Chapter 804 A complete victory, coercing the parliamentary country! - Ask for a monthly pass!

He estimated that if he persisted for a minute at most, he would run out of real energy and be beaten back to his original shape.

Of course, this 1 minute is enough for adventurers who are on the verge of collapse.

Myshera and other wolf pupils and Zulu, Mutombo and other parliamentary country adventurers exchanged glances, immediately took out their weapons and opened fire violently.

At this time, they have no choice but to help each other.

Even the craziest lunatic adventurer in the parliamentary country had to use all his skills at this moment, desperately fighting for this battle that was doomed to have no rewards.

Du Yu mobilized the Longevity Art, and with the Golden Core Stage cultivation base, he tried his best to delay the duration of the 28 Constellation Sword Formation.

The skill of this Nascent Soul stage monk really crushed the difficulty of the outer city!
The 28 Constellation Sword Formation, relying on its high priority and excellent fairy methods, insisted on overcoming obstacles in the sea of ​​monsters, killing blood into rivers, and I don't know how many powerful rare-level, champion-level, and servant-level monsters were killed by it. into a ragu.

Du Yu's powerful operation, using the longevity formula, which is the supreme heart method of Taoism, has the characteristics of endless life, and dragged the XingXiu sword array, which could only last for 1 minute, to 83 seconds, and finally the song came to an end, and the glory ended!

And under the full output of more than 110 adventurers, this minute or so has become the moment for the monsters to bury their bones and fall!

The screams of the monsters that were blown up and the bodies of the monsters that were blown away were everywhere. The adventurers tried their best to push the monsters as far away as possible.

Du Yu's flute, after the last high-pitched sound, finally lingered and stopped abruptly.

At this time, the distance is over, and there are more than 80 seconds left.

The monsters recovered from their shock and rushed towards the castle even more frantically.

"Hold on!" Myshea yelled angrily.

Mutombo suddenly stood up and jumped down from the tens of feet high city wall.

Everyone thought he was going to commit suicide and exclaimed.

But Mutombo's body suddenly grew countless branches!
Countless fireflies also flew away and scattered in all directions.

The entire dark underground cave has almost instantly turned into a dreamy world.

Mutombo, turned into a tree man.

"God of nature protect me!" Mutombo roared.

"I, yes, Groot!"

Under the astonished eyes of Du Yu and others, Mutombo turned into a towering tree!
Its branches tightly cover the heart of the castle, before breaking through its branch defenses, no one can think about it.

The exhausted adventurers, covered by the branches of the tree figure Groot, finally fell on the city wall, gasping for breath.

Du Yu also sat down hastily, feeling emotional in his heart.

Who said that African adventurers are impulsive guys who don't use their brains?
This Mutombo, with Groot's guardian spirit, protected the heart of the castle, and saved countless people at critical moments.

Although Du Yu is confident that he will fight to the end and win the battle, Mutombo's sacrifice made the battle easier.

He sighed, but smiled.

It seems that the use value of adventurers in this parliamentary country is higher than expected.

Groot was attacked from all directions, and the branches trembled, but as long as he used this skill, he would not be fatally injured.In the next world, Mutombo can still participate in the battle.Maybe that's how he's prepared to go through the task.

Finally, with the hiss of the soul jar, all the green lights converged on the soul jar from all directions.

The jar of the soul was suddenly sealed, and it fell lightly to the center of the altar, and the silence returned.

"You have completed the random mission—Jar of Souls!"

"You have persisted for 10 minutes in the ever-increasing sea of ​​monsters. You have been rewarded by the system!"

"You got 4800 points and 405 gold coins. Please distribute this reward among the team yourself. But kindness tip: don't forget that in times of crisis, the people who fight side by side with you will only last long if they are not treated harshly."

Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

I didn't expect to be able to complete the task and survive.

But at random, adventurers from the parliamentary country glared at Du Yu!

Zulu walked up coldly, stroked Mutombo who had turned into Groot, pointed at Du Yu word by word, and said, "It was you! You framed us! We lost countless brothers!"

He raised his arms and shouted: "Kill him!"

The blacks and Latin American adventurers in the parliamentary country collectively aimed their weapons at Du Yu.

With a wave of Michelle's hand, the wolf pupil team immediately responded, besieging the parliamentary country with a greatly reduced number of people!

She sneered and said, "It's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin, who doesn't know good people! They say you are mad dogs, but the captain is still kind enough to save people. If it were me, it would not be too late to come in after you are all dead!"

Seeing the confrontation between the two sides, they were about to fight. Indra stood up and shouted: "Zulu! What are you doing? Don't forget that you took the initiative to provoke the dispute."

Zulu glared and said: "Indra! We lost nearly half of our manpower, and all the profits this time were taken away by this greedy Datang man! He won't leave us a single point, not a single gold coin. With us With the current strength, how can we survive?"

