakened, adventurers in the parliamentary country still love guns and are unwilling to give up.

At this moment, she proudly looked at Du Yu and the Tang adventurers, like a victorious country guarding a group of captives, more like a group of lions on the African grasslands, driving the hyenas who had captured their prey, howling with their tails between their legs, and then took it for granted. Delicious prey is so natural!
In the eyes of the proud Africans, the Datang people tolerated this conflict and handed over their precious missions, which is to succumb to their strong fighting power.

The law of the jungle is the only law they believe in.

"Are we just going to watch Zulu and others complete the immediate task and surpass me, Datang?" Myshela glanced at the proud "Xiewa", feeling agitated.

Tina also said: "I understand what you mean. You have to take advantage of the eagerness of our potential opponents, the adventurers of the Parliamentary Country, to set up traps and let them suffer a big loss, and take advantage of the Parliamentary Country Adventurers consume the strength of monsters to cleverly eat this lucrative cake. But the problem is that there are too many uncertain factors in it. I really doubt whether it can achieve the level of exquisite control!"

Du Yu smiled slightly: "Before trying to get first in the exam, everyone should study the rules of the game carefully. What do you say about random tasks?"

"Isn't it just one thing, the former team gave up, can the latter team continue?" Mai Shela said impatiently, suddenly realized, pointing at Du Yu, said: "You are planning?"

Du Yu chuckled and said, "These are black brothers who voluntarily sent to our door to help us complete random tasks. I didn't force them."

"But the task of the pot of souls should be reset every time you give up." Wang Yuyan thought carefully: "That is to say, no matter how hard these black brothers consume the monsters, once they fail, we have to start again .It is still difficult to take advantage of the situation.”

Du Yu sneered and said, "You're right. But if I guess right, after a wave of deadly attacks arrives, the black people will be unable to resist and will have to make a choice between the dilemmas. Either they give up their previous sacrifices, Ask for help to fight with us, or give up and fight to break through."

Everyone looked at each other.

Michela couldn't help but said: "Are you so confident in the strength of the monsters? Are you sure that the 100 adventurers in the parliamentary country can't stop this limited-time offensive?"

Du Yu smiled slightly: "If it's a well-organized strong team like Shinra or Sudan, I'm not so sure. But for the parliamentary country that is used to fighting on its own, they will definitely not be able to survive this 4800 points worth Monster Rage! Behold."

All eyes turned to the last desecrated tomb.

The Zulu envoy watched Du Yu and others leave the cemetery, and then stayed there vigilantly, serving as an observation post.As long as there is any change in Du Yu, Zulu will be notified as soon as possible.

It will take at least a few minutes to sprint from here to the tomb, enough for Zulu and others to respond.

Suddenly, from the tomb, a penetrating green light appeared!

The light was so intense that it pierced even the gloomy sky.

Yilin secretly said: "I feel a powerful evil force rising to the sky from the tomb. It should be that the jar of soul has been opened."

"The fierce battle has begun." Du Yu smiled lightly and stood with his hands behind his back.

Everyone stood closely behind him, but their moods were different.

Even Mai Shela, Li Tang and others who trusted Du Yu the most couldn't help becoming nervous.

4800 points is not a small number, enough to make the bottom-ranked parliamentary country surpass Datang in one fell swoop.

No one likes to see competitors benefit.

Can Du Yu's prediction be accurate to this extent?
Not only do you want to let the adventurers of the parliamentary country suffer a big loss, but also use the adventurers of the parliamentary country to consume the strength of monsters and cleverly eat this lucrative cake?
Time passed by minute by minute.

10 second, 30 seconds, 60 seconds.

2 minutes passed.

Everything in the tomb was peaceful, and the messenger's expression was as usual.

It seems that the adventurers of the parliamentary country are continuing to fight in an orderly manner.

It seems that this lucrative 4800-point mission will fall on the adventurers of the parliamentary country without any trouble.

"Xie Wa" raised her plump lips disdainfully, and provocatively said to Michelle in a frivolous tone: "It seems that the point gift that Datang gave us will fall into our bag. Thank you. In addition, Zulu's order, I will keep an eye on you all the time, as long as I find that you have accepted the task, I will come to ask for it! Don't refuse me, or your lives will be lost!"

