Chapter 811 Cormac joins in and besieges the Skeleton King! -Four more! !
The No. [-] captain and Li Tang roared, and the two ghosts knocked on the door, jumped off the square, slashed at the skeletons with shields, flails, and machetes.

The skeletons here are all giant skeletons that have undergone secondary strengthening. Their strength is much stronger than the similar ones on the ground, and they also have sharp weapons.And those dark believers will use all kinds of evil magic to attack the enemy, which is very annoying.

Fortunately, the wolf pupil team at this time is extremely powerful. Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng, and Shen Diao fight together, and no monsters can stop them.

The addition of Liya also made the long-range firepower of the wolf pupil team stronger.

After a while, the rescued templar approached Du Yu and said sincerely, "Thank you, monk hero. You saved my name. My name is Cormac. Come here to find the leader of the cult, Judah. But my weapon was stolen, can you help me find it?"

Captain No. [-] and Li Tang and other templars shouted at the same time: "We have received a templar professional trial task. It is actually to help this templar destroy the cult on the third floor! Kill the leader of the cult, Qiu!" Da. But no one but us templars should interfere."

Du Yu nodded: "It seems that this is the trial of the templar. How much reward points?"

Captain No. 10 shook his head and said: "There is no explanation, but I told you that once you pass the trial, you will have [-]% professional bonus damage, and the power of knight skills will also increase. Does the boss agree with us to go to the trial? But if we leave, the team will have to Wait a while."

Du Yu looked up at the sound of fierce fighting and killing coming from a distance, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, you guys go!"

There are a total of 65 members of the wolf pupil team, but 12 of them have chosen to be full-time or part-time knights, and all of them will participate in Cormac's templar trial to hunt down the cult leader Judah.

Looking at the templar knights who were rushing towards the depths of the third floor with a serious face and murderous intent, Myra Xue said worriedly: "It really doesn't matter? Time is tight."

Du Yu laughed dumbly and said, "We have already completed the points goal of the first act, and we will not be obliterated. Why rush to compete for points with the Shinra people and the Sudanese? What's more?"

He stared deeply at the continuously extending fierce battle, and said coldly: "I'm afraid that the adventurers who rush in will suffer a lot from the Skeleton King."

"No way?" Leah was surprised: "How could so many powerful adventurers fall under the hands of the Mad King Leoric? Even if they can't beat them, they can escape, right?"

Du Yu shook his head thoughtfully: "Everyone stop where they are and take a rest. Prepare to face the Skeleton King in the best condition!"

His gaze scanned the team.

In other words, will the flower demon make trouble against the Skeleton King this time?

The more powerful the BOSS is, the more internal mistakes cannot be made.

Once you make a mistake, the price may be the destruction of the group.

The Templars had been gone for a long time, but when Du Yu couldn't help but send out the guards to meet them, everyone was wounded, but came back in good spirits.

Seeing their broken armor and blood-stained appearance, Liya couldn't help but exclaimed.

Captain No. [-] said boldly: "Haha, I wasted a little time. I first helped Cormac find the weapon, and then crushed all the way to the cult's lair. I met the leader of the cult, Judah. ​​This guy has no special features, but he can summon A large number of skeleton warriors came out to besiege us. There were too many of them, and the cult members were brave enough to kill us. We, who had no auxiliary priests, were in a bit of a panic. But we are invincible paladins, how could we lose to those Scum? Here is Jodah's head."

He threw out a bloody human head.

Du Yu received a prompt: "Your team has completed the side mission - the request of the paladins. All the paladins in the team have passed this professional assessment, and each of them gets 30 points. They have obtained additional attack damage bonuses and skill power."

Du Yu nodded, but at this time he received a summons from Lampard.

Before this operation, the captains of each team got the communicators distributed by the god Roland Pard, and they can communicate freely within a certain distance.

"Have you completed the task?" Lampard's voice was full of uncontrollable panic.

Du Yu hummed: "What's wrong?"

"Rush to the front line immediately." Lampard sighed: "We underestimated the difficulty of Skeleton King."

Du Wan didn't even think about it, and immediately mobilized the team to rush to the front line.

After assaulting all the way, within 3 minutes, Du Yu rushed to the front line of the fierce battle.

"Come on! Come on!" In Lampard's voice, there was already a hint of panic more than panic. It is not an exaggeration to call it fear.

What can make a paladin captain who commands the top 100 masters of Shinra so frightened?

Du Yu knew that Lampard was by no means as simple as it appeared on the surface. The Shinra team he led might not be as powerful as the Sudanese who advocated offense, but in terms of defense and resilience, as well as the degree of restraint against the undead, it was definitely in the Sudan. More than twice as many people!
And at this time, Shinra couldn't stand it anymore?

What is rhythm?
"Don't rush in, everyone is at their best!" Du Yu shouted, and at the same time summoned Yilin to join the battle.

