Chapter 808 Blacksmith Monopoly!Du Yu's coup! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Du Yu laughed: "Good work! I don't know if your legs will go weak from fright when you face a real big battle."

Liya shouted unconvinced: "Take me out this time, and I will definitely let you see how powerful I am!"

Du Yu smiled.

Leah puffed out her plump breasts and said proudly: "I still have a lot of things. Don't think that I can only fight. As the last real Horadric scholar, I can identify the performance of many weapons, and Extensive knowledge and knowledge can help you avoid a lot of detours on your adventure! Did you listen to me carefully?"

Du Yu had already left for the blacksmith, waved his hand casually and said, "You can brag when you really show your strength. I'm going to repair the equipment."

Liya stomped her little feet resentfully, stood up with her arms crossed angrily, and muttered, "Why does this person, like Uncle Kane, not believe in my strength?"

After molesting the little beauty Leah, Du Yu went to the blacksmith Hedrick to repair the equipment.

Although he doesn't have much equipment, and there are fewer high-level equipment, no matter whether the equipment in this world is used or not, the durability will be consumed in the protracted battle. If the durability is zero, it cannot be used, and it still needs to be repaired every time.

Du Yu was not the only adventurer who came, there was already a long queue at Hedrick's place.No matter which team the adventurers must come to repair.

Hydrick moved swiftly, swinging the hammer like flying on the iron felt, and completed the repair of an adventurer in no time, and said with a smile: "It's repaired, 54 gold coins."

"What?" The knight belonging to Shinra exclaimed: "My full body armor's durability has dropped by about 20%, and it is so expensive? Are you running a black shop?"

Du Yu frowned.

54 gold coins may not sound like much, but you must know that in Diablo III, the role of gold coins has been greatly improved, but the number and rate of drops have decreased.

After a battle, an adventurer can only get this number, which may not be enough.

The adventurers who lined up behind were in an uproar when they heard such an outrageous price.

"Why is it so expensive?"

"Suck the marrow and knock the bone?"

"Fuck! I was born and died, and I don't have 20 gold coins on me."

"No more repairs!"

"You got this blacksmith system, isn't there any restriction on space?"

"Fix it or not, it's up to you." Behind the helpless Hydrick, Yakun's proud figure flashed, and he sneered: "This is the blacksmith rescued by our Sultanate, and it belongs to our blacksmith system. During the rescue, we had two brothers who died tragically at the altar of the prime minister. If you have the ability, don't come here!"

The adventurers who belonged to Shinra, Datang, and the Parliament were trembling with anger.

Haidrick explained: "Actually, I didn't want to charge so much. Everyone is a hero fighting against the dark forces. But I'm sorry, my blacksmith shop now belongs to the Sudanese. So, I can't do anything about pricing. But I will guarantee the quality."

Lampard, Anakin, Perry and other leaders of Shinra strode over, glanced at Saif, Yakun, Hassan and others with cold faces, and said coldly: "This is the name of your Sudanese." Plan? Monopolize the blacksmith system and charge sky-high fees?"

Saif raised his head and laughed: "I say, everyone is fair. In the first round of missions, you grabbed Kane and Tyrell's main missions and got more than 3000 points. We also went through life and death, but got 900 points. The difference is nothing more than the blacksmith system. Are we not allowed to recover a little interest?"

Perry said angrily: "But your pricing is too outrageous! If this continues, all the gold coins that everyone put together will fall into your hands! You clearly don't intend to give others a way out."

Sai Yiwu spread his hands and said, "I never forced you to come to the blacksmith shop for consumption. You don't have to come if you have the ability."

Jack the Ripper licked the scissors, and said coldly, "Sudanese, stay on the front line when doing things, so we can meet again in the future. If you do everything right, aren't you afraid that other teams will attack you?"

Yakun said tit for tat: "As I said, the blacksmith belongs to us. Those who are willing to pay are welcome, and those who can't pay can go away!"

Everyone was furious immediately.

This blacksmith system is absolutely unavoidable in the dark world.Because even if you don't go to a blacksmith to buy equipment and craft weapons, you still have to repair them, right?
If you don't repair the equipment, you will die.

But the Sudanese controlled the blacksmith system and almost became a monopoly. They were more domineering than two barrels of oil, more black-hearted than telecom operators, and more shameless than road hogs.

At this moment, Du Yu suddenly said leisurely: "Oh, if everyone wants to repair the equipment, I have a brother adventurer here who can do it."

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on Du Yu.

The Sudanese were livid!

As adventurers, it is not uncommon for them to master blacksmith skills, but usually, blacksmith adventurers are the favorites of various teams, and they will not easily let them charge into battle.Relatively speaking, in addition to the strong attribute of strength, the overall combat strength is not too high.

For this world competitive team battle, the TOP 100 with the highest combat effectiveness in each country was selected, and the blacksmith adventurers who made a living as a livelihood were almost extinct.

