Chapter 803 The blue sea tide is born, the sword array breaks the enemy! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
The adventurers of the parliamentary country, who had lost almost half of their companions, roared with tears in their eyes, and put all the long-range weapons available in their hands into battle, pouring out their anger on the monsters who attacked the city.

The monsters were constantly beaten to death by the full-scale artillery fire of the adventurers, and screamed shrilly, but they continued to move forward, and wave after wave came from the void teleportation array located at the four corners of the altar, madly rushing towards the heart of the towering castle.

But the heart of the castle, as the core of defense that Du Yu focused on building, how can the defense be underestimated?

Since conquering Peach Blossom Island, his castle heart has been upgraded again, and even the defense facilities have been upgraded to a higher level.

First, the Immortal Family Forbidden Shield and the Arrow Tower have been upgraded to level 5. The Immortal Family Forbidden Defense Shield has 50000 HP and a defense power as high as 500.This improvement is enough for the monsters to fight for a long time without hurting a single hair of the defenders in the city.

And on the heart of the castle, the standing arrow tower has also been upgraded to level 5. Cooperating with the adventurers, it continuously shoots terrifying arrow rain and bed crossbows, with an attack power of 500 and arrows with a priority of 100. Even golden monsters can There is no immunity to this type of fixed damage.

And the original highly toxic moat and love flower bushes have also been improved and upgraded, becoming the "Peach Blossom Love Flower Eight Diagrams Formation".Even if the monsters break through the outer protective cover and rush into the city defense, they will inevitably be trapped in the "Peach Blossom Love and Eight Diagrams Formation", unable to move forward for some reason, and continue to endure the rain of arrows, bullets and skills on the city wall.In the poisonous flowers and poisonous water, the health of the monsters dropped even more.

The powerful city wall has become the last line of defense to prevent the monsters from advancing.

Seeing the monsters trapped in the city, the black adventurers yelled, excited, took out the sharpest weapons, frantically strafed and killed

The wolf pupil team did not show any weakness. The long-range team led by Michelle continued to focus on the most injured monster bosses.

In an instant, as the heart of the castle fell from the sky, the adventurers changed from being hunted prey to hunters sitting on the castle wall, safely and freely exporting.

However, the group of golden monsters, which were originally terrifying and represented the footsteps of the god of death, became the hunting targets for both sides of the Great Tang Council.

From time to time, a golden monster that was crazily focused on fire gave a long cry and fell powerlessly to the ground, bursting out a large pile of treasures of all kinds of light, gold coins, golden equipment and magic weapons all over the ground.

If it wasn't too dangerous, these poor and crazy black adventurers couldn't help but rush down and take the risk of picking up waste.

The so-called treasure touches people's hearts.

They instantly forgot that they were forced into a desperate situation by these monsters before, and turned into crazy hunters, showing off their output ability to their heart's content.

A bunch of monsters fell into the arrow tower, the fairy restraint protective shield and the "Peach Blossom Love Flower Eight Diagrams Formation", bursting out the leftover equipment all over the floor.

But as time passed and the monsters were being killed, the jar of souls continued to hum and roar, and the green light emitted to the surroundings became more strange and thicker, and the light in the summoning array burst into flames.

There are too many monsters, and they are still coming from all directions at a rate of 2-3 per minute.

It seems that this soul pot task will become more difficult as time goes by.Originally, 1-2 waves of reinforcements were sent every minute, but now it has become 2-3 waves, and the quality and quantity of reinforcements have been greatly improved.

"It's not good!" Michelle thought the sniper crossbow was too slow, so she replaced it with a sniper rifle.The barrel of the gun was hot, but he never dared to let go, killing the most terrifying monsters with one shot.

In just a few minutes, as many as five champion-level monsters died under her sniper rifle!
"There are still too many monsters!" she roared angrily.

At this time, everyone in the wolf pupil team was sweating profusely. Everyone was shocked to find that the terrifying number of these monsters was very effective even in the face of Castle Heart.

The Level 50000 Immortal Restriction Shield with 500 health points and 5 defense power lasted only 58 seconds in this turbulent sea of ​​monsters, before it was smashed into fragments by countless monster arms and weapons. , flying around!

This is the first time the Immortal Restriction has been broken head-on!

And the upgraded five arrow towers, although powerful, still can't stop so many terrifying monsters.

The most frightening thing is that the extremely poisonous moat and the "Peach Blossom Love Flower Bagua Formation" were trampled into a flat ground by the surging monsters!
No matter how exquisite the Qimen Dunjia Formation is, it can't play a little role if it is destroyed by brute force.

The layers of defensive shields in the heart of the castle were washed away wave after wave by this raging sea of ​​monsters!

As for the delay, more than 2 minutes passed.

There are less than 3 minutes left, but judging from the current situation, even the city wall will be beaten to collapse by this group of terrifying monsters.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The adventurers in the parliamentary country looked at Du Yu with gloating eyes.

Although rationally, they should advance and retreat with the adventurers of the Tang Dynasty, but they still couldn't help being secretly happy.

We can't do it, and neither can you.