In this world competitive team battle, Du Yu paid great attention to protecting his beauty team, and basically did not arrange for them to openly participate in the battle in front of anyone except the second captain and the Bladeless team.On the one hand, in order to avoid stimulating the flower demon, on the other hand, it is also to protect his hole cards from being leaked.

Even if Yilin, who was extremely restrained against the undead, had to be dispatched like now, Du Yu still mixed her with the more than 60 adventurers.It's not particularly noticeable, it can't be found at all.

The effect of doing so is also good.At least so far, Du Yu's beauty summoning stunt has not attracted the attention of opponents such as Shinra, Dongfang Invincible and Sudanese.

The wolf pupil team stopped, priests, priests, paladins and other professions, all kinds of buffs were fully activated.Everyone's state quickly rose to the extreme.And the potion distributed by Rourou also brought the team's momentum to its peak.

"Aren't you coming?" Lampard's voice was full of anxiety.

Du Yu smiled and waved his hand, and the team rushed in.

Beauty Lia took the lead and rushed in. It seemed that King Leoric was really attractive to her, a Heracite scholar.

"Oh! So grand!"

Leah sighed.

Du Yu rushed in with a large group of people, and was shocked by the magnificent scene in front of him!
This is a majestic square, hundreds of meters wide and kilometers long, paved with granite and marble, extending all the way to the dark and deep innermost side.There, there is a high-ranking throne tens of meters high.On the throne inlaid with all kinds of precious gemstones, a tall king, although he has turned into a skeleton, still exudes a breathtaking aura.

This is the mighty and wise king who once ruled Tristram—King Leoric!

At this moment, the mighty Skeleton King had already stood tall.On his head was the broken crown that the Sudanese brought back from the prime minister's altar!
"You guys are very brave and brought me the crown." The Skeleton King's muscular mouth opened and closed, making a hollow sound, but he didn't know where the sound came from when he lost his tongue and throat.

"But the crime of disturbing the king's tomb cannot be forgiven lightly." Leoric grinned.His dry mouth, combined with such a smirk, really makes the hair stand on end.

"Die! Die!" The two-handed sword in Leoric's hand suddenly swung, cutting out ghostly howls in the air.

At this time, Du Yu noticed that in the center of the square, under Leoric's overlooking, four large pillars that looked like jars of souls were buzzing all the time!

The Sudanese, the Shinra people, and the adventurers of the parliamentary country were surrounded by these four large pillars in the center, and they were trapped here, unable to move.

The four big pillars constantly summon a large number of skeleton guards!
Among these skeleton guards, there are not only ordinary royal skeleton guards, but also skeleton archers, skeleton mages, and high-level monsters such as royal executioners.Among them, there are more purple strengthened monsters and blue boss monsters.

These terrifying existences kept coming out of the void, but the adventurers of the Three Kingdoms couldn't attack and interrupt them, which was enough to make anyone feel creepy. No wonder Lampard was so heroic, but he seemed very anxious.

He couldn't help but feel anxious. If Leoric was given a period of time to summon more monsters on these pillars, he would be hard-pressed and completely surrounded.

At this time, Lampard, Sai Yiwu and others envied Du Yu who followed Shi Shiran.He rushes forward and gets trapped, but he is lucky, but he slowly becomes the savior.

"Attack these pillars quickly and break them!" Lampard was anxious.Once the invisible siege net is removed, they will face the siege of hundreds of terrifying Royal Skeleton Guards.That's no joke.

Sai Yiwu also quickly organized the team to form an array to prevent monsters from coming over suddenly.

In contrast, the adventurers of the parliamentary country are relatively calm.The so-called seas are too difficult for water, and the perverted golden monster that has seen the pot of souls cannot squeeze into the first three rows. These pink and blue royal executioners are ignored

With a wave of Du Yu's hand, the wolf pupil team immediately rushed towards the big pillar.

"Don't love to fight, you must destroy the four pillars first! Because the skeletons here can never be refreshed, and the combat space here is too narrow, it is easy to fall into the swarm of skeletons!"

Yilin proclaimed the Buddha's name, and a burst of incomparable Buddha's light flashed out from her body, radiating all over the place, causing the powerful and evil royal skeletons around them to emit white smoke one after another, retreating back or simply being destroyed by the Buddha's light.

"Oriental monks and Taoist priests really have two skills," Lampard said excitedly.

At this time, the Skeleton King roared, and from the royal skeleton army, from all directions, flooded towards the adventurers of the Three Kingdoms who were trapped in the center.

The adventurers of the Three Kingdoms did not dare to neglect, and were ready to fight, with crazy firepower, leaning towards the skeleton army.At this critical juncture, even Shinra and the Sudanese, who had never dealt with each other, formed four protective walls back to back to cover the adventurers in the center from attacking the skeleton group.

(End of this chapter)

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