Chapter 813 Destroy the Green Pillar, and the Flower Demon Appears! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
In [Medieval Total War], he won the consent of the famous Byzantine general Belisarius, and only then did he get the inheritance of the Byzantine heavy cavalry (Klibanophoros). He can stand out in the middle world war. His bravery can be imagined .Unexpectedly, the Skeleton King was so unstoppable that he cut off the lance with one blow.

He reacted quickly, with a roar, he drew out his self-defense sword, and slashed at Leoric like a thunderbolt.


In Leoric's empty pupils, however, two groups of green rays of light burned, Jie Jie laughed loudly, and slashed down with the big sword in both hands again!

"Be on fire!"

This powerful Sudanese heavy-armored knight was hit by the Skeleton King in a fight without any tricks, causing his tiger's mouth to crack open and his sword flying horizontally.

But worse things are to come.

King Leoric's great sword did not stop at all. From top to bottom, the sword split the heavy armored knight's body!

"No!" Sai Yiwu felt heartbroken, but he couldn't save the fate of this outstanding knight.

The most frightening thing is that Skeleton King's fatal blow not only cut off the knight's head, but also followed the trend, splitting his body wearing chain mail, the strong horse and the heavy armor into pieces together. Two halves!
So mighty!

With one move, the heavy armored knight, including man and horse, was split in half. The power of this Skeleton King can be imagined!

"Bastard!" Sai Yiwu was furious, but the Skeleton King was like a rainbow, killing two masters in a row, and he was pressing harder and harder. He suddenly swept away the battle situation next to him, and reluctantly announced: "Retreat!"

The Sudanese finally withdrew.

The second green pillar also failed to destroy.

Only Shenluo and Datang Langtong were left, still desperately attacking Luzhu.

The green pupils of the Skeleton King's magic fire seemed to reveal a strange aura.

He pointed with both hands, and two of the most powerful royal executioners stepped out from the light of the green pillar, and the big sword rolled up gusts of wind, and slashed at the Shenluo people who were besieging the green pillar.

The Shinra people resisted desperately, but these royal executioners are too powerful. The large-scale indiscriminate sweeping, almost a range attack, a few executioners shamelessly chopping, is enough to cause the Shinra people to be seriously injured. back down.

They besieged the pillars everywhere and failed in three places. The only hope was Du Yu's wolf pupil team.

And the wolf pupil team immediately became the target of public criticism.

The skeleton archers sprinkled arrow rain on the wolf pupil team for free.

Skeleton King led a group of Royal Executioners to the wolf pupil team.

Du Yu was attacking the green pillar with all his strength, trying to smash it in the shortest possible time.Yang Guo's Desolate Ecstasy Palm and Zhang Sanfeng's Bagua Palm also landed on the green pillar mercilessly.But the green pillars seem to be crumbling, but they are still standing.

Du Yu saw that the green beam of light continued to emit dazzling light. After flashes, more royal skeleton soldiers, archers and executioners stepped out of the green light and gritted their teeth!

"Let these green pillars continue to exist, adventurers will only have a dead end!" Du Yu shouted: "Every team, try again quickly!"

Hearing Du Yu's angry shout, Lampard, Saiwu and Indra had no choice but to grit their teeth and launched another berserk attack.

They were trapped in the center by the sea of ​​skeletons, and if something happened, they would die the fastest, and these guys couldn't help but work hard.

Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms roared on the green pillar with one palm.Under the continuous operation of his superb longevity formula, every palm strike caused the trembling of the green pillar, which became more and more obvious.

"Come on! Hurry up!" Michela's crossbow arrows swished at the pressing Skeleton King, trying to use ice magic to temporarily freeze it and buy Du Yu some time.

"Yilin!" Du Yu felt the footsteps of the god of death, and approached step by step.

The attack power of the Skeleton King is really terrifying. It is worthy of being the famous and difficult boss in the first act. Wherever the two-handed sword swipes, few adventurers can directly hit him.

In order to speed up his attack on the green pillar, even the Skeleton King behind him didn't even bother to resist, and slammed the green pillar with one move.

Lampard, Saiwu, Zulu, Indra and others also know that this is the time to help each other in the same boat, and they unreservedly use various methods, such as cavalry assault, heavy hammer attack, prop heavy blow, long-range coverage , trying to destroy the green pillar as soon as possible, otherwise if the green pillar summons an army of undead, everyone will inevitably die.

Yilin saw that the Skeleton King was approaching Brother Du, she concentrated her attention, and a burst of Buddha's light shone all over her, and she threw it at the Skeleton King awe-inspiringly!

The Skeleton King let out a scream, and couldn't help taking a few steps back.As an undead creature, Yilin restrained him too much.

Du Yu's beauties all have areas of specialization.Yilin can't fight, because she spends all her energy on healing and Dharma, and dealing with the undead is a good skill.

Du Yu got a chance to breathe, and looked grateful to Yilin, but from the depths of his soul, he was completely frozen!

Because, Yilin's neck was tightly strangled by a cold woman's red nails!
flower demon!

At the crucial moment of dealing with the Skeleton King, at the critical moment of this fierce battle, the flower demon unexpectedly appeared, and attacked Yilin, who is the key figure of the wolf pupil team, blatantly!

