Chapter 810 Demon God Girl Leah!Go ahead! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

If Lampard is such a good person, he will never be the top spot in the outer city of Shinra.

In fact, he had already received information from Catherine about this celebrity under Richelieu.

Although the Lampard paladin looked upright, in private, he helped the Holy See do a lot of things to eradicate dissidents.

Du Yu is sure that Lampard's words are just to appease himself and continue to work for him.

After the end of the first act, Lampard naturally had a lot of reasons to postpone the submission time of the dragon's horn to a later date, like a radish hanging in front of a donkey, but he would never eat it.

Du Yu secretly smiled.

Wait until your feathers are plump, why don't you, old man, not hand over the dragon horns.

He also made a loyal statement, which made Lampard fall in love with each other. If other people saw it, they would think they were a pair of good friends.

"The Sudanese are gone!" Anakin rushed to report.

As expected, Lampardu saw that the Sudanese rode their war horses, rolled out of the town like a gust of wind, and rushed towards Tristram Cathedral.

"They are going to complete the main task." Lampard sneered: "Let's get on the horse! Follow!"

More than 200 adventurers also rushed there.

After receiving the news that the Sultans had taken the lead, other teams set off one after another, rushing towards Tristram Cathedral.

Li Ya followed closely behind Du Yu, and was very interested in Yang Guo's majestic eagle.

"Oh, I've never seen such a strange bird. Can I touch it?" Liya was indeed a scholar of magic, full of curiosity.

That big eagle is the companion of Dugu seeking defeat, with a proud heart, how could he give in to a little girl, glared sharply at Lia, and let out a high-pitched neigh, which made Lia startled and dared not touch it again.

Du Yu rode Yuantong, galloped at a high speed, turned around and said with a smile, "Liya, do you know where mother Andrea has gone?"

Leah shook her head sadly: "She has never lived in a fixed place. I haven't seen her for a long time. I heard that someone has seen her hut near Tristram."

Du Yu smiled and said, "If I have time, I'll go with you and investigate her whereabouts."

Leah was immediately moved.

She has never had someone who cares about her so much, and said with a smile: "I mentioned it to Uncle Kane twice, but because there was no guard, I gave up the chance to find her. It would be great if you would accompany me. Her hut , in the ruins of Old Town, I want to make sure she is alive or dead."

Du Yu nodded.

Although he didn't receive any space prompts, there was a huge wave in his heart.

As early as the first scene, Du Yu was keenly aware of the difference between Leah and the game.

In the game, in the first scene, Leah and the adventurer will go to Andrea's hut to explore the whereabouts of her mother.

But in the plot space, she has been staying in New Tristram, as if she has been waiting for someone to arrive.

At this time, Du Yu had already affirmed.

Leah's fate can indeed be changed!

This is a super hidden mainline quest!

It is even more hidden than other hidden or random missions, but its influence far exceeds the so-called mainline missions!

What task can be more important than changing the fate of the heroine?
I got Leah's invitation to explore my mother's cabin with her, which was the first step of this hidden mission.

A smile appeared on the corner of Du Yu's mouth.

Lampard's voice came from the front: "We are here! Hurry up and follow our Shinra team closely."

Shinra had cleaned the first two floors of the cathedral during the mission to save Kane, so Lampard has the capital to be so confident.

The Shinra people went all the way down.

Along the way, corpses of monsters such as skeletons, royal skeleton soldiers, royal archers, and ghosts can be seen everywhere, some of which were obviously just destroyed.

"Sai Yiwu bastard, so impatient." Lampard chuckled: "Can't you eat alone if you want to eat?"

"It's not surprising. The points for this mission are distributed according to the contributions of each team." Kangaroo team captain Perry said.

"It can increase a little share." Lampard said disdainfully: "But the key is who killed the mad king Li Derick. Haha. When the time comes, the hands and feet will be weak, and you will die."

He took the lead and entered the gate on the second basement floor.

The team formally enters the third floor of Tristram Cathedral.

Compared with the above, it is undoubtedly more gloomy and damp, and the whimpering of ghosts and moans of zombies can be heard in the distance.

Liya not only became nervous, although she used to run around with Kane, after all, she had no experience in such a battle, so she aimed at the front with a bow and arrow.

Waves of royal skeleton soldiers, executioners, and archers poured out from all over the mausoleum of the king, and launched a frantic attack on the invaders.

But there are more than 200 adventurers here, and no monster can withstand such a powerful adventurer for a long time, and it will soon be crushed.

The holy knights of the Shinra people lined up in front, alternately using divine grace and shield attack, and the priests continued to use various holy dispel magics, greatly weakening the combat power of the undead.With them in the front, the wolf pupil team and the parliamentary country team in the back are crazy output.

Especially the parliamentary country team, which has only completed half of the mission until now, and Du Yu still donated more than 1000 points. These guys with strong bodies and powerful attack power are full of anger. Strong, wherever he passed, he was beaten to pieces and flew around, so majestic.