Michela stood up furiously, and the eyes of the two fierce female adventurers sparked.

Du Yu's expression remained flat.

"Two minutes have passed, should this task be completed soon?" Tina worried.

From the beginning of the plot, although Du predicted everything, but this time, after all, it was about 4800 points and the ranking of the Tang Dynasty. She could not help but blame Du Yu in her heart. .

Even within the wolf pupil team, there are different opinions.

These parliamentary country adventurers are so arrogant, are we still afraid?

All the pressure was concentrated on Du Yu's shoulders.

But Du Yu didn't respond, and looked at Xie Wa with great interest.

Nasheva was looking at Michela proudly, waiting for the news that the mission was completed, when she suddenly heard Zulu's voice.

In the earphones in her ears, Zulu's furious and anxious voice came: "Is our friend Datang people still there?"

Xie Wa proudly said: "Don't worry, boss, they are all under Xie Wa's surveillance, and no one can enter the cemetery."

With a huge roar, Zulu almost deafened Xie Wa's eardrums: "You stinky shameless! Who told you to spy on our friends? Hurry up and ask them to come to the rescue! Hurry up!"

"Rescue?" Xie Wa was stunned.

Obviously, it was his own team that drove the Datang people away with strength and snatched this mission. Why did Boss Zulu invite these guys back to rescue them?

What does this word represent?
Xie Wa knew the arrogance and arrogance of the Zulu boss best, and let him admit that he needed rescue, which showed that the situation was corrupted beyond control.

Destroy the group!

Upon hearing this news, Mysheila, Li Tang, Tina and the others could hardly help laughing out loud.

Glancing at Du Yu with reverence, Mai Shela said loudly and leisurely: "Oh, I have a chance in Tang Dynasty, don't take porcelain jobs without diamonds!"

Tina also secretly looked at Du Yu in admiration, and the earthy Xie Wa on the opposite side said loudly: "Oh, I was kicked out just now, why am I so tired? I don't want to move."

Xie Wa looked at Datang people with a complicated expression, and tremblingly said: "My friends, why don't you hurry back and see this mission? We need you!"

Before she finished speaking, Zulu shouted in a trembling voice: "Friends of the Tang Dynasty, in the name of the true god, I swear that if you can save us, you will never disappoint your friends again! For the sake of the true god, come Come on, lend a helping hand!"

Du Yu received a summons from Indra at the same time, but Indra was annoyed: "You're fucking me!"

Du Yu said leisurely, "Why am I cheating on you?"

Indra said angrily: "This task is not done by humans at all! The moment the jar of souls was opened, more than 30 champion-level monster leaders appeared around, with no fewer than 600 monsters of various kinds! What's more terrifying , there are actually four rare gold bosses, rushing towards us from all directions! I have never seen such a terrifying situation in my life, and I have never seen the bloody city gate! Hurry up and save me!"

Du Yu sighed, "Let me ask you a question, did I invite you to do the task?"

Indra and Zulu were stunned.

That's right, the adventurer from the Tang Dynasty was about to do the task of the pot of souls, and he was the one who heard the news, stuck in the tomb, and snatched the damn task!

In other words, the current self-defeating situation is basically what they asked for.

Du Yu said coldly: "My deal with you is nothing more than giving up the task and you give me the gem. Now the deal is completed, and I have nothing to do with it. Goodbye my friend."

Indra softened, and there were still various explosions and screams from adventurers. He said with difficulty, almost crying: "How can you lend a helping hand? We will soon be wiped out." !"

When the word "Tuan Mie" came out, Xie Wa almost fainted to the ground!
Everyone knows that in this world competitive team battle, the fate of an adventurer in a certain country is closely related.

If the main group is destroyed, she, as an adventurer of the parliamentary country, will definitely not be able to live alone, and she will not be able to escape the 20% obliteration quota.

With a plop, she knelt down on the ground and said with tears in her eyes: "Friends of Datang, we are the ones who are confused! I pray that you will show kindness and save the adventurers in the parliamentary country! We are already hopeless."

Du Yu asked carefully: "Indra, tell me the truth! Do the enemies only have four golden rare-level bosses and 30 champion-level bosses? If I go in and find out that you have concealed something, the heavenly king and I will not even want me to attack you!" save you!"

(End of this chapter)

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