Chapter 807 Four Kingdoms Compete for Victory, Protect Leah! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

He chose rash and reckless warfare, draining the might of the Tristram Empire.In the end, he was killed by Prime Minister Aimeng and others.After the king was buried, he was unwilling to die, and wandered under the cobweb-like underground of Tristram Cathedral and among the royal tombs.Heroes, you must bring this crown to his head, let him be crowned again, and become king, in order to truly destroy this mad king!Go, cut through this thick darkness, and let the light return to Tristram! "

Sai Yiwu was overjoyed, because he was about to receive the lucrative main mission [The Dark King's Reign], which was a lucrative mission with a reward of up to 5625 points!

This task falls into his own hands, and he will definitely be able to overwhelm the most dazzling Shinra in the first round!
But when Sai Wu was overjoyed, Kane glanced at Lampard calmly, and said with a smile: "But Leoric, the dark king, has a large number of powerful guards loyal to him, and his strength should not be underestimated. Not as good as this time The main mission, how about the heroes completing it together?"

He couldn't help but immediately issued a system prompt.

Du Yu and others received a message: "Kane released the cooperative main mission [The Reign of the Dark King]. Are you willing to complete this mission together?"

Du Yu was not in a hurry to speak, but looked at Lampard.

This task has a high degree of difficulty.Skeleton King is one of the famous bosses in the first act, and his power is impressive.

But the question is whether Lampard is willing to join hands with Sai Yiwu to complete this task.

Before Lampard expressed his position, Dongfang Invincible snorted coldly and spoke first.

"There are more than 300 of us, and we are going to kill a mad king together. How can we show my Dongfang Invincible method? Old man! Give me another task, and I will complete it alone!"

As soon as this remark came out, not only Sai Wu and Lampard glared at her, but even Kane looked uncomfortable.

He coughed and said, "Hero of the East, we are a team, and we must unite to complete the next challenge. With all due respect, with the strength of you and your team, it is not enough to complete the next various missions alone It's better to give up early."

Dongfang Bubai sneered: "Joke! I, Dongfang Bubai, still have missions that I can't complete? Hand them over quickly!"

Kane was silent, but the Archangel Tyrell behind him grinned and said: "This knight calls me an Archangel, but I don't remember anything related to myself, but I only remember a few swords I carried with me. When I fell, these fragments were also scattered in the field of sorrow. If you want, can you search for the fragments of these three swords for me?"

Dongfang Bubai's eyes lit up immediately!
The fragments of those three swords are extremely valuable.For each task, you can get 4125 points.And after completing the task of the sword of the other world, you can continue to do the task of [Broken Sword of the Other World], which is equivalent to killing two birds with one stone!
Without hesitation, she giggled and said, "This is what I, Dongfang Bubai, have to do! Why don't you follow quickly?"

She turned into a red cloud and floated towards the teleportation array in the town.

The teleportation array is already usable, and can be directly teleported to the farthest lit place.

Tian Yulang, Yue Buqun, Zuo Lengchan, Lin Pingzhi sneered conceitedly and followed.

With their super strength, they do have the confidence to ignore the difficulty of any task.

Wang Xiaorong followed immediately.

Qiu Haijun and Tang Lin looked at Du Yu with complicated expressions, and followed with a sigh.

Now, do they have a way out?

Lampard turned his head and said without hesitation: "I am willing to fight with the Saiyiwu team to kill the mad king Leoric!"

Sai Yiwu cast his gaze over, and the two looked at each other, sparks shot out.

This means that the two powerhouses who have been avoiding confrontation for a long time will finally collide in the same mission!

Du Yu also chose to agree without hesitation.

The adventurers in the parliamentary country are eager to gain points. Since the main quest is open, there is no reason to give up.

Therefore, except for the Undefeated Team of the Tang Dynasty, about 300 other adventurers all chose to enter this [Dark King's Reign] quest.

"Your points will be automatically divided according to your contribution in the end. Please work hard, heroes!" Kane smiled wickedly.

Miss Leia beside him suddenly said: "Uncle Kane, I also want to follow these heroes to take an adventure underground in Tristram Cathedral."

Kane burst into tears immediately: "Oh, my dear Leah, this is not a joke. King Leoric has the most powerful guards around him. Everyone who tries to enter the royal tomb must Face their wrath. It's too dangerous. You stay with Uncle."

Leah said firmly: "Uncle, you often taught me that as a Horadric scholar, the most important thing is to see with my own eyes, hear with my own ears, and take risks with my own eyes. I must follow these heroes to the front line to fight. Seeing Li with my own eyes The fall of King Oric."

Du Yu's heart skipped a beat.

He walked up to Kane and Leah, who were at odds, bowed deeply and said, "Dear Kane, I am willing to take on the heavy responsibility of protecting Miss Leia. Anyone who wants to hurt Leah must step over my dead body." Pass."

Kane, I didn't expect someone to stand up for Leah so much.The little beauty Leah was also taken aback.

It seems that she has no friendship with Du Yu, a native of the Tang Dynasty, right?

But Leah, who was determined to go out for an adventure, since she got this opportunity, why didn't she seize it?Immediately cheered and said: "I am willing to join this hero's team and explore the depths of the cathedral together. Uncle, you can't stop me anymore!"

Kane sighed and said no more.

But Lampard, Sai Yiwu and others just looked at Du Yu with a sneer.

"Want to win over the heroine of the plot? It's a good idea." Anakin sneered: "But don't you look, what kind of heroine is this? She is the one who will eventually transform into Diablo! No matter how you win over, she will Destined to transform and become the devil king. It's a waste of time."

In fact, several teams have worked hard to attract the plot characters.

Lampard is following the line of Kane and Tyrell, and the Shinra adventurer is at the forefront of everyone in terms of the relationship between the characters in the plot.

But Sai Yiwu controlled the blacksmith system. Du Yu heard that they were still generously investing in and upgrading the blacksmiths, and openly offered to buy all the team's [Training Pages] to upgrade the blacksmiths.

Once they have successfully upgraded the blacksmith to level 6 or 7, the blacksmith can create terrifying golden weapons and equipment!
This is almost a lucrative business.

And Dongfang Bubai seems to disdain to make friends with any plot characters at all.In her haughty eyes, there was no place for these people.

However, Du Yu focused his attention on Liya, a beautiful girl who was destined to transform into a big pineapple in the future.

This made others laugh.

An investment doomed to lose everything.

Liya patted Du Yu's shoulder briskly, and said with a smile: "I can't see that you are so loyal, and rescued me at the critical moment. To be honest, I have always had nightmares recently. I dreamed of the legendary dead Di Apollo, it is always staring at me, its eyes are full of greed and malice, which makes me unable to sleep. If I don't do something, I will be driven crazy by this endless torture."

Du Yu's expression was calm, but he couldn't help sighing in his heart as he looked at this girl full of youthful vigor and curiosity.

According to the official information of Diablo, Leah is the daughter of the hero Aiden and the witch Andrea of ​​the first generation of Diablo, and she was born with Andrea after Aiden was possessed by Diablo, so in a sense Leia is Diablo's daughter!

So it's not surprising that Leah always dreams of Diablo.In the end, Leah was stuffed into Diablo's soul stone by her mother, the witch Andrea, and finally became the world's boss Diablo!

This is why everyone knows Leah is important, but no one is interested in talking to her or having a relationship.

Would you make friends with a girl destined to become a murderer?

But Du Yu's view is different from others.

Leah is the heroine throughout the entire plot, and she does have Diablo's blood in her body, but this is a bad thing on the one hand, but it is also a greater opportunity!
If he could seal the Diablo bloodline in Leah, and even take this girl with both beauty and wisdom for his own use, wouldn't it mean that he would have another super beauty of Diablo bloodline beside him?

For others, it may be an extravagant hope to change the plot so drastically, but for Du Yu, who has dozens of programmers and is always on standby on the shell of his own plane, this is by no means impossible!
This is the biggest plan of Du Yu.

Of course, Du Yu only dared to masquerade from afar if he wanted to take the beauty of Diablo's lineage for his own use. How to execute it depended on his wrist, strength, and even the favor of fate.

Whether this vigorous and charming beauty can avoid the tragic fate of being turned into ashes and becoming a demon god depends on Du Yu's methods.

Du Yu calmed down his feelings and said with a smile: "Just don't worry, Liya. Many bad things may turn into good things after going through a lot of hardships. Besides, if you become a partner with me, I will definitely protect you, just as I promise Kane that."

Leah's slender eyelashes trembled slightly.

She lost her father since she was a child, and her mother, Andrea, was so ignorant that she almost had no father or mother.Has been following Uncle Kane, wandering on the mainland.

Although Uncle Kane took good care of her, but she lacked the love of her parents since she was a child. Leah had never had anyone who cared so much for her.

Fortunately, Liya has a carefree character, she threw this idea away in a flash, and said with a hearty smile: "Don't think I'm weak! I have been adventuring with Uncle Kane for so long, and I am also a seasoned warrior! Look at this !"

She drew out a longbow from behind like lightning, and in an instant, an arrow flashing with icy light was aimed at Du Yu.The whole movement is smooth and flowing, and it can be seen that Leah is definitely not a weak flower in the greenhouse.

 Rolling all over the place asking for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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