If Yilin died peacefully and died miserably at the hands of the flower demon, the offensive of Du Yu and the wolf pupil team would disintegrate the ice, and immediately become the target of the Skeleton King's attack from embarrassment.

Not only the wolf pupil team, but all the strong teams present will inevitably be doomed.Because as time goes by, the Skeleton King's army will continue to grow until the strength of the adventurers can no longer be conquered.

At this time, everyone in the wolf pupil team was concentrating on attacking the Skeleton King or the green stone pillar, and no one would pay attention to the changes in the team.Even Yilin herself didn't notice that a right hand with red nails was slowly approaching her snowy neck.

If it weren't for Du Yu's unexpected look at that moment, the flower demon would have succeeded without making a sound!
Du Yu was furious in his heart!
He yelled angrily, and kept holding in his hand, the Yin and cold internal energy of the thousand-year-old Tianshan ice silkworm combined with the endless longevity formula, and life and death talismans swept towards Yilin!

"Get out!" Du Yu's roar shook the sky.

The life and death talisman is too fast.

Almost at the same time as Du Yu sent it out, the dozens of life and death talismans immediately approached the flower demon.

The face of the flower demon was instantly illuminated by the ice blue life and death talisman!
Following Du Yu's roar, Maishela, who was keenly aware, turned her head quickly and pointed a gun at Yilin's back.

She and the backbone of the wolf pupil team had long been warned by Du Yu, and had already been wary of the news that the flower demon might be lurking inside, but they never expected that the other party would violently attack at this juncture.

The flamboyant jade hand seemed to hesitate for a second, whether to hurry up and kill Yilin, the strongest undead in the wolf pupil team, before the attack came.

Yilin's face is extremely beautiful, and she has a feminine aura of compassion and compassion. She is the perfect target for psychopaths like flower demons to torture and kill.

In fact, he didn't think of killing someone at first, but after witnessing Yilin's astonishing beauty when she was concentrating on it, he couldn't help but improvised and wanted to do it.

Is this a murder of passion?
But for such a secret matter, with the amazing agility of the flower demon, she is confident that no one will notice it. After killing Yilin, she flashes into the crowd of monsters so that no one can see his true face.

What he likes most is after a murder, he continues to pretend to lurk as if nothing had happened, watching the faces of others who are in great pain and doubt everything because they can't find the real murderer.

But today, he was smashed by Du Yu as soon as he made a move. I don't know if he was too unlucky or Du Yu's perception was too sensitive?

The Life and Death Talisman flew at a high speed and was about to hit the back of his hand.

He didn't dare to be hit by the Life and Death Talisman, otherwise lurking would become a problem.

However, as an adventurer evaluated by the inner city, the flower demon has long been unrivaled in martial arts, especially in lightness, and disappeared without a trace after laughing like a silver bell.

Michelle's gun was also pointed at the empty space.

Du Yu snorted coldly, concentrated all the power of the Longevity Jue on the Life and Death Talisman, and accelerated with all his strength!
The life-death talisman instantly turned into shooting stars, and tightly locked onto the breath of the flower demon, turning a corner, chasing after the flower demon that disappeared in place in an instant.

The formula of longevity is the supreme treasure of Taoism, and it is the most mysterious thing to use it with one heart.

After a long period of exploration, Du Yu gradually integrated the methods of the immortal family with Jin Yong's martial arts. The fusion of the two martial arts systems brought countless wonderful methods.

This life and death talisman automatically pursues the enemy, which is just common sense.

The speed of the flower demon is actually higher than that of Du Yu. After all, he is already a strong player in the inner city, but how can he know such a profound and magical effect?After a scream, Du Yu's Life and Death Talisman hit him at the last moment!
The flower demon glared at Du Yu viciously.

Du Yu's mind seemed to be hit with a heavy hammer, and his whole body fell into the ice cave.

The eyes of this flower demon are full of endless evil and cruelty, as if born without knowing what is evil, all good things in the world must follow his will and be played by him between applause, otherwise they will be destroyed .

The eyes he looked at Du Yu were filled with various negative emotions such as jealousy and hatred.Du Yu guessed that apart from this attack, the flower demon was extremely jealous of Du Yu possessing so many beauties (even by the standard of the flower demon, beauties with wolf pupils are all top-notch).

The life and death talisman entered his body, causing the flower demon to tremble for a while, but his speed did not slow down, and he still left the battlefield like a ghost, and quickly threw himself into the darkness on one side.

Du Yu roared and wanted to pursue him, but this was a rapidly changing battlefield.After the flower demon made such a fuss, the Skeleton King had already woken up from Yilin's attack, roared angrily, and rushed towards Du Yu again.

Du Yu has no ability to clone himself, glaring at the disappearing trace of the flower demon.

The flower demon disappeared in a flash.

Even with the sensitive perception of Du Yu's longevity formula, it is impossible to detect the traces of the flower demon.

This weird murderer finally disappeared in place.

Du Yu shouted in the channel: "Mashela, is there anyone missing in the quick inspection team?"

This flower demon was very evil, even if he shot at Yilin, his whole body was shrouded in a faint pink mist, even with Du Yu's eyes, he couldn't see through his disguise mist and see his true face.

(End of this chapter)

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