Chapter 802 Risking Your Life, Selling Yourself to Help Defend! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

Indra sighed, and said helplessly: "I did hide it, because I was afraid that you would be too scared to come to rescue after hearing the monster's strength. In fact, after opening the jar of the soul, four green evil spirits flew around, forming a monster. We set up four teleportation arrays, and as time went by, one or two golden monsters came out of the teleportation arrays with a wave of reinforcements every minute. And the task limits our time, which is to persist in the sea of ​​monsters for a full 1 Minutes! This is a desperate number. We can't keep it!"

After listening to it, Maishela, Li Tang, and Tina fell silent.

Just as Du Yu predicted, this terrifying intensity definitely exceeded the attack limit of any team.

The parliamentary national team, known for its physical strength and personal combat power, only survived for 2 minutes in such a choppy and ever-increasing sea of ​​​​monsters, and it could no longer hold on, showing a collapse. Otherwise, Zulu and Indra, Nor would he be so humble and condescending.

Thanks to Du Yu, the Datang Wolf Tong team did not step in and be wiped out by this desperate situation.

After Du Yu finished listening, his eyes rolled, as if he was calculating gains and losses.

Michelle said decisively: "Captain, you are right. This is a muddy water that must die, we can't take risks."

Everyone knows the power of the golden monster.

Not only are they powerful in attack, but they also often have various abnormal states such as repelling, knocking up, freezing, throwing, freezing, etc. They can lead monster groups, break through the defense line, and cause heavy casualties to adventurers.

Counting the narrow tomb inside, there are already 7-8 golden monsters, and they are still increasing. The difficulty of this task is by no means a joke.If the wolf pupil team is not careful, they will get involved.

Tina and Wuren nodded, expressing their agreement not to rescue them.

Captain No. [-] was scared, coughed and said, "Since these guys are seeking their own death, it's no wonder we are here. Let's just retreat."

Du Yu glanced at Xie Wa, who was kneeling and pleading, and said coldly to Indra: "If I am willing to save you bastards! What good will I do?"

Indra shouted: "I will give you any benefits! Just survive!"

Du Yu sneered and said, "Don't say it so nicely, the so-called giving me everything is not sincere! Hurry up and discuss the result, I'll wait. It will take a few minutes to get to you. Can you afford it?" Just fine."

Indra immediately started discussions with Mutombo, Zulu and others.

Du Yu crossed his legs and waited quietly.

Shen Luoyan asked Du Yu in the heart of the castle: "Do you really want to save the people of the parliamentary country? There are actually a lot of opportunities for the points, and they can be retrieved again. You don't have to take such a big risk."

Du Yu smiled lightly: "That's right, my main goal of this operation is to rescue the adventurers from the Parliamentary Country. Datang is weak and has fallen into division. If there are too few players participating in the game, it will be bad for us to directly confront Shinra and Sultan. .”

"What's the reason?" Even Shen Luoyan, a handsome strategist, was a little puzzled.

Du Yu explained: "In a word, it is to control the overall situation as a whole. It is not yet the time for the adventurers of the parliamentary country to be wiped out. And these few minutes of fierce fighting have greatly weakened their strength. What I want is suppression, but It’s not to eliminate the parliamentary state. Their existence can bring me more leeway and flexibility for me to unite vertically and horizontally. Besides, this task is not as difficult as you imagine.”

Shen Luoyan sighed: "I counted all our hole cards, and I can't think of anything else that can stop such a crazy offensive."

Du Yu smiled: "I think this mission is for more than two alliances. It tests everyone's ability to cooperate and communicate, so the points are so rich. The price of eating alone is the dilemma of the parliamentary country. But don't forget, we This is not an ordinary team. Just wait and see!"

Indra's voice appeared, feeling unspeakably haggard.In this minute, I don’t know how many thrilling things happened, so that the high-spirited leader of the Three Kingdoms was so embarrassed: "Okay. This mission has 1 points, and we are willing to give you half of it. Can you come?"

Du Yu said disdainfully: "I only have one word, die!"

Indra said in grief and anger: "You vampire, do you know how many people we died? In just 3 minutes, we killed more than 20 brothers! Shouldn't we leave something for us?"

Du Yu said indifferently: "I'll give you the last suggestion, just forget it. We'll take 7% of the points and give you the remaining 3%! Don't forget, the most important gift I give you is life!"

Indra gritted her teeth: "You've already figured it out! We've been fooled! Alright! Vampire! Come on!"

With a wave of Du Yu's hand, he led the wolf pupil team and rushed towards the grave in a leisurely manner.

Xie Wa turned around anxiously, almost knelt down and begged: "Can you hurry up? Every second, our companions will die!"

Du Yu, like a robot with precise calculations, walked to the entrance of the tomb. It took 2 minutes, no more and no less.

