Chapter 812 The only hope, wolf pupil Du Yu! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Leoric, the Skeleton King, laughed wildly, not to lose his reputation as a mad king.These warriors who died with him were all his most loyal subordinates in the crazy wars. After turning into skeletons, they were also extremely fierce and aggressive. Under Leoric's command, they were extremely crazy.

"Destroy the skeleton summoning pillar quickly, or we are all finished!" Lampard roared.

"No! These pillars are very strong, and they are very resistant to piercing effects such as bow and arrow bullets. They cannot be dealt with remotely!" Sai Yiwu gritted his teeth.

Lampard roared: "Then destroy it in close combat. If it's a man, just rush out with me!"

Suddenly, a flash of holy light flashed, and he jumped onto a tall horse that appeared in the void, and rushed towards the sea of ​​skeletons.

This is exactly the stunt of the Crusader knights - galloping horses!
But this is a high-level crusader skill that requires a certain level to unlock.Unexpectedly, Lampard was already available at this time.

The only explanation is that Lampard generously spent precious points to upgrade his skill level early.

In fact, following Lampard's order, there were several knights who rushed out of the battle with him.

Several crusader knights formed a knight charge formation, and with a violent charge, dozens of crazy Royal Skeleton Guards were knocked into the air. In just 2 seconds, they rushed to a green pillar twenty meters away.

Lampard waved his flail, and using the horse's high-speed charge, with a sudden blow, the green pillar swayed for a while!
His strength and impact are truly terrifying!
The other knights were not to be outdone, knowing that this was a critical moment, and all kinds of heavy weapons—the knight's two-handed sword, knight's gun, heavy hammer, and meteor hammer—were used one after another, smashing the green pillar into a sway, and it seemed to be crumbling.

Fortunately, although these pillars have infinite magic power and can be called summoning artifacts, their durability is not too high. Otherwise, at least hundreds of skeleton monsters can be produced every time they are summoned, and they can't be moved. Who can stand it?
And Sai Yiwu and Yakun also roared, leading the Sultanate knights and rushing towards another pillar!
Think about it with your ass, since these pillars are the key to destroying King Leoric, every time you destroy one, you can get a certain bonus in the final point distribution!
The knights of the Sultanate are the best in space.Although they are not as well-armed and prestigious as the Shinra Knights, their combat effectiveness is not bad at all.These knights in heavy armor rode their mounts, rushed out of the camp at high speed, and rushed to the green pillar to besiege within a few seconds.

The black adventurers from the parliamentary country flew out. They fought on their own, with little cooperation. However, with their extraordinary flexibility and jumping ability, they were able to pass through layers of protection from the skeleton army and approached the third root. Green pillars.While tumbling in the air, various bullets, spears and skills have already rained down on the target.

"Du Yu! Hurry up and besiege the fourth one!"

Lampard yelled.

Du Yu nodded, and flew out quickly by himself, heading straight for the last green pillar.

Destroying this pillar can greatly reduce the casualties of adventurers.

Although it is in Du Yu's current interest to let the adventurers of the Three Kingdoms fall here, and it can relieve a lot of pressure, but for Du Yu who is aiming to break into the difficulty of hell in the fourth act, the strength of the adventurers can be a little more, Then one point more grasp.

In this world competitive team battle, although there are elements of team confrontation, the main test is the ability of adventurers from all over the world to cooperate vertically and horizontally.We have both confrontation and cooperation, so that we can go far in the end.

Speaking of the most extreme example, if the strongest of the TOP400 can unite under Du Yu's banner without any conflicts or conflicts, and let Du Yu give full play to his commanding skills, even if he leads him into the fifth act, it will be a big deal. possible.

But that is a theoretical state, not a reality.

The reality is that even among the Tang adventurers who are most convinced by Du Yu, there are still a large number of adventurers who refuse to obey Du Yu for the sake of profit.

Dongfang Bubai took half of the adventurers of the Tang Dynasty to split, which was a variable that Du had expected and also unexpected.

Therefore, while Du Yu is doing everything possible to attack enemies from all walks of life, he must also do everything possible to use the enemy, unite the enemy, and let the competitors take risks in the way that is most beneficial to him.Of course, this is a very brain-intensive approach, and it requires more energy than slashing with a knife, and even pays a certain price, but in order for Du Yu to set foot on the land of the highest heaven and face Diablo, it is useless. way way.

Therefore, as long as there is an opportunity for team action and does not violate his own interests, Du Yu must participate in it, in exchange for the maximum benefit of the adventurer group at the minimum cost.

He believes that with the abilities of Lampard, Saiwu, and Indra, even if the relationship between cooperation and competition cannot be felt now, as the plot unfolds, the strength of monsters will gradually increase, and the cards and energy of the adventurers, A little drained, and they'll see the value of working together.What Du Yu has to do is to make arrangements in advance.When these guys are exhausted and seek cooperation, they will find that they have no choice but to become Du Yu's vassals and work hard.

