Chapter 806 Kane Rescued!Angel Appears! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Wan Wan pursed her lips and was about to say something when Mai Shela and the others had already been allocated, and excitedly waved her hands and said, "Captain, let's go back quickly."

Along the way, everyone in the wolf pupil team was in high spirits, and this trip to the abandoned cemetery was a complete victory.Not only did he complete two random missions with generous rewards in [Madam's Remains] and [Jar of Soul], but he also got a large amount of equipment. Many experts who made great contributions have all changed their guns and upgraded their equipment, making them even more energetic.

What made everyone feel even more elated was that the adventurers from the parliamentary country, who were always spying like wolves, were defeated and returned with heavy casualties, so there was no need to worry too much about their threats.

"Use the scroll to return to the city," Du Yu said calmly, his gaze turned cold.

Michelle was taken aback.I bought the city scroll this time, but it was expensive. The abandoned cemetery is not far from New Tristram. Don't you want to save the money?
But her belief in Du Yu reached a fanatical level, and she immediately opened the scroll to return to the city without hesitation.

The wolf pupil team entered one by one.

In less than a minute, a red cloud floated at the location where the wolf pupil team had just teleported.

East is undefeated!

She looked around, only the cold wind was blowing, and the wolf pupil team was gone.

She stomped her foot awe-inspiringly.

A monster wolf who didn't know how to live or die rushed forward, was pierced between the eyebrows by an embroidery needle, and died tragically on the spot.

"Hmph! You're running fast! But you can hide from the first day of the first day, or the fifteenth day?" Dongfang Bubai quickly rushed towards New Tristram.

There was only one thought in her mind, to kill Du Yu!
After returning to the city, the wolf pupil team appeared around the fire in the center of the town.

The Shinra team, the Sudanese team, and the parliamentary national team are all here, gathered around a hunched, gray-haired old man, looking forward to the release of the main mission.That old man should be Kane, the guide of ten thousand years.But behind Kane, there was another tall black soldier standing.With piercing eyes, he scanned the newcomer Du Yu and the others.

Seeing the return of Du Yu and the wolf pupil team, the performance of each team was different.

Shinra's Captain Lampard cast an approving look at Du Yu.In this mission, Du Yu led the wolf pupil team and followed his instructions to snipe the Sudanese forcefully, seriously delaying Saiwu's progress in completing the mission, and fought a big battle with the adventurers of the parliamentary country, which greatly weakened the alliance between Sudan and the parliamentary country Strength can be called a hero.

Even he, who has always been cold, was a little moved.

Do you want to give the dragon horn to Du Yu?

With a talented helper like Du Yu, it would be easier to complete the task of overpowering the Sudanese and capturing the final Diablo soul stone.

Sudanese Sai Yiwu, Yakun, Hassan and others cast hatred on Du Yu.

Not only were they played and deceived by Du Yu, but they also beat the allies of the parliamentary country to pieces and almost wiped them out.This Datang liar actually met them and became the vanguard of the Shenluo people.

All kinds of unkind eyes fell on Du Yu.

As for the adventurers from the parliamentary country, their expressions are much more complicated.They are the biggest losers in this round of missions.Not only did he fail to get a decent quest, he also lost 40 adventurers, and his strength declined sharply.In this world competitive team battle, being able to struggle hard, not to be the last one, and being wiped out by 20% is the only remaining goal.

But Du Yu also gave them a lot.Not to mention that their lives were saved by Du Yu, without the 30% points given by Du Yu, the people in the parliamentary country would be desperate now, because there is no possibility of completing 50 points.

In the next second, a red cloud floated into Tristram and landed.

Dongfang Bubai glared at Du Yu fiercely.

Du Yu's heart shuddered.

He has the aura of a dragon wolf, he felt the aura of Dongfang Bubai in front of him, and he didn't want to conflict with her here, so he ordered to use the scroll to return to the city.

But they teleported back with their front feet, and Dongfang Bubai came up with his back, obviously at an astonishing speed, almost like teleportation.

This East is undefeated, how fast is it?
How confident are you, Yang Guo, and Zhang Sanfeng if you want to fight him?
He looked at Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng at the side, and they were also looking deeply at Dongfang Bubai.

The three masters have not yet fought, but they have already competed in momentum.

Zuo Lengchan sneered and said, "What a cunning Du Yu. When he saw us from a distance, he ran away all the way. Hey! I want to see how long you can escape?"

He said this to hurt Du Yu's prestige and the morale of the wolf pupil team.

Sure enough, as soon as these words were uttered, Wang Xiaorong on the opposite side smiled coquettishly: "Yes. We, Senior Dongfang, are a symbol of invincibility. Who is not afraid of Senior Dongfang? The three demon queens on this mission, under the embroidery needles of Senior Dongfang, have been in a row for a moment. They didn't make it through, so they exploded one after another! Unlike some people, who seem to be strong, but actually accomplish nothing!"

