Chapter 814 Invincible Du Yu, singled out the Skeleton King! - ask for a monthly pass 1
Naturally, Michelle knew that this was an excellent opportunity to detect the identity of the flower demon, and swept away the team.She is a delicate person, and she is familiar with everyone in the team. After scanning, she found that 65 teammates, not a few of them, were all concentrating on attacking the Skeleton King.A few were a little surprised by Du Yu's rapid projection of the life and death talisman, but there was nothing abnormal.

"No one was found to be abnormal." Michelle said solemnly.

Du Yu reluctantly agreed.

This flower demon is really extraordinary, she has two brushes.

He can be sure that the Flower Demon pounced on Yilin from the direction of the team, rather than sneaking in from the surrounding darkness.This speculation was unfounded, but Du Yu trusted his intuition.

There must be a flower demon in the team!

But when he attacked with the life-death talisman, he injected his internal energy information into the life-death talisman. If someone in the team was a flower demon, Du Yu would definitely sense it after planting the life-death talisman in his body.

Du Yu may not launch an attack immediately, but as long as he knows the identity of this person, he will be eradicated sooner or later.

But the problem was that Du Yu didn't feel the inner strength of the Life and Death Talisman in the team.

This shows that either there is really no real body of the flower demon in the team, or the internal strength of the flower demon is high enough to cover up Du Yujindan's inner strength.Either way, it's not good news.

The Skeleton King's great sword slashed down from the sky, and rushed towards Du Yu.

Du Yu snorted coldly, turned around strangely, avoided the slashing of the big sword, and continued to bombard the green pillar with Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragon.

He needs to concentrate his strength and destroy one in a short time, otherwise the reinforcements will continue to flow in and the adventurers will collapse.

Du Yu can carefully calculate an opponent, but he cannot accept the overall defeat of adventurers, which means the failure of his mission.

At this time, in the Shenluo Imperial City, the four high-level officials who watched the vigorous decisive battle witnessed Du Yu's amazing combat power and performance at the same time.

Empress Dowager Tracy snorted coldly. She had never been interested in Du Yu, especially when he was willing to be the queen's lover, but repeatedly thwarted her plot, which made her extremely upset.But Tracy never dreamed that the father of the child in her womb was not the handsome Mordel, but this despised man.

But Queen Catherine couldn't restrain the rippling spring in the corners of her eyes.Ever since Du Yu taught her a severe lesson, instead of feeling disgusted by Du Yu's absolutely powerful performance, Catherine felt that Du Yu had a masculine arrogance and a masculine strength.At least none of her spies could get such confidential information from Tracy.

At this time, Du Yu was in high spirits, fighting the terrible Skeleton King alone.Although with the strength of everyone here, a mere outer city assessment task boss is not in their eyes, but considering the strength of the adventurers in the outer city, this Skeleton King is already strong enough.In front of such an existence, he can attack Lu Zhu like a stroll in the garden. This sweetheart not only has a big picture, but also has the strength to crush adventurers of the same level.Seeing Catherine's beautiful eyes sparkle, she couldn't take her eyes off her.

Concubine Sisi has been paying attention to Catherine's expression ever since she became interested in Catherine. Seeing Catherine paying attention to Du Yu so much, concubine Sisi couldn't help but hum in her heart.

Smelly man, actually robbed Catherine from me.

Her beautiful eyes glanced at Richelieu who was sitting on the side without saying a word, and smiled slightly: "Archbishop, in your opinion, how good is Du Yu's performance?"

Richelieu coughed and glanced at Tracy and Catherine with different expressions. He could neither say that Du Yu was rubbish nor praise Du Yu too much, and smiled lightly: "As an adventurer in the outer city, Du Yu has always It’s good, and it’s great that he’s available for me this time.”

What he said was extremely smooth, not only pointing out that Du Yu's excellence was limited to the level of the outer city, but also secretly applauding the four people's decision to bribe Du Yu.

Seeing Du Yu's tough performance against the BOSS personally, Catherine did not hide her pride and joy in the slightest, with crooked eyebrows and grinning from ear to ear.

Concubine Sisi feared that the world would not be chaotic and said: "This Du Yu's eye-catching performance is certainly the luck of our Shinra, but if he doesn't listen to the call after getting the dragon horn, he will suffer a lot."

Richelieu also took a deep look at Tracy and Catherine, and sighed.

Catherine and Tracy looked at each other.

In fact, the ownership of the dragon horns has to be decided by the senior management of Shinra.

Catherine said indifferently: "As long as Du Yu finally helps us get the first place in the first act, we can give it what is due. The dignified Shenluo Empire can't just keep its word."

Tracy was indifferent.

As the empress dowager with the highest authority, she is used to making final decisions.That looks the most precious.

Du Yu appeared on the video screen, but danger arose everywhere.

Being messed up by the flower demon, Yilin was unable to cast spells and weakened the undead, which immediately gave the Skeleton King a good opportunity to attack violently.

The Skeleton King's big sword is dense, and every blow is extremely fierce, trying to chop Du Yu into chaos.

Du Yu took small steps on Lingbo, with strange movements, like a butterfly piercing through flowers, walking in the shadow of swords, lights and swords, and every blow still hit the green pillar steadily.With the assistance of Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng, Lvzhu seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

The Skeleton King roared furiously, and suddenly his figure became much larger.

