Chapter 805 Take control of the overall situation and seduce the flower demon! - Monthly pass from the second update!
He suddenly received a reminder from the space: "Du Yu, the captain of the Wolf Tongue Team of the Tang Dynasty, assigned 4800% of the 30 points to the parliament!"

"You got 1440 points!"

It sounds like 1440 points is not a lot, but you must know that the adventurers from the parliamentary country suffered a lot of casualties in this mission, and there are less than 60 people left!Thanks to the five adventurers responsible for monitoring Du Yu and Xie Wa, they did not participate in the underground battle and saved their lives.

On average, everyone can get 24 points this time, reaching almost half of the kill line!
That's a lot for a venture that thought it was worthless.

The undefeated teams in the East don't have so many averages.

Happiness suddenly fell from the sky, completely stunned the adventurers in the parliamentary country!

"What about you?" Indra snapped.

Zulu looked disbelieving.

In his dictionary, the losers never have the right to a share, and it is kindness not to kill them all.

"Give some of the points to you, is there a problem?" Du Yu said with awe.

Zulu, Indra, and Toledo were all silent.

This opportunity was so strange that none of them expected it.

First, they failed to snipe the wolf pupil team, but were "gifted" with a lucrative mission, and then the group was almost wiped out, but was rescued by Du Yu, and in the end, Du Yu actually gave them [-]% of the points!Greatly pulled the parliamentary state.

"What's your plan?" Zulu's face was gloomy: "I declare in advance, this little favor, don't even try to bribe a fearless warrior!"

"I don't have any thoughts about you guys." Du Yu bowed and said with a smile, "Just go ahead."

Zulu's big black and white eyes stared at Du Yu for a long time, and walked straight over with Mutombo's transformed seeds and all the black adventurers.

Indra and Toledo had complicated expressions. Both of them were very intelligent people, and they thought much more than Zulu.

"Come on, what do you want us to do?" Indra said with a wry smile, "I don't believe you guys would give points so generously for no reason. With these points, you should all get out of the obliteration line as a whole."

Du Yu smiled: "We have retained 3360 points, which is enough to get out of the obliteration line."

Only then did Indra know that Du Yu had already completed a task, which was probably also a random task.He envied: "You really don't want us to take risks with you? It's better to follow your ass than to hang out with these stupid African guys. Apart from using force, their minds are revenge, and they have no reason at all."

Toledo is even more adept at adapting to the wind. He came up enthusiastically, held Du Yu's hand and said, "The hero of the Tang Dynasty generously saved our lives this time, and even gave away points. From now on, I will be your little brother! Yes! You obey! If you have anything to order, just say it."

Du Yu was also speechless for the unscrupulous flattery of the black boss.

"What I want you to do is very simple." Du Yu said indifferently: "It is to compete with Shinra and the Sudanese for various points tasks, and then complete them."

"It's that simple?" Indra and Toledo couldn't believe it.

They thought that Du Yu would say no matter what, the points cannot be given for free, and they must form an alliance with him to fight against the strong teams such as Sudan and Shinra.Unexpectedly, Du Yu didn't ask for anything at all, and the two didn't believe it.


Du Yu laughed and said, "What I want are adventurers from the four countries. At least in the first and second acts, they can maintain a basic balance of power. No one should be too strong, and no one should be too weak! Your parliament still has 60 adventurers. Those who can't recover from a setback. If you can reduce the number of people who are obliterated, try to reduce it as much as possible."

This is Du Yu's overall awareness.

Shinra and the Sultanate are of course his biggest opponents for this world competitive team battle, but Du expected farther than anyone else!
The biggest opponent he faces is actually a powerful and difficult plot!

He wants to rush into the supreme heaven of hell-level difficulty and challenge Diablo!
This is definitely not something that can be done by one person.

Even counting the wolf pupil team and the beauties, Du Yu is not sure of victory!

Take a look at this jar of soul mission, how many adventurers have been lost?
This is just the first act of nightmare level difficulty, so how powerful should the fourth act of hell level difficulty be?
How strong will Diablo be against the sky?

Therefore, for Du Yu, the most important thing is not to kill the fellow adventurers, but to let everyone preserve their strength and subtly gather everyone around him!

The lunatics in the parliamentary country who believe in force are like stubborn donkeys. They have to be beaten.After the complete obliteration, Du Yu has virtually fewer allies who can take advantage of the situation.

He wants to save these adventurer allies as much as possible, so that he can get powerful support at the most critical moment.

Du Yu can be sure that in the fourth act, it must be adventurers from the four countries who cooperate closely together to break through Diablo's defense line of hell-level difficulty and get the soul stone he has dreamed of!
Whether it is Catherine, who is eager to devour the dark soul stone and incarnate as a black phoenix, or the ruler of the four countries who is extremely eager for this strange thing that enhances space stability, he can buy it for a price, and get unexpected benefits.

This is why Du Yu allocated part of the points to the parliamentary state.