Dikembe Mutombo, Zulu, Toledo and others exchanged winks, indicating that once the castle was breached, they would immediately use various skills to escape.

Let Du Yu, a native of Tang Dynasty, come as a backup.

Indra was more sensible, realizing how far they could escape if Du Yu fell, and wouldn't they be hunted down by monsters and eventually die tragically?
He approached Du Yu and said, "Have you reached the limit? Is there any other way?"

Du Yu smiled and said, "Of course there is a way! But the cost is very high and the cost is high. I can't afford it alone?"

Indra said helplessly: "I really admire you, a guy who wants money but not life. Tell me what conditions you have. If you can't save your life, what else is there to be reluctant?"

Du Yu said leisurely: "I can activate more advanced protective measures, but it will consume a lot of real yuan and resources, so I can't give you points. I want them all!"

Indra said in grief and anger: "Okay! As long as the green hills are left, there will be no need for firewood. It is our duty to complete half of this horrible and bloody task for you. Use it!"

He simply didn't believe that Du Yu could keep the city wall in front of him and the more than 100 adventurers on the wall in such a terrifying sea of ​​monsters.

The monsters under the city can no longer be described as too many. The entire altar is surrounded by golden bosses, and they can't even squeeze into the first three rows.

Du Yu smiled lightly, and picked up a jade flute in his hand.

This is the Immortal Family's forbidden manipulator left by Huang Yaoshi.

He played the "Blue Ocean Tide Song" softly.

The majestic internal force and beautiful melody resounded in this dark, bloody, and terrifying catacomb, among hundreds and thousands of terrifying monsters, and the lingering sound lingered.

For a moment, even the most ferocious and bloodthirsty monsters were overwhelmed by this melody and stunned.

But they reacted randomly and rushed to the city wall even more violently.

The city wall is already the last barrier of this damned defensive fortress.

Those damn adventurers are hiding on the city wall.

Destroy the walls and kill them all!
Zulu smiled disdainfully and said, "This is the wisdom of Tang Dynasty? Playing that tune, can you defeat the enemy?"

"This damn song has no morale boosting effect at all." Mutombo even showed his white teeth with a smile: "Compared with our war drums, it is far worse."

Michela, Tina, Wu Ren, Captain No. [-], etc. all stared at Du Yu, wondering what the hell he was doing?

The enemy soldiers are approaching the city, and they are about to break through the defense line, rush in and slash and kill, why are they still in the mood to play this beautiful flute sound?
The heart of the castle seems to be on the raging East China Sea, the towering fairy island of peach blossoms, accompanied by the blue sea tide playing, a large number of monsters, forming majestic waves, pounced on the city wall again and again , the city wall is constantly collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But with Du Yu's performance of Bi Hai Chao Sheng Song, finally, a dazzling ray of light rose slowly from the Peach Blossom Island in the city!

But it is the newly added Sword Testing Pavilion and 28 Constellation Sword Formation!
"The ink marks sprinkle peach blossoms while drunk, and the spots on the stone are like rosy clouds. Lang said that Wuling's spring is beautiful, and he has never come here to pan Xiancha."

These 28 golden sword characters form a strange offensive and defensive formation with the sword testing pavilion.Each Chinese character, following Du Yu's song of the blue sea tide, was urged by the vigorous internal force of true essence, and flew towards the group of monsters besieging the castle!

"What is this?" Mutombo, Toledo, Indra, Zulu and others stared with wide eyes.

They have never seen adventurers attacking enemies with words as weapons.

But the wolf pupil team, Tina, Captain No. [-] and others started cheering excitedly.

Everyone can see that Du Yu is doing a great job this time.

In an instant, the monsters were cut into pieces by 28 Chinese characters written by Huang Laoxie, a monk in the Nascent Soul stage!Roll up a bloody storm among the monsters!
The ordinary little monster was instantly killed by these golden characters after only one meeting!

It's a real spike!

There was only the sound of bang bang bang bang, and each hideous monster, after the golden characters of 28 Constellations passed by, burst into the sky full of blood mist!
It took a long time for the broken limbs to fall down one after another, dyeing the heart of the castle blood red.The love flower bushes have been watered and nourished by fresh blood, making them more colorful and coquettish.

Even those champion-level little monsters, when they encounter this big golden character, are often killed to pieces, and some timid monsters turn their heads and run away.

Monsters also have morale, and once they discover their absolutely irresistible divine power, their morale will collapse.

As for the golden monster, it can fight against the big golden characters. Although it has been repelled many times, it is still mad.

"What are you waiting for?" Du Yu said coldly while playing the Bihai Chaosheng song: "Don't attack quickly?"

Although he has the magic weapon left by Huang Laoxie in the Nascent Soul Stage, he is a human being after all, not a god.If such a terrifying task of nightmare level difficulty can be completed by one person, what kind of team does he need, what kind of smart battle?
Although the 28 Constellation Sword Formation is claimed to be invincible, the price is that it requires a huge amount of true energy.With the cultivation base of Du Yu's Golden Core Stage, although it can be activated barely, it can't last long.

(End of this chapter)

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