On the battlefield, adventurers from the four kingdoms surrounded the four pillars and hacked them separately, trying to destroy the pillar that summoned the evil in the shortest possible time.

But that's easier said than done.

Although these pillars will not move, the hundreds of skeleton monsters guarding them are impatient.

King Leoric was even more furious.

He suddenly swung the two-handed sword in his hand, jumped off the throne, and rushed towards the nearest parliamentary country adventurer.

One of the characteristics of adventurers in the parliamentary country is that they have strong attack power and various attack methods. Their personal attributes and skills are at the top level, especially their combat awareness. They are fierce and bloody. They can be called perfect individualistic fighters. In team battles, their advantages are not enough.

The Skeleton King rushed forward, and a black soldier writhing in mid-air, holding an AK47, leaped high and fired a triple burst, hitting King Leoric's breastbone with a bang.

The mad king didn't intend to stop at all, his sword whipped up gusts of cold wind, slashing towards the adventurer in the air.

This adventurer is also amazing. He actually played tricks in front of King Leoric. He tossed in mid-air like a spirit ape, threw out a rope with one hand, entangled the green pillar in the distance, and jumped up. .

In mid-air, the black adventurer kept flipping 360 degrees, aiming at King Leoric with extremely high precision!
On the mad king's bony breastbone, there were slaps, slaps, shots, and flames popped out. The Skeleton King became more furious and stepped back.

The plump lips of the black adventurer showed a trace of sneer, he dodged the two roaring arrows from the archers, kicked his foot on the green pillar like a big bird, and flew high again, still firing continuously in mid-air.This time, several grenades were thrown down, causing King Leoric and his subordinates to scream.

Du Yu roughly estimated that this wave of attacks, the black master, hit the Skeleton King at least 300 bullets, causing decent damage.Although in the cold weapon magic plot, the hot weapon is greatly weakened, but this is the AK47, which is famous for its damage. Besides, the total amount of bullets is there, no matter how weakened it is, the Skeleton King will suffer thousands of points of damage.

Seeing that guy's performance as a juggler, making King Leoric back again and again, even the two strong teams who always thought that the Parliament was weak were a little amazed.

"Tuji! Come back!" Zulu shouted loudly: "You need support!"

The master of the map, disdainful to be able to drop a flash bomb, knocked the roaring Leoric into a stun as an answer, and continued to perform personal attacks in the air.

Du Yu sighed, if this book can survive to the end, with his amazing performance, at least he can get hundreds of points as a reward for the damage done to the Mad King.

It's a pity that in the face of such a large-scale team battle, no matter how eye-catching an individual's performance is, it is destined to become a tragedy.

The picture book becomes the footnote of this sentence.

In the next second, another wave of arrow rain shot out from the place where the royal archers gathered.

The map in the air really reached the limit of the adventurer's body. Under absolutely impossible circumstances, he insisted on using the rope as a wandering object, like Tarzan of the ape, roaring, AK47 spewing tongues of fire, across the air, and again The crowd laughed at Skeletron and the monsters.

But extreme joy begets sorrow.

The furious Skeleton King whipped up gusts of wind with his sword.

A gust of wind cut the rope of the map in the air.

Although Tuji has super flexibility and beast intuition, but the laws of physics cannot be violated, he has no choice but to fall into the group of monsters in despair

"Pictures!" Zulu roared.

He had to answer with a cold light.

Skeleton King Leoric!
A good human head flew up from the Skeleton King!

It was Tu Ji's unwilling head, which flew bloody to the feet of everyone.

Leoric beheaded with one blow.

He pressed forward step by step, attacking in another wave.

The adventurers in the parliamentary country couldn't stand it, and retreated one after another.

The Skeleton King was so imposing that he drove the adventurers from the Parliamentary Kingdom back to the central camp, and the task of destroying the Green Pillar failed.

Leoric didn't stop, he accelerated towards the Sultan beside him.

Can the Sudanese stand alone against this terrifying mad king?

Saiwu really wants to do this, which will allow the Sudanese to take the initiative in the distribution of points for a while.

But the problem is, when the Mad King swings his two-handed sword, no one can hold it back!

I really can't bear it.

A Sudanese adventurer from Turkey, with heavy armor, is a heavy cavalry (Klibanophoros) obtained from the plot of the Byzantine Empire.Seeing Leoric rushing madly, he roared and pointed his 12-foot-long lance at the Mad King.

As a heavy armored knight, all adventurers who can wear this full-body super-heavy armor are all powerful Hercules with many skill bonuses.

But when he hit with all his strength, he encountered the mad king's great sword that had turned into dry bones, but it broke from the middle at the touch!

(End of this chapter)

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