Due to the low profile of Du Yu and others, all completed tasks are random and will not be broadcast to the world.He also deliberately distributed the points evenly among the team, so Du Yu did not appear in the top 20 on the points ranking at this time, which made Wang Xiaorong despise him, thinking that the wolf pupil team had not completed a single main task, and the points were 0.

Not only she thought so, but also Yue Buqun, Zuo Lengchan, Qiu Haijun, Tang Lin and others.

Although Qiu Haijun, Tang Lin and others are deeply hostile to Dongfang Bubai, they still have points and hope compared to the more difficult Wolf Tong team.

Hearing this, the Shinra people looked at the wolf pupil team with pity. The poor beggar doesn't even have any points. He can only compare with the parliamentary country to see who can be obliterated less.

The Sudanese were dubious. They thought that Du Yu might have gone to find a random mission, but they couldn't be sure.

400 adventurers, there are too many points, it is not so difficult to be seated one by one.And for the sake of safety, except for monsters like Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang, most adventurers choose to list anonymously (you know, once I am killed, the points will be inherited evenly in the whole team except for the designated inheritance, and there are instant kills. The possibility of overselling. Adventurers with high points do not want to be too arrogant), which makes it impossible to analyze the records of each team from the standings.

Therefore, if Du Yu deliberately pretended to be low-key, others would not be able to spot the anomaly.In particular, he gave 600 points to the No. 1440 captain team, and [-] points to the parliamentary country. The remaining points were averaged, and the wolf pupil team really didn't show up.

Although the masters of the parliament state knew that Du Yu of the wolf pupil team was a real master, they were also wary of the Sudanese at this time, so they did not disclose this information, but chose to conceal it.Even Zulu, who was relatively close to the Sultanate, chose to remain silent after receiving the favor of Du Yu's points.

Kane coughed and finally opened his mouth.

"Heroes, thank you for coming to Tristram, and even saving my dying old man from Tristram Cathedral."

He glanced lovingly at Leah, the adoptive daughter who came to his side, stroked her beautiful short chestnut hair, and said with a smile: "I am very happy to hear from Leah that when I am not around, the heroes, the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, each Showing supernatural powers caused a great blow to the dark forces. I am really relieved. The heroes of the previous generation passed away, well, that was 20 years ago, and we finally waited for a new hero to be born."

Du Yu had to admire the old man's eloquence.Sure enough, the Horadric scholars are all incarnations of magic sticks?

Kane sighed and said, "Tristriam is my hometown. I never thought that it would be used as an outpost for invasion by evil forces. I swear to resist these darkness! Heroes, please continue to help me."

Lampard took a step forward, dressed in heavy knight armor, and performed an impeccable knightly salute: "Dear Kane scholar, I, Lampard, swear to shed the last drop of blood to defend Trace Trim and Human Sanctuary fight!"
Regarding his savior, Kane said very fondly: "I believe in you, noble crusader knight! May the glory of God protect you and your teammates forever."

Lampard looked at the black warrior behind Kane even more frantically, and said devoutly: "Dear Archangel Tyrell, I, Lampard, am the most devout holy warrior! Please give me more strength and guide!"

When he said this, there were bursts of exclamations among the characters in the plot.

"This person is the Archangel Tyrell?" Leah covered her mouth in surprise and looked at the black man.

The black man showed a little confusion, shook his head and said: "I am an archangel? I don't know. I just know that I fell from the sky. But"

He showed a mouthful of white teeth and a confident smile: "I have a good impression of you, Paladin! Don't worry, I will do my best to give you the greatest help and support!"

Lampard smiled brightly.

The western adventurers behind him all smiled.

In the first round of missions, the Shinra adventurer led the way with super high points, saved Tyrell and Kane, returned to Tristram, and took advantage of the plot.The subsequent competition will be smoother.

Sai Yiwu snorted coldly.

This Lampard is really cunning, he hugged the thighs of the archangels Tyrell and Kane when he came up, trying to gain the greatest plot advantage.However, in this regard, as an adventurer of the Holy See, he already has an unrivaled innate advantage.Kane was saved by him, of course he was very grateful, but the archangel didn't support everyone in the Holy See, so why not support him as a true believer?
However, he also had his own way. He took a step forward and respectfully handed the shattered crown he got from the altar of the prime minister to Kane and said, "Educated scholar. Can you identify the source of this object and instruct us who are not Warrior who fears death, what is the next move?"

Kane took the shattered crown with trembling hands, and tremblingly said: "This is the crown that belonged to my great former king of Tristram—King Leoric! But since Diablo was imprisoned here Finally, his evil power eroded our venerable King Leoric. Although the king finally resisted his call and was not invaded by his evil, he went mad because of it!"

(End of this chapter)

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