This King Leoric's stature suddenly grew to more than one foot tall, his bone frame also became extremely huge, and the attack speed of the two-handed sword immediately became faster!

It was so fast that ordinary people couldn't see the direction of the sword shadow clearly, and could only feel the chilly chill.

Du Yu could no longer ignore the Skeleton King's attack. With one move, he blocked the Skeleton King's onslaught. Then he took out the [Golden Shotgun] that restrains the undead, and stuffed it into the Skeleton King's big mouth!

Then, he roared and pulled the trigger!
Hundreds of holy bullets with double attack properties against the undead blasted into the Skeleton King's body with great kinetic energy!

The Skeleton King wailed and roared, retreating again and again.

Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng looked at each other, and attacked together with one move, and finally heard a bang, the indestructible green beam of light was defeated by the two powerhouses!

The collapse of this green pillar brought about a chain reaction, not just the collapse of the four corners.

First of all, a quarter of the summoning sources no longer exist.The Skeleton King hated him, but he could do nothing.

Secondly, the adventurers of the other Three Kingdoms were greatly shocked.

Their defeat was firstly due to the fact that they were a little confused and lacked confidence in the face of the Skeleton King's crazy offensive.But after seeing Du Yu destroying one, he would have the idea of ​​"that's all".

Again, with Du Yu's pinning down, Skeleton King can't scruple defense, giving more opportunities to destroy Green Pillar.

The adventurers from the Three Kingdoms looked at each other, rushed out frantically, and bombarded the green pillar again.

The Skeleton King swept away furiously, and the long two-handed sword immediately swept the two adventurers rushing forward, vomiting blood and flying back.

Its green fluorescent light aimed at Du Yu, and said furiously, "Bear my anger well, humble commoner!"

The Skeleton King waved his hand, and a green light shot out from the skeleton's arm, and Du Yu's body was immediately trapped, unable to move!

The Skeleton King pressed on with a grim smile.

Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng, and Maishela rushed towards Du Yu at the same time, ready to respond.

But a group of royal executioners rushed out from behind Li Derick and stood in front of the crowd. There were so many people and they stood closely together.

Du Yu could only face the Skeleton King alone.

A super powerful BOSS that is difficult enough to be the opponent of 400 adventurers!

But just when the Skeleton King's two-handed sword was about to be chopped off, Du Yu's incredible kung fu came into play!
The universe has moved!
In the world of Yitian, which is extremely short of villain points, it is not without reason that Du Yu can spend 12000 villain points to upgrade this skill to the top!
This kung fu can be called the integration of offense and defense, and its wonderful uses are endless.

Zhang Wuji is called a first-class master because of this great shift in the universe.There is no great shift of the universe, only the magic of the nine suns, Zhang Wuji immediately demoted to a meat target that can be beaten.

In Du Yu's Great Shift, he moved the Skeleton King's two-handed sword skillfully, and slashed heavily at the royal executioner who rushed to the side to assist him.

This is an adventure in the real world, not an online game. Between monsters and bosses, there is no system to avoid damage. As long as it is an attack that can cause damage, it will also bring it to your own people.

The fat, strong and murderous executioner was cut in half by his mad king's sword and died tragically on the spot.

Everyone's eyes almost popped out!

Even at the juncture of the fierce battle, Lampard, Saiwu, Indra and others are always paying attention to Du Yu's battle situation, after all, there is Skeleton King here.

"What's going on with this move?" Anakin was puzzled.

"Magic Chinese Kung Fu" Yakun gritted his teeth.

As early as at the gate of the Scarlet City, the two had experienced Du Yu's strength many times.

This great teleportation of the universe was performed by Du Yu with the methods of the immortal family, and he was even more ecstatic, with perfect body skills, which can be called impeccable. Compared with him, any special effects stand-in for action movies is weak.

Lampard felt a chill in his heart.

Du Yu's guess was right, Lampard said it was beautiful, but in fact he didn't intend to hand over the dragon horn to him at all.

But always put on a show.

I didn't expect Du Yu to have such skill.

If Du Yu hadn't stepped forward this time, the adventurers of the Three Kingdoms would have suffered heavy losses.

However, as the summoning pillar on which the Skeleton King became famous was breached, the close cooperation of the adventurers from the four kingdoms immediately collapsed.

The first reaction of the leaders of various countries was that the Skeleton King was dead!

How to compete for points?
This is what seniors, or professional leaders, should think about.

"This Du Yu is so brave, the boss can't be handed over to him!"

Lampard's eyes turned cold, and he turned around and shouted, "Shoot the Green Pillar quickly! Follow me to kill Li Derick!"

The Shinra adventurers under his command rushed towards Green Pillar with such momentum as a rainbow.

Under the crazy attack, Shinra's green pillar collapsed in minutes.

With a wave of Lampard's sword, the Shinra people rushed to the Skeleton King. Even if there were threats from the Royal Skeleton Soldiers and Executioners, they ignored them and besieged the Skeleton King with all their strength.

Everyone knows that the Skeleton King is the most important point of points, and any skeleton doesn't have much weight if it is played for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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