Chapter 809 Overwhelming Popularity!Shan Wanjing upgrades! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
As for more advanced equipment, although Shan Wanjing can't imitate it at this time, don't forget that there is a blacksmith upgrade system in Diablo III!
As long as you can gather enough [Training Pages], synthesize the training book, and give it to the blacksmith, you can quickly improve the blacksmith's crafting level!

A high-level blacksmith can directly forge gold equipment!
Du Yu smiled and said, "Boss Lampard doesn't have to worry about the cost. Since we are allies, we must take the overall situation into consideration. We only charge the necessary cost, which is the same as the blacksmith in the game, and we will never increase the price!"

Adventurers such as Shinra, Datang, and the Parliamentary Kingdom burst into cheers when they heard this.

Equipment repair is a major event related to how far everyone can go and how long they can live.

No one dared to let themselves wear tattered equipment and go into battle against the enemy.

In doing so, Du Yu broke the blacksmith monopoly of the Sudanese, which is a very happy thing.

Even the blacks from Parliament who always disdained Du Yu and the cold Jack the Ripper had to nod and applaud.

Du Yu coughed, and then said: "But I also have a request. For the common interests of my Tang Dynasty and everyone else, I implore everyone to sell all the blacksmith training pages that have been released to my wolf pupil team blacksmith! Guaranteed two points, first, the purchase price of the training page will definitely satisfy everyone! Second, in the future, the level of the blacksmith shop will be upgraded, and even gold equipment can be produced. We will never monopolize, never raise prices, and never close the door to thank customers! Everyone enjoys the right and price of weapon making equally! If this oath is violated, several powerful teams will besiege my wolf pupil team, and I will have no complaints!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked.

Since the Sudanese controlled the blacksmith system, and others did not replace the blacksmith, it was indeed a problem after the training page broke out.Everyone is definitely not willing to give it to the Sudanese, so there is only one market.

It was sold to Datang Du Yu.

This prevents everyone from enjoying the right to forge weapons after the blacksmith shop is upgraded, which is what makes everyone extremely interested.

In the dark world, the importance of weapons and equipment needless to say.All players play with weapons and equipment.Although adventurers are not players, their reliance on weapons and equipment is no less important.

To a certain extent, weapons and equipment are life.

With the continuous increase in the difficulty of the second and third acts, everyone's desire for weapons and equipment will only continue to increase!

Although some equipment can be revealed by fighting the boss, for a team of [-] people, the good things dropped are purely a drop in the bucket. When will it be the turn of normal adventurers?

But crafting equipment is not!

As long as you have money and the level of the blacksmith shop is high enough, you can buy it back directly with the money!

Gold equipment, unlimited!

Although the gold coins required are expensive, the supply is always secure. As for the money, everyone can find a way to get it together.

Hearing this, almost everyone went crazy.

Indra coughed: "Boss Du Yu is being polite. Seeing how generous you are, I would like to express my opinion on behalf of the Three Kingdoms United Team. From now on, I will donate all the training pages I get to this beautiful blacksmith for free. Haha, don't follow me. I'm being polite, I'll be angry!"

Toledo was not to be outdone: "Boss Du Yu, how dare you ask for money for a mere training page? I can't accept money from this beautiful blacksmith! Listen, not only the training page, but all future For the business of equipment disassembly and equipment creation, my Latin American United team will patronize the business of the princess blacksmith! Haha."

The Shinra United team saw that these two guys had enough good words, and hurriedly followed.

Lampard patted Du Yu on the shoulder and said with emotion: "To be honest, I didn't expect you to be so powerful at first. In this way, all the blacksmithing work of our Shinra Adventure Team will be entrusted to the beauty blacksmith. The training page is free. .I hope her level can improve quickly, and she will get gold equipment soon! Hold on, here are 5 training pages, a gift for meeting."

The black Zulu said reluctantly: "Here is the training page! Equipment, we want it!" He also handed over a training page.

Du Yu nodded.

Even the Eastern Invincible Team, a female adventurer who stayed in the village at last, hesitated for a while and said: "Although Senior Dongfang and Captain Wang Xiaorong are not there, after I reported it, they said that they are also spending money in your blacksmith shop."

Du Yu smiled lightly.

In this way, except for the Sudanese adventurers who will not come, the remaining more than 200 adventurers will all repair, forge and disassemble equipment at Shan Wanjing's place, and unconditionally promise to give all the training pages to Shan Wanjing. Wan Jing.

After Du Yu collected all the training pages, he was able to collect 10 pages and synthesize a [Book of Forging]!
He handed the [Book of Forging] shining golden light to Shan Wanjing.

Shan Wanjing opened the book and read it for a while, only to see that her beautiful eyes were deeply closed, and when she opened them again, the light was restrained, which was obviously of great benefit.

Du Yu received a reminder: "Your beauty, Shan Wanjing, has improved her blacksmith skills!"

With a reminder, the blacksmith shop where Shan Wanjing was located also changed.