Shen Luoyan smiled and said: "You scoundrel, it seems that you are planning to subdue those desperadoes from the parliamentary country? You know, they won't give in so easily."

Du Yu sneered and said: "So, I will first use the hands of monsters to beat these vicious dogs to the brink of death, and then give them some bones to raise them. There are too many of them and their strength is too strong, so I can't control them well." .4 minutes should be just right."

After walking into the tomb, the wolf pupil team could hardly believe their eyes.

Bullet holes, explosion craters, blood splatter and mutilated limbs everywhere

There is no lack of remains of adventurers from the parliamentary country, with missing arms and legs, left behind the tomb wall, or died tragically on the cold ground with their hearts broken.

These are the adventurers who were beaten to pieces during the fierce battle, risking their lives to break through to the entrance of the tomb, but because the task closed the exit of the tomb, they could only fight desperately to death.

Michelle looked back apprehensively.

Sure enough, the tomb was only allowed to enter but not to exit, and an invisible wall completely sealed the entrance.

From this moment on, the wolf pupil team can't retreat to the ground, and there is only one way to complete the task.

Around the jar of soul altar, fierce battles continued.

As many as 12 golden elite bosses, with hundreds of various champion-level and rare-level elite monsters, surrounded the altar of the jar of souls. All kinds of crazy attack skills continued to be released, and the momentum was terrifying.

Indra, Mutombo, Zulu, Toledo and others put together more than 50 remaining adventurers to resist the tide of monsters.

"It seems that the adventurers of the parliamentary country have finally learned to work as a team after paying a heavy price with their lives," Du Yu sneered.

At the entrance, the corpses of adventurers were strewn about, showing that the team was not united when it collapsed, and quite a few adventurers chose to escape on their own.

Unfortunately, the mission bloody massacres those who act in their own way, forcing others to band together to protect themselves.

Whenever the golden boss, the fury strikes, some adventurers from the parliamentary country will rush forward and be blown away.

Relying on the sea of ​​people and sacrifices, the originally powerful, crazy and bloodthirsty desperadoes of the parliament barely saved their lives.

But they have also reached the point of exhaustion.

All kinds of tactics that can be used have been tried, at the cost of more than 20 heart-wrenching adventurers on the ground, but nothing has been achieved-every attempt to break out or disperse the monsters will bring huge sacrifices, but it is meaningless.

And under pressure, those escaped adventurers died faster than anyone else.At the entrance of the tomb, there are piles of corpses, and the guy who fled to the depths of the tomb has no news.

The rest of the people can only struggle to support.

Mutombo was still loudly accusing Indra of being a traitor when he called for Duyu's support from Indra, but after a few minutes passed, he just cursed Duyu for coming so late.

The lives of adventurers are worthless like weeds. When golden monsters come in groups, no matter how powerful the skill is, it can only cause a wave of ripples among these monsters. Nothing came to light.

Without a geographical advantage, it is impossible to block this terrifying and increasing number of monsters.

So far, although 5 minutes have passed and there are only 5 minutes left, the adventurers of the parliamentary country can't hold on for even 1 minute.

"It turns out that you have to persist for 10 minutes to complete the task." Du Yu stretched his waist and took a rest.

"Why are you still standing there? Come and help!" Indra yelled.

The monsters quickly discovered the wolf pupil team who came to make trouble, and immediately turned around and rushed!
Just the rows of small bosses glowing with golden light caused everyone in the Wolf Eyed Alliance to breathe a sigh of relief!
There are too many enemies here, right?
Do you want to work so hard for these barbaric adventurers?
But Du Yu's authority is unquestionable, as long as he puts forward a task, the wolf pupil team will definitely go through fire and water!

Du Yu glanced at the adventurers in the parliamentary country, seeing that they were indeed dead and wounded, and couldn't hold on, so he coldly threw out his trump card for this mission!

Defend the invincible [Castle Heart]!
In this gloomy catacomb, a majestic oriental castle glowing with golden light and fairy aura appeared directly from the void!

The wolf pupil team roared in unison, boosted their morale, and rushed to the heart of the castle.

In previous crises, as long as this majestic castle appeared, the wolf pupil team immediately stabilized their morale.

Entering this castle is equivalent to having an indestructible main base, a defensive fort anytime, anywhere!

At the same time as the wolf pupil team poured in, Du Yu shouted: "What are you waiting for? Follow in!"

The adventurers in the parliamentary state watched Du Yu throw a fortress out of thin air, dumbfounded. It seemed to be very strong and reliable. They immediately reacted and rushed to the fortress desperately.

The gate of the castle heart opened wide, and after accepting the last adventurer, it slammed shut in front of the monsters.

The golden monster flew into a rage.

The meaning of their existence is to ensure that all adventurers who open the jar of souls will die within the specified time.

Thus, the tragic siege battle began.

(End of this chapter)

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