Indra looked at Du Yu and smiled helplessly: "He is right. Even if we want to keep our promise, I beg you to consider the actual situation and give us some charity."

Until the last moment, with Indra's personality, it is impossible to say words of charity.

Du Yu let out a long breath and said calmly, "First of all, we need to clarify one thing."

He approached Zulu and Toledo step by step, his eyes were cold.

Under Du Yu's terrifying momentum and the terrifying strength shown in this battle, Zulu and other black fighters and the leader of the Toledo gang backed up step by step, with erratic eyes, not daring to meet Du Yu's gaze.

That Du Yu casually threw out a magnificent castle, a treasure that they had never even heard of!

Even with the mysterious oriental magic, 28 mysterious golden runes were driven to attack those terrible monsters.

Hundreds of monsters died tragically under these golden characters, and 8% of the bloody rivers and piles of corpses in the city were caused by this seemingly weak Du Yu!
What kind of scary person is this?
Although Zulu was domineering and aggressive, he couldn't help feeling desperate for Du Yu's strength from the bottom of his heart.

The reason why he stood up was because of the heavy pressure of survival, which made him go all out.

But as soon as Du Yu forced him, the opponent's strong strength and brilliant record made him dare not move lightly.

Du Yu walked up to Zulu and said coldly, "Tell me, who snatched this mission from us?"

Zulu's dark skin was shiny with oil, and a drop of sweat dripped down. He growled, "It's me!"

"Who said that the lions on the grassland should have the food of the hyena?" Du Yu continued to ask.

"Me too!" Zulu lowered his eyes.

Du Yu sneered and said, "Then when you begged me to help me in the war, did you make a wish yourself and say you would give me points?"

Zulu's muscles were weak, and he said dejectedly: "It's still me!"

"Since you were the one who jumped into the pit! You were the one who asked for help and saved your life! It was you who was crying and shouting to give me points! What else can you say?" Du Yu nose to nose and poked Zulu with his fingers. , roared.

His roar resounded through the underground world.

Zulu said nothing, he had nothing to refute.

Du Yu suddenly raised his head like an angry lion, and scanned the adventurers from the parliamentary country around him!
"Tell me yourself, what reason do you have to fight with me?" Du Yu's furious roar made everyone's ears tremble.

His strength, without a doubt, has surpassed everyone.

And the adventurers from the parliamentary country who lost nearly half in the battle had released all their skills, their bodies were covered with scars, and they were surrounded by wolf pupils, their aura dropped to the extreme.

"But we also want to survive," Nasheva said in a low voice.

Du Yu glanced over coldly, Xie Wa lowered her head.

"Why did you come to this predicament?" Du Yuhan asked, turned his head and shouted at Zulu: "Why? Why? Can't you use your brain to think about the reason? Is your muscles not developed enough? Is it because you are not strong enough? Is it because you chose the wrong timing? Use your brains? Don’t let your brains grow full of muscles!"

Everyone in the parliament looked at each other, listening to Du Yu's lessons and roaring like puppets.

Indra hesitated: "Our mistake is that we didn't receive the task?"

"Wrong!" Du Yu said, "You guys are wrong. You didn't choose the right friend, and you didn't choose the right enemy! You can't figure out who is the enemy and who is the friend. You are being used as a gun by others, and you are playing endlessly." They are running around like flies! If you are not at the bottom, who will be at the bottom?"

Zulu said displeased: "You want to say that it is our Sudanese ally who led us to a dead end? Don't even try to alienate us"

Du Yu spread his hands and said, "Yes! You are quite right. The Sudanese are good brothers of your classmates. They didn't let you deal with Shinra, nor did they let you sneak attack Datang. If you don't think about it, even if You were lucky enough to kill Shinra and us, will the Sudanese give you points?"

Zulu stop.

As far as he knows, the Sudanese currently only have 900 points, so it is impossible to divide him.

Du Yu looked at Zulu with pity: "I have a saying in the Tang Dynasty, if it is not my race, its heart will be different. No matter how close you are with the Sudanese, they are two countries! When they are wiped out, they will not sacrifice themselves for you." Take the knife!"

Zulu wanted to say something more, but Indra waved her hand and said, "Stop talking! Du Yu is right!"

He walked up to Du Yu and said sincerely: "I saw some Westerners in your alliance. If so, can you accept my team? I am willing to take risks with you. Of course, as long as you pay a little points, it is enough We're free from obliteration."

Du Yu laughed loudly: "It doesn't have to be like this. You just need to stay in the parliamentary country. I will show my sincerity!"

Zulu sneered: "What sincerity? You satirized the Sudanese for not giving us points. Would you do that?"

Toledo also showed doubts and said: "I know that we made mistakes first. But now that the matter has come to this point, we may be even more desperate to grab points or drag our opponents into the abyss. I can only say sorry, shit, What's this?"

(End of this chapter)

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