The fire is more vigorous, there are more utensils around, and the most eye-catching thing is that there are more weapons and equipment with prefixes such as [high quality] and [sturdy] on the shelves for sale.

Everyone, eyes are straight!

This means that Shan Wanjing's blacksmith's skills have been upgraded, and it also means that they can buy high-quality weapons and equipment from the blacksmith from now on!

Although it is only whiteboard equipment with more prefixes, it is much better than whiteboard equipment after all.

Besides, with these more than 200 adventurers, the possibility of searching for the pages of training and the book of forging has increased greatly. Can't fill a blacksmith?
This is Du Yu's biggest conspiracy!

He wants all adventurers to collect training pages for themselves and upgrade Shan Wanjing's blacksmith skills.

And this huge consumer group, the terrifying amount of equipment disassembly, synthesis, weapon forging, and cultivation business will also allow Shan Wanjing to quickly master the formula and craftsmanship of space weapons and improve her level.

Du Yu can be sure that Shan Wanjing's blacksmith skills will be upgraded to full level after this world!
At the same time, she will master the recipes and crafts of a large number of precious space weapon props and imitate them.

At that time, the wolf pupil team will no longer have to worry about lack of equipment.

Lampard, Anakin, Indra, Perry and others looked at the equipment on Shan Wanjing's shelves and laughed in unison, looking at the Sultanate in the distance with disdain.

In the blacksmith shop controlled by the Sultanate, Hydrick was alone, with almost nothing to do, he could only walk around in the shop, knocking.

The Sudanese were furious when they saw the heavy traffic in Du Yu's camp, but there were so few people here.

But they can't help it either.

Are you going to openly attack the wolf pupil team?

That will only offend public anger and lead to gang fights and siege.

And Shan Wanjing's upgraded light also fell in Sai Yiwu's eyes.

He closed his eyes painfully.

This Du Yu is really cunning.

In this way, Shan Wanjing's skills will gradually widen the gap with Hydrick's.

The more skilled and level she is, the higher the level of service she can provide and the worse business becomes for Hydrick.

The problem is, even if he repents now and lowers the price in exchange for customers, people from Shinra, Datang, and the Parliament will probably not buy it.

As soon as he turned his face, he apologized and laughed. Sai Yiwu couldn't do such an arrogant thing.

In fact, when they got the blacksmith system, the space had already stipulated that the extra charge should not exceed 10% of Hedrick's original charge.There must be a reason for the system to make such a regulation. It is to prevent a certain company from obtaining a team of blacksmiths, taking the opportunity to ask for prices, and harming the interests of the overall adventurers.

But where there are regulations, there are violations.The Sudanese also have various talents!

The well-known wealthy businessman Yusuf who negotiated with Du Yu has a talent stunt called "excessive asking price"!His meteorological power [Greed for profiteers] can increase the charging standard of certain goods or services to several times in a period of time!
Although this skill is completely rubbish if it is used on the battlefield, but it can indeed bring extremely rich benefits to the Sudanese when used in the monopoly blacksmith system, and make money every day.

But now, Du Yu stepped in and made a miserable end.

After finishing the equipment maintenance, Lampard called Du Yu aside.

Du Yu knew that he was going to talk about Longjiao, so he came over.

Lampard took a deep breath, looked up at the starry sky, and finally fixed his eyes on Du Yu.

"I can give you the dragon horn," Lampard said in a deep voice.

Du Yu's heart skipped a beat.This is the first time that Lampard has publicly stated the ownership of the dragon horn.

Lampard said indifferently: "Don't think that this is the decision of the queen mother, queen or cardinal, and I will obey it. In fact, the general will not accept the order of the king. If it is not for the interests of Shinra, I will never accept it. I will hand over this precious thing to you."

Du Yu thought to himself, what moved Lampard?
Lampard took a deep breath and said, "The reason why I gave you the dragon horn is because I realized that I underestimated you! Du Yu!"

Du Yu's heart skipped a beat.

Lampard smiled and said: "So far, you have been my best assistant. Let us successfully suppress Saiwu. I will give you a promise. If the first act is over, I, Shinra United, can be the top First. I will give you the dragon horn! How about it?"

Du Yu smiled and said, "Shenluo United, aren't they in the lead right now? Why worry?"

Lampard stared at the starry sky of Tristram, and sighed: "To be honest, before the start, I had no doubts about Shinra's strength and winning the championship. But the deeper the plot, the more difficult it is for me to discover. .Not only Sai Yiwu, but even you and Dongfang Bubai, as well as the monsters in the plot world, should not be underestimated. I want to maintain the number one, and I’m afraid there will be twists and turns.”

"Therefore, I must get your help. Du Yu!" Lampard said in a deep voice, "It is not only your help to contain the Sudan and the parliamentary state, but also the help of your blacksmith system. I rely on you How many."

Du Yu looked grateful on the surface, but secretly sneered in his heart.

Lampard, lying to him.

(End of this chapter)

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