The so-called chick knows the ambition of the swan.

Guys like Indra, Toledo, and Zulu can only see that the first act is not obliterated, or that the world competitive team battle is finally won, but they will never make up their minds. Diabo has been rushing into the fourth act In front of Big Boss Luo.

Of course, Du Yu will not tell everyone his real goal now, otherwise all adventurers will be scared out of their wits.

The first act is already so dangerous, how about the fourth act?

After dealing with the parliamentary state and watching Indra and the others leave with complex eyes, the wolf pupil team burst into cheers!

The harvest this time is far more than the 3360 points, which let everyone get out of the obliteration line, and all kinds of equipment exploded all over the floor!

Under the majestic city wall of the heart of the castle, golden and blue equipment was almost spread all over the floor.

You know, this is equivalent to the wealth obtained by more than 160 adventurers who used all their lives to defeat at least 10 rare golden bosses.And as the savior, the wolf pupil team naturally owns the ownership of these equipments, and the people in the parliamentary country dare not even touch a single gold coin.

"Haha! If it weren't for the powerful parliamentary adventurers who attacked us, we wouldn't be able to reach this kind of terrifying output within 5 minutes, and we could blow up so many golden monsters. This time we will make a fortune."

With a cheer, Michelle threw herself among the equipment, gold coins and gems on the ground, wanting to lie on it.

Tina, Ai Ning, Captain No. [-] and others also rushed forward one after another, touching this, touching that, and couldn't put it down.

The Dark World is a world-renowned producer of high-quality equipment.Otherwise, it would not be used as a venue for world competitive team battles.Although everyone has to take countless risks, the rewards are also huge.Many adventurers have obtained a whole body of sophisticated equipment from the dark world, and their strength has greatly improved, and they will become kings and hegemons when they return.

"Fuck! Golden knight shield!" Captain No. [-] was drooling, stroking a large shield.

Du Yu waved his hand: "These things are distributed according to the team's regulations. In case of disputes, the improvement of the team's strength will be given priority."

He stepped aside, lost in thought.The specific allocation issues are naturally worrying about Mai Shela, Tina, and the second captain.

Shen Luoyan appeared next to Du Yu, looking at the golden equipment and the corpse of the monster boss on the ground, filled with infinite pride for this man, and said in a manly voice, "What are you thinking?"

Du Yu stared at Shen Luoyan's beautiful eyes and said, "Do you feel it? Just now we encountered the task of the jar of souls, and someone nearby seemed to want to trigger the jar of souls to frame the team?"

Shen Luoyan's beautiful eyes were cold and shrunk suddenly.

"You mean someone wants to use the jar of souls to frame us?"

"It's just that I was one step ahead and discovered his plot." Du Yu took a deep breath: "So I ordered everyone to back off. As long as you leave a certain range, the jar of souls will not be triggered."

Concubine Shixuan and Wan Wan gently moved from left to right, holding Du Yu's arms.

Wan Hou frowned beautifully and said, "Wu'er also has this sense of danger. But who is it that ate the gall of a leopard?"

Concubine Shi Xuan has a clear heart and beautiful eyes: "I also felt ominous at the time. But I am not sure whether it is in the team or in the surrounding darkness. We need to know that we have many enemies. Dongfang Bubai and the Sudanese have committed crimes suspected. More likely"

"Flower demon!" Du Yu said decisively.

"Flower demon?" Shen Luoyan pondered: "We can only be sure that the flower demon is one of the Tang adventurers. But whether it is in our team or the Eastern Invincible Team, we have no way of knowing. How did you find him? ?”

Du Yu smiled wryly and said, "Ever since I succeeded in practicing the formula of longevity, my perception has been extremely sharp. Just as the flower demon was thinking of killing someone with a knife, I felt it and ordered the team to retreat quickly. He may have seen that I was on guard, and finally I gave up. But his strategy gave me inspiration, and I also used a borrowed knife to kill people, cheating the parliamentary country."

The hearts of the girls became heavy from the joy of the victory.

There are hordes of monsters outside, powerful enemies all around, and flower demons lurking inside, how do we fight this battle?
"We must find a way to let this flower demon show its true form." Du Yu said decisively: "Otherwise, at a critical moment, if we give us a cold shoulder, the wolf pupil team will be in danger."

"How to test it?" Wan Wan asked coquettishly.

Du Yu's eyes fell on Houhou: "I heard that the flower demon is resourceful and has a distorted mind, but his personality is extremely calm. He is a habitual offender in space, and that's why Yimei and the arresters are helpless. But his only shortcoming is He has an irresistible killing intent towards beautiful women. We had no choice but to use a beauty trick to lure him into taking the bait."

With his hands on his chest, Hou Hou exclaimed in surprise, "Do you want someone to be the bait?"

Du Yu laughed and said, "Don't worry, I will protect you secretly. I will never let you suffer. But if you want the flower demon to do something, there must be an environment that is conducive to him. It is inevitable to take some risks."

(End of this chapter)

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