Even the adventurers from the Three Kingdoms of Indraa, who have always been tepid, have played real fire, and their skills have been launched continuously, which is full of power.

With such a luxurious firepower configuration, the assault speed of this super alliance was extremely fast, and it quickly caught up with the Sudanese in front.

The Sudanese are not to be outdone.

This time [Reign of the Dark King], the points are as high as more than 5000, and they are distributed according to the contribution value. If you wipe out the little monsters in front, you can also get points.It's just that Leoric is the most valuable in the end.

As a result, Shinra and Sudan raced against each other, and a blood and fire fight began.

The monsters pouring out from all directions are powerless to resist the powerful offensive of the adventurers.The cooperation of the adventurers has also gradually become tacit. The division of labor among various professions such as knights, barbarians, assassins, priests, magicians, and archers, and the tacit cooperation, adventurers from various countries have also formed a considerable division of labor.

Shinra has many sacred professions, which are most suitable for blocking the front and weakening the strength of the undead army. The blacks and Latin Americans in the parliamentary country have a strong desire to attack and are suitable for second-line assaults. The Sudanese have strong mobility. Saiyiwu and Yakun are both cavalry A first-class player in mount warfare, attacking from both sides, is of a super first-class level.As for the recovery, it will be done by the healing and auxiliary professions of adventurers from all over the world.

Du Yu's wolf pupil team, in this feast of output, did not show any signs of dew, but behaved in a satisfactory manner, following the brigade, meeting ghosts and killing ghosts, encountering Buddhas and Buddhas, and easily defeating all kinds of powerful enemies.

"There's a situation ahead," Anakin shouted.

In front of it is a magnificent square.In the center of the square, a templar was trapped in the core by a group of dark believers and giant skeletons, and the situation seemed critical.

The templar turned his head and saw a large group of human adventurers arriving, and shouted, "I'm trapped by dark magic, help me!"

Anakin put away his weapon.

From the plot, we can know that this is the Templar Cormac.

He's trapped by dark magic, save him by killing nearby Dark Cultists and Giant Skeletons.

Just when the Shinra people were about to rescue Cormac, the Sudanese took the lead, bypassed Cormac, killed him, and went straight to the depths of the tomb.

Anakin roared: "You bastards! Are you destroying teamwork?"

Ya Kun said coldly: "We don't need any cooperation, we can kill the Skeleton King by ourselves! You can eat dirt behind me."

Du Yu sighed.

Just now, all the teams cooperated seamlessly, which greatly reduced the difficulty of the task, so that the Sudanese felt so underestimated.

You think your assault is so brutal, who is helping you block the enemy's middle?
Without the cooperation of all teams, you attack sharply, kill fast, and die just as fast!

But such a simple truth, in the face of interests, many people just can't see through it.

This is impossible.

To convince the confident Sudanese that you can't do without Shinra and Datang, they don't believe it anyway, just like the black people in the parliamentary country before they suffered a big loss.

The Sudanese took the lead, and the Shinra people were also anxious.

Although it is certain that the Skeleton King is not so easy to deal with, what if he is really like a little monster all the way, and is overthrown by the Sudanese?
This task can simply exceed 5000 points!

That's enough to sway the ranking of the entire first act.

As the main tasks are completed one by one, the remaining tasks are also decreasing.

Every task counts.

Lampard glanced at Cormac, who was trapped with an anxious face, and shouted: "Du Yu, you lead the wolf pupil team to rescue Cormac, and the others follow me to chase those brainless Sudanese. They go deep alone, and they will die. !"

The captain was indeed the captain, he was obviously afraid that the Sudanese would snatch the monsters and rob the boss, but he said it so righteously.

Du Yu nodded in agreement.

He was not in a hurry to attack the Skeleton King.

Cormac, as an important mercenary, is also very beneficial to the strength of the wolf pupil team, especially in this royal tomb where dark and undead creatures are everywhere.Otherwise, why do you think there is a templar trapped here?
As soon as he gave an order, the wolf pupil team rushed to the evil undead besieging Cormac.

Leah showed everything an archer could do. She shouted coquettishly, jumped on top of the wide stone pillar, condescending, and shot a deadly arrow with one arrow.

Her arrows are equipped with powerful magic element damage and weakening skills. Even a skeleton monster with a royal title will immediately shatter into a mass of broken bones when it is hit by Leah's arrow.

Accompanied by the sound of shooting, Liya's wild short chestnut hair fluttered in the wind, making her look even more heroic and extraordinary.

Du Yu secretly praised in his heart.

This Liya is really a lovely little beauty. She is a mixture of the cuteness of a girl, the breath of a scholar, the wildness of an adventurer, and the blood of a demon god, forming a unique charm that makes it difficult for Du Yu to look away.

(End of this chapter)

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