The Sudanese are sure that there is no substitute, so they dare to openly offend the three countries and ask for prices here.

Seeing that it was Du Yu again, Yakun hated his teeth so much, he sneered and said, "Forgive me for reminding everyone. Blacksmith skills are a little bit better than the level of Master Hydrick recognized by the system, but there is a big difference! Blacksmiths can't repair well." , It will cause serious damage to the equipment, or even be permanently scrapped! Everyone’s equipment is not easy to come by. Don’t be greedy for a short-term gain, and you will be fooled in the hands of a second-level adventurer.”

The Shinra people were overjoyed.

No matter what, there is always competition for low prices and high quality.

As their ally, Du Yu has done a few things, which made Lampard very satisfied. Even if the repairers in Du Yu's team are not good enough, he will find someone to put on a show and brag to the sky.

So, Lampard laughed loudly, and walked over to pat Du Yu on the shoulder: "Datang is indeed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, where is that brother? We will go to patronize your business."

The Shinra adventurers sneered, left the Sudanese behind, and followed Du Yu to Datang's camp.

There, a simple blacksmith's shop has been built.

Shan Wanjing, who was dressed concisely and smartly, was beating a shield on the iron felt. The red fire made the beauty's pretty face turn red, adding to her beauty.And behind her, Li Tang and others had already volunteered to help, lighting a fire and making a fuss.

As a princess of the Dongming School who is good at making weapons, Shan Wanjing's weapon-making skills have already entered the world. Although she may not be as good as the legendary master craftsman, repairing ordinary weapons is really a piece of cake.

People from Shinra and the Parliament were shocked when they saw the beautiful Shan Wanjing. They didn't expect the blacksmith, the legendary savior, to be such a delicate beauty.

Shan Wanjing said coldly, "What? Can't you trust my skills?"

Li Tang swaggered up, threw a suit of crusader equipment on the iron felt, and said with a smile, "Princess Laodan is here."

The Shinra people and the members of the Council were shocked when they saw that the equipment was all blue or above, but there was also a golden knight's armor and a golden shield!
Unexpectedly, the main MT of the wolf pupil team has such a rich net worth.

This is not surprising, because the wolf pupil team killed no less than a dozen golden monsters during the adventure, especially in the final soul pot mission, and dropped more than a dozen pieces of golden equipment.Li Tang, as the main MT, is given priority in supply, so he is naturally top-notch.

"Such a valuable thing dares to be taken out to be repaired by a blacksmith. It seems that this blacksmith really has two brushes," everyone murmured.

They thought it would be considered generous for the wolf pupil team to display at most a few blue outfits.But he was willing to throw out the golden equipment of the main MT. It seemed that he was too confident in the level of blacksmith adventurers.

Shan Wanjing picked up the golden equipment with a slight bump, frowned, thought for a while, and carefully repaired it.

In the space, she can create C-level weapons at most, and golden equipment is also a challenge for her.

Du Yu saw Shan Wanjing's concentrated expression when she built the equipment, especially when the fragrant sweat dripped down Qiong's nose, the picture was simply beautiful.

After a while, Shan Wanjing held up the repaired equipment and handed it to Li Tang.

Li Tang sets the durability attribute to public.Everyone gasped when they saw it!
It was perfectly repaired!

Everyone went crazy immediately.

Lampard grinned from ear to ear, looking coldly at the Sudanese who looked resentful in the distance.

He patted Du Yu and laughed loudly: "Good! Good! Let those Sudanese eat shit!"

With a steady gaze, he looked directly at Du Yu: "From now on, our Shinra team will choose you for all equipment repairs! I'd like to see what else the Sudanese have against us?"

He took the lead in throwing away all his equipment, and said boldly: "Beautiful blacksmith, I will repair all the equipment! It doesn't matter what you charge, haha."

Du Yu glanced at the excited Shan Wanjing.

The beauties of his wolf pupil team all have to express themselves, Shan Wanjing is also holding her breath, and she wants to shine in the dark world.

Being able to replace the system blacksmith Hedrick just gave her an excellent display platform.

Moreover, it is also of great benefit to Shan Wanjing's mature technology.

After all, the equipment of everyone in the space is extremely confidential.Those precious A-level and above equipment are even more secretive.

But in this world, everyone's equipment in the space TOP100 has to be opened to Shan Wanjing!
Because she is a blacksmith.

Unless you don't repair equipment.

Shan Wanjing and Shen Luoyan had long thought of a follow-up method.

While repairing the equipment, Shan Wanjing will secretly study the various attributes, materials and craftsmanship of the equipment, and try to imitate it!
She can manufacture C-level equipment in the bloody city, and naturally she can also imitate some weapons and equipment.

Shan Wanjing will become an endless treasure house!

(